Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Nov 1975, B9

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We are seeking persons to work 4 evenings and hall Saturdays. Mus! be neat in appearance. Due '0 Expansion we require a mu lime evenings Switchboard Operator With fantastic memory Car necessary. For appointment call: Hours â€"3:30p.m.-Il:30p.m‘ FOR MORE INFORMATION KINDLY CONTACT MRS. HALEY 884-1126 Mona Robertson's A-l Employment Agency 884-6944 Richmond Hill Answering Service Experienced Salesperson REQUIRED FOR DECEMBER IST transportation 889-2075 Carpenters Must have own Intermediate or Senior Girl/ Boy Friday One person office, some experience in bookkeeping, typing and general office routine. ORDER DESK CLERK JVB Associates FULL AND PART TIME MEDICAL SECRETARY Apply 65 Duncan Road, Thornhill Bob Irwin 889-7506 Personnel depaflmem GOOD PAY BOX N0. 38 THE LIBERAL PLEASE SEND FULL RESUME T0 Full Time Sales Help Experienced and well groomed required by Exclusive Ladies' Wear Shop PLEASE APPLY: For interview call ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT SYLVIA B. 727-3161 881-4825 Required by small institution Car essential FOR MANUAL CARDEX SYSTEM MUST BE ABLE TO TYPE INVENTORY CONTROL CLERK Over 18 THE VILLAGE SHOP Mature. ambitious person 889-7072 MRS. MOON Help Wanted COOK HILLCREST MALL 884-2400 881-1133 CIWZI (M20 clwil clw2l COCKTAIL Waitress-Waiver for lirsl class diningroom. Excellent working condilions. call Mr. Mclnnes, OBI-2121. Parkway Hotel. Can you work 30 night and do you have a reliable 3.: lon van? Are you sales oriented and wan! to increase your earnings? Are you bondable? ll so we would like to talk ‘0 you. PLEASE CALL MR‘ BRITTEN or MR. DALY a? Phone 832-1368 Waitresses/ William J. Klees and Son Female Soul Vocal Group 691ndustrial Road. Richmond Hill. Ontario REQUIRED for light office duties Five day week. Permanent position. Apply: After 4 p.m Waiter POP’S TAVERN 884-2752 OFFICE CLERK Own transponafion Required Maple Nursing Home MAPLE 8894111 or 832-2225 LADY REQUIRED WANTED NIGHT OWL 361-5287 WAITRESS/ WAITER WANTED 221-1577 CLEANING STORE CLERK VANGUARD PHARMACY 881-6045 FORMING CALL JACKIE Applv: clwil CIWZI c2w‘10 clw2l c3wl9 CIWZI clw2‘ clw2l 61w“ CNN?! clw20 c2w20 CIWII Articles for Sale INSTANT PRINTING Kitchen vanities. counter tops. rec rooms. The Printing Place Hansen Bros. Contracting 832-1275 General Hydraulic 531-7115 531-6360 536-1735 CHRISTMAS a. CRAFTS BOUTIQUE SAT. NOVEMBER 12nd 1â€"4:!!! P.M. 629 Osiris Drive. RICHMOND HILL PROCEEDS TO YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL clwu Carpentry Repairs And Alterations Master Craftsman MOBILE WELDING AND PLUMBING Photo Copying â€" 10c Printing M every description FAMILY ROOM SALE Check the “SERVICE DIRECTORY” CARPENTER SNOW REMOVAL Perms $12.50 & up Shampoos & Sets $3.50 & up 72 Yonge St., Richmond Hill North (Oak Ridges) Maxine’s Beauty Salon O’Neil Steam Cleaners Broadloom & Carpets ALL PHASES VERY REASONABLE 633-6!“ â€"633-7036 p.rn‘ at the back of this section for convenient new and long standing Express Employment Agency York County, Toronto & to U.S.A. Call John Fraser 8634307 (Across from A 8 W Centre a! Town) 669-2515 883-1103 Apartment Contracts Invited Professionally steam cleaned Employment Agency RJ’OBIEN INDUSTRIAL - BUSINESS- services in your community. Free Estimates 483-0646 Residential - Commercial STOP LOOKING o INCOME TAX oPAYROLL Italian & Gefman spoken LETTERS DELIVERED We have available immediately Housekeepers, Nannies, Mothers’ Helpers, etc. Also Farm Help Experienced and Reliable oACCOUNTING SERVICES RENOVATIONS Additions - Repairs Free Design Service Special Winter Prices Miscellaneous ATTENTION After 7:30 pm. 773-5032 297-3379 Free Estimates 889-7250 884-8558 c2w2| P2w20 (SW21 "c2! CASH REGISTERS Newmarket Business Machines Articles for Sale REFRIGERATOR. 540184-9672. clwzl» Plant your Terrariums or decorate your home at reasonable prices. Free advice. We have several thousand tropical plants». succulents. cacti, vines. ivys and flowering plants. We are going out of business. Displaced byâ€" New Airport Unable to relocate. Selling Out FOR RENT 294-5634 895-7621 J. Greftegreff Greenhouses Corner of 17th Ave. Markham - Pickering Townline CNN c2w20 clw‘n clwn ":6 clw2l c’IwII Net ":36 New Shipment of Budget Bedrooms EXAMPLE 4 piece only $149 or $3 per week includes night table plus many more to offer. CALL COLLECT 883-1570 AM-FM RECEIVER. RECORD CHANGER. Call Mike 884-2011 floor sample $149. or $3 per week. CALL COLLECT 185-10 SR 13. 2 on rim. I winter. Cost $115. Sell 570. Hand painted china Makes excellent Christmas gifts. 1 mi. south of Major Mackenzie Dr., 3 mi. north of No. 7 Hwy. Open Weekends andHolidays 832-1274 "a. sofa and two matching chairs. ONE ONLY Radial Snow Tires Living Room Suite Manning Orchards Dufferin SL. RR 2 Cold Storage Sale All Varieties PINE FARMS Open 7 Days A Week lto4 P.M. weekdays 9 to 5 P.M. weekend_s REID MOWER. MARINE & SPORTS 2 SNOW TIRES Fuel Oil Tank Ladies' Ski Suit TWO A78-13 SNOW TIRES Size 18 Youth bed Chest of drawers Child's table and chairs Doll carriage Tricycle, FP toys. 773â€"5433. Ask for Vidor APPLES 7450 Bren Rd.. Mississauga, 678-1422 Limited quantities â€" First come-First sen/Net}i C Siren 17 n. plus motor Excellent condi'ion $3,000 Women’s Ski Doo suit 200 gal. with gauge 8 months old 889-3612 883-1570 889-7986 NEW CHESTERFIELDS & MATTRESSES Unbelievable low Prices’ at SAIL BOAT J & B Transport Warehouse 884-3216 884-4539 boots and gloves Suit sixe medium 300': site 5 $40 884-2188 884-3197 Used one winter 6-45-14 $10 each URGENT SALVAGE SALE MAPLE APPLES MES! 11641Yonge SL. Richmond Hill Telephone 833-5520. CLEARANCE SALE RIDERS ROTARIES ” TILLERS UNTIL NOVEMBER 22ND MILES c|w1| 884-7716 CIW2I c2w2l CIWZI clwil (IWZI Clw‘)‘ clwn CIWII clwll Articles for Sale Sen-cleaning oven, in excellen' Fines? Quali'y DeIivery G Insvallavion Available 6110â€" 10 P.M. BLUE FLAME ROOM CONSUMERS GAS 500 ELGIN MILLS ROAD Held by Richmond Hill Lions Maiorefles and Drum corp. Bake Sale, Green chum!) table, crans, white elephant 0abIe. GAS DRYER Inglis in perfec' condi'ion. $100 . 884-8416 Farm fresh, Government in- spected. Average weight us lbs. per side. Cut, wrapped and delivered â€" .82 ceMs per lb. CASE HOLTEREST €URNI$HINGS clear-out. Clear- out from Factory showrooms, apartments, Town Houses, used lor display purposes only. Lamps, stereos, T.V.'s, radios, air- conditioners, rugs. recliners, cneslerlields, etc. â€" Also new merchandise available at sub- stantial savingsâ€"Easy terms available.â€"Low down payments.â€"Handled and sold by the Entertainer Colour 5. Sound. Phone now. 266.0636, 256-159, 264- 2547. mm SKATES. boy’s Bauer hockey skates, size 12, $15. Hockey equipment, Sile 810115364761. FUR coat, Oull length, grey Per- sian lamb. 359.3054. clwzl GARAGE Sale. Nov. 291». 10 am 130 May Ave., Richmond Hill. TYPEWRITER, portable. in leather case. S45. Me1al Iypewriter stand, 57. Excellent condition. 889~ 1361Ah2r Sp.m. clw21 Couches and Chairs (Modular free-form design) New, Reasonable ELECTROHOME Humidifier. 2 speed Ian confirm. Water level indicator. Humids'a' coMrols‘ $25. or best oHer‘ Call 884-9697 aner 6 pm. clwzl ANTIQUE LUMBER BARN BOARD BATTEN BEAMS BAZAAR November let FIREWOOD 705-357-3182 $35 a Face Cord APARTMENT SIZE SCHUBERT. BENCHISBOO ALADIN SAFETY HEATER delivered and stacked free Dried 2 years PICKUPOR DELIVERY BABY BEEF 297-1761 GAS STOVE SEASONED FIREWOOD 889-2532 KROEHLER 889-1315 CHESTERFIELD 889-4293 884â€"9626 884-6383 884-2808 AND CHAIR Gold colour, s15 C051 $85.60 Yours for $50 Two year old AFTER 4:30 PIANO C1w‘10 clw2] c2w10 clwh C|w2l C4wl7 flu! c2w2l clw2] clw2] clw2l CIWZI "clS "c1: Several type laces to choose from â€" including Script, Block letters, Outline and Signature. Fast service. call "The Liberal". su- 3177. ":42 TYPEWRITERS. adders, calculators, sales, service, ren- tals‘ Newmarke' Business Machines. 491 Timoohy $0. Newmarke'. 895-7621. ":16 PLVWOOD 4 1 3 Sheets Fir. "a" special. can World Wide Shipping. 589-6269. DRESSERS. J, 515. each. Marconi Stereo with AM-FM. $35. 121-0635. cum PING Pong cable, 9‘ x 5'. bais. balls and um. $15, BEG-1040. clwll ANTIQUES and Nostalgia, colledables. Table. trunk. chair. mirrors, etc. Reasonable. 881-0878. clw21 diningroom suite, line lurniiure. glass 5 china, Comple'e s'ock. A-l Furmfure Sales. 360 Newkirk Rd.. Richmond HiII. 884-0158. "cu POOL cable. 4‘ x 8' Sla'e Oop‘ Cost $600, new‘ 884-2211 c2w2l REFRIGERATOR. 9 cu. fl. Slave, apl. sile. Excellent condition. Trailer nilch, mirrors. canopy. Besl oileri 354.4544 Evgs. clwll TEAKWOOD Burma Sun- dinavian, bedroom, diningroom, Iivingroom, couee tables‘ New lurniture. Very reasonable. 1-247- 4377. "US WEDDING gown wi'h 'rain. size 11.12.Ma1ching veil‘ 884â€"0427. MOVING Sale EXECUTIVE walnu' desk wi'h side return, 884$!“ c lwn TEAKWOOD Living-Dining-Bedrooms. Designs in Teak. 457 Markham Rd” Allencoufl Plaza. Richmond Hill â€" 884-3750. SNOW fires. new C78~I1Men’s ski boots. sues 5, 8' 2, 9‘ 2‘ saunv, QUEEN sire manress and box spring and lrame. Beau'iresi. $550. new, Sell [or “00‘ 881-26)]. ELECTROHOME flaw in solid walnut cabinet S100. 881-356! ONE Westinghouse TV console, black and mum. Walnut cabinet. $75, or best oHer‘ 884-1678. < lwn ll-PIECE Spalding Go" set. Le" handed with bag and cart Asking 550‘ 884-0686. mm Articles Wanted A BRICK or Slone wall for your kilcnen. Inslalled or do il yourself. sac-9513‘ "all THREE complete rooms at lur- niture‘ Only $29.50 a monm. Call 226-5400. clw‘l‘ BICYCLE. boy's‘ S-piece ki'chen set. 884-9088 aher 7p.m. clwzl 5-PIECE kitchen se'. Call after 6 p.m. 884-6373 clw2l LET Fuller Brush help you win: your Chriscmas shopping. For "up a? home service and instant neliverv call 889-0817. New Cars & Trucks WANTEDFORSCRAP Top pnces We Buy and Sell Hous'ehold Furniiure 5. Appliances lor [he best Prices. Aurora New & Used Furniture Good condition. Aner 5 pm. 669- 2192. clw2| ZIG ZAG automatic sewing machine with cabinet Only $5.00 per week. Call 226-5400. clw21 SPIN dryer - washer, Easy, 350 DOUBLE snowmobile 'railer, like new. 884-4863 clw21 Specializing in recreational vehicle, repairs. alleratlons and accessory ins'allalion. D.E.K. CARPENTRY Free Estima'es. Aluminum siding, windows, doors, awnings. 884-4558 or 832-1319. “:5 DEAD or crippled larm animal: picked up promptly. For direc; line call Long [finance and ask for ZENITH 32800. Call anytime, Ed Peconi a. Son. Woodville, om. Licence No.124cu. "C29 BABY'S car bed, Like new. $10. Call 889-4015, clwll IGENDRON baby carriage‘ Good condifiony 884-8886. c2w2o Doors, windows, awnings, railings, siding. somt systems, trough. Free estimates. Ron Woods “445". "cu BICYCLE, boy's 3 speed, Glider. $40. 884-8194. clw2l HIGHEST cash prices or Hide value paid for houseiul o9 iur- nlture and appliances. Erica's Furniture. 363-1954 fie“ SALES & SERVICE winIer prices now in died 25" 'ruck tops - 5199‘ 32" truck tops » $249. All welded construction with year warranvy. 72 YONGE ST. NORTH OAK RIDGES (North end of Oak Ridges) l9“ BRAND name colour TV, one only, $349. new Complete stereo systems lrom $99. Call collect 883- 1570. Clw2l PIANO for student. Reasonable. 889-0747. clwll CENTRE Meat Market, 191 Sheppard Eas'. Home Freeler orders. 221-6000. "cl? WE BUY household contents Ourniture. pianos. china and an flquesJWtOlsO. "c! PALLISTER’S Truck Kap Centre RUBBER STAMPS YORK ALUMINUM Trailers 23 Vance N. Aurora (Next to LG‘A.) 717-2322 297-2639 ALUMINUM 889-0353 773-5167 Antique “c5! clwn (M20 c2w2l Clw2l ":31 c2w21 "cl 0 Save $$$ O'Cl NO. 7 va. 8: BO GORD MONROE 773-4120 BOX 347 OAK RIDGES BOND LAKE. ONTARIO CANOES. TRUCK CAPS. MOTOR BIKES, CAMPING EQUIPMENT. FIBERGLASS PRODUCTS A division of ‘ERRAPHANE MANUFACTURING CO. LTD. uww I973 CAN-AM MX 125. Never raced‘ Good condition. Ex'ras. Must sell. $595. 889-4233. clw2l SPORTSMAN 15 passenger Maxi Wagon. Also 74 Glendefle. 24’ travel trailer, 80m vehicles as new I97! VW CAMPEE, Excellent condition. Rebuin engine. Cer- vilied.52400,127-2116, (N20 Finance charges wavered on John Deere Snowmobiles until Sep. lember ‘76. "v0 440 Evinrudes, double closed in trailer, Excellent condition Ex'ras. SKI Doo $100. 884-4685 Chrysler Boats Chrysler Outboard Motors SALESG: SERVICE Reid Mower, Marine & Sports 884-7716 881-2384 "cs Bethesda Sales & Excelient 8qu On newts. useo Hdtps. & Travel Tro:Iers GOODSELECTION os'm Cars & Trucks Snowmobiles SNOWMOBILES o SALES o SERVICE 0 REPAIRS NEW E USED PARTS â€" SERVICE ‘- CLOTHING ENGINES 8- PARTSâ€"SASCHS HIRTM â€"C.C.W.â€"KHOLER Beeton, 729-2975 THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. Nov. 19. 1975 â€" B-9 Cycle Clinic Ltd. YAMAHA NEW & USED SNOWMOBILES Motorcycles 75 Dodge Royal Sales - Parts Service to all makes Reid Mower, Marine & Sports 68 Oldsmobile '76 RUPP SNOWMOBILES Richmond Hill SKIROULE SNOWMOBILES Open All Year 939-1831 CIWZI 10593 Yonge St. Richmond Hill 883-1412 881-0844 "cu 69 Chevrolet Boating 71 VW Super Beetle écylinder automati Very good conaifion‘ 51.150110 BILL WALLS SALES&SERVICE BETHESDA Cutlass, power steering. power brakes Excellent gas mileage S700 884-5507 11641Yonge 81.. Richmond Hill Mechanically good Body poor. RadioV Snows. 5215. 884-5158 Certified Excellent condi'ion $11250. 771-4113 aner 6 pm 889-0897 888-1998 SKI DOOS 884-7716 67 M68 Service Bus. 884-1714 fies‘ aaa-I 166 773-5517 Trailers "<59 :Iw2l (1W1‘ c1w21 clw2l clwfl clw2l clwn "€10 "U3 "cw Commanche Sales Co. Excellent condition. Certitied. 50.000 miles. Front wheel drlve. great in the winter. Excellent on gas‘ sol premium tills tank. Gets 250 miles per tank Ip- proximately‘ Blatk plush interior custom. New speakers. AM radio. lighter. tog lights. Must sell. Asking $850. or best otter. Call Kevin or Donna 72 Renault R-12 73 Renault R-17 6-cvlinder standard. a n. box. wm capo Very good condition. 72 Renault R-l6 74 Renault R-12 Stationwagon. completely reconditioned. Low mileage. Many extras. air‘ conditioning $2,600 or best ouer DAYS 881-1616 EVGS. â€" 881-5!“ 1970 DODGE corone' «0. VI, hlrd top, power s'eering 65,000 high- way miles. vinyl top, radio, newly painted, A-l condi'ion 'hroughou'. will (army $1595 or bes1 oner. m- 9404. (N20 Cars & Trucks Good condition} Rebuilt engine svereo, S900. 773-5163 6006 Common. New engine. 12,000 miles Wide ovals‘ Certified. $1,000 Certified. Power Steering and brakes. Radio, many ex'ras. extellem condiQion‘ $2,500. CaIIMike 854â€"0365 71 AUSTIN AMERICA 1300 Evgs 72 Datsun Wagon 400 High Perlormance engine 1971 Challenger 72 CHEVROLET l/2 - Ton Pick-Up GREENWOOD GARAGE 884-2945 Evgs. am-Im Radio Excellent condition Proven service record Standard. radio. 29,000 miles ASKING $2,100‘ 71 International 71 Mustang 1974 DATSUN 8210 Hatchback Sports (‘oupe AM-F‘M Rustprool‘ed Radials EXCELLENT CONDITION 2 SNOW TIRES ON RIMS $180005? BEST OFFER 73 Peugot 504 Automatic Low mileage. clean 1968 CADILLAC Stationwagon Stereo. H.000 miles 70 TOYOTA COROLLA 1200 16 Industrial Rd., Richmond Hill 884â€"8841 â€" 773-4444 898-1788 72 Plymouth Gran Coupe 73 VEGA Stationwagon $400. NOV certified 71 V.W. Certified Sedan-Wagon Automatic. Michin Tires '2'on 57,000 miles Will cenin $1,100 or ofler 884-6714 773-5505 773-5497 72 ROAD RUNNER 7736528 884-6714 889-9488 833-6481 884-8422 zast OFFER CJWW clwll Clw2l awn clel clwn Clwil CIWII clw2l clwio clw20 clw21 clwil (M21

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