Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Dec 1975, B8

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CASH REG|STERS Newmarket Business Machines Ind Poles, 2 paâ€"ur 91-" um. was: Evgs. REFRIGERATOR, 17 cu. n. Electru: suave. t buyner, both only 3 months old. Eleéric Vbr'y'er. Lawn Mower. “9-3688, c was CHILDREN" TEAKWOOD Living-Dining-Bedrooms. Designs In Teak. 457 Markham Rd.. Allencouri Plaza. Richmond Hill â€" “4-1150. TYPEWRITERS, adders, calculators, sales, service. ren- tals. Newmarket Business Machlnes. ‘97 Timofihy St. Ncwrnlrket. 395.1621. «:36 BRAND new black persian lamb can, with mink coliar. Site 12‘ Original price $700. Sacrifice 5350‘ “9-0350 clwzs BUNK beds with spiring ma' 1ruses.Good condition. 884-5770. mam-(mm. I: gallon with so cessorles, and Tropical Gish. :30. Ski Doo boots, size 4. $1. Boy's Skis and boots. sixe 4, $20. 884-1946. Several type laces lo choose from â€" Including Scrlpl, Block leners, Outline and Signature. Fast service. Call "The Liberal". 884- 0177. "cu SNOWBLOWER, eledric condltion. 550. 884-2“: AQUARIUM. 15 gallon with SPARTEN Hi-Fi Record Player with Radio. Deauville cabinet Excellent condition. Cost $550. Sale 5125. 8894112 clw25 TRAIN se' 4' x 6‘ unfinished layout Hotrain. Never used. 884.4518 3/. PERSIAN Lamb jacket with mink collar. 2 mu length beige winter coats. call aner 5 pm. 854- 7710 (“~15 Used youth bed. ch25! M drawers. child's 'able and chairs, doll carriage, tricycle. Fisher Price 1015, child's skiis, new. FREE AIR 2" original miles. Excellent condition with factory modifications. $900. NOW AVAILABLE.- WiHow AGroye Farms SPRUCEONLY Dufferin St. X2 mile north of Aurora Sideroad. FREEHOT CHOCOLATE FOR RENT Winter Potatoes CHRISTMAS TREES Lady's Sizele ‘FURNISHINGS clearout. Clear- out trom Factory Showrooms. apartments. Town Houses, used tor display purposes only. Lamps, stereos, T.v.'s. radios. air- :onditloners, rugs. recliners. ‘cnestertiems. etc. â€" Also new merchandise available at sub: stantial savings. â€" Easy terms avallable.â€"Low down pavments.â€"Handled and sold by the Entertainer colour 8. Sound. Phone now. 266-0636, 266-l559, 2M- 2547. "£10 895-7621 Farm fresh. Governmem in- spec’ed. Average weight 165 lbs. per side. Cut, wrapped and delivered -â€" .32 cams per lb. CASE HOLTEREST "TRIANG" VERY LARGE SET Good condition. Will celiver in Thornhill. Richmond Hill area. Best oner. CALL GORD ROBERTSON AT 084-0981 or AFTER 6:30, 783-587? RUBBER STAMPS Hardwood Firewood FOR SALE Cut your own 705-357-3182 Plant your Terrariums or decorate your home at reasonable prices. Free advice. J. Greftegreff Greenhouses Corner of 17th Ave. Markham â€" Pickering Townline We have several thousand tropical plants. succulents. cacti. vines. ivys and flowering plants. We are going out business. Displaced by New Airport Unable to relocate 73 MOTO SKI EXCELLENT CUT AND DRIED B«8 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. Dec. 17. 1975 Selling Out 1-478~4822 7_2]7-4975 BABY BEEF 530 CORD SAME DAY DELIVERY PICKUP OR DELIVERY SHARON CALL DAN MILLS 833-5925 884-3216 SEASONED FIREWOOD 5 Cross Country Skis TRAIN SET 294-5634 884-9626 KING CITY 478-4810 525. of m. c2w2l Articles for Sale Nd clw25 Good clw15 c1w25 c3w25 le25 cleS clw25 nclw25 Hcls "cl: c1w25 Speculixing in recreational vehicle, repairs, anera'ions and unuorv inst-union. $700. or best offer 884-0426 W. Comple'e with fridge, sink, water reservoir. 2 chestedields, iable, overhead bunk, insula‘Ded. I969 OLYMPIC 18 Ski Don ready '0 go. 3150. 773-5119 c1w25 1974 SKI DOO Elan. Licensed and preserviced for this winter. 16 h.p. Twin includes cover, stand, gas can. oil, suit, helmet, mifls. everyfihing in perfect condifiion. 5600 complete. Aner 6:30 pm. call 884-4329 or 3864298, cleS TRUCK CAPS Full 8' Snowflake Special $229 PgmcKENZTé D.E.K. CARPENTRY Old No.7 Hwy. East 00 Yonge OPEN ALL YEAR TRUCK CAMPER Finance charges waived on John Deere Snowmobiles un'il Julv’n. "'76 RUPP SNOWMOBILES Bethesda SaIes & Service NEWE USED PARTSâ€"SERVICE â€"â€" CLOTHING ENG|NE5 a. PARTS â€"$ASCHS HIRTH â€"C.C.W.â€"-KHOLER SNOWMOBILES o SALES o SERVICE 0 REPAIRS USED ONCE 340 KOHLER TWIN 30 HP Cycle Clinic Ltd. YAMAHA NEW & USED SNOWMOBILES 2S H.P. GOOD CONDITION Snowmobiles SKATES. )ady's blue suede, size lo, like new. 316. Guitar :15. 832- 2364. clw25 A BRICK or Shane wan Ior your kitchen. Installed or do n vourselL 6308578. "c3! Service m all makes 241 RIFLE $95, Portable stereo cassette recorder AM.FM plays anywhere 5100.864-5559. (was Reid Mower, Marine & Sports Gum” tabla. child'l pool lubh. Phonl 889-1223. clw25 SNOWMOBILE ENGINE Corona prewrher. Brandi héw. 773404]. (3W24 ELECTRIC portable Smith CENTRE Meai Marke', l9] Sheppard East. Home Freezer orders. 221-6000. New 73 SKIROULE RTX 300 TRAYNOR bass amplifier, Traynor 15” bass sneaker, Gibson bass guitar. Good condition. 727- 6063. “VHS 10593 Yonge St. Richmond Hill 883-1412 881-0844 “cu Richmond Hill Motorcycles Chrysler Boats Chrysler Outboard Motors SALES&SERVICE Reid Mower, Marine & Sports 884-7716 881-2384 W BILLWALLS SALES 8- SERVICE BETHESDA Sales - Parts SKIROULE SNOWMOBILES 297-2639 EXCELLENT CONDITION Trailers 889-1831 888-1998 884-3846 1164! Yonge St.. Richmond Hill 884-7573 ‘75 350 RD YAMAHA 884-7716 Boating 884-3558 .Bus. 884-7774 $225,339.11“ ms! clw25 clw25 Hle clw25 “<13 HcW "csc I97] SUPER Beetle. hea'er, winverized SIASQA Phone 832-1041 ALUMINUM dump box. 14 H. long x 7 h. zin. wide. inside measuremems. 4 11. high‘ Sub mam under box. 5500. 8844542. 197) CHEV 20 Van. new paint, fires, roe? vem, panelled. Good condition. 773-5952 clwis 197‘ PINTO 21,000 Miles 2,300 c.c. Hatchback, stick shift radlal fires. Like new. 354-3535 \963 BUICK Electra. 4 ar. ha. lop, all power Must sell. Best aller. Lawrie. Days 889-7323, Evgs‘ 633- 0336. c2w25 19“ CAMARO. Top condition. Fully equipped, New white pain! iobA Ca" 727-3570. clw25 I974 CHEVELLE Malibu 350 V8 au'omalic. Excellenv condition, low mileage, $2,900. 833-5123 afler 6p.m‘ ums 72 Ford Custom POWER STEERING B. BRAKES RADIO‘ LOW MILEAGE. MUST SELL LIC. AUTbBE Automatic. 2 door, one owner. finished in beautiful Nevada blue. Mus! be seen to be appreciated. CERTIHED Guaranteed 12,000 miles or 12 months 2 door, black vinyl.roo'. Rear air shocks. Custom interior. Like new. Gauges. Power steering, power brakes. Uncerfilied‘ Bes' oner. 773-5368 EVGS. -5...“ Only $1,524 TYNAN TOYOTA LIC. DAA314 Sporty Minor hardtop in brilliant silver with black racing stripes, Rally insirumentalinn. radio and 0-inch, rotary engine, rear window de-icer, 'ully reclining bucket seats, Mass with radial tires. Certified. Guaranteed l2,000 miles or l2 months. LICMTLRIB 4~door, automatic, power steering and brakes. In beautiful Fares! green. Only 0,000 mues. Ideal Iamily car. certified. Guaranteed 12,000 mi. or 12 mon'hs. 1968 Ford Galaxie Only $2,354 TYNAN TOYOTA 69 Ponfiac Grande Parisienne CONVERTIBLE MECHANICALLY GOOD NEEDS LITTLE BODY WORK 5375 AS IS 73 MAZDA RX3 70 MAVERICK Only $2,344 TYNAN TOYOTA 884-3841 72 Ambassador 1973 CAPRI V6 4-SPEED Days 884-0677 Evgs. 884-6349“. 1972 CHEV VEGA WAGON PIANO wanted. Approximately SISO. 222.7088‘ “:1! SNOW Ience, 150 leet. 854-1570. Evgs. C’IWZS WE buy household conven's. iurniture. pianos. mm: and an 'iques, 884.0151 "cl DEAD or crippled farm animals, picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask lor ZENITH 32800. Call anytime. Ed Peconi a. Son. woodville. 0m. Licence No‘ 321C“. "C29 Articles Wanted WANTED FOR SCRAP Cars & Trucks Power steering, power brakes Will cer'ily. Yonge 5'. south of Davis Dr., Newmarket HIGHEST cash prices or trade value paid for houselul ol wr- nimre and appliances. Brice's Furnitura 363-1754. ":18 $695 69 AUSTIN 1300 881-3172 or 895-3031 832-2367 $495. 69 PLYMOUTH Satelite Sports From wheel drive, Certified GREENWOOD GARAGE 881-3172 or 895-3031 Yonge St, south 0! Davis Dr.,Newmarke1 RBI-3171 or 895-3031 $600.05! BEST OFFER CERTIFIED Vonge 51., south 0! Davis Dr‘, Newmarke? “INDUSTRIAL RD RICHMONDHILL 7278486 Radio, Snows,Cer1ilied 72 DATSUN FASTBACK Cars & Trucks 884-8637 T0p Prices 889-0353 $895 radio, gas certified. clwzfi <7w24 c1w25 CIWZS clw25 c2w24 C2W24 773-4!“ clw2§ CIWIS :Iwzs CIWZS c2w25 ":29 JORDAN, Percy â€" Cherished memories 0! a dear husband. tamer and grandlamer who passed away December mm, \971. Lovingly remembered by wife Elsieandnmny. :lw25 |Cards of ThanksI GILLHAM â€" it is with sincers appreciation that we wish to thank our lriends, relatives and neigh- bors and all those who helped in any way during our loss at a dear husband, tather and grandtather. Special thanks to the Robertson Lodge No. 292, King City. also Pastors Thomson and Stotesbury tor their consoling and comtorting words, also the Temoeranceville ladies at the u.c.w., donors at the many beautitul tloral offerings, the pallbearers, Thompson Funeral Home for their kind and etticient management at the service. Your kindness and thoughtlulness will always be remembered by wile Mary and lamily ot the late .lim Gillham. 0! York Cenlral Hospital. third floor and Dr. Rosen and file management and stall ol Bayview Country Club. Thornhill. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year. Mrs. Blanche MacMullin, 334 Nonh Taylor Mills, Richmond Hill. I would like to thank all my lriends for their kind cards, gins, llowers and visils during my slay in Augusl at York Central Hospital. Special lhanks lo Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sharkey, Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Barman, Mr. and Mrs. wilmol Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Wally Munroe, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Holvik, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baker, all ol Richmond Hill. Also thanks lo lhe staff and nurses LAWRIE' Ian and Dzinlra (nee Slepanovs) are happy to announce me arrival of their lirsl daughter Tara Liane on December 2nd. 1975 at York cemral Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. 6‘ Skory and the nursing slall. clw25 WE would like lo lake lhis op- portunin lo wish all our friends a Merry Merry Chrislmas and Happy New Year. A special thank you lo everyone who sent cards, flowers and visiled Gertie in York Central Hospital. especially Dr. Hardy and me stall at the hospital. Genie and Billy Orr, King Cily. DOLLERY â€" Our deep ap- precialion lo lriends and neigh< hours for llowers. phone calls and visits and our sincere thanks to all those people who were so kind and helplul to our Molher over me years. â€" Jack, Joyce and Lynn. In Memoriam WRIDE, Graham and Barbara (nee Wallace) are very happy to announce the arrival of a bundle from heaven, at York County Hospital, 2:51 pm. November 27, I975, Kevin John, 7 lbs., 9 015. Proud grandparents are John and Marine Wallace and Les and Gwen Wride‘ Proud great grandmothers are Mrs‘ K. Hookins and Mrs. E. Evans. Special thanks to Dr. Diamond for the sale arrival of our precious son. clw25 PRIER, John and Lenore (nee Olsen) are pleased to announce the birth of their second child. Kimberly Lila, 6 lbs., 3 015., a baby sisler for Jennifer, Monday, December Isl. I975. at York Cenlral Hospital. c1w25 LAWRIE. Ian and DIiMra (nee Slepanovs) are happy to announce the arrival of their lirsl daughter Tara Liane on December 2nd, 1975 31 York Central Hospi'aL Special manks to Dr. G. Skory and the nursing stall clw14 MABLEY, Stan and Janet (nee Johnson) are happy to announce the arrival oi lheir lirsl son William Scott on December 13m, 1975, a! York Cemral Hospital weighing 1 lbs. First grandson for Mrs. Helen Mabley and Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnson; clw25 Ball) are pleased to announce the birlh ol lheir daughter Jennifer Huh, 8 lbs. lo 015. on December lath, W75. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. F. Scale and Mr. and Mrs. D.C. Ball ol Thornhill. Special thanks to Dr. Morse and York Central Hospital nursing slall. clw25 AT 7:30 SHARP! To be held a! YORK FARMERS MARKET YONGE ST., THORNHILL Contents oi a large home, the propeny oi Peier S'or‘lenheeker, Town 0! Aurora‘ 26" Admiral colour television, l‘ 2 years old. Small antique stove. Copper hanging lamp, Admiral HiFi tape stereo. Wall clock. 2 cushion chairs‘ Electrolux vacuum cleaner. Brass coal scuttle. 2 steel swords and helmet. Horse shoe hell. 2 antique guns. Brass lion. Number oi rugs. Old pistol. 3 piece Chesterfield. Telescope. Mahogany King size bed. 2 night tables, large dresser, 2 single beds. Dishes. Cooking utensils. Glassware. 2 electric air- conditioners No. 530. Carpenter tools. Garden equipment. Lawn mowers. Antique pictures and trarnes. Other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE â€"CASR Goods on display (ram 4 pm, uniil firm; of sale. SCALE, Doug and Emabem (nee BRASS beds â€" a country svore lull. All sizes and s'vles (including Queens). Open all weekends. 9994 Keele 50.. Maple. 832-1069, 832- 2567. ":05 Antique Showroom gnttquefi & gm BRASS, copper, afinques repolished. Brass beds. 2N. Bri'ex, 755-1851. "c1? I968 PLYMOUTH Valiant. standard, no rust, radio. certified. 3695. 884.7919 after 69.171. c‘Isz 1970 HORNET. 4 door, automa'ic. radio. good condition certified. Reasonable. 889-6123. AHer 4:30 pm clw25 1971 OLDSMOBILE Royal‘ a door hardtop. Air’condivioned. Power windows. Low mileage. Original owner. Excellem candmon, $2,550. 889-2372. (“425 AUCTION SALE WED. EVENING DECEMBER 17th BARN FULL OF ANTIQUES also HANDMADE FURNITURE specializing in reproductions Beeton 729-2582 Cars & Trucks ALVIN S. FARMER. NORMAN FAULKNER AUCTIONEERS PHONE 687-5311 Auctions Births lezs clw25 “WIS clwzs clwu "€29 To Harry, Rebel and Sugar. Have a very Merry Christmas and a super New Year. Louise. Merry Christmas Mom, Dad, Rob, Linda and my love Paul, All my love and best wishes for a super Festive Season. Love Louise. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the folks at Richvale Manor. Love Mom. Best wishes to our friends for Health and Happiness in the coming year. Noreen and Gord Lemon. To all our friends, a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Marcia and Michael Katz. Carmen and Casey Cripps wish all their friends a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. Christmas Greetings! I 2! “Services cost money. It is offset by keeping the industrial and com- “Not a single house in Vaughan is paying its own way now", he added. “No new developments will be charged to the existing taxpayers." said Regional Councillor Dave Fraser in answer to a question about town services being installed in new subdivisions. There will be he major collector roads for the Uplands area he added. Bathurst St. will eventually go to six lanes. “no matter what". Dufferin St. will be four lanes. but may go to six. On Thursday, December ll, I975. Jack, beloved husband at Elilabeth 01 Richmond Hill. Dear lather oi Peter, Betty, and Lorraine. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. Funeral service was held in the Christian Reform Church, Willowdale, on Saturday at- ternoon. lntermenf Richmond Hill Cemetery. Memorial tributes may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. Kelly, speaking of the roads within the area. said Highway 407 is designed to be a sixâ€"lane. inter-regional. high-sp- eed, limited access road. VANDER MAAS. Jack â€" A similar survey for Thornhili (south beyond the golf course) had 80 percent replying with 70 percent saying no to sewers and 30 percent favoring them. Development in phase one will be limited to the West Don (Sieeles- Dulferin) area and the area soulh of Arnold Ave. due to the nearness of available sewage lines to these sections. Favor sewers A survey of the Uplands area had a reply rate of 70 percent; results were 60 percent in favor of sewer installation and 40 per- cent against. The population will be phased in over the next several decades â€" 20 to 30 years, he said. Kelly spoke at a recent public information meeting at Langstaff Public School in reference to the area bounded by Highway 407 to the north, Steeles Ave. to the south. the CNR tracks beyond, and parallel to Dufferin St. in the west, and Yonge St. on the east. “The population recommendation of 80,000 for Vaughanâ€"Thornhill is not excessive‘ as long as it is wellAplanned‘" said Terry Kelly‘ Vaughan- Thornhill community plan coâ€"ordinator. Thornhill city plan studied New Year’s Eve Dance LIONS HALL CENTRE ST. EAST ADVANCE TICKETS $20. PER COUPLE. 884-0759 EVERYONE WELCOME By Robert Hughey Deaths Richmond Hill Lions Club Coming Events to be held at the Sponsored by Merry Christmas to everyone in the Rich- mond Hill area from the staff of Filter Queen. May the Spirits of Christmas help you get ‘over the bills of the New Year. Louise To Mom, Dad, and Sisters, Merry Christ- mas. Much love, Gord. Merry Christmas Donna, from John. clwzs For all our readers may Christmas this year be full of holy meaning. And may the festive season be fine, good and beautiful. Hal Blaine, Editor. To Yvonne, Brad and Jeff, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Much Love, Gord. Season’s Greetings to all those who have assisted me in my years with The Liberal and to all my friends and acquain- tances. Mary Dawson. Ontario Hydro was one of the first electric utilities to take action to safeguard life and property. It introduced electrical inspection in 1912. ’ The Richmond Hill Victoria and Grey team edged Schomberg _4-3 with goals going to Mike Barnett from Matt Knights; Neil McGregor from Bryan Buchan; Gary Boyle from Ian Ball; and Matt Knights unassisted. Regional Councillor Dave Fraser said the official plan is almost "symbolic" â€" the plan allows for changes after public input. The Yonge Street corridor will be low density commercial such as boutiques, antique shops and pubs. v There will be 13 neigh- borhood units of from 1,500 to 9,000 population. Vic Grey win by 4â€"3 score Beyond this area will be low density housing- singles and semi- detached, plus some townhouses. Surrounding the town centre will be medium density townhouses and three storey walkups. The highest density in the plan is 50 units per acre, the lowest is eight units per acre. Density varies The highest building density of the plan will be in the town centre section with a 12-st0rey limit. The proposed town centre wiH have a shopping centre, government offices, churches, an arena, a college site and an office complex. Milani said he was not opposed to selling the town a road right of way through Uplands Golf Course to the town centre providing he could develop a portion of the lands. Milani said there was a need for service in- dustries close to the population centres. He suggested ways of disposal: develop the top lands only: sell the golf course to a developer: sell the golf course to the municipality for a community golf course. mercial assessment up." Go" Course development Uplands Golf Course may want to develop at a future date said Cam Milani. “WIS c4w24 Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New Years â€" Phyllis, Paul, Ray, Ant- tila. In lieu of cards, donation to Cancer Society. To my Aunt and Uncle, '1‘. and F. Guenthner, a. blessed Christmas and lots of health and hap-‘ piness for the coming' New Year. Love, Marilyn. and Family. . Greetings and Gratitude to the Liberal’s Markham-Vaughan correspondents â€" Anna, Anne, Doreen, June, Lorn. Lynda, Marilyn and Sherry. Markham-Vaughan Editor, Ivy Reeve. Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year, Kathy, John, Esther, Mitch and David. Harrv. Merry Christmas to all our new neighbours in Preston Lake and the Liberal Staff. Pat and Bob Belfry. Change habits For years we have tried to change the habits of those just mentioned, but has anyone ever tried to change their appearance? If we want to be recognized and respected for what we stand for, we must change our appearance and follow this up with good sportsmanship. Hunting in tweed, fedora In Europe, hunters wear uniform- s. Have you ever seen a picture of a British hunter in his tweed coat and fedora? Ridiculous, you say. I agree, a sports jacket or uniform has no place in our Canadian bush, but. perhaps the European hunters have gone through what we are about to face in the way of hunter image. Best in the world We are fortunate enough to have the best outdoor clothing available anywhere. If we combine this with poor general behaviour, we have a fair pioture of a Hooligan. Dirty shabby clothes and personal uncleanliness give us a poor overall picture. Is it unfair or wrong to say that too many outdoors people, especially fishermen and hunters, look like this? Hooligans Let’s take a look at a street gang. What do the members look like and how do they act? Long before we make up our minds about a person we evaluate him on his looks. The appearanée is sometimes all that counts. If a property owner tells us that he doesn't want a bunch of Hooligans on his land, it means that he is referring to people who not only act, but look this way. Bill Duncan of 355 Sugar Maple Lane in Richmond Hill won’t have to shop for a turkey this Christmas. Duncan. shown here with his dog Tippy. was a winner at the recent turkey shoot sponsored by Victoria Square Lions Club. Signs, not birds, were the targets. and the prize came ready to roast. ‘Hooligan' is defined in the dic~ tionary as ‘a member of a rough street gang’. Turkey shoot winner *troilblozeri OUTDOORS WITH Alex Eberspaecher METRO WIDE DELIVERY O centrepieces 0 cotsages ' 10620 y'ob éé'tmorth: ' richmond ll. ' 8845211 Christmas is everywhere, we'll send your greetings anywhere. FOR CHRISTMAS a! Stop & Shop, Simpsons, Benson 8. Hedges H RISTMAS fi A. mnes‘ Name m You are a Hooligan! No con- servation club badge or crest will convince him otherwise. If a farmer gets turned off by your looks. (You say “Too bad!“ Well it’s his land you want to go on.) There is no way you will get a chance to show him how well educated you are as an outdoorsman, because he has already made up his mind. Dress right The next time you head out, remember that we all judge a person by his first appearance, right or wrong. Only then do we take a look at his behaviour. I'm sure we have all seen some hunters that would shame us all. This Hooligan might even be your best friend, and you have been too diplomatic to say anything to him before, or at other times, it might be yourself. If so, you know who to blame when you get a cool welcome from property owners. I‘m certain you have seen these people, in fact, look in your own closet at your hunting clothes. No neckties. please Nobody is suggesting that you wear your best pants or a necktie and look like a city slicker, Blue jeans are fine. but how about washing them? No farmer will invite you in to his house for coffee or give you a hint about a good hunting spot if you are going to cover his furniture with grease. So why do we insist upon going forth in ripped, paint-covered bluejeans, shirts that have never seen a washing machine, and coats that we have used to repair our car or paint our house? Nobody can touch our superb outdoor boots. our hunting slacks, or our bush jackets and winter parkas. The name is hoofigan

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