Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Feb 1975, p. 6

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The afternoon euchre held by the senior citizens at the Wheelhouse February 18 saw a good turnout of card fans with Mrs. V. Judge. Mrs. V. Lupson and Mrs. J. Ash being the prizewinners. V The sénioré Lions dart tournament held February Lions finally manage a dart victory over senior citizens 6 â€"â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, Feb. 26, 1975 By Donna & Norm Mat- thews This is the first article we have written under a joint byline. giving us the op- portunity to express our sincere thanks to all our readers who buy The Liberal and who “feed” us information as the basis for our weekly column. As some of you may have heard. we were the recipients of the Ontario Hydro “Champion Correspondent" award for the year 1974, and on February 15 were invited to the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. for the presen- tation. The occasion was the 25th Anniversary of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association celebrated during their annual con- vention. Both of us were ecstatic and surprised to be in- formed by Editor Hai Blaine a month ago we had won an award. But this turned into nervous anticipation as the big night got closer. But our fears were unfounded. We were greeted at the convention by Jean Baker- Pierce. publisher of the Aurora Banner and a director of OWNA, who with husband Tim made sure we were looked after through those first awkward moments when you enter a room and see a lot of un- tamiliar faces. 9:30 pm 19 â€" Pre-school story hour, Wildwood Library. Registration only, 1:30 pm Euchre, Wheelhouse, 1:30 pm 'l'alent Night â€" Open House, Lake Wilcox Public School, 7-9 pm YCHA meets at the home of Carol Kanitz, 68 Maple Grove, 7:30 pm 20 â€"- Time Out - Take A break, St. Paul’s 1:30 pm Bond Lake Skating Club Fun Night 7â€"9. Bond Lake Arena Bible study, Manse, 36 Elmgrove, 7:30 pm 21 â€" Schools close at 3:30 pm for winter break and Easter holiday.,Reopen April 1 (no fooling!) Youth Group, St. Marks, 7:15 pm 22 â€" Lions Skatathon (provisional date) Lions “Millionaires Night”, Lions Den, 8 pm. $2 (light buffet included) _ Youth night, Brethren In Christ Church, 7:45 pm 25 â€" Teen film program, Wildwood Branch Library, 10 am Advisory Board, St. John’s Anglican, 8 pm 5 â€" Afternoon euchre, Wheelhouse Club, 1:30 pm Pre-school story hour, Wildwood Branch Library. By registration only, 1:30 pm. ACW executive meeting, 8 pm 6 â€"‘ Time Out â€" Take A Break Group, St. Paul's United, 1:30 pm Bible study, “Learning to Love God”, manse, 36 Elmgrove Avenue, 7:30 pm 7 â€" World Day of Prayer Service at Wesley Vandorf United Church 2 pm St. Mark’s Youth Group. 7:15 pm 8 -â€" Bake and White Elephant Sale, OLA gym. Bond Crescent, 1-5 pm 9 â€" St. Paul's Visitation Sunday 10 â€" UCW Easter Egg dipping, 9:30 am 11 â€" UCW East Egg dipping 9:30 am Seniors' pot luck luncheon 12 noon, Wheelhouse Cancer Society 1:30 pm. Final test day â€"â€" national badges, Bond Lake Skating Club, from 4 pm Lions 7 pm Youth program, Lake Wilcox Public School, 7. Bible Study, 14 â€" Oak Ridges ‘ Conferences YCl-IA spons Secondary School, 15 â€", St. Patrick’s Arena Hall. 8 pm I Arena Hall, 8 pm to 1 am. Brethren in Christ Church Youth Night 7:45 pm 17 -â€"- Public Speaking Contest, Lake Wilcox Public School, 1:30 to 2:30 “It’s Your Choice” monthly film program for women, Wildwood Branch Library, 1:30 pm 18 -â€" Youth Program, Lake Wilcox PS, 7-9:30 pm Euchre, St. Paul’s, $1, 8 pm ‘ A program of evangelistic services every night until the 23rd. 7:45 pm. Speaker Rev. Earl Lehman, Hopewell, Penna.. Brethren in Christ Church. UCW, 8 pm, St. Paul’s 12 -â€" UCW Easter egg dipping, 9:30 am Pre-school story hour. Wildwood Branch Library Oak Ri Meeting 8 pm Ladies’ MacAdams 13 â€" Time pm 3 â€" Last day for Lions eyeglasses drop box, Bank of Nova Scotia 4 â€" Oak Ridges Public School Science Fair 1:15-4:30, 6:30-8:30 pm Catholic Ladies Guild, St. Joseph’s, 7:45 pm Youth Program, Lake Wilcox Public School, 7- 9:30 pm Seniors' business meeting, Wheelhouse, 2 pm Lions “Lions Den”, 7 pm Youth program, Lake Wilcox PS, 7-9:30 pm 26 â€" Puppet play for pre-schoolers, Wildwood Library, 10:30 am 27 â€" Film program for children of all ages, Wildwood Library 2 pm . St. John's Anglican evening service 7:30 pm Bible study, manse, 36 Elmgrove, 7 :30 pm 28 â€" Good Friday service, Brethren in Christ Church 10 am. Speaker Rev. Andrew McNiven, Gormley Worship service, 10:30 am, St. John’s Anglican At Temperanceville United Church, joint service with St. Paul’s and Wesley. Vandorf, 11 am 30 â€" Parish breakfast, St. John's, 8:45 am 31 â€"â€" Euchre, Wheelhouse, 7:30 pm Helpmate Information anriual meeting. 8 pm, Blue Flame Room. Consumers‘ Gas, Elgin Mills Road. RH Thank you King Township Calendar of Events For March Oak Ridges Lake Wilcox Time Out ’enna.. Brethren in 8 pm, St. Paul’s Easter egg dipping ch00] story hour‘ registration only, : Ridges Public Sc ’ Scouting Bond Cres‘ Take A Break group manse‘ School )red show “Mr. D] l-S and 7â€"8 pm . Dance, Bond Lake Auxiliary 36 Elmg‘rove closed for P2 20 at the Wheelhouse proved that the lions had been practising! The Lions won the most games, so they took the trophy from the seniors. For the most games won by an individual team. Lions Joe Tanzos and Ross Kirby won a trophy each. We were fortunate in sharing our dinner table with David and Kay Dills whose family publishes the Acton Free Press. David’s brother Jim was named the new president of OWNA and his two daughters and two sons were at our table also. After a delicious buffet dinner there were a few typical convention speeches made by OWNA or newspaper staff members. and then came our big moment. School Dennis Dack, head of news media relations for Ontario Hydro took the floor and began a recitation of background data on us while our hearts pounded a ner- vous beat. We were invited up on ‘the stage where Mr. Dack presented us with an im- pressive wooden plaque and a cheque as our award. Mr. Dack jokingly said “tonight we’re getting two for the price of one" meaning that the award is normally made to a single person rather than jointly to a couple. It was a tremendous honor to be rewarded for our weekly writings in this manner and we thank The Liberal staff (especially retired publisher Sam Cook and new editor Hal Blaine) and our King readers for making it possible. From both of us to all of you, THANKS! 9:30 am Wildwood :30 pm Dressup‘ Parent- ve, 7:30 pm Parent-Teacher Skating Club Paul’s Teacher Doris King Individual trophies were donated by Don Cook and Joe Tanzos. The ladies put on a grand spread of refreshments which were demolished in short order by the hungry players. Church news St. Paul's UCW will soon be making Easter Eggs and are now taking orders. This year the projected number of eggs is 2,000 and they will be 75 cents each. For that you get a quarter pound fondant filled. chocolate dipped and hand decorated beautiful egg! Please order now from any UCW member or call Jean Anderson at 773- 5152 or Diane Foster at 773- 5021. The UCW will be making fondant February 26, 27 and 28 and welcomes anyone Tomato Cutsup Snow Star Heinz Ice Cream In Tomato Sauce Heinz Spaghetti Instant Coffee Nescafe CHECK THE TRIM Naturally Aged for Better Flavour T-Bone Steaks Naturally Aged for Better Flavour Cda. Grade I g R “A” Beef Rump Roasts CHECK THE TRIM who would like to help The rector, Rev. Earl Gerber of St. John‘s Anglican will be preaching at Trinity Anglican Church, Barrie. at the noonday Lenten service February 28. There will be a pre- service humn sing at St. John's March 2 at 10:15 am with a family service at 10:30 conducted by mem- bers of the congregation. The coffee hour will be held in the parish hall March 4 at 11:45 am. The regular monthly meeting of the advisory board will be held in the upper room of the parish hall at 8 pm March 4. l The executivé of the ACW will hold its bi-monthly meeting March 5 at 8 pm: For [Be month of Maich I hope you will clip the calendar of events which lb. 3 1: fl. 1;:[39c an" 10 oz Jar 30:. 89¢ “m rorx )purerlns \ ’ Fresh Canadian Pork 1‘1“ Pork Butt Chops appears in this issue for the first time. If I missed any happenings â€" my apoiogies. Give me a call with April events as soon as you know the dates. Don't forget the Lions eyeglass drop box at the Bank of Nova Scotia until March 3. You may also drop your spare specs off at the Wheelhouse. The glasses will be shipped to India where they will be refitted to the needs of the poor. Tickets are available at $5 each for the Lions‘ vacation draw, a one-week all expenses paid trip to Acapulco for two or $500 in * Fresh Canadian Pork : Pork Spureribs Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox EVERY CUT MUST PLEASE...0R YOUR MONEY BACK an]? Green Cabbage U.S. Grown No;1 Grade Corned Beef Brisket lb. Ground Beef Manor House Sweet Pickled We me so surevthat everything possihte has been dorsa- ta’ assure perféci eating from an the meat we set! that we Make this famous guarantee on every cut -â€" ’ It eve? a purchase of Safeway Meat reason whatsoever, just tau us. We a promptly, courteously. There's no n4 Maple Leaf V.P. Selected Varieties luncheon Meats Safeway Superb Quality cash. Only 300 tickets have been printed. The draw will be held April 5. Call Carl Burns at 773-5085 for your ticket. Winners of the two draws at the Lions‘ Valentine dance were Richard and Elva Margerum. That's lucky! Stanley Cup pool tickets will be available in the near future at $1 per ticket. Basically the same as the other Lions‘ hockey pool tickets these have one difference. They pay $10 for every goal in the game and $100 for the last goal of the game! Hot House Rhubarb lb Mexican Mungoes Each Plant of the Week African Violets at faiis 1 wilt r91 need to Our Top Quality s to piease for refund your m 3 please for any 1nd your money return the meat. School news Lake Wilcox Public School students held an Ookpik decorating contest for the Richmond Hill Winter Carnival. One student from each classroom was chosen as winner and their ookpiks were entered into the contest. The following were the school winners: kin- dergarten Bonnie Bennett. grade 1 Gabriel Eisenman. grade 2 Michael Wright. grade 3 Vicky Thompson. grade 4 Kirk Harvey. grade 5 Cathy Waine and grade 6 David Newby. Three of the school entries were chosen as winners by the carnival judges. They are Bonnie Bennett. Michael Wright and David Newby. Congratulations everyone! 6 oz. Pkg. The school hockey rteam 39¢ II39 49¢ 149¢ 4179 Neighbourhood notes Sympathy is extended to David Atcheson of King Sideroad on the death of his mother Catherine February 16. Mrs. Atcheson was 90 and had lived in Oak Ridges for 25 years. With all the local schools having science fairs and related projects being brought home by my daughter. I got bitten by the bug. But alas. my project fell flat! won the junior ~cham- pionship at the carnival also. to make it a big day for Lake Wilcox. I remember having fun when a child by making crystals using a glass of water and alixm. Now I know it was alum, but what Bathroom Tissue Facelle 2 Ply Powdered Detergent Garbie Plastic Garbage Bags Oxydol Glad Plastic Paper Napkins Sandwich Bags Scott Wte. or Coloured Ovenjoy White Po rk Butt Roasts Naturally Aged for Better Flavour Sirloin Steaks CHECK THE TRIM Boneless proportion or if anything else was added to the water. I don‘t remember. I tried it recently and no crystals grew. I asked our friendly local pharmacist who asked three friends. They all remembered the alum and the water but not the HOW. Can anyone help? I want to grow some crystals. If it works I may even grow an addition to the house! always pleased to publish items of interest regar- ding people and events in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news correspondent for King City is Donna Mathews, 832-1579: and for Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox please call Janet Russell at 773-4105. “THE LIBERAL" is i: 39‘ 29¢ 7 9“ 43:133‘: 5 lb box

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