Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Jan 1975, p. 24

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24 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, Jan. A beautiful 9-room family home with 4 spacious bedrooms, very large ground floor den and large family room with open fireplace. dining room. Hollywood kitchen plus rec room. 20‘ x 20‘. 2-car garage and many extras. Must be seen to be appreciated 'RlCllMONDlllLL Reduced for Quick Sale 3 bedroom brick home with separate dining room. 2 washrooms. rec room and garage. This home can be bought with low down payment. good interest rates. Just steps to shop- ping. schools, and GO bus. Asking only. $52500. Please call Colleen Breeden. 884â€" 9189 01‘ Res. 889-5312. RICHMONDIHLL Bargain Bungalow $55,900 Asking. Spotless 4 bedroom bungalow. fireplace. finished rec room. 2 car garage. 2 washrooms. large patio. close to all services. Would like about $10,000 downtbut could try for less. Call Tom McKeage 884- 9189 or Res. 88-1â€"7969. STOLYFFYILLE. ONT. Elegam ()lder ’ Home One Open Mortgage $85,000 Asking. 4 bedroom home in good section of Town. Spotless condition throughout and close to all services. double drive and 2 car garage. reasonable down payment. Call me for further information. This home has other possibilities. Tom McKeage 884-9189 or Res. 884-7969. n r A . ‘ a RICHMOND HILL Income Property $89,000 Asking‘ 4 rental units. good return. no leases. this is a good solid brick home in excellent location. For further information call Tom McKeage 884-9189 or Res. 884-7969. RICHMOND HILL 2 Storey Beauty Immaculate condition throughout. finished rec room. extra bath. fenced yard and garage. close to all services. and the price is right. See this one and compare. Call Colleen Breeden 884-9189 or Res. 889- 5312. PHIL REAL ESTATE By HARRY SADLER F.R.l The increase in house prices over the last 10 years has ranged from 20 to over 100 percent. It is proof. if any is needed these days. that residential real estate is a reliable safeguard against inflation. While these home owners enjoyed their property with its privacy and comfort and prestige. their in- vestment steadily increased in value, What if they had rented instead? Well‘ in addition to collecting rent receipts. they could have sharpened up their high school mathematics figuring the rent increase percentages. .\s the landlord's property rose in price, the rent went with it. - There is a vital lesson in the last 10 years for families who are fence sitting about whether to buy now or rent an apartment "until things settle down." ln l'dture years. the house have a higher price lag on landlord or the renter? 800 you next week. Two-bedroom bungalow, newly decorated, 55' x 210' lot, good finan- 884-0442 7 p.m.-11 p.m. The inlm'osl ram- may dip a little and pricvs may IP\‘('I0” fora linwâ€" until they are both almosl certain to risg- again [0 new highs. . A ‘ . . ‘ . . 1 .‘rr 'xlnl‘;nfl nlul' uvill M KING CITY 0 ZACRES MONTREAL TRUST REALTOR THE LIBERAL classifieds 884-1105 - nos FIRST MORTGAGE Real Estate Bayview Plaza 6559 884- N.F. JARRETT POWELL FIRSTS FROM Ill/2% SECONDS FROM 13% Commercial and Cottage Loans Mortgages bought and sold :- Call Phil Powell $49,995 For more information please call MR. B. GENTILE. 247-7884 T" 95% Real Estate When are prices and interest going down? 884-9189 Emerald Isle Real Estate Ltd. REALTOR e Boase you put off buying now will tag on it; would you rather be [he l9 OFFICES SERVING THE SUBURBS c4w28 884-8183 Newmarkel â€" Neat tidy 2 bedroom bungalow, new aluminum siding, paved drive. garage, full basement, fenced yard, new forced air oil heating. Immediate possession. Good terms. $35500. full price. 895-5101 889-8890 Private de'ached '2 acre country setting. Brick ranch stle 3 bedroom bungalow. Attached garage. 2 fireplaces. sliding glass doors to sundeck. Holland Landing north on Damousie St, to Sumach SL VACANT 2 BEDROOM Frame 6 room house. greenhouse. garage on 12 acre lot. Excellent soil, fruit trees. Reasonable. 889-7926. Enchanting Spanish style in prestige area, Henderson & John Sts., 2 storey. 9 rooms. MANY. MANY, EXTRAS. spiral staircase. intercom. broadloom and beautifully decorated. LARGE Offices (2), ‘34 Doncaster. $175. per month. Mr‘ Karbin. 881-3151 czwl? WORKING woman in early twenties requires one bedroom, uniurnished apartment, 884-0373. “(29 ReaI Estate Brokers ROOM AND BOARD Oar single business man required Our 3 months. 884-4413 9am-5pm c2w29 Working Man’s Dream Wanted to Rent EVES & EVES THORNHILL THORNHlLL - $168,000 1/2 Acre Lot January Huh 8. mm 10am. rospm. $55,000. OPEN HOUSE 881-1906 15, 1975 room house clw29 <lw19 c2w29 clw29 clw29 New air-condil ioned office AVAILABLE for rent in shopping plaza, Richmond Hill. Full basement. $250. per month SHARE TOWNSHOUSE. Richmond Hill. 2 persons required to share 3 bedroom Townhouse. Broadloom, retrigera'or, s'ove. Air-conditioned‘ Finished basement Near Iran» sportation. SEQ-0916A 925-3732 Evgs. 441 sq. ft, corner Arnold and Yonge. 884-1297. "(28 LAKE Wilcox, Sou'h Road,‘ frame Wimeriled cottage, on 2 acres lakeIrom, inside conveniences, vacant, $300 per month. 669-1929. 3 BEDROOM semi home in Rich- mond Hill‘ 884-6829. clw29 TWO bedroom apar'meni. Alsr. bungalow. 636-6837. "(23 AURORA, three bedroom. garden fireplace, two ba1hrooms.727v3463. SPACIOUS apartment furnished or unlurnished, in rural setting east of stoulfville. Reduced rent in return for daily ride to Richmond Hill. 1-649-5216. clw29 UNUSUAL one bedroom, unfurnished, sublet. near transpor'ation; 'wo private entrances, lridge, stove. Reasonable. 667â€"4881 between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. c1w29 Tw0«bedroom, Bayview-Markham area, adults only, 8844263. c lw29 FULLY FURNISHED' Fridge and Stove, complete kitchen, lour piece bathroom. bedsimng room, coloured TV, private entrance, own key, also parking, suit business lady. 884-3795 alterep.m. clw29 RICHMOND HILL â€" Two bedroom unlurnished, small quiel adull bunlding. main Iloor, March 151. 886- 8076, c2w28 Own Your Own Business Financial assistance available to the right party For further information write: STORE FOR RENT MARKHAM RICHMOND HILL VAUGHAN Fully equipped. certified cars. Facilities for .dances, weddings, meetings, and banquets AVAILABLE FOR CARPET OUTLET In prestige industrial plaza 1,600 sq.ft. to 3,700 sq.ft. Rent from $2 per sq.ft. unfinished 364-1964 Maple Community Centre TAXIS 3 FOR SALE Apartment for Rent For full details Call 749-4423 mm Industrial - Commercial Space COMPLETE «3?de a éA'rHROOM DESIéN AND CONSULTANT senvaca Keele - Hwy. STORE FOR LEASE Oxford Square For information call: 832-1346 MUST SELL 222-6653 121 Richmond St. W.. Penthouse Suite. ATTN: MR. (3.“. DL'QL’ETTE. TORONTO. ONTARIO czw lusiness sp‘ Business Opportunity CALL D. PATERSON 222-1115 HOUSE OF CABINETS SATURDAYS INCLUDED JOSEPH A. SKAPURA LTD REAL ESTATE BROKER Rental Charge Reasonable RICHMOND HILL For Rent iice space ready for tenant finishing Unlimited Parking $4.75 per square ft. c2w18 clw19 clw2‘7 clw29 clw29 House of Cabinets MATURE business lady, share my home, cemral Richmond Hill, 884-5986. c1w29 LAKE Wilcox. south side, frame win'erixed coflage, on 2 acres lakeéront, inside convenience 633- 8380. : lefl CLOSE to transportation, men only. 884.9417 after 5 p.m. clw28 FURNISHED 3 room apartment, priva1e entrance, parking, business couple only. 339-4690. c2w28 FURNISHED, congenial en- vironment, business person, Maple. 63243848 alter 6 p.m. clw29 ROOM, furnished; close 90 Richmond Heights PIaIa. Broadloomed 884-5806, c2w28 FURNISHED room for single person‘ Use of kitchen. 834~5608, c2w28 Rooms to Rent FURNISHED room 773-5578 or 727-2652. FURNISHED room 884-8312. FURNISHED room, cooking lacilnies, 16 Lornel first house east of Bork's Jewellers at Yonge. 884-9883. 11:20 FURNISHED room, gentleman only, close '0 Richmond Heights Plaza, 384- 7554. c2w28 LARGE FURNISHED room. Central Richmond Hill. Close lo Yonge and Transportation. Suit gentleman. 884- B3l2‘ c2w28 LARGE room, private entrance. grill. fridge, suit lady. $20 per week‘ 886- 870“ c2w29 FURNISHED room, close 10 Yonge, Respectable appearance. Please cail after 6p,m. 884-2649‘ C1W18 CLOSE to transportation, men only. 834-9427. after 5 pm. clw29 A FURNISHED ROOM, cooking (acilihes, central Richmond Hill, TTC at corner. 384-9883 after 6 p.m‘ "c2? In growing industrial area. Many established accounts. 4,400 son, Ideal lor partnership. Excellent potential. Owner moving to Alberta. Steeles< Woodbine area. Serious inquiries only. Fully equipped for doing both. LocaIed Auto Repair & Rustproofing Business For Sale SELL YOUR UNWANTABLES PHONE 884-1105 $11,900. cash BEAUTY SALO N FOR SALE Avenue Rd. ~ Lawrence EXCELLENT POTENTIAL GOOD LEASE 197477] . Evgs. 297-1695 FOR RENT Markham area RESTAURANT MR. L. THERIAULT DAYS 495-6595 749-3735 or 889-3154 c lw" close co Yonge. c2w29 share kitchen. c1w29 c2w29 clw29 czwla c2w29 c2w29 DOES anyone in your Gamilv have a drinking problem? Call Alanon. 366- 4072. "£16 WANTED â€" RELIABLE day care [or 2 boys' ages 3 and 6. Approximately 3': weeks per month. svart January 10m, Edgar Ave., Richvale area. 88]- Java alterep,m. c1w29 WILL CARE {or 3 or 4 year old in my home, weekdays. 854-6224 . c2w28 LOVING day care available. in my home. five day week. 894-3408. c2w29 BAYVIEw-Romfield area, day can: giveninmyhome.Thornhill889~8095. chn school preferred, bilingual home. 884- 0677 "C29 DAY Care available in my home. 884- 0509. c2w28 DO you have a drinking problem? ll so AA can help. Write Box 84, Richmond HilI, or call 4876591. "CM IN MY HOME 5 or 6davs a week, pre IN my home, small babies welcome. Beverly Acres area. 884-4011 c2w28 Day Care Wanted WESTWOOD LANE, babysining given in my home, Monday to Friday or daily. 889-2899. c2w29 REL|ABLE babysitter wanied daily from lla.m.1o 4:30 pm. in our home startingin March‘ 889-8031. c2w28 RELIABLE babysitter 3 days weekly. 2234556 c2w28 EXCELLENT remuneration, references required. two small children, in my home. 494-3735 aher 6 '- m "(:29 German Sieger bloodlines, mother and father can be seen for comparison. Excellent temperament, size and colour. For best selection buy im- mediately. Phone: Pan German Shepherd and Sheepdog 9 weeks old‘ Mrs. Young 859-4415. With tender loving care DdG grooming, poodles, muns. Betty Forsylh. 839-3606 BEAUTIFQJL puppi house site. Also puppies. Shots. 515 1387. THE POODLE SCENE LABRADOR and WaIker hound pups 3 momhs old 887-5391‘ POODLES, veacup. male toy pups, one black, one brindle, registered. 889- 0827. c1w29 IRISH Sefier puppies, registered, 1310096 and vaccinated, 6 weeks, 889- $663 Evgs. c2w19 AFGHAN pups. TEE colours. Terms. 575 to l-623-763L CHIHUAUA pups, lively. lovable, rEgis’tereu. shots etc. a weeks. 5115. 884-1483. c1w19 DACHSHUND. standard wirehair male, 550. Miniatures. smooth. Ionghair, 8125‘ Briandchris‘ 297-1569. “.m- DISC JOCKEY DOOR PRIZES SPOT DANCES Ample Parking â€" Admission 32 Doors Open 7.30 . For information call 291-3977; 661-0919 DOBERMAN Ea’p’ers. 5150. guano German Shepherd Pups GERMAN SHEPHER Ouamy championship Black and Van.727AB984. VHIGH OAK RANCH LTD” Uxbridge 8524785 or after 5 p.m. Toromo 368-5548 Day Care Every Sunday Evening MASONIC AUDITORIUM 2201 Ellesmere Ave. (Markham - Ellesmere) GOING AWAY? Dogs Boarded Top Quality Puppies Home Raised HEALTH CERTIFICATE l‘939-205‘ Enthusiastic Director Female Barber Shop Chorus POODLE CLIPPING PET GROOMING & ACCESSORIES ALANON 10088 Yonge St. RICHMOND HILL STANDARD POODLES PUPPIES 884-5587 MARKHAM MELODY MAKERS Contact: Mrs. Ann Masters Vice President $3. a day 416-478-4760 puppies. Apartmem and watch dog type 5. SIS up. Will hold. 669- "C26 Accessories Available 209 MARKET SQ. NEWMARKET BUS. 895-9211 Res. 727-9520 or 895-7861 NEW SINGLES CLUB 530‘ Alter 4.30 p.m. c2w28 a monms old, wi'h “POODLE CORNER” registered, exotic Ho 5400‘ eel-aw or "(17 lively. lovable urooming 81 Clipping Pet Stock RD puppies m blood|ines in my home Required by Personal All Breeds terriers, "c3 chJ 294-2457 :3w28 clw29 c2w29 c4w17 c§w21 c2w27 4 YEAR OLD registered quarter horse scallion 15.3 hands and 1300 lbs., ex- cellent coniorma'ion, good breeding, good show prospeds. excellent disposifion. Mus! 59". 51500 or best offer 834-0647 aner 5 p.m. "€28 KING Sideroad and “‘0. Horses boarded, Registered quar'er horses (or sale. 833-5694‘ TFC24 Coming Events JANUARY 29, Wednesday, 8 pm. York Simcoe Progressive Con- servative Associafion Annual Meeting, Bradlord Community Centre‘ Guest Speaker Lincoln Alexander, M.P. HamiltonWest. clw29 FOR SALE â€" l9 whne Leghorn laying hens, 2 ducks (male and female). Reasonable. 727-4432, CIWIB HORSES boarded, box soalls, also 3- vear-old mare ponv lor sale. 887-5500. clw29 CLEAN Straw Ior sale. 884-2576‘ c1w29 I, Mark Brown, will no longer be responsible for dems incurred in my name without my wrmen consent KITTEN â€" free '0 good home, Tabby' 6 mon'hs (“1884-26be clw29 DOG, part German Shepherd, par! Husky, 5 months old. 550. 8844254. CHIHUAHUA puppies. Part Poodle puppies. Collie puppies. 832-1076. "€10 LOST â€" cal, part Persian, part Siamese, white with black spots, Church St. South. 884-4377. clw29 LADY'S ring, found. in Lablaws parking lot. Richmond Heights Centre 773-4!” Evgs. c2w19 Part time, 15 hours per week. Thor nhill home, 889-7795, HOUSEKEEPER, live-in, or live day week. light housekeeping and children's lunches, mature woman preferrgd. 889-9701. c3w28 CLEANING lady weekly, Thornhill area 8314107 ":28 CLEANING lady required im- mediacely. one day a week. Steeles- Bayview area. 125-4931. c2w28 CLEANING woman, every other week, Thornhill area, own tran- sportation preferred. 889-7740 c2w28 Domestic Help Wanted CHAMBER person wanted' a days per week. 889-7642. C2W28 RELIABLE cleaning lady weekly. non-smoker, Bayview-Steeles area‘ 881-3583. clw2‘7 MARRIED couple tor country estave home. seltcomained living quarters, wiie to keep house'su-Il“. clw29 CLEANING lady required once every second week‘ Richvale. 889-7874 after 6 p.m. c1w29 Experienced' for Richmond Hill Music School. 584-5272 or 889-916] clw29 Are you a responsible person with initiative looking tor a challenging position organiling and running an independent department of a telephone communications company? General oltice experience and pleasant telephone manner essential. Colle’ction experience helplul‘ It so, call: 381~0707. (M19 REAL ESTATE Division at Guaranty Trust requires part time receptionist- typist. 2 evenings per week plus alternate Saturdays. Pleasant per- sonality and good te|ephone technique at more importance than ottice ex- perience. Students considered. Mr. O'Hagan 389-1166. clw19 mlp Wanted Lost & Found HAY FOR SALE Livestock HOUSEKEEPER Smallquantities. FAST DELIVERY 887-5143, Ask for Bi” Guitar Teacher Legal ":22 c3w28 TFC2'2 Nc 22 :3w28 clw29 c4w27 other We have many qualified workers available living in the North York area. Why not telephone your Canada Manpower Centre for further details? ' Silk Screen Printer (9519-158) Fully experienced, weaving experience in addition. In- terested in a teaching or demonstrating job. Has store management experience as well. Tel: 221-9343, loc. 32. Will relocate anywhere in Canada. Safety Inspector (1176-110) with extensive experience in construction safety. seeks similar or industrial position. Member of American Society of Safety Engineers. Tel: 221-9343. Loc. 32 Air Conditioning Mechanic (8733-114) â€" Apprentice with 112 years experience. Has own tools and transportation. Tel: 221-9343. Loc. 27. Histology Technologist (3156-118) with extensive experience, including supervisory and teaching duties seeks senior position in same field. Registered technologist. Tel: 221-9343, Loc. 32. , Hotel Manager (6130-110) with several years experience in all aspects of hotel operations seeks senior position in hotel administration. Tel: 221-9343, Loc. 49. Automatic Typewriter Operator (4113-110) with over 3 years experience on magnetic tape and selectric machines seeks work as composer or operator. Tel: 221-9343. Loc. 52. 1 Office Clerk (4197-130) â€" Energetic young person is looking for entry into labour force in office work of any kind, Tel: 221-9343. Loc. 52 Office Clerk (4197-114) with several years work experience plus recent commercial course seeks work of clerical or accounting nature. Tel: 2219343, Loc. 70 CONTACT: NORTH YORK CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE. 5799 Yonge St.. Willowdale. Ont. TELEPHONE: 221-9343 $150.00 FlNCH-MILVAN A very special person special job as dicta secretary. $155.00 KEELE-FINCH Shorthand secretary to the manager of a well known insurance company. Modern u lyvu. $40.00 WOODBINE-STEELES. Enjoy people contact and a variety of secretarial duties in this busy personnel office. $140.00 WOODBINE-STEELES USe your accounting background and/ run your own show in this accounts payable section. $115.00+ LAWRENCE-DUFFERIN Sales audit clerk required for large retail outlet. Adding machine experience a definite asset. $145.00 LAWRENCE - DUFFERIN Diplomatic and tactful? Handle the order desk. invoicing and typing in this friendly company. offices “No appointment necessary" 1315 Finch W.. at Keele. Suite 206 3 Fairview Mall Dr. Suite 260 3089 Bathurst St. at Lawrence We are looking for a person to become a member of our inside sales department, leading to a position of District Manager likely within a period of two years; We are one of the leading firms manufacturing and marketing metal building systems through a builder organization: A _ . u 1,44. ,r -._..AA.._.\I v. .uu... ...... 0.. The individual should have a knowledge of structural steel design or be technically oriented in this direction and have an interest in progressing to an outside sales position. Similar background will be considered. for modern congenial office of professional engineers. Capable of handling accounts receivable, payable and general ledger. Licensed Automatic Transmission Mechanic Waitresses/ Waiters SALES-MARKETING OPPORTUNITY THE STRAN STEEL DIVISION, Provide complete resume in confidence to 10454 Yonge St., Richmond Hill BOOKKEEPER Class “A” Mechanic preferred Good working conditions. 44 hour week GROUP INSURANCE Westee|-Rosc0 Ltd., 105 lndustrial Rd., Richmond Hill, Ont. L4G 4Y8 No telephone inquiries please C.W. Stanley, Sales Manager to work 11 am. -â€" 7 pm. five days a week Keele and Hwy. 7 669-1771 LOOKING FOR THE RIGHT EMPLOYEE? Shorthand an asset POP’S TAVERN 884-2591 after 6 p.m HI a DRAKE INTERNATIONALcompany 884-2752 Manpower and an‘d cauvre Immugvallon el lmmxgvahon Ruben Andras Robert Andru Minister MInIere EMPLOYERS! Help Wanted Canada Manpower Centre for a very Centre de Main-d’muvre du Canada 630-0064 493-6880 787-0397 clw29 c2w19 Clw29 c4w19 clw29 is interested in hiring experienced per- sonnel in the Ledger Department. General office work, no experience necessary. Experience no! necessary â€" will train APPLY 10X [)()N(‘:\STER AVE.. THORNIIILI. 889-4837 Mu Screw Machine Operators Two par! time. one full time in growing company. Qualilying persons with a car can earn up to $5.50 per hour Don Little Ford Sales Heat Treat Operators PERSON to water pIaMs and insped house, 3 times a week. References required. 889~6033. c2w29 Screw Machine Operators Don Little Ford Sales Minimum 2 years experience. CONTACT: MR. M. ROBERTSON Roy Foss Motors Heat Treat Operators APPLY 108 DUNCASTER AVE" THORNIHLL 889-4837 aw: Lugm part5 delivery, local area. CONTACT: MR. M. ROBERTSON Attention: Miss Bichler BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Trainees Bookkeeper-Clerk lor heavy macerial handling SHIFT WORK Three Positions Open Junior Clerk-Typist Call Mrs. Rice 669-1855 Trainees LABOURER Parts Counter Person SHIFTWORK Also 832-1277 832-1277 222-1121 889-1105 \Iso DRIVER 895.6512 8891105 c1w17 c’lw29 c‘w29 c1w29 clw29 c1w29 c2w17 c1w29 clw29

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