Clap your hands. stomp your teet when It comes to value. we can't be beat' Just Iook at a once tag on an 01 our new Fords. then look at al the standar_d equupment we give you tor that pnce Va|ue Days means It‘s time to deal' VALUE Yes sir... VISIT OUR SHOWROOM TODAY! SATISFACTIQN We take It seriously and we know you do. too' We urge you to test dnve our new Fords. to teel that smooth, quiet rude comfort and handling. .to know what satisfaction really means‘ TWENTY-THREE SKIDOO...ANY GAS WILL DQ DON LITTLE FORD SALES The fiveâ€"cent pop is back in town, quench your thirst as you browse around. but browse around you must Our current cars are the cat's meow and their value,..nostalgia plus! is roarin’ to go again! THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, May 21. 1975 â€"- 19 See the new Gatsby Granada or any Value Days Ford. 3 short drive us all It takes We eagerly await your vlsn. .we promise you a “Value Days'i deal ’5’" 31% Don Little