DOKKEEPING and accounting »rvices lor small businesses. 889-5683. ":33 Basement? Rugs and ches'erfiel luau). 65' my Complete Mechanical Repairs â€" FRONT END ALIGNMENT â€" COLLISION â€" REFINISHING Carpentry - Contracter KITCHEN CUPBOARDS REC ROOMS. ADDITIONS. PLUMBING & HEATING ROGER PROULX Phone 884-1650 GINO’S TILE Repairs & Installations Drains & Concrete Terms H.S. WOLDENGA JOHN MACPHEE All Yypes o! carpentry Work 884-9026 Evgs. WALLPAPERINGâ€" DRYWALL CERAMICâ€" MOSAIC VINYLS Van Den Brink CARPENTRY Don Little Ford Sales Inc. 41 Maple Ave., Thornhill 889-5334 D Waite - Skuttle Humidifier 453 Why not do it yourseli? Rem a truck lrom TRUCK & AUTO BODY PATTERNED PAINT Interior â€" Exterior Reasonable Rates FREE ESTIMATES CLIFF CROCK 773-5655 INTERIOR â€" EXTERIOR lns'alIed on your lurnace SHAMPOOING Floor & Wall Contractor WONG’S 773-5582 MOVING? MacPhee Aluminum CARPENTRY A. Rollinson Wallpapering 884-9026 Alter 6 pm 0 Doors PAINTING & DECORATING 884-3333 0 Siding o Fascia PAINTING THE lIBERAl # classifieds 884-1105 - nos 3894105 833-6671 383-1305 $78. Deep Steam Carpet Cleaning Decorating & Carpet Services SNOWPLOUGHING & LANDSCAPING Complete Prompt Service & Estimates 24 HOUR SERVICE SALESâ€" INSTALLATIONS PAINTINGâ€" PAPERHANGING Free Estimates PHONE COLLECT 727-8600 85 Centre St. E.. Richmond Hill or night. "czo M 1309113119045 ":30 "CJZ «was c3w33 "(N CJWJJ ch ":11 c2w34 Free Estimates 884-9715 "C25 A&P 457 Markham Road, Allencoun Plala Richmond Hill â€"884-3750 Windows on used service station equipment. Shutters SEWING done in my home, alveralions, etc. 884-8968. ":24 REPAIRS & AIOeraOions, done by professionals. Barth's Cleaning Centre 88444". "<20 Eaves GENERAL contracting, alteran'ons and additions. home. oHices, ‘factories. Custom carpentry 00 all descrip'ions. LES WE BB, 889-2546. m3 REPAIRS & Veal calves lor sale. Cut 95 cents lb. 1-519‘88l-0469 TEAKWOOIT Designs ln Teak LlVlNGâ€"DININGâ€"Bsnpnn GUNAR Construcvion. carpentry work, additions. ï¬replaces. Anywhere. 889-5076. "c la Articles for Sale CARPENTER, renova'ions recreanon rooms, kitchen {a me}; No iob too small. 884-0645 evenings. and General contracting Reasonable Rates TOM-LYN CONTRACTORS 884-7837 or 884-5460 Pickup truck lor large and small deliveries. moving odd iobs. Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates. Exper' workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884-2882. sea-1307 ’ (Across lrom Aaw - centre of Town) "as Everything in Alcan Aluminum. Home improvements. eavestroughing. ":38 Prefab Log Saunas Furnhure Touch-Ups SCRATCHES, BURNS ETC. Gainsborough Studios HOME IMPROVEMENTS Interior-Exterior. F Call anytime. 889-8965 Dangerous tree removal. Pruning, spraying, 'opping. cabling. 1-640-2158. "(:26 SEE OUR SHOWROOM Dressmaking INSTANT PRINTING The Printing Place OR CALL 125-3908 or Evgs. 773-5078 VERY DEPENDABLE 887-5143 WILLOWDALE N0 JOB TOO SMALL Apply. tape. texture. Have it Done Ihe WONG Way WALKER CONSTRUCTION 884-3440 Photo copying â€" 10c Printing at every description SAUNAS & HEATERS 727-2501 Rick's Drywall RON MOORE PAINTING PAPERHANGING Clear B.C. cedar Easy to inscall Reasonable prices SALE Tree Removal DININGâ€" BEDROOMS 5061 Yonge St 773-4350 Handyman CHIMNEYS HANS BUTT 889â€"4106 M EAT Ask for Bill o Railings o Soffit o Awnings u? and wrapped. ‘69 c2w34 Free estimates. 5- ":32 884~8963 (N35 ("cal "(:32 884-8506 chl c3w33 clw35 "(:21 "c4 clw35 c2w34 "CZ "C30 Ideal for family and rec rooms 445-1764 or 445-8371 wwl), wmaows. awnings, railings, siding, somt sysvems, trough. Free es'imates. Ron Woods 8844514. ":46 3 Show-rooms 70f antiques, good used furniture, pianos, china, books, and unusual items. A-l Furniture Sales Let us put your sewing Spring sewing season. Take It To The Leader HEARTH & PATIO 60 Doncaster Ave., Thornhill 889â€"3133 Visit our Factory Showroom and see our fine line of kitchen CANAC KITCHENS ELGIN MILLS EAST Pinball Juke Boxes and Bubblegum Machines ANTIQUES Fireplace Metal Heatilator Forms All kitchens purchased until February 15th SINGER SEWING CENTRE (off Newkirk Road) Richmond Hill 884â€"0158 THE GRAFFITI FACTORY ORGAN and PIANO CLEARANCE SALE ALUMINUM We have a huge stock to dispose of BANK TERMS Visit us and Really Save HEREFORD BEEF FOR HOME FREEZERS HILLCREST MALL â€" RICHMOND HILL 884-0770 DON MILLS ROAD (Straight East Of Newmarket) PHONE 895-6311 (We will not knowingly be undersold by anyone) Heavy Guage ORGANS BY CONN â€" LOWREY â€" WURLITZER â€" FARFISA. SOLINA, ALSO PIANOS, AND PRE-OWNED ORGANS FACTORY SALE 20% OFF 94151$LINGTON AVE., WOODBRIDGE Home Grown, naturally aged, ï¬rst qualHy only 893-1982 STOVE & FIREPLACE LENGTHS MAPLE, BEECH, BIRCH $30. a cord FREE DELIVERY 887-5380 Evgs. Open Days and Evenings Remodelling? Wm. BALL and SON 360 JOHN ST.. THORNHILL 881-2153 Present this ad for your discount FIREWOOD FREE ESTIMATES Come to your newest c8w32 "€33 machine in top condition for the ANTIQUE brass beds â€" a whole barn Iull‘ All types and sizes. Also many brass and iron- beds. Open this weekend. Maple, 832-1069. "C30 Zonolite $2.29 a bag HAND TOOLS 20 PCT. OFF PAINT 25 PCT. OFF VANITIES 20 PCT. OFF PANELLING 15 PCT. TO 30 PCT. OFF 3| 2| TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales 8: Service Rentals L.H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hillâ€" 884-1745 4" Fir Plywood $7.36 Fir Plywood $10.45 4" Fir Plyw00d “Z†BRICK 20 Pct. OFF Fibreglass Insulation Batts ‘2" R-7 $10.43 2"R-10 6" R-20 LOUGHLIN Lumber & Prefab 6 Scott Dr.. Thornhill 889-l109 FEBRUARY SALE c4w32 "c 21 ":45 c1w35 clw35 c2w35 "cat. loo PERCENT solid stale colour TV, lull manufacturer’s guarantee. Only $399.95 or small payments OK. Call 833.1510, clwas Leading distributor wants a nice backyard to display new 1975 Model of above ground pool. Top consideration given for prime location. Don’t miss this opportunity. Call 1447-3158 Collect Days or Evenings cumula'ions SOUTH OF OAK RIDGES ON THE EAST SIDE OF YONGE ST. 773-4091 Leading manufacturer 8. distributor has above ground Redwood Pools Ien )ver from 1974 season with its pine antique reproducfion iurniture and accessories, unique mirrors, Grandmother clocks and unusual hand trans. Winter hours: Fri. Sat. Sun. 11 to 430 Greatly Red uced Prices BARGAINS Nothing Damaged AVAILABLE STOCK Plate blocks; Canada, USA, GB, UN, Mint Singles; Canada, UN, Austria. GB, Commonwealth. Used: Canada, USA, Auslralia, GB De'ails please to: P.O. Box 69, SHARON, ONT. LOG 1V0 WANTED: Collections and Ac. Hundreds of Flaslilights from 99 cents Sealed Beam Lanterns. GUARANTEED 50 PER- CENT OFF Terrific Value !!! List price $399. stereo â€" will accept any ridiculous offer (within reason) IT’S A PLASTIC WORLD! But tradition lives on at Craigmore House 10610 Bayview Ave.. is obliged to sell his stock at Winstone Stamp Company Guaranteed installation 8. Terms Call Collect: Credit Manager 1-368-9469 Days or Evgs. of many old and new collectable items between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. at 11 Woodward Ave. Thornhill Due to fire and flood in Bayview Plaza, Sweetheart Peter of Unable to relocate. We are going out of business. We have several thousands of tropical plants. suc- culents, Cacti, vines. Ivys and flowering plants. Plant your Terrariums or decorate your home at reasonable prices. Free advice. J. Greftegreff Greenhouses Corner of 17th Ave.. Markham-Pickering Townline 9045mm “W33 SWIMMING POOL SACRIHCE HALF PRICE Fire 8: Flood Sale Swimming Pool Residential Site SELLING OUT Articles for Sale At St. Gabriel’s Church York Home TV RUMMAGE SALE SAT., MARCH lst See York Home TV Display Ad WANTED Bayview & Crosby Richmond Hill GARAGE SALE Displaced by New Airport Satruday, March 1 for 1975 10 am. Sav. Sun. I] to 4.30 NC 35 c2w34 c5w31 clw35 mu CIWJS CIWIS USED lorced air oil furnace. 834-2996. ":25 ELECTRIC dryer, $50. 881-2326. c2w35 TABLES and dressers, quantity of chairs, barn Out! 0! furniture. 115 King Sideroad, Oak Ridges. ‘1 mile west of Yonge. 773-5448. canJ chen. Installed or 'do fifwy'ovu-ars'lef. 630- 9573. ":31 PLYWOOD. V2", 6ft x 4 fl. 884-1633 ODD dinefle tables with extension, all to clear $19.95. call 883-1570. clwss MATTRESS and box spring, 39" â€" $39.95 each piece. 54†$49.95 each piece. Call 883-1570. c1w35 200 GAL. oil tank years. 550. 884-2340 RCA 25â€â€œ pre-owned and guaranteed $239. or small payments OK. 883-1570. ANTIQUE oval table, 4 white casters, S75. Inglis dryer, like new, $100. 889- 4702. clw35 BEDS, double and single, almost new. BM~7827. c2w34 2 HEARING aids, Siemens, hardly used. 884-1793. c2w35 BABY needs -â€" carriage, crib, etc. Also home humidiï¬er. Old cabinets and dresser. 833-5990. clw35 DRUMS, Stewart, complete set. Call Tom, 884-6351. c2w34 TYPEWRITERS, adders, calculators, sales, service, remals. Newmarke? Business Machines, 497 Timothy 5!. Newmarkel. 895-1621 ":36 SHAG CARPET, red, 270 pieces) $200. 931.2153. BABY needs -â€" carriage, cribl HIGH chair, bathinene, walker nearly new bunny-bag and snowsuit quantity inlant’s wear‘ $35. 889-1572. boxes. Complete 3 piecés Von-{V $39.95: Call 883-1570. cleS COFFEE and end tables, brand new in like new, low pricefcéll éiic 884-4558 afler 6 pm. c2w35 4 TIRES F 78-14, 60 percent mead; 2 snow tires, on GM rims 825-14; 310 eachor SsovoralHJBa-nfl. ' c2w35 TABLE with four chairs; drapery baby furnuture; Best ofler. 881-0076. ADDRESSING Machine, Dymo courier, Model 6723, Long feeding 8. receiving hoppers, cabinet 8. trays. Used 15 mo. Asking $1,500. Mr. Van Kampen 881-3373. nclw33 ANTIQUED Blue desk, 2 years old, light weight, like new, 8 drawers. Approximately 4’x2’x32" high. 884- 8000. clw35 GOLF clubs and bag, ping pong table‘ TV, Fleetwood, 23“ console, like new, black 8. white, I913, 884-3065. c2w35 BRICK or Stone wall for your ki 1,000 ADDRESS Labels, Name, Ad- dress, Postal Code. any 4 lines $3.50. Remit to J. D. Enterprise, ls-A Easton 51., Cambridge, Ont. NIR 163 cawza ROUND table, pedesial base, 4 smoked glass back swivel chairs. Brand new, never used, cost $427. Asking 3200. 884-0314. c2w35 4 x 3 Sheets Fir, lxz“ special. Call World Wide Shipping. 889-6269. "ca TEAK COFFEE TABLE with shelf. $50; Pedigree English pram, largest with extras, A-l condition used one summer 5150; baby change table, swing, back carrier, etc. Electrohome Black a. White 23†console TV 5110,- 869-9127 c1w35 MAKE Is payments or $11.70 momth and a complete stereo package is yours. AMâ€"FM stereo, 2 speakers, record changer, tape deck and headphones. Put no 5 down and take hometoday. Call 883-1570. c1w3$ PINBALL Machine. 5150. 884-5272 CULLlGAN Mark 2 water saliner, 1 year old. 3 out ol 4 warranties still valid. Must sell, Moving to Bracebridge. $325. lirm‘ 884-94135 al- ternoons or evenings. c2w34 PIANO, Apartment site, excellent condition. 884-2618. c2st ANTIQUE Pine Pew 8' long. $125.00; Aniique spindle back pine pew 10' long $250.00; both beaumuily reï¬nished. 889-8663 alter 5 pm. c1w35 ELECTRIC Chrysler Airtemp lorced air furnace. 3 years old. Two speed motor. Owner changed to gas. 5135. 881-1347. c2w34 2 CHAIRS, unusual, modern, well builf. excellent condition. Shipped from Miami. Super different, dining room suite, Teakwood, with 4 chairs and buffet approx. 6 ff.; round coffee table, Deilcraff, mahogany. 884-4747 afterbpm. clw35 1 PAIR CHROME wheels and tires, 13†4 stud. 854-6822. c2w35 STOVE, Roy eleclric, excellent condilion. $10. Refrigerator, Mona", excellenl condition. 5100. 884-2013. DOUBLE bed, with box spring. 6 monms old. 884-4514. c1w35 SNOWTHROWER. viking. 3V2 HP., 20" swam. new February 73. Paid $279. Make ofler. 832-1012. c2w35 COLOUR T.V. antennas ins'alled by York Home T.V. Dealers; for Winegard Antennas. 889-1646 or 884- 4135 Mesa Free Estimates. Aluminum siding, windows, doors, awnings. 884-4558 or 832-1319. "C5 EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. Hwy, 7 iust east of Fifth Line (2 miles eas? o! Dixie Rd.), Bramalea. Also 79 Doncaster,Thornhill,881-0000. mu Living, di mg and bedrooms. Direct lrom importers warehouse‘ Open I â€" 9 pm. 459-0760. FIREPLACE WOOD 2 DOOR FROST FREE REFRIGERATORS MATCHING STOVES Any Colour \UTOMATIC WASHERS YORK ALUMINUM WELL SEASONED Hard Maple a. Red Oak DELIVERED PLYWOOD Colour T.V.’s 223-0623 TEAKWOOD 884-8948 BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS complete. Used 2 c2w34 CZWJS CIWJS h. (2 (M35 clw34 c2w35 clw35 c2w35 C2w34 "(:32 72 METEOR Wagon, 39,000 miles, rustproofed, radials, power steering and brakes, $2,795. 889-20894 clw35 I968 OLDS Cutlass Supreme, certified. $1,050. 884-5759 alter 5 p.m. c2w34 New block, new head, new front fenders, new brakes, new exhaust. new battery, radial tires. Just tuned up. Interior and exterior excellent. Why not travel in style? Rem a 1975 LTD Wagon from DON LITTLE FORD SALES INC Low, low weekend rates. 889-1105 if: Auvoma'ic Oransmissuon PERFECT FOR YOUR FIRST CAR PERFECT FOR A SECOND CAR. for Scrap Cars & Trucks Free Pickup 636-4216 HIGHEST cash prices or trade value paid for houseful oi furniture and appliances. Brice's Furniture, 1-478- 4175. ":18 PREâ€" I960 Canadian Min? s'amps â€" Hinged or Unhinged. 884-2573. c2w35 Cash Prices APARTMENT sile fridge, 584-6822 ROTOTILLER. any condition preferany without motor. 884-3384. HIGHEST .1: San nuuseuuid Furniture 8. Appliances For the best Prices FOR FULLER BRUSH merchandise in the Thornhill area, call 889-0827. BRASS, copper, antiques repolished. Brass beds' etc. Britex,.155-7851. "C29 Private. 773-5155 STOVE, small electric, copper; 12 hp Massey Ferguson "akin? IéwB mower. 889-2783. cleS STOVE, Mofla' electric, 30“, $50. 88+ 49“. cm†tables, pair of lamps, éll 889-5993. SOFA and chair. coffee and 2 end KITCHEN chairs 4, Frigidaire Reirigerafor. Electric s'ove. Dresser. Proiessional Hair Dryer. Beauty Salon sink. Must be sold by weekend. as:- 1995. clw35 Articles Wanted MASSEY-FERGUSON 135 Diesel, "on! end loader and post hole digger, 100 hours. 473-5236. c2w30 FRESH PORK Sides. 669-1453 ANer 7 pm. clw35 TABLE and lloor lamps made (rom barrels, especially Ior recreation rooms. 884-4866 Evgs. c2w34 WASHER Spin-dryer, 10 lb. capacity. 883-1672. (N34 CENTRE Meat Market, I91 Sheppard East. Home Freezer orders. 221-6000. Cars & Trucks 91Yonge St. S. Newmarket Planning a Weekend Trip? DRY GOODS HARDWARE GROCERY VARIETY GIFTWARE. ETC. 889-2538 889-2373 73 TOYOTA 1/2 Ton. Lic. 853933 â€"â€" $2,395 Hi Lux Standard A-l condition TYNAN Toyota Ltd. 895-3031 881-3241 Aurora New & Used Furniture Pickup WANTED ‘18 Yonqe N. Aurora (Next to I.G.A.) 727-1822 Store Stocks of any kind 71.Vega Custom 'clwas "€30 c2w34 matching. c2w34 Clw35 Nch (M35 c1w35 C4W35 "(:35 "CW 9.2 VIKING outboard motor and gas tank. like new. Make offer. 727-9110 or alter 6 pm. 889-7691. c1w35 I967 VOLKSWAGEN, radio. 5200. 889- 3032 Evngs. c2w34 334-1844 69 PONTIAC Laurel-man, 2 door, power equipped. Best ofler. 864-3880. I968 VOLKSWAGEN stationwagon Days. 925-3433. Evenings, 889-4247. 7| DATSUN good condition, runs well, $1,295 or best oHer. 804-7654. 74 DATSUN 8210, white hatchback. extras â€" AM-FM Multiplex radio, radial steel belted tires. wooden steering wheel. Undercoated. 53,395. 884-7654. c4w34 convenibie, serious buyers only: 884; 6173. c2w35 68 OLDS Delta 88, reconditioned engine. Reuphols'ered interior. 6 good tires‘ Excellent running, clean car. 5600. 8844440 Days. 884-5845 after 6 p.m, c2w34 I961 CHEV. 6-cvlinder, l-door automatic, power steering, running condition. As is. 550. 884-3942 aner S p.m. c2w35 I959 CVQRVETTE, 427, lour speed, good condition. Needs some br'ake work. 884-11935. c2w34 66 VOLKSWAGEN, motor and body in hardtop, equipped. Magrsr,’¢71|'1éVowner-, cenilied. Call Ron anytime. 889-9121. CNJ5 40 71.32. Johnson motor and trailer EXCELLENT CONDITION racks, Excellent condition. )3}: 6959. c1w35 _70 CHRYSLER 300. 440 TNT, two door 74 DATSUNl 710 Staiionwagon, R000 67 MUSTANG Fastback, 302 lour barrel, 75 pla'es, good condmon. $650 or best offer. Ask lor David 884-6206. 67 PONTIAC PARISIENNE, bucket seats, white interior, white vinyl roof. As is or cerflfied. Excellent shape, 884- 6365. clw35 With Day and Resident Programs SINCE I957 67 CAPRICE, rebuilt 389 GTO engine‘ 5-...-. .o,.-..: _ _ _ Power s'eering, powe} Shite;- 67M. c2w35 66 LTD Country Squire Wagon, power steering, power brakes. A-l condition, certiï¬ed, $950 or best otter. 884â€"4334. 65 MUSTANG, Fastback, a Au'omatic. $250 or best oHer. 889-0397. c2w35 200 cu. n. automatic. A-l motor and transmission. $100 or best offer. After 7 pm. 727-4166 heavy duty single, axle, platform. 9:00 x 20 tires New muvfler and tune up. Like new REID MOWER MARINE 8: SPORTS 14’ Surf Marine Boat, 1971 less $500. Ford bonus until February 28th, 1975. 884-8489 Evgs. REPAIRS 884-7716 â€" 881-2384 GATEWAY MERCURY BOAT STORAGE RICHILDACA a Co-Ed Camp 884-8108 after 5 "Canada‘ ’74 Capri’s 63 Dodge Dump Cars & Trucks Boating STAKE BODY Good Farm 'l‘ruck 72 CHEVROLET IMPALA ONE OWNER 71 VW Stationwagon-Van 72 FORD EconoHne 100 BEST OFFER Camps anada‘s Largest Capri Dealer" 7120 YONGE ST.. 223-244] mm $1,950. 893-1492 Evgs. 66 Comet Stationwagon 64 FORD 800 1200 cc V.W. ENGINE THE LIBERAL â€" Wednesday, Feb. 26, 1975 PRIVATE 884-3083 833-5975 Certified NEW SNOWS Sun Roof 36,000 miles $2,000. WRECKING (New) $3,895. $200. 773-425] 727-9941 ":32 c2w35 c2w33 c2w35 c3w35 c2w35 c2w35 m: 16 c2w35 CIWJS clw35 clw35 C2W34 cleS c2w35 WE WILL SELL FOR YOU Phone us it you have any items to sell, they may be usetul to someone also and you would have the cash. For turther intormation on consignments: PHONE 221-2!“ Towne a Country Auctioneers AI Rowand, Auctioneer Rettie said suggested raises for staff have already been proposed, but no an- nouncement would be made at this time. Open Consignments SUNDAY, MARCH 2 (11.30 noon) YORK FARMERS MARKET 7509 Yonge $0. Thornhill (5 blocks noflh of Shela) BRAND NEWâ€"SLIGHTLY USED ANTIQUES -â€" COLLECTABLES , cnesterlields, chairs, coflee "qu, end 'ables, T.V.s, paimlngs, planters, ï¬gurines, baby wrnlture, appliance» garden tools, hand and power 'ools, lamps,dinefles and many, many more uselul items. SATURDAY MARCH 8TH 12:30pm. Auction Sale at King City Community Centre. Sale includes double solid brass bed; Victorian sota; pine im- back cupboard, other items at pine; pressed back chairs; hanging oil lamp and table oil lamps. Beaver Iar, copper boiler (rocks, glass dishes etc. Terms cash. A special meeting to review employee salaries will be held by York Regional Council. Jack Rettie, chief administrative officer, said last week. The meeting will be held Thursday and will cover all salary levels. York Region pay review REID Mower. Marlna and Spods. Repairs to all snow vehicles. 554-1716. ":16 2 SKI Doc‘s, Olympics, 1970 335, I971 399, covers, double trailer, good condi'ion. Asking 51200. 334-3530. 74 SKIROULE. 340 RTX double bed trailer, less than 100 miles, Excellent condition. moo or M51 ofler. 084-4!“ aner 5:30 czwils 68 SNOWCRUISER, Model 206 R, 10" track with reverse. Excellen' con- dition. Custom made vinyl cover. Best ouer “$3611 after 6 pm. cszS XXI-H40 0r EVES. 247-5082.“W32 Slide in Camper Kits compleie win: 2- burner stove, 35 lb. ice box, bed, table. sink and pump - J sleeper. Reg. $395. SALE 5199. tops. Also all aluminum lramed 'ruck hp: Deluxe ï¬breglass truck Maps. 54" Cab over Mini Camper compleiely ï¬nished with bunks II FT., FIBREGLASS. unoppor. Asking $120. Call John 304-3212. :2w35 21’ Concord Motor Home For Rent Fully equipped. extellenl lor or summer holiday. Available or month. 72 SkiDoo Oylmpic 399 TWIN Aluminum Yawl. 32' x l0' x 4'6". A breakthrough in design and con- struciion by Rick Spee. some bare hulls with optional stern cabin layout and diesel engine are lor a Iimiied time available lor amaieur com- pletion. . BARE HULL PRICES ’ FROM $5.300. Complete line of clothing. parts & accessories 71 Glen Cameron Rd. Unit 3. Thornhill. Ont. 889-9592 ' Snowmobile: PALLISTER’S Truck Kap Centre 43 OLD HWY. 7 EAST THORNHILL 0n lined & insulated truck Auctions SALESï¬SERVICE YONGE ST.. OAK RIDGES 773-5167 “SERVICE AWARD WINNER" 1967 Ski Doo Super Olympic 16 h.p. Electric Start New baflery and track RUNS PERFECTLY 3240 884-8329 WHOLE NEW LINE OF TRUCK TOPS ARCTIC CAT PUBLIC AUCTION 1974 Clearance 100 BOATS JOHN’S MARINELAND 3 Laidlaw Blvd. Markham ( Markham Rd.) 294-3650 (Openvtill 9. 7davsaweek.) 1-5 February Clearance Sale ALLOY YACHTS HAY 32†HERRONS 60!! D OR R, Auctioneer. Trailers 889-0505 Boating 773-5159 $595. ellem lor southern Available by week clw35 clwii czwas c2wJ§ (N15 ":32 c3w34 c7w34