There they test the eyes of thousands of children and glasses and every time I wear them I shall remember you adults who normally would not be able to afford the tests or all With thankfulness." the corrective lenses they might need. The scheme is supported by the Canadian Government. Thankful writer which matches dollar for dollar all the money spent on the A second team returns later to fit the glasses. The prolecL by the Rotarians- IIII|llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll||IlllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|lllllllllllll|llllllIllllllIIIIIllllllllllllll|llllllIll||lll|IIIIIIIlllllllllllllIIllllIIII|llI|IlllllllllllIIlllllIllIllll|III|IllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllll West Indies 'Ihank you' to Hill Rotan'ans A total of 90 years employment with Oxford Picture Frames is the record of Mr. and Mrs. William Forrest seen in the above picture on their retirement. Mr. Forrest worked for the company for 50 years and Mrs. Forrest for 40 years. They were presented with cheques from the company by President Walter Cohen and with a 365-day clock by Richmond Hill Rotarians are very happy about a letter they received recently from the West Indies â€" a thank you for a pair of glasses. As members of a worldwide fellowship of clubs covering 151 countries with a total of 761,250 members, the local Rotarians are proud to be part of this world family, striving to live up to the objectives of Rotary which include the advancement of international understanding. goodwill, and peace through a fellowship of business and professional men united in the ideal of service. In keeping with this aim. the Richmond Hill Club has been financially supporting a program to provide glasses for visually handicapped people in the West Indies. Thousands tested Under the plan a team of practicing optometrists, sup ported by senior students from the school of optometry at the University of Waterloo, visits various islands in the West Indies during the summer. IIIIIlll|IIIIIIIIlllIIIllllIIIllIlllllllllllIllIlllllllllIIllllllIIllI||lllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlll|llll|lllll|ll|llIIllIlllllllllllllllllllll Will blue haze return to Richmond Hill council? Will the blue haze of cigarette smoke be returning to Richmond Hill Council Chambers? That is the question. Councillor Andy Chateauvert gave notice of benefits of this scheme can easily be seen from the following excerpt from a letter addressed to the club from a grateful beneficiary on Grand Turk Island: “I couldn‘t accept in silence such a generous and worthy gift of a pair of eyeglasses which fit so well and mean so much to me without saying a personal “Thank You" to all of those who helped in such a project, collecting funds, testing the eyes and coming over the miles to give out the glasses. Can‘t find words “Really. I cannot find words to express my appreciation . . . you may be assured I shall take the greatest care of my glasses and every time I wear them I shall remember you all with thankfulness.“ Oxford Picture Frames moved to Richmond Hill in I963 and is now located on Newkirk Road. It has three other longtime employees, one with 45 years, one with 40 years and one with 35 years service. Peter Tyssen is the local manager. fellow employees. Mr. Forrest was a polisher and Mrs. Forrest a hand toner. Nice News motion Monday evening that he will move to have Bylaw 88-73. which bans smoking in the chamber. rescinded. Councillor Mike Burnie indicated he will oppose the motion. (Photo by Ron Fawn) However,- due to ‘the typographical error, the story said the amendment was passed. It also misspelled passed as past. It also mentioned that an amendment to the original motion on the raise, called for an increase from $250 to $375. The amendment was subsequently lost. Thé Liberél hopes this will now clear up any confusion in the matter. A typographical error in a story in last week‘s Liberal has caused some confusion in its interpretation. The story concerned the 100 percent pay raise York County Board of Education trustees voted for them- selves, going from $250 a month to $500 a month. Car crash inquest The child, who was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas VanHeeswyk of Queen Street, was a passenger in her father’s car when it was in collision with a car driven by John However, York Regional Coroner Dr. Patrick Greaves, said he would not be able to set a date at the present time. An inquest has been or- dered into the death of Kelly Anne VanHeeswyk, 6, of Newmarket. She was killed in a two-car crash near Newmarket December 26. School board Pay 510“! g: correction E A fire last week in Supersave Grocery Store, 10610 Bayview Avenue. Richmond Hill, caused an estimated $13,000 damage to the store, its contents and the apartments above it. Richmond Hill Fire Department attended the Investigation of a traffic violation resulted in the arrest of two youths and the recovery of some property allegedly stolen from cars parked on Hillcrest Mall parking lot last week. York Regional Police said that Constable James Forsyth stopped a car driven by the youths January 19 about 2:20 pm, as a result of an incident on Major Mackenzie Drive. A subsequent in- $13,000 damage in fire Z youlhs charged, property recovered Latex easy Glidden Spred’Satinfor walls Offer expires Saturday, February lst Soft beautiful finish. A breeze to apply. Spots sponge off easily. 3000 decorator colors. Thornhill__l_=_’_aintl Supplies Limited The fire was being in- vestigated by Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada. Facing charges of theft cartons of cigarettes valued and possession over $200 are at $2.300. last week. Phillip Paul. 16, of the-House n was the second big of Concord in Vaughan; and cigarette heist from the David Suter, 16, of West- store this month wood Lane, Richmond Hill. However, last week, blaze, which is believed to have been the result of faulty wiring. However, no definite cause has been established. vestigation turned up seven tape decks and a two-way radio valued at about $500. Dr. Greaves said the inquest could help get a blind spot removed at Bayview Avenue and St. John’s Sideroad where the accident occurred. Mrs. VanHeeswyk, 29, is still in York County Hospital with mutliple injuries. McCaffrey, 41, of Aubrey Avenue, Newmarket. Thornhill Paint 7707 Yonge Street, Thornhill 889-1169 Copies of the above tenders may be obtained at the Clerk’s Department. Municipal Offices. 10.266 Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. Ontario. TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until 12.00 noon E.D.T. J. HOLMAN Acting Clerk Police blotter Lowest or any tender not necessarfly accepted Town of Richmond Hill Tenders for Construction of THURSDAY. JANUARY 30.1975 TENNIS COURTS Fresh beauty at fabulous savmgs! Dominion Food Store, 7689 Yonge Street, Thornhill, reported the theft of 400 cartons of cigarettes valued at $2.300, last week. A fire in a residence at RR 1. Woodbridge, January 19, resulted in about $5,000 damage. Cause of the blaze, which was attended by Vaughan Fire Department, was unknown, but electric heaters in the living room were being investigated as a possible reason. RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL~ AURORA NEWMARKET TRY Sheet, Pillowcase Tablecloth Service 7707 Yonge Street, Thornhill 889-1 1 69 v CLEANING 8 CENTRES Facing a charge of break, enter and theft are Antonio Trapani, 18, of Sheppard Avenue. Toronto. and Gregorio Moschell, 20, of Gilbert Street. Toronto. police also arrested two men in connection with the theft of 200 cartons from the store a week earlier. Police are seeking some well-dressed men, following a robbery at Blackthorn Men‘s Wear, Richmond Heights Plaza. Taken were 70 suits. in- cluding 12 three-piece ones. and 12 blazers. The stolen men‘s wear is labelled Michael Stern and featuring the Breckenridge Hotel St. Pete’s newest deluxe hotel. 1 week from $249 per person. double occupancy 'AII prlces $10 per person eypplement for February 9 departure. Sunday departure from Toronto on February 2 8i 9' featuring St. Armands Inn, Sarasota SkyLark to Florida includes: 0 Round trip air transportation from Toronto to Tampa, Florida, via Wardair 707 Jet - Complimentary meals and drinks on aircratt o Transfers and baggage handling between airport and your hotel 0 Accommodation for 7 nights (double occupancy) in Florida. Sunshine break-fast plan Welcome cocktail and party Services of SkyLark representative SkyLark Beach bag Creighton 8. Allin THE LIBERAL â€" Wednesday, Jan. 22, 1975 All Canadian and Imported Wall Coverings TRAVEL SERVICE lTD. BERNARD R. SALTER, c.T.c. Yonge 8. John Sts. “ Thornhill, Ontario 889â€"5643 Your SkyLark Travel Agenl MANAGER The Canadian Red Cross Society is one of 115 Red Cross. Red Crescent. and Red Lion and Sun Societies belonging to the ln- ternational organization known as the League of Red (‘ross Societies. That phoney money is Still around; Toronto-Dominion Bank, 7085 Don Mills Road, Markham, reported that it had recently turned up one of the bills. It is believed it was passed January 3. Biltmore, and is valued at $3.690.