Since the meeting of our association, you have capped it off with your visionary cartoon depicting three possible styles of clergy sponsored low cost housing. Quite a delight! If in turn we were to en- visage media sponsored low cost housing, then what might take shape. Surely just one type â€" a‘hot off the press factory build module. with paper thin walls, designed to give speical audio effects, and with a fancy facade cunningly created to sell homes. We wish to respond to the challenge of your second While I can accept the fact successful business ex- perience is useful to those in government, it would certainly be a pity if voters look upon that qualification as the single most important one. January 19 Community Forum follows housing talks in churches The Richmond Hill Ministerial Association wishes to commend your paper for its handling of the issue of the need for housing for lower income families and young married couples. Your coverage and your editorializing based on our letter to the town planner has been very thorough. and cannot help but stimulate the thinking of concerned people in the town. Your issue of December 18 contained a letter by a Mr. Clarke Lawson in which he maintained successful businessmen are best suited Hard fought campaign wasn ’2‘ dirty to govern Richmond Hill and that our recent municipal election cam- paign was a dirty one. Hi// M/histeria/ Association Dear Mr. Editor Dear Mr. Editor Dear Mr. Editor On behalf of the Central Ontario Section of the Canadian Figure Skating Association and the Unionville Skating Club I would like to thank you very much for the articles and pictures published during the recent skating com- petition. Céngratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger who celebrated their 58th wedding anniversary on Friday. Business experience seen as not single most important councillor qualification Neighborhood notes Mr: and Mrs. Michael Conroy and family sold their Gormley home and moved to Lakefield. Carman' Henderson. who is working in Vernon. BC. enjoyed the holiday season with his wife and parents. Sympathy is expressed to the McArthur family of RR 1. Gormley in the recent passing of their sister. Miss Elizabeth McArthur at home. Miss Belle McArthur fell and broke her hip and is in York County Hospital. Newmarket. Mrs. Harvey Cassel of Cambridge-Preston enjoyed a week with her sisters. Misses Freda and Ruth Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Elliott and family enjoyed Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hoover and family of New Dundee. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger mark their 58th wedding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doust were Christmas- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles James of Stouffville. Rev. and Mrs. Grant $1055 and Stephen of Kitchener spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. David $1055 and Sons. As to the quality of the Thanks from Unionville skating club Letters editorial on the subject. In it you throw the ball back to the churches as well as other community groups, suggesting we can take some initiative in building the desired housing. Your point is well taken. In fact in our letter to Mr. Rimon, the town planner, we mention as specific objective number seven the following: “That the town give full encouragement to the formation of private or group sponsored non-profit housing corporations.“ The United Church Development Corporation of York Presbytery is an example of this. This non- profit corporation was set up to sponsor plans for the use of 15 acres of land in Newmarket owned by the United Church. At present, plans have been presented to the town of Newmarket which in- clude 10 acges of passive park, a community use building plus 82 units of innovative townhouse type rental housing to house lower income families, campaign, I am prepared to admit it was a hard fought one, but not a dirty one. All of the campaigners who knocked at my door represented their can- didates for office extremely well. It is press coverage such as we received from your paper that helps encourage young people and makes these events successful. Thank you again. In Ward 4, those ‘who came to our door on behalf of Mr. Stephenson and Mrs‘ Marylo Graham were courteous and never in- dulged in inuendo. I am, therefore, saddened by the manner in which Mr. Lawson demeaned himself in his letter to you, by casting aspersions upon the JENNIE BOSTON. Publicity. Unionville Skating Club Correspondent: Mrs. Chas. Mllsted Telephone: 889-9063 Mr. and Mrs. Ron Stutz- man and son of Arkport, New York. spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Doner‘ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger, Vera and Jean. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brillinger and children. Mrs. Ross Brillinger and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Brillinger had their family Christmas dinner on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. George Sider of Wainfleet. Happy New Year to all! The New Leaf He came to my desk with quivering lip â€"â€" The lesson was done. “Dear teacher. I want a new leaf." he said. I took the old leaf. stained and blotted. And gave him a new one. all unspotted. And into his sad eyes smiled: “Do better now. my child!" I went to the Throne with quivering soul â€" The old year was done. “Dear Father. hast Thou a new leaf for me? I have spoiled this one." He took the old leaf, stained and blotted, GORMLEY a |20% OFF young seniors What the Richmond Hill Ministerial Association is saying in the letter is that such venturing requires the full encouragement and support of government, especially the local municipal government. We hope this support will be openly stated in the new Official Plan. Our objective is to have this issue discussed within our various churches, and to have it discussed at a special Community Forum, Sunday January 19 at 8 pm at Our Lady Queen Of The World Church, Bayview Avenue during the Week Of Prayer For Christian Unity. Mrs. Graham was elected by a very large majority and has a very responsible role to play in representing Ward 4 on council. In fairness, she should be given an opportunity to prove herself rather than throwing stones at her before she has even exercised her vote in council. We thank you. sir, for helping to foster unity around this most pressing social'issue. R E V . I R O B E R T MCELHINEY, Secretary, Richmond Hill Ministerial Association. Box 100. Oak Ridges. successful counsellor, Mrs. Graham, and the inuendo in which he indulged in reference to her. The campaign is over and the new counsellor is about to take office Personally, I believe, from reading about her long history of active par- ticipation in many of Rich- mond Hill’s people oriented organizations, that she will make a good counsellor and, God willing, will even win Mr. Lawson's heart. Rather than condemning, out of hand. .Counsellor Graham, simply because she has not sat on council before, let us see how she performs. JOHN LOUNSBURY, 188 St. Anthony's Court Richmond Hill And gave me a new one, all unspotted, And into my sad eyes smiled: “Do better now, my child! " â€"- Author unknown New Year’s Greetings from PETER'S 884-6151 ANNUAL JANUARY SPECIAL! in “The Mall" Richmond Heights Centre all Permanent Waves married couples Beauty Salon and CENTRE CUT Loin Chops 'b$1.48 Wieners Ground Pork “93;! Sidé Bac Spare Ribs SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, FRESH BURNS BRAND, STORE PACK COUNTRY STYLE Ground Chuck Pork loin Quarters Cut Into (hops 333;“? “.1213 5;! KISMET TOMATO OR VEGETABLE Tetley Tea Soft Margarine MUSHROOM Campbell's Soup CHOICE, SLICED TEA BAGS Cudney Peaches A&P BRAND 16-01 SODA (RACKERS m 59" H07 DRINKS FOR COLDS ~ ADULT SIZE Neo Citron SALTINES OR UNSALTED FROZEN DINNERS BANQUET â€" CHICKEN, TURKEY, SALISBURY, MEAT LOAF ARCHC GARDENS. FROZEN, FANCY, WAX OI Green Beans 3 $331.99 All PURPOSE MIX on MATCHâ€"1n Tomato Sula, Noodl- Nun-hon MIL". or POWDER, WHITE OR BLUE All PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE IHROUGH SAIURDAY. JANUARY 4":- 1975. Robin Hood Flour 51379¢ Spaghetti Heinz Sail Detergenti‘éfl .5 9 Serve Qualify AGIP Soups and Crackers Fresh Canadian Pork Don't Miss These! (SAVE 10¢ OVER NATIONAL BRANDS) pkg of 144 bags pkg of 10 envs lO-Hâ€"oz lin 1-lbtub 85 ¢ Open until 9 p.m. Wed.,"l'hurs.. & Fri. Nights $1.44 $2.17 “45¢ $1.00 “3985! Side Bacon Hbvacpacslg lb $1.18 Frozen Meats 8 Seafood: ll-OZ PKG L00“ FOR 'I'HIS S'I'I‘IIIER! 98¢ 78¢ An A&P Exclusive, Our Butcher’s Pledge Guarantees that the Side of Meat You Don’t See â€" the Side Against the Tray â€" is As Good or Better than the Side Facing You. (SAVE 64¢ OVER NAYIONAI. BRANDS) IO Chops in a Pkg - 2 Rib Chops 2 loin End Chopsâ€"6 Centre iCut Chops 19-FL-OZ 3-lB BAG $2.89 5sz 60¢ Aw CREAMER €331.05 j INSYANT (FOR COFFEE OR TEA) A SUPERB BLEND, RICH IN BRAZILIAN COFFEES l-lB BAG 3.4 V! 20: TOWN CLUB KIlTIE, FROZEN RUPERY, FROZEN Rainbow Trout 8 O'CLOCK BEAN COFFEE ACTION PRICED' ACTION FRICED' BURNS STEWS IRISH, BEEF, CHICKEN WINS canned Hams ‘¥?¢“$2.69 ROBIN HOOD, CHOCOLAIE, APPLE, RASPBERRY, CARAMEL. DLUEIEIIY Pudding Mixes DETERGENT KRAFY â€" SMOOYH OR CRUNCHY |.ux liquid Vi’éénut Butter ‘fï¬z79¢ 2-lb vac pac IO-oz pkg aaaaaa $1.39 (l-LB VAC PAC 68c) M oney-Saving Values! $1.35 $1.18 SANDWICH 2 24.02 8 9 B R E A D LOAVES ¢ JANE PARKER. SLICED, ENIICHED WHITE 0! 60% WHOlE WREAY JANE PARKE! Angel Cake 30ka Coffee Cake IANE PARKER JANE PARKER Chocolate Brownies Snowflake Rolls JANE PARKER, MERINGUE Lemon Pie JANE PARKEI, PLAIN. SUGARED, CINNAMON Cake Donuts JANE PARKER JANE PARKER Sfrdï¬berry Pie FULL 8-INCH PIE Each99¢ Rye Bread HEARIH OR BLACK JANE PARKER, SLICED Cheese Bread JANE PARKER lane Parker Quality Baked 6000's! Brussels Sprouts 1o-oz cup 49¢ Canada No‘ 1 Grade, Florida, Fresh. Crisp. Lug. Bunch“ Celery Hearts 3 1001 cello pkgs CANADA No. I GRADE, IMPORIEDI SWEEY, Spanish Onions pkgols49¢ MEXICAN, FIRM, FLAVOURFUL TEXAS, WASHED, READY TO COOK CANADA No. 1 GRADE, FLORIDA, FIRM, RIPE TOMATOES THE LIBERAL. Tuesday. Dec 24-FL-‘ TIN FRESH PRODUCE! 2-Ib m 79¢ HANDED DEAL OF 2 24-FL-Ol PLASTIC IOTTtES 79¢ (BUY 9:01 POUCH PACKAGES FULL 8-INCH PIE 1501 son 1m lOAVES SAVE lalge size cake 8 (BUY 2 FKGS â€" SAVE 9c) 2 pkgs of}? bundle ACTION PRICED! ACTION PRICED! ACYION 'IICED! 9:) 16-01 cake 16-02 loa pk90m63¢ $1.00 ACYION PRICEDI 39¢ 31 (SAVE 10:) (SAVE 10:) I45}? 1974 (SAVE 6:) 93¢ (SAVE 4c) 85¢ 89¢