The live-cent pop 15 back In town, quench your lhurst as you browse around. but browse around you must Our current cats are the cat's meow and the" vaIue nostalgia plus' Yes sir . . . the value that made Ford a favourite with the old folks. is roarin‘ to go again! An'éiirémely limited edition "m $4940 Don Little Ford Sales NOW STARRING GATSBY GRANADA NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS TO DESTROY WEEDS YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL 889-1105 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons in possession of land in accordance with The Weed Control Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 493, that unless the noxious weeds or weed seeds growing on their lands within the Town of Markham are destroyed by Friday, June 13th, 1975, and throughout the season as often as it is necessary to prevent the ripening of their seeds and dispersal of their pollens, the Council of the Town of Markham has appointed a Weed Inspector to cause said weeds or weed seeds to be destroyed in such manner as he may deem proper‘ and that the expenses incurred by the said Weed Inspector in the discharge of his duties shall be placed on the Collector's Roll of the Municipality against the respective lands concerned and that such amounts shall be collected in the same manner as taxes. The co-operation of all persons concerned is earnestly solicited. Weed Inspector, Town of Markham. QAK REIDGES LIQNS CLUB» For more information call Lion Captain Ed. Hawman, 773-5521 Chairman Bike-A-Thon Lion Don Cook 773-5273 or Lion Joe Tanzos 773-4285 SATURDAY. JUNE 7/75 BlKEâ€"Aâ€"THON * PEDAL FDR FUN * * PEDAL FDR DOLLARS * ‘k KEEP FIT AND HELP TO SUPPORT * Your Recreation Group or Charity and Crippled Children REGISTRATION MAY 31/75 1 pm. - 6 pm. By Jane Ste] The frustrations and hurly-burly which usually come with the opening of the Richmond Hill Minor Soccer Association season are over with and the schedule is underway. Apologies to the teams which did not receive their uniforms before the first game and the equipment officer is working hard to get his hands on them for future games. Field markings were noticeably absent but again assurance has been given that fields will be marked from hereon in. With new boys getting their first taste of soccer league action, it is un- derstandable that the play sometimes resembled anything but soccer but with to be held on Hill minor soccer Gulf squirts tie 2-2 a little time the coaches will soon work that out. Good opening It was a good opening week with the boys having their fun. even the losers, and it is worthy of mention that the games where Rich- mond Hill and Aurora faced each other were very good and very entertaining. Allin all it seems we are in for a very enjoyable season. The girls team which travelled to New Jersey, left very early last Friday morning. A report on their venture and results of their games are not available at press time but a report will be given next week. Results of last week's games are as follows: Squirts Sanderson Gulf 2. Ratcliffs 2. For Sanderson it was C. Wilson and C. Smith scoring. M. Devlin picked up both of the Ratcliff's goals. Travelway 4, Richmond Hill Maple Leafs 1. Greg King wielded a hot toe in this one booting home three biggies with Robert McGregor hitting for one. Tom Bradley got the Maple Leafs lone goal. “.0 Aurora Legion 1. Bait Bombers 0. Bradley Barton got the lone score for the winners. Aurora Gulf l. Ed‘s Carpet 0. Stewart Green got the lone goal of the game. Atoms Tournaments Inc. 6. Lamb Moving 2. Lance Ross and Robert Muzzin contributed two apiece with the others Hamburger tourney Saturday REMEMBER ‘The McDonald’s hamburger people will be sponsoring a special softball tournament for novice girls Saturday at the Town Park and Crosby Park in Rich- mond Hill. HELP YOUR RED CROSS The tournament will feature the local girls' teams as well as seven from out of town. It begins at 9 am and will run all day con- cluding with a grand championship game at the town park at 7 pm. TO HELP going to Karl Koteff and Kevin Ryan Concord Auto 2, Bear Alignment (Aurora) 1. Glen Stother scored a brace for Concord while Ian Jones scored for the alignment boys. Thornhill Village 3. Alcan (Aurora) 2. Andrew Rockarts knocked home two with Tony Guyddos got the other one. David Campbell scored both goals for Alcan. J.T. Carpet 4. Doane Hall 0. Craig McConnell scored twice with singles going to Ron Grimmer and John Clark. Mosquitos A & W 3. Pony 3. Andrew Dawn scored all three goals for the A & W boys while Pony's went to Tony Marinelli, Rudy Franke, and John Meeuwisse. Creative Decor 3. Aurora Hobbies 0. Single goals for PLEASE NOTE Recreational Swimming Cancelled on May 30, 31, June 1 CENTENNIAL POOL We make it easy at 3:3 ‘Fwestone Store TOWN OF RICHMOND Hlll COME 81 SEE RICHMOND HILL AQUATIC CLUB ANNUAL SWIM MEET Next week's schedule and referees: David Ezechiels, Harold Thornhill, and Jeff Winch. Squirts â€"â€" June 3 Sanders Gulf v Aurora Legion â€" Dave Kenny; Travelway v Ratcliff‘s â€" Leonard Castelletti; Baif Bombers and RH. Maple Leafs go to Aurora. Atomsâ€"June3 Lamb Moving v Alcan (Aurora) â€" Tom Jensen; Concord Auto vs Tour- naments Inc. â€" Norman Murphy. Thornhill Village goes to Aurora. Mosquitos â€" June 4 A&WvAurora Hobbiesâ€" lan Spiers; RH. Legion v Pony â€" Van Kampen. Creative Decor goes to Aurora. Peewee â€" June 2 Bayvmar v XL Metalcraft â€" Gord Cardwell. Flair goes to Aurora. JACKETS o T-SHIRTS USE OUR ‘rurestone (‘HARG CREDIT PLAN THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. May 28. 1975 â€" 25