GIFT SUGGESTIONS 'FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS: PHONE MRS. IENNER Specializing in Aviation Accessories Philips 14 speed blender With high/ low booster switch. push button con- trols.40 oz‘glassgar. cord storageand stainless steel blades. 840 watts. Harvest Gold. 1 yr‘ warranty. 12 units mnly‘ W Dispenses hotâ€"lather In seconds! Lightweight Solaray N751 Styling Curl- Uses standard 6 oz‘ 8. 11 02‘ aerosol mg Wand curls or snanghlens haur m cans. seconds! 400 watt. INVESTIGATE UNION VILLA 1377 1344 3333 FOR SENIOR CITIZENS FOR VACATION CARE 14 SPEED BLENDER BUY DISPENSERS CURLING WAND UNIQUE GIFTS FOR SELECTIVE BUYERS A wide selection of books, toys, models, games, jewellery, watches and flight jackets 0 On sale Du: [6-20 0 H'hih’ Qmmritivx Lust 297-2822 K mart Price Deluxe mixer ‘n tray has large spatter guard heaters. beater ejector, de- tachable cord and slora e case. Wall mounts. Harvest Gold. yr‘ warranty, 12 units only‘ PHILIPS MIXER ’n TRAY "Wishes You A Merry Christmas†1888 The Buttonville branch of York Central Hospital auxiliary has donated $250 to the hospital as a result of a benefit euchre and sale of crafts and home baking at Butâ€" tonville W.I. hall Dec. 5. Auxiliary donates $250 to hospital TORONTO BUTTONVI LLE AIRPORT BUTTONVILLE 416 - 297-1422 Correspondent Jean Leaf 294-5290 Open 6 days - 9-5 Closed Mondays STORE HOURS: We reserve the right In limit Qua/Him K mart Price MAKE-UP MIRROR Solaray 4-way lighted MINOI’ made of hugh Impact plastic. Gold colour, 1 yr. warranty. There were 22 tables of players, and prizes went to Mrs. Gordon Spring, Mrs. Jack Gough, Mrs. Albert Wood, Mrs. George Kelly Ron Godel. Terry Souffraiu, George Foster and Alvin Robinson. The freezeout was won by Bob Risebrough and John Anderson and Alvin Starting Dec. 15 to Xmas Open 7 days. Tues., Wed., Thurs. 93:30 K mart Price "Hole-in-lhe-Handle" for excellent balance and better carving! Fine stainless steel bladesl Compact. smart looking trays. Can be wall mounted. Harvest Gold. 1 yrl warran- 1y. 12 units only. , 4 PHILIPS ELECTRIC KNIFE 177 2144 Robinson and Bill Wray. Lucky draw winners were Charles and Bill For- sythe. Mrs. Milton Sherman, Mrs. Russell Boyington, Mrs. Walter Craig. Mrs. Lucille Cumming, Mrs. Reba Brillinger, Cecil Latcham and Mrs. Margaret Smith. Several local women were guests when Ebenezer United Church held a Christmas lun- cheon and meeting. Among those present were Mrs. Walter Craig, Mrs. James Rodick, Mrs. Edgar Fuller. Mrs. Beverley Walker and Jennifer, Miss Mary Rodick, Mrs. Jack Gough, Miss Rhea Scott, Mrs. Douglas Hood, Mrs. Richard Carr. Mrs. Donald Reesor. Mrs. Gordon Spring. Miss Elizabeth French, Mrs. Fred Billingsley and Miss Margaret Featherstone. buttonville The Carrs‘ Christmas season has been marred, with Wayne in the K mart Price set consusts detachable i IMPORTED STEMWARE BUYS - of4 5‘2 02, Wine 1‘; oz. liqueur or 3‘2 02, sherry sets In amber or ruby colours 1%; 2%? K mart Price and nmg Ware‘ lreeze'cm overed 48 oz. and 64 Hospital for Sick Children for surgery on his leg. 7 Charles Hooper is getting back into cir- culation following eye surgery at York Central Hospital. and Mrs. Allen Hallett was reported making good progress following surgery at the hospital last week. Miss Cora Brodie has had a pre-Christmas trip to Cuba with a farm group. The Christmas season is winding down at Brown‘s Corners United Church. Candlelighters at the first two services in Bayview hosts tournament â€" 0M 10 oz, goblet. 7 oz. wme or 6 oz. champagne sets nn amber or ruby colours. Bayview again hosted the invitational junior basketball tournament this year, when on the weekend of Dec. 6 teams from around the area met to compete. Bayview lost the opening game to a strong team from St. Mike‘s (the team that eventually won the tournament), but the 9" 8. 4‘2" bowls with brass plated ho!dv 2-TIEB CAKE STAND mart Price ook eflICIency. 5 piece 54 oz, saucepans and CHIP & DIP SET Correspondent Alan Tambosso 884-5541 ‘2" tier & 1 â€" 'planer. K marl Price K mart Price K mart Price Beautiful selection of Czechoslova- kian wine and sherry sets. Assoned styles and colours. The watchword is sav'e! And you will Wlth this limer ofler on diamond cut endanl watches. Assorted styles. Boxe for gift PENDANT WATCHES 'A Iernhc Imle stocking slut- ler lor Dad! Corkette cork extractor is avallable In Black or Brown. K mart Price Advent were Mrs. Eleanor Walker and Jennifer, and Mrs. Bev. Carson and Cheryl. The annual Family Christmas party was held Dec. 7 at the church, with a potluck supper served by CGI’I‘ girls supervised by Mrs. Eleanor Walker and Mrs. Alan Carr, and crafts conducted by Mrs. Alfred Miller. Carol singing was led by Mrs. Donald Reesor. Last Sunday there was a White Gift service in the morning. and in the Bayview squad managed to bounce back to win the consolation finals. The senior boys' â€" basketball team has also NOTICE TO PROPERTY been busy. On Dec. 5 they OWNERS IN THE TOWN defeated the Huron OF AURORA WITH Heights team 54-46. The PROPERTIES ABUT- following Wednesday TING ON THE TOWN OF they travelled to RICHMOND HILL. NOTICE OF THE AP- PLICATION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD BY THE (‘OR- PORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act. best of bayVIeW 1673 Af- In 77 evening the CGIT and Explorers held a Vesper service. On Dec. 19 there will be the Sunday School Christmas concert when the children will perform‘ and Santa Claus comes to the church leaving his reindeer champing among the tombstones beneath the windows. Langstaff‘ where they again emerged vic- torious. Last Friday they fought the Thornlea squad. when Bayview held the annual grudge match between the three Bayview teams and three Thornlea teams. Walter Craig is feeling fine again after a week of treatment at York Central Hospital. Buttonville W.I members held : TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the corporation ol lhe Town 06 Richmond Hill iniends to apply to the Onlario Municipal Board pursuant lo the provisions oi Section 35 ol the Planning Act (or approval of By-Iaw 84-75 passed the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions ol Section 35 at the Planning Act lor approval of By-Iaw 84-75 passed on the 3rd day ot November, 1975. A note giving an explanation oi the purpose and ettect at the bv-Iaw and stating the lands attected thereby is also lurnished below‘ ANV PERSONS INTERESTED MAY. within tourteen (l4) days atter the date at this notice, send lhereby is also lurnished below‘ ANV PERSONS INTERESTED MAY. wilhin louneen (14) days aller the date ol this notice, send by registered mail or deliver to lhe Clerk ol the Town ol Richmond Hill notice ol his obiec'ion lo approval of me said by-Iaw, logemer with a slalemenl ol me grounds M such obieclion, ANY PERSONS wishing to support the application tor ap- proval ol the by-law may within fourteen (14) days alter the date ot this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk ol the Town at Richmond Hill notice at his support ol approval of the said by- law together with a request for notice at any hearing that may be held giving also the name and address to which such notice should be given. THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. Dec. 17, 1975 â€" C-ll THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may approve of the said by-law but betore doing so it may appoint a time and place when any obiection to the by-law will be considered. Notice ol any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have tiled an ob~ iection or notice of support and who have lett with or delivered to the Clerk undersigned, the ad- dress to which notice at hearing is to be sent. THE LAST DAY FOR filing obiec'ions will be me 51h day at January. 1976. DATED AT THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILLTHISWth DAY OF December, 1975. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL BY-LAW NO. 84-75 A By-Iaw to amend By-law No. 1703 at the Corporation 00 the Township 00 Whitchurch WHEREAS the lands attected by this Bv-Iaw were situate in the Township oi Whitchurch and were annexed to the Town at Richmond Hill by the Regional Municipality at York Act. 1970, but remain subiect to the provisions of By-Iaw No. 1103 oi the tormer Township of wnitchurch. WHEREAS the maflers herein 520 on! are in conformity with the Richmond Hill Ollicial Plan which is approved and in force at this timel AND WHEREAS there has been no amendment to the Richmond Hill Official Plan proposed by the counciI but not approved at this time with which the matters herein set out are not in con- tormity. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE COR- PORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. By-Iaw No.1703 as amended be and is hereby further amended by (a) Deleting subsection 21 9! Section 2 â€" Definitions theretrom and substituting the lollowing theretor: "27‘ Slreet or Highway: means a road assumed by me Corporalion ol the Town 0! Rich- mond Hill or me Regional Municipalily ol York or Me Province of Ontario or a road allowance upon which a road is being conslructed under an agreement with the Town of Rich- mond Hill." ( ) Adding the tollowing paragraph as Section 1.4.1: "3.4,1. Notwithstanding the ns ol this By-law, requi ng a lotto have trontage on a street or highway, a dwelling or accessory structure thereto Iawlully existing on the date ol passing at By-law 84-15 at the Corporation at the Town at Rich- mond Hill may be repaired or enlarged provided that all other applicable provisions at this Byâ€" law are complied with." READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 7th DAY OF July. 1975. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3rd DAY OF November, 19754 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL BY-LAW NO. 84-15 EXPLANATORY NOTE The lands atlecled by this by-Iaw were tormerly in the Township oi whitchurch consisting Lots 61-70 inclusive on Concession l and the westerly halves of Lots 1â€"10 inâ€" clusive in Concession 2. They were annealed to the Town at Richmond Hill but remain subject to the provisions ol Whitchurch Byvlaw No.1703.By-law No. 1703 provides that all building lots must tront on a public street or highway. The ettect ot By-law No. “~75 is to redeï¬ne the term “street or high- way" to make it near that a road must have been assumed by the Yown at Richmond Hi|l or Regional Municipality ot York or the Province ot Ontario or being constructed under agreement with the Town betore it qualities as a street or hignway tor the purposes at the byâ€"Iaw. C.D. Weldon. Clerk, Town 0! Richmond Hill. 102“ Yonge s'reev. P.0‘ Box 300, Richmond Hill, On'ario. L4C 4Y5 H.D. Schiller, Mayor. C.D. Weldon Clerk Christmas party last week and made corsages for patients at a local nursing home. Mrs. Kenneth Stots presided and Mrs, Russell Boyington gave a talk. "Signs of Christmas.“ Hostesses in charge of the program were Mrs. Milton Sherman and Mrs. George Barker. Mrs. Alfred Miller demonstrated crafts when the Victoria Square United Church and Women's Institute held a combined meeting at the home of Mrs. James Boyd. As earlier reported in The Liberal, the Bayview girls senior basket ball team competed in the Georgian Bay cham- pionships. They won their opener 51-34 against Parry Sound. Katie MacNamara was the high scorer with 18 points. The win enabled them to compete in the cham- pionships game against Thornhill. a game which Thornhill won 41-25. The High scorer for Bayview was Carol Hunsdale with 11 points. The Bayview mat-men have recently added more hope of capturing some championship honors this year, when they fared well against university wrestlers. Last Saturday some of Bayview’s wrestlers competed in the University of Toronto invitational tournament. Steve Penyge placed third in his weight class, while Paul Drymay and Jim Houston placed fourth in their classes. The last dance at Bayview was financially as successful as The Stampeders dance. But in terms of entertainment it wasn‘t. The first half of the evening, featuring Bond. was too good for words. The band had the entire audience with them, stomping, cheering, enjoying themselves, and most people were sad to see them leave. Then came Edward Bear. His music is good, but it isn‘t what you’d call rock, which was what the audience was after.