Hunt Avenue, Rich- mond Hill, resident, John Sajnovic, thought he was only going to have a few leaves to rake up when he cleaned his backyard pool last week, but the leaves proved to be decidedly secondary. Instead, much of Mr. Sajnovic’s surrounding rockery, flowers and benches had been thrown into the pool, and were either floating near the surface, or had firmly settled on the bottom. Whoever it was also threw in a rotary clothesline, the door off a cabana, assorted boxes and bottles, plus a half40- gallon barrel plant container, which Mr. Sajnovic estimates to weigh 200 pounds. “So obviously it took more than one person to move that,†he said. It was not an ill wind that created the havoc above but vandals who also ripped a hole in a fence. Vandals strike on Hunt Avenue :-12 â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. Nov. 26, 1975 A sorry sight This is what Ontario is doing to help solve them in advance. People problems can be serious problems. Community counselling IS one of the major roles of your Ontano Human Rnghts Commtssion. We hold semmars and dus- cussions wrth police m areas where there are communication barriers between them and minority groups‘. to hetp relieve ten- sion and promote mutual understandmg Recently arrangements were made tor a group of Indian children to attend the public school in a northern Ontario town. The principal ol the school in the town was aware that Indian children sometimes had a rough timeat the hands of other students and to try to lorestall this kind of Situation. he calledin a Human Rights CommisSion counsellor to talk to the other children The counsellor asked the children if any of them had ever moved to a new school. and what they thought it would leel like it they were the strangers In this way he helped them understand how the Indian children would be feeling when they arrived. and the integration proceeded relatively smoothly. He also said a lot more, apologizing for his remarks at the same time. “I‘ve lived and-a-half, a “I’ve lived here nine- and-a-half years, and this is the first time anything like that’s happened,†he said. “It just shows what people can do." However, the vandals had left one clue behind # a button off a shirt â€" which had been turned over to police. The mess was discovered in the morning by Mrs. Sajnovie when she looked out the bedroom window. To gain entry to the grounds, which are surrounded by a six-foot hedge and a fence, the vandals ripped a hole in the fence. Tï¬ho'o bv Simpson) Province of Ontario here nine- William Davis, Premier / Toronto students *t attend classes AI ‘1 Live from Langstaff By Barb Geddes & Tina Mummery Last week’s reference to a coming dance featuring a disc jockey was incorrect. However, plans are in the making for our next dance. Regular season play in girl's basketball drew to a close last week with games against Thornhill on Tuesday and Bayview on Thursday. The Juniors were victorious in both games and finished in FIRST place and that’s not bad. In boy’s basketball, the juniors recently played an exhibition game with King City and won 45-32. The senior boys will be playing an exhibition game tonight (Nov. 26) at Aurora. Bayview’s senior girls basketball team will play our juniors in an exhibition game Nov., 27 at Langstaff. Good luck to the juniors in the semi-finals com- mencing the final week. Although the senior girls did not win many Recently, new faces have been seen wan- dering the halls of Langstaff. Students from Toronto have enrolled here, not wanting to lose the time while their teachers argue over pay. During the current mail strike, you may pay your fuel oil account at any chartered bank. Thank you for your business HAMILTON 1 West Avenue Soulh Postal Zone L8N 2R9 Telephone 527~2951 KENORA 808 Robertson Slreel Telephone 468-3128 KITCHENER §24 Kun_g Strep! Wes] We attend meetings of immigrants and native-born minority groups to explain to them both their rights under the legislation and their responsibulmes as cmzens o'f thlS Provnnce. We also help brlng people Into contact wrth local agendres like home-and-school groups. commumty and government agen- caes. and churches. Wthh are available to help but Wthh many people don‘t even know exrstv Wherever there's a drllrculty based on race. language, colour or creed. the Human Rights Commussron rs available to generate discussion and motivate people to develop understanding and respect for the olher's point of Vlewr Our JOb Is to help bring people together and encourage healthier relationships among all groups. It you would like more information or aSSIstance. contact the Human nghts Commissmn at any of the followmg addresses. HALLIDAY FUELS. TORONTO FUELS ATTENTION Ontario Human Rights Commission Ministry of Labour Bette Stephenson. M.D.. Minister LIOUIFLAME AND AQUAFINE CUSTOMERS! xe P9N 1X9 ' N6A 3R4 438-6141 'eel West N26 16 114-7308 TORONTO 400 Unlvev PoslaIZone P6A 386 Telephone 949.3331 SUDBURY 1538 LaSaIIe Boulevard PostalZone P3A 127 Telephone 566-3071 THUNDER BAY 435 James St South PoslaIZone P7E 6E3 Telephone 4754693 500 Ouellelle Ave WINDSOR SAULT STE MARIE 125 Brock Slreel The final stages of work on the new east wing of York County Hospital are now being completed, the hospital’s board of directors announced. Welch’s 7 replacement will receive a salary of $25,000. Michael Welch, director of planning for York Region, has resigned to take a job in private industry. The director, who headed the department‘s long-range planning section, was responsible for drawing up the nine development options the region is considering for its official plan. games, they always fought hard and put in a good effort for Langstaff. Lieut.-Governor Pauline McGibbon will officiate at the opening ceremonies scheduled for 2 pm. Dec. 10. Region planner has resigned McGibbon to oï¬iciate at hospital opening 965684 B3 { 1976 Bringing your family WE SELL â€" SERVICE - LEASE â€" 0R â€"- RENT Oldsmobile Delta Monte Carlo Ioronado Omega Impala Cutlass Caprice Bel Au 10,675 YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL - Phone 889-5435 The subject property, municipally known as 8279 Yonge Street, is approximately 3 acres in area, 532 feet in depth, and has 240 feet frontage on Yonge Street. The westerly portion of the property is designated Highway Frontage - N0 Apartments on the existing Official Plan and is zoned (H) HC1 (Highway Commercial General). The easterly portion of the property is now designated Urban Residential in the Official Plan and is zoned RZA (Single Family Residential Second Density) in By-law 2150. PLANNING COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF MARKHAM WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:00 PM. ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1975. AT BAYTHORN PUBLIC SCHOOL, ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BAYTHORN DRIVE IN THORNHILL, TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE EXISTING OFFICIAL PLAN. In view of the postal strike the notices are being delivered by hand. Any person with knowledge of someone interested who may not have been notified is asked to telephOne the Planning Department at 297-1900. The purpose of the proposed Amendment is to redesignatethe eastern portion of the property to a Highway Frontage - No Apartments designation and to permit the development of the total property for a Home Improvement Centre. The location of the property is shown on the map below. The property is also subject to the provisions of Development Control under By-law 2150 and any development thereon will be subject to execution of a site plan agreement which would incorporate approved plans. You are invited to attend the Hearing and state your support of or objection to the proposed Amendment. Should you be unable to attend, written submissions will be received up to the time of the Hearing. The existing Official Plan, zoning by-Iaw and land use maps may be examined at the Planning Office. R. W. Adams, Chairman, Planning Committee. DATED November 19, 1975 PUBLIC HEARING THE TOWN OF MARKHAM PROPOSED O.P. â€"â€"â€"AMENDMENT NO. 67 (RESIDENTIAL TO HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL) SUBJECT PROPERTY Mahbu Chevene Nova and Vega Chevrolet Truck: Sedans Coupes to see our family Wagons Hatchbacks Landau L LU .J l LH DRIVE 4an M2: ‘ni H3001 There's still time to ROAD Come and Testdï¬ve the1976 CH EVETTE Up to 48 miles per gallon Expires December 31st/1975 BEAT THE SALES s300. ONTARIO TAX REBATE Ed T. M. Januszewski, Planning Director. PARK BLOCK 5 BLOC KATIE SHIE