B-6 THE LIBERAL, Wednesday, Jan. 7. 1976 Real Estate ' TIM m REAL ESTATE LIMITED From all of us to all of you A Sincere HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW EAR EPIC REAL ESTATE LIMITED 10014 YDNGE ST. RICHMOND HILL 727-31 93 BOB VIVIAN Emerald Isle RE.\L ESTATE LIMITED 889-5651 - 884-2377 - 773-4391 Members of York County. Ontario & Canadian Association of Real Estate Boards RICHMOND HILL â€" JUST REDUCED Older home with character, featuring large kitchen. extra large living room and dining room, walking distance to Yonge Street. For further information to view call, G. JACOBSEN. AURORAâ€"$59,900.00 Detached 3 bedroom brick bungalow, paved drive. large inground swimming pool & equipment, broadloom, finished basement. To view call, PAUL HUNTER. $64,900.00 RICHMOND HILL â€" 3 bedroom modern brick bungalow. steps to Yonge Street and all shopping conveniences, finished basement. large 10 percent mortgage available. To view call GARTH PALMER. Q AR Real Estate Sales Career '5 R if: 1‘ m S I TRY $6.000 DOWN Attractive 3 bedroom brick home (semi) tastefully decorated and a pleasure to show. Features include quality broadloom. cedar deck, large lot 141‘ deep, located on east side of town about 8 miles north of Highway 401. Asking $53,000. Call RAY WHITE 889-7877. Robert Armstrong Limited Realtor. LOOK FOR THE SIGN OF 'I‘III‘I SII.\.\IRO('K I'DIIQ A9v5‘93\€- -" t 7 ROOM HOUSE RICHMOND HILL Bargain priced at $49,900 Carries for $383.18 monthly on down payment of $9,900. 884-9235 or 889-2665 "‘PRIDHAM REAL ESTATE LTD. If RICHMOND HILL 5 bedroom home, 2 car garage, fireplace, sw1mming pool. on nearly an acre size lot, many extras, lots of gardening space, call TED HOPKINS. RICHMOND HILL $7.000. down. Ready made income from 2 bedroom basement apartment plus five rooms for the owner. Bargain Hunters call GEORGE REID. LISTED WITH CONFIDENCE, SDLD WITH PRIDE % 11005 YONGESTREET Rea RICHMOND HILL PHON E 889-9526 773-5661 ALLISTON AREA 45 MINUTES TO METRO 2 ACRE WOODED LOT ready for spring building $24,900 FULL PRICE 881-5745 MUSKOKA New 3 Bedroom Cottage on a level lakefront lot with 135‘ sandy beach. GOOD TERMS 881-5745 um MOVE UP 4 bedroom, 2-storey home with double garage. This home must be seen, special features include broadloom, hollywood kitchen and extra bathroom. Ideally located on 57 x 240 ft. lot. Call now, ask for Bill Widâ€" difield 222-6559 or res. 884- 7823. SNOWMOBILING? Winterized cottage with registered access to S. Lake Simcoe. $3.000. down. Immediate possession. Call now. ask for Bill Widdifield 222- 6559 or res. 884-7823. PARRY SOUND LAKEFRONT LOT BEAUTIFULLV TREED ON LARGE LAKE Miles at boating PRICED TO SELL 881-5745 Wm V TOM LTD. REALTOR 889-2951 8234-5422». NEW Y EAR SPECIAL Beautiful 6 room detached brick bungalow. King size bedrooms. big ,attached garage. AskIng ’only 568.900. Don‘t miss , this. Call now. LOOK .-\T TIIIS .Detached 2 bedroom bungalow. breezeway. landscaped 101.. Askmg ionly $55,900. Must be seen. CALL 889-2951 family kitchen. rec room. 4 games room. broadloom. , garage. rec room. on 70‘ , Kilt-5432 ‘ Apartment for Rent Announcing Brand New Wellington Towers It? Wellington St. W. IN LOVELY AL'RORA Large 2 & 3 Bedroom FREE HYDRO & PARKIN BEAUTIFUL POOL CLOSE TO EVERYTHING 727.1354-5 W Condominium Apa rtme ntS Bradford 2&3 Bedrooms Available immediately 775-3266 775-6075 775-7350 Suites G "ch1 ‘ ONE bedroom apartment, central APARTMENT to rent Soit Single , Richmond Hill. Gad-7701. c1w28 person. Close to transportation SBA-2855 c1w28 I BEDROOM apartment In YONGE~ARNOLD. 2 bedroom renovated pioneer barn. 30 apartment. refrigerator, stove. minutes east of BayVIew and 18th “95- AVa'Iab'e F‘EIWUal'Y 151- 834- Avenue Pine panelling barn 6776. c1w28 board decor 1-649-3145 c1w26 fâ€"P/ 7 BEDROOM sell-contained TWO bedroom apartment basemem aparimem» WIVEIE entrance. Raised carpetted floors. tull kitchen, bathroom, large bright IIVIng room. Near GO station. Richmond Hill. Call 1-895- 7062 Available Feb. I BASEMENT apartment for a responsible mature bachelor. 804- 6606, c1w20 _‘_____._ BACHELOR apt. February 151.884-7930. available February Ist Apply: Supt, 441 Elmwood Ave, Rich- mond HIII,Apt 103. c1w28 1 AND 2 bedroom apartments for rent. 298’ Markham Road. See superintendent. c2w28 LARGE 2 bedroom apartment, sublet. $135. month including available parking.083-1810 c1w28 clwza TWO bedroom basement apart- ment. No dogs. 004-9622 alter 5 p.m. c1w20 APARTMENT to rent, $190 and $175. 2 children welcome. 773-5559. c1w28 Business Office Space â€"- ELGlN CENTRE â€" RICHMOND HILL For Lease - Stores and Offices in prestigious building - Yonge Street corner of Elgin Mills. For information call 789-4337 m ___â€"__‘f/ OFFICE 19' x 15' 'Rooms to Rem EOPEN RECEPTION AREAB’ X 10' Available in convenient FURNISHED bedroom with bath. Newmarket Plaza. Also storage parking,call atterop.m.884-7803. space and possible shared c1w28 stenographic help. MRS. LACE FURNISHED bedsitting room, private entrance. Transportation nearby. Limited use of kitchen. Su/It young person. 523. weekly. 884-0138 mm 884-2089. c1w28 E ROOM tor rent.Maple.832-26M. SHOPPING PLAZA â€"’â€"-Câ€"IWZ§ RICHMONDHILL > A FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, Central Richmond Hill, TTC at corner. 884.9883 atter 6 p.m. ttc29 ___’___â€"â€"â€" MOTEL units. Clean, modern, telephones, daily, weekly rates. Colonial Motel 9046 Yonge Street, Thornhill. 889-4023. cdw'lfl / $275 per Month 925-0061 WOODBINE â€" STEELCASE 1,100 SQ. FT. EXCELLENT OFFICE SPACE ‘495-0149 tics LARGE furnished room for rent. 884-7564. c2w20 FURNISHED room, business man.884-1215. suit quiet c1w28 LARGE furnished room. Kitchen nearby. $25. per week. 884-0160 afterop.m. c1w27 Industrial Space For Rent. SPACE to Rent. 2,000 to 4,000 sq. It. at commercial and industrial space on Bullock Dr., Markham. Suitable tor showroom, ottices, warehouse and storage. 5,000 to 10,000 sq. tt. of commercial lower level space located in Markham in a modern progressive shopping centre. Suitable tor private club, mini-theatre. banquet hall, restaurant, tavern, health club, etc. Telephone Ron Underwood. 294-2000. clw28 For Rent 3 STOREY DUPLEX IN TOWNOF MAPLE ' MINUTESFROMGOTRANSIT Close to shopping and schools. Large kitchen, dining room, Iivingroom with fireplace, 2 bedrooms, rec room. At Yonge & Hwy. 1 750 SQ. FT. FOR RENT 889-7151 or 889-0728 ttc27 FACTORY space, 1,500 sq. ft. outdoor storage, $100 and up. 889- YOUNG man seeks room and $500. per month includes [,0 - - r . . ard Immed at I refrigerator, stove, snow plough, Hill area away“? RAizmgg‘: heat, hydro and water. Michael. ' ' “w†AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 883-1291 AFTER 5 P.M. Wanted to Rent clwn APARTMENT wanted, I , ___ bedroom. refrigerator, stove, For wwew - cnosav. « bedroom .‘IEEIZITT‘JI‘IEI'ST"‘ “8"‘3'022 bungalow, plus basement apart- ment tor the inlaws. $440. monthly. Call Helen Train, 889-8181. Harold Keller Ltd., Realtor. c1w28 HOUSING needed tor couple immediately near King City area. Call 449-8803. c2w28 3 BEDROOM modern brick bungalow. attached garage. Rich- mond Hill near GO station. Use of laundry room. Sell-contained basement apartment not included. Personal Reasonable. Call 1184-9751 or 1-895- 7062. Trip For Sale Return trip to London, England. 2 July 2nd to July 23rd. Won in contest. Unable to use. $200. 884-9373 mm DO you have a drinking problem? , It so AA can help, Write Box 04. Richmond Hill, or call 487-5591 "CM AT Yonge - No. 7 Hwy,, bedroom house on ' 2 acre lot. $350. monthly. February possession. After 7:30p.m.881-2160. c‘2w27 UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom bungalow. 20 Oxford Street. Im- ‘mediate possessmn $200 per I month CalloJJ~2374 c2w28 , _ “___â€"â€" THREE bedroom house for rent $410 per month. Call before 12 I noon.804-0182. clw28 _ ____â€"â€"4â€"â€"- I gBUNGALOw, :1 bedrooms, ap- Ipliances optional, $325 monthly ALANON DOES anyone in your family have i a drinking problem? Call Alanon, 1‘ Richmond Hill 887-5500 c1w28 1 3664071 ttcta MODERN bungalow, also 1 ‘ . I bedroom apartment 636-6837 i - c1w28 RICHMOND Hill, new 3 bedroom home, broadloom. appliances GUITAR and Theory lessons, all I ages, all levels. 222-7080. til: 22 35425 monthly Available lmB-I mediately Bart-8645 c2w2 . I . Livestock Busmess I Opportunity , SLEIGH RIDES I TAXI & AIRPORT IF {jars-es Drawn I SERVICE ' 1 BUSINESS 2942954 » RADIO EDUIPPED $36,000 GOOD OPPORTUNITY 884-4858 Eng. ‘, c3w28 I I GOLDEN IHORSESHOEFARMS ENGLISH ANDWESTERN 1 RIDING HAY AND SLEIGH RIDES HOURLY HORSE RENTALS AND HORSES FOR SALE 294-3857 ":22 THE POODLE SCENE ‘ SMALL OFFICE Lost&Found Goldie - Alive ? CHILDREN HEARTBROKEN upon returning from Christmas holidays to find Iht‘ll‘ dog mIssIng. AREA Maple Grove Ave. and King Side Rd. DESCRIPTION Honey gold brown Beagle. white face, chest & stomach. 10 years old. Reward 773-4175 889-2059 LOST Pet Stock rears old. male. South at "Hum" S D BOAR D ED 330?. License No. 1021. Reward d3; Answers to "Jim Jim". IN AND OUTDOOR RUNS 881-2989 “was Pet Stock 331.4260 ":51 Alaskan Malamute 'Dogs and Cats Samoyed [Pups Board ed _' 727-9833 cm. In and Outdoor Runs LHASA APSO 881-4260 PUPPIES Champion stock. c.k.c. rol'd. BOLTON 1-857-3639 mm KITTEN - Free to good home. Shots. Female. White. Trolned. 001-2311 (9 to 5 p.m.) Ask tor clwu POODLE CLIPPING PET GROOMING a. ACCESSORIES 10088 Yonge St. RICHMOND MILL 884-5587 BLACK LABRADOR PUPS REG'D 888-1798 mu Marilyn. ttc23 ADULT Male Sllmuo Snl Polnt tree to a good home. 009-9904 c2w21 Irish Wolfhound PUPPIES Tlntern rog’d. Conodlln brad. Wheaten. 495-1278 ‘1'". Help Wanted Do you possess the necessary mannerisms and the ability to become a successful executive n THEN We want YOUR talents. We NEED your talents. Let's grow TOGETHER. We ask the following of you? compatability with people . willingness to relocate . minimum Grade 12 education . front line determination bO-ZNâ€" We offer pride in your accomplishments GOOD POSITIONS GOOD BENEFITS GOOD REMUNERATION But most important of all â€" A CHANCE FOR A SECURE AND SUCCESSFUL FUTURE Recent graduates preferred. Come see where it's at -.Apply: r1!- A DIVISION OF THE 5.5 KRESGE COMPANY LIMITED 9350 YONGE ST. HILLCREST MALL RICHMOND HILL RN. or RNA. Evenings? 2 Shifts per Week iici'o Preferably weekends King Nursing Home BOLTON 1 - 857-2139 GD ENCODING CLERK Permanent position available in modern office with excellent rates and benefits. Prefer someone with 2 - 3 years on Mohawk but other equipment experience acceptable. For appointment call 669-1020 Ext. 240 C.I.L. PAINTS 8200 Keele Street (Just north of Hwy. 7) CONCORD. ONTARIO Girl/ Boy Friday c1w2l clwll REQUIRES CONGENIAL WILLING PERSON FOR TYPING. ASSISTTNG WITH PAYROLL AND GENERAL ROOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND DESIRABLE BUT NOT ESSEN- 883-1828 ‘ TIAL clwu