Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Dec 1974, p. 22

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With some bookkeeping experience required by Richmond Hill company. To start immediately. WE OFFER EXCELLENT COMPANY BENEFITS For work in our Parks and Recreation Department. Must have a valid Chauffeur‘s Licence. Preference will be given to applicants with some experience driving tractors. operating chain-saws and flooding rinks. Telephone: The Editor THE LIBERAL 884-8177 Ability to write or willingness to try writing an asset The successful applicant will enjoy an attractive starting salary. commission plan. travelling expenses and benefits. APPLY IN WRITING T0: Richmond Hill YMCA 884-4811 Required for progressive weekly newspaper in the Aurora area. Responsibilities will be the maintenance of existing accounts as well as the development of new advertisers. The right person would have past sales experience in newspapers. however persons with other sales experience are welcome to apply. Part time 12 noon to 4 pm. daily. Experience necessary CALL 22 _ THE LIBERAL. Tuesday. Dec. 3!. [974 Weekly Newspaper Receptionist-Typist Stainless steel and are welder for tool sh0p PO. Box 250 Aurora, Ontario Temporary Labourers Photographer THE LIBERAL classifieds Kennedy Rd. - Steeles area The Corporation Of The Town Of Richmond Hill Part time $6. per hour WELDER Nurses’ Aides Advertising Sales person The Personnel Office A requirement exists for 2 10266 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill Day Shift Full time CLEANER MUST BE CERTIFIED Mrs. George 889-4963 DARK ROOM WORK Mrs. Moon TYPIST Must have own car Required by ‘BANNEII Please apply to 889-4651 Part time (9:03pm.) 297’4011 nâ€"C2w26 clw27 clw27 Ciw27 clw27 C1W27 Counter dark for drvcleaning store. Some days after 4 pm. and some Saturdays In north Thornhill area near Yonge. To maintain a separate buildings in me Iocalny, in like new condi'ion â€" lull ianiiorial 51a" employed â€"- this position for rou'ine maintenance nn|y. Ideal hr mature handy person‘ Good hours and working conditions‘ Salary commensurale. To show their beaumul line of iewellery. No inveslmem. collecting. or de|ivery. For Further Information Cal! For ‘00 bed nursing home. Help with cleanAup. Will 1rain. Male or lemaie, For appointmem call 884-8040 Experienced and competent secretary required part time Maintenace Person APPLY l08 DONCASTER AVE. THORNHILL 889-4837 ,1” Screw Machine Operators WAITRESS-WAITER After school. part time hours 4-9 pm. Call 887-5150 HALFWAY HOUSE Sarah Coventry Needs Fashion Show Directors REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Phone for Appoimmen' 584-9110 York Cen'ral Associa'ion 'or me Mentally Retarded 4 Centre St W., Richmond Hill Help Wanted Cleaning Person Kitchen Steward Heat Treat Operators STUDENT Apply: MR. JACK BARTH l0456 Yonge St. Richmond Hill 884-4411 After January lst. 1-473-2820 Trainees SHIFT WORK GRADUATE NURSE Mr. Donut 884-8456 Part Time COULD WORK AT HOME ENGLISH AND SHORTHAND MUST BE GOOD Part Time For large School Bus Fleet 5-day week No shift work 833-5351 925-5441 Also SECRETARY or for midnight shift 3 0R4 NIGHTS WEEKLY Senior Citizens' Home BAYVIEWâ€"FINCH ADMINISTRATOR 223â€"8990 "(:20 clw27 c1w27 c2w27 c1w27 (N27 889-0152 c1w27 MECHANIC work in your locality. Carnreé-rn $4 to $6 per hour. Must be ambifious and have car. 89.5«6532. c2w25 Experienced‘ FemaIe or male. Frontier Steak House and Tavern, 8206 Bayview Ava, Thornhill [south of No] va.) 689-4349‘ c1w16 MEN and women lor part or lull'ime Par! 1ime. 15 hours per week. Thor nmll home. 8897795. SWITCH BOARD Operators required. Mus? be experienced. 889-1941 "c 5 EXPERIENCED woman; own transponatiun, small baby, 1 days per week, $1.25 per hour. Thornhill 889. 726). C2w26 IF me cos! of living is winning the race against your income â€" earn extra in your spare time‘ Set your own hours. By appointmem unly, 773â€"4025 or write: Box 68, Oak Ridges, No obligation c2w27 EXPERIENCED Presser required {or dresses. Male or Iemale. Good wages‘ 884-0159. "(:20 MAN with van will do odd iobs. 884- 0808. 11:25 SEWING done in my home, al'eralions, etc. 8843768. "cu GENERAL contracting, alterations and additions, home, oflices. factories‘ Custom carpentry of all descriptions. LES WEBB, 889-2546. Ht! TYPING, l.B.M. typewrner, in my home. 884-6872. Ifcll WILL do bookkeeping in my home up to and Including trial balance. 881-3197 "(:11 Complete instructions 773-5952 WILL babysit New Year's Eve in my home. Beveney Acres area. sea-3009‘ clw27 REPAIRS a. Alterations, doné by protessionals. Barth‘s Cleaning Centre 884-4411. ":10 DRESSMAKING and alterna'ions‘ 889-8054. TF C18 WILL do 'yping in my home, excellent work. Eat-8968. "c 25 RUG shampooing and floor cleaning with own equipment 889-2362. "(19 TOM-LYN CONTRACTORS 884-7837 or 884-5460 License HOME IMPROVEMENTS ‘ Miscellaneous Domestic Help Wanted Dressmaking Play piano by Ear Employment Wanted DRESSMAKING HAUTE-COUTURE No patterns needed ALSO PRIVATE LESSONS 223-2760 HOUSEKEEPER WAITRESSES and General Contracting Reasonable Rates Tutoring H :2w27 TFC 1‘1 c4w27 clw27 "£26 "(4 Maurice’s Snow Removal If snow can cover it Winks will clear it. Services available 24 hours a day. Seasonal terms. SnowploWs REUPHOLSTERY. Keele Cus'om Upholstery. Free estimates Pickup and Delivery. Work guaranteedagai- 2460 Ask for Jim or Colin 889-5370 Service - Installations Residential Commercial 24-HOUR SERVICE Free estimates 889-8466 _s Snowplowing Contracts WALLPAPERINGâ€"DRYWALL Sales & Service 300 Enford Rd. Richmond Hill Commercial Residential Monthly contracts Winks Snow Removal 884-3661 Miscellaneous 24 HOUR SERVICE Free Estimates W11. LOWDALE THORNHILL AREA INTERIOR â€" EXTERIOR HILLCREST CARPENTRY Paintingand. Paperhanging Wood Cutting Snow Removal DRIVEWAYS 884-4832 sea-me Alter a pm GAS HEATING Karl Bundschuh 889-2526 Pick-up Truck 773-5873 223-9277 PAINTING NC 21 c4w24 "<25 "cw clw27 C1w26 c3w25 "(15 "€25 "€22 Residential, commercial. painting, interior and excerior, paper hanging. 88l-2075. "CM PLASTERING THORNHILL R. CLARK HOME improvements. 834-1520. ":9 Several type laces to choose from â€" including Script Block leflers, Outline and Signature‘ Fast service. Call "The Liberal”. 384-6177. ":41 TILE any type floors, walls. Gino's Tiling. 884-9026 aner 6 p.m. "<35 Full Janitor Service. Also rug shampooing. Offices and Homes. 881-1245 D. Coburn HILLCREST GENERAL CONTRACTING Dangerous tree removal. Pruning. spraying, Ripping, cabling. 1-640»le8. "€26 PINE FARMS o 5.6. ROLPH 0 833-5520 G. Taylor Appliance Service 883-1305 PLUMBING & HEATING ROGER PROULX Phone 884-1650 NORTHERN PAINTING AppHance Repahs Wet Basement? Plain a. Decora'ive Plastering Repairs 3 Specialty Repairs & Installations Drains & Concrete Terms PAINTINGG- DECORATING BY EXPERT No Job '00 Small PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R.E. DUNN 727~3303 Like a Change? Plumbing 0 Heating 0 Drains RUBBER STAMPS JANITOR SERVICE Tree Removal Free Estii‘nmes 488-7521â€" 889-3‘85 ALL MAKES. ALL MODELS OF STOVES. REFRIGERATORS, DRYERS. WASHERS. ETC. Most reasonable i‘ates in the area. CLIFF C ROC K 773-5655 SPECIAL GIFT BOXES 8. BUSHELS P. ELLIOTT OPEN SATURDAYS 8. SUNDAYS JUST 16 MILES NORTH OF 401 24-Hour Service FREE ESTIMATES STOVE & FIREPLACE LENGTHS MAPLE, BEECH. BIRCH $30. a cord FREE DELIVERY 887-5380 Evgs. Deep Steam Carpet Cleaning Decorating & Carpet Services SALESâ€" INSTALLATIONS PAINTING â€" PAPERHANGING Free Estimates Phone collect 727-8600 88932163 CHRISTMAS APPLES 884-8847 or 884-9420 Articles For Sale HILL TOWN FIREWOOD Miscellaneous "€25 CJWZS “€26 "(20 "c9 A&P DISCOVER FLYING Ground School courses starting week of January 13m, Maple Air Services, 869-775). (‘2wa Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884-1882. REUPHOLSTERY. Keele Custom Upholstery. Free estimaws. Pickup and Delivery. Work guarameed. 669- 2460. ":22 BOOKKEEPING Services lor small businesses. 8324416. "C11 CARPENTER, renovations, recreation rooms, khchen cabinets. No iob mo small, 884-0645 evenings. MOVING Why not do it yourself? Rent a truck from Don Lime Ford Sales Inc., BB9- HOS. c1w27 Interior-Exterior. F call anytime. 889-8965 BRICK. Stone, Cement. Fireplaces, Renovations, Additions. License 31000‘ 121-9633. "(:11 Pickup truck for small deliveries moving, odd labs. VERY DEPENDABLE 880-5143 Ask for Bill BOOKKEEPING and' accounting services tor small businesses. 889-5683‘ ":33 PAPERHANGING, Pai ting. Interior and Excerior‘ Excellem work‘ 1-859- 0133‘ "C22 GUNAR construc'ion. Carpentry work, additions. fireplaces. Anywhere. 889-5076. m: 16 T.V. TROUBLE Call us. We are authorized Zeni , Philips. Lloyds service centre. serving Rich- mond Hill. Thornhill. Willowdale Rugs and chesterfields. Day or night 384-2433. "(20 Everything in Alcan Aluminum. Home improvemen's,eavestroughing. ":38 WALKER CONSTRUCTION KING SIDEROAD RON MOORE PAINTING PAPERHANGING ALL WORK GUARANTEED SHAMPOOING CLASSIC T.V. & SOUND 10072 Yonge St. Richmond Hill 881-1803 Handyman CHIMNEYS HANS BUTT 889-4106 Free estima'es. 5. ":12 c2w26 clwl‘l "c 22 c3w15 TFC22 "C23 ":21 "(I7 "c2 FOR FULLER BRUSH merchandise In the Thornhill area, call 889-0827. BRASS, copper, antiques repolished. Brass became. 755.7351‘ :in 25 EINAR CLAUSEN LTD Hwy. 7 just 935) a! Film Line 1 east of Dixie Rd), Bramalea. Doncaster, Thornhill, 88V-0000. Living. dining and bedrooms. Diren from importers warehouse. Open I - 9 p.m. 459-0760. £57 Markham Road. (Allencourt Plala) Richmond Hill. 884-3750 3 Show-rooms of antiques, good used furniture, pianos, china, books, and unusual items. A-l Furniture Sales Sales, Service, Installation to all types of residential. commercial, industrial garage doors. Unable to relocate. We are going out of business. We have several thousands of tropical plants, suc- culents. Cacti, vines. lvys and flowering plants. Plant your Terrariums or decorate your home at reasonable prices. Free advice. I. Greftegreff Greenhouses Young DUCangS$10 King Cole Ducks SELLING OUT Living - Dining - Bedrooms BIG BARGAINS Floor Sample Sale DESIGNS IN TEAK TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales & Service Rentals L.H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hillâ€" 884-1745 HEREFORD BEEF FOR THE HOME FREEZERS Pick A Pair Of ELGIN MILLS EAST (off Newkirk Road) Richmond Hill 884-0158 825. Face Cord 7274455 ANTIQUES 9 Wellington St. West, Aurora 727-9373 R. R. 3 Newmarket 364-1081 2 attractively boxed 25% OFF EVERYTHING â€" (except Betty) 95H ISLINGTON AVE. WOODBRIDGE Home Grown, naturally aged, first quality only. _ 893-1982 Appliances at reasonable prices Corner of 17m Ave.. Markham-Pickering Townline 294-5634 :2»; SEASONED FIREWOOD TEAKWOOD Displaced by New Airport Furniture Stripping 8. Refinishing TEAKWOOD GARAGE DOORS 773-4523 CLOSING DOWN LEASE EXPIRED SPECIAL SALE. ONLY A FEW DAYS LEFT Store must close Saturday, January 4th KINGS SECON DHAN D BETTY Days 889.4422 Evgs.'88l-3607 MAC’S DISCOUNT MUSIC STORE 8 months old All work done by handâ€" No dipping Pickup and delivery WM. BALL AND SON Articles for Sale c9w23 "c 24 Also 79 "cu c3w25 c2w27 "(:35 "€22 ":45 and LARGE single door butternut war- drobe. 100 years oldt Oak butlet with mirror. 881-3607. "€13 ,Green 8. white harry behind Lobllws, south end 0! Aurora. FREE PICKUPâ€"727$”! MON. 70 Fm. lba.m. â€"sp.m. PATIO STONES. Factory reieds. Holland Park Garden Cen're. Maple. 832-1455. ":44 FIREWOOD-mr fireplaces. SM” and dehvered. 713-548& "cm 4 x 8 Sheets Fir, 'q" special. Call World Wide Shipping. 839-6169. ":4 LADDER Back Chairs, woven sens finished or unfinished. Also pine 93b!" and beds. BBL3483. Evenings 7‘9â€"9609. ' "c1! WASH STANDS. 'ables, a ham mu 0! vurnflure. We buy, sell and Wade. HS King Sideroad, Oak Ridges, ‘/2 mile west 01 Yonge 51.77364“. ":12 SKIS and Doc's, site 4. 88449“. clw11 USED lorced aur oil lurnace. 884-1996. "(25 CENTRE Meat Market. 191 Sheppard East Home Freezer orders. 221M000. TYPEWRITERS. adders. calculators, sales, service. rentals‘ Newmarket Business Machines. 49‘] Timothy 5'. Newmarket.895-7621 ":36 TYPEWRITER. Remington, portable, plus case, excellenv condition, 535. 004- 4693 NW" WEDDING dress. long white with train, Saiin and lace. Headdress. 5m 8 - 9‘ Excellent conaition. $150. BIL 0686‘ cm“ HIGHEST cash prices or firade value pald var houseful of Vurniture and appI-ances. Brice's Furniture. H18- 4175. "cm ANTIQUE brass beds â€"- a who|e barn full. All types and sites. Also many brass and iron beds. Open ihis weekend. Maple. 8324069. c4w27 SEWING machines repairs (guaranteed). Also used machines from (us, $19.55. Bernina Sewing Centre, 634.3715. ":31 BEDROOM,dining room, Ii my room, Danish Burma teakwood, new very reasonable. LIV-4377 "cu AIR~CONDITIONER. G.5.W. 6,000 b.l.u. Excellent condition. Only used 1 vearl Sliding window 1ype. 5150. BM- 0686, (M26 DEAD or crippled larm animals, Picked up promptly. For direct line can Long Distance and ask for ZENITH 32800. Can anyflme, Ed Pecom & Son, Woodville, om. Licence No. 314C~66. "(2“ DRYER, Inglis. goad common. :75. 884-1973, dw27 YELEVISION, black and white con- sole. exceuenv condition. Asking :40. 384-8000 ":1! au'oma'ic phonograph. 5150. Never used. 889-174) c2w25 WON as a prim. Juliette Stereo MPX, Articles Wanted 3 Room grouping . complele living roam suite, 7 piece kitchen suite and bedroom suite. Only $557.88. And also a special bonus â€" your choice ‘ol rocker recliner lor Dad. Free delivery. No money down‘ Low monlhlv paymenls‘ Unclaimed Freight. 202 Dunlop St. West, Barrie‘ That's iusl west ol Barrie Arena. Phone collecl HIS-7264900. c2w27 ORGAN, Electrohome, double keyboard, excellent condition, modern walnut. 5450, 889-1556 aner 5 p.m. Distressed and finished. Blanket boxes, Oables. chairs, hutches and small items. Days 551.3439. Evgs. 169- 9609. "CH COLOUR T.V. antennas installed by York Home T.V. Dealers. lor Winegard Antennas. 889-1646 or au- 4‘65 "657 PIHOWS, etc, Quilts $100 A” colours. 293-6261 c2w16 Free Estima'es. Aluminum siding, windows. doors, awnings. 804-4550 or 832-1319, ":5 Country Craftsman SATURDAY T06 P.M. SUNDAY ‘2 NOON T04 P.M PINE PRODUCTIONS BY THE YORK ALUMINUM Ye OMe Second Hand Shop Public Notice HOMEMADE OUILTS PLYWOOD "cu "cl, um c2w26 UWN

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