Rev. Marney Patâ€" terson. Shady Lane, Thornhill, founder and president of Invitation to Live Crusades, will be in India for the month of February, speaking at three conventions. As many as 40 or 50 thousand people are expected to attend each service of the convention of the Mar Thoma Church ,on the occasion of its 80th anniversary during the week of February 8 to 15. This largest annual Christian convention in the world will be held at Maramon in Ke'rala State, South India. and Thornhill man speaks in India â€"TUESDAYSâ€" 5:304:30 P.M. FAMILY NIGHT Programmes for Nursery. Happy Hour. Junior Boys, Christian Service Brigade. Pioneer Girls. Youth and Adult Studies. 9:55 Sunday School, all ages 11:00 am. Pastor E. Corbett 7:00 pm. Paster E. Corbett 8:00 am â€" EUCHARIST 10:30 a.m.\ Family Worship. Church School Kinderqanen, Nursery. An Old Fashioned Country Church on the Edge 0! the City 10.00 A.M‘ â€" Bible School Classes for an ages ".00 A.M. â€" Morning Service 7.00 P.M. â€" Evening Service Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8.00 P.M. f the Mar Thoma Church n the occasion of its 80th nniversary during the teek of February 8 to 15. 'his largest annual ‘hristian convention in 1e world will be held at laramon in Ke'rala tate, South India. and An Anglican minister since 1956. Mr. Patterson has an extensive background in the ministry and in the business world. Before entering the ministry he worked in the broad- casting industry in Rev. Marney Patterson occaSIons nas ministered to the Eskimo people of the Canadian Arctic. His overseas ministry in- cludes crusades in Japan, and the Philippines. He is married and has two sons and two daughters wow/Immv/nwp: oat/fl.dfltflflfl//â€z/flxt’#/uV/flfiyw/wwwW/flflwâ€wwww G ST. JOHN’S BAPTIST CHURCH E R A N ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN 75 Oxford Street Yonge St. at Vaughan Rd. (Member. Bamist Convention 51‘, pAULvS LUTHERAN Richmond Hi" 0’ omano and club“) 1013] Bavview Avenue WEDNESDAYS 10:00 am EUCHARIST 7 00pm EUCHARIST EMMANUEL RICHMOND HILL ANGLICAN PRESBYTERIAN Y5 MacKay Dr.. Richvale Re“ R- 15- Armstrong Rev. William Wallace 889â€"6789 3844831 sununv. FEBRUARY I. 1976 Organist & Choir Director Mr. Richard Phillips APOSTOLICTEACHING SUNDAY,FEBRUARYI.I976 Corner of Weldrick Road and Bathurst Street COMING SUNDAY. FEB‘ 8. 7 P.M. "THE GOSPEL ROAD†Outstanding Johnny cash Film GOOD TIDINGS QUARTET DIRECTORY OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES FOR THE WEEK (va'iflxï¬wypwip W/flfl/Mflfl/p’flM//flflflWflM/WflW/W WWW Nostalgia Band dance at King Saturday EVANGELICAL PREACHING PREACHING THE OLD BOOK THE NEW BIRTH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD AND THE BLESSED HOPE AT SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1976 Big Brothers of York will hold a bowlathon called “Bowl For A Boy" February 21 at 1:30 pm. at Newmarket Bowleramaâ€", 81 Davis Drive, Newmarket. Sponsor sheets are available by phoning 727-1251. Bowlers are eligible to win a flight to Vancouver and one week at the luxurious Bayshore Inn (for two) or $500 in cash, dinner and theatre tickets in Toronto. Sponsored by the Ontario Bowlers Congress. the York Simcoe Bowlers Association and the Big Brothers of York, this event will attract many celebrities such as King Clancy. Jim Day, Jim Elder. Whipper Billy Watson is the honorary chairman. King City Secondary School’s Nostalgia Band is holding a dance in King Com- munity Centre January 31 beginning at 8:30 pm. Admission at $4 per person will in- clude a buffet and there will be spot dance prizes. The band will use the proceeds to help defray cost of their trip to Austria and Leichenstein during the nine-day school winter break. Last year they went to Switzerland and the year before that to Scandanavia. They will be presenting concerts in the two countries to be visited this year. Another dance is planned for March 6. RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 50 Wright St. Rev. E. Corbett. Pastor Mr. G. Whitmore. Asst. More information can be obtained from Big Brothers of York at 727-1251. Rev. B.T. McSpadden Pastor: Phone 884-7859 Big Brothers bowlathon RECTOR Rev. Bernard Barrett 884-1394 Rev. Fred Jackson 884-2418 ANGLICAN PRAYER MEETING 8:00-8:30 P.M. â€" Everyone Welcome â€" WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH 883-1834 â€" 884-3091 223-8247 BAPTIST CATHOLIC WORSHIP south york region scheduled events Mr. Patterson is to be the main speaker at the in- vitation of Archbishop A l e x a n d e r M a r Theophilus. During his stay in India, the Thornhill resident will also speak at conventions in Kat- tarakkara (February 1-8, and Perumbavoor (February 18-22 ). _ _ The Missionary Church January Theme- NEW LIGHT FOR THIS WORLD January 259» ‘Luqhv A Mussuon vs Possmle’ xAnnual Conqreqahonal Meehng tollows Mormnq Worshup: New residents and visi'ors are most welcome. LUIVLUnU CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Rd. 8: No. 7 Hwy. A Church of The New Testament Order A. E. Atkinson Minister â€" 669-1831 A. Young â€" Sec. 669-2784 Presbyterian January 25m born A Mission is Possible’ (Annual Congregational Meeting follows Morning Worship) ILOO A.M. Morning Worship 7 .30 Study ...... , -uv SUNDAY scï¬aof 9,45 A.M. â€" Church School For Bus. Ministry, call 881-2818 "‘00 AM. â€" Morning Worship 11.00 am ~ Worship Service WEDNESDAY 7 30 P M ~ Speaker Mr. Robert Shun Theme, Christian Stewardship WEEKLY HOME BIBLE STUDIES AWARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU ALWAYS GORMLEY MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. Cecil Rosenberger 9:50 A.M. - Family Sunday School moo A.M. Morning Worship‘ SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1976 Pastor â€" 887-5846 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1. 1976 LAYMEN‘S SUNDAY RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Yonge & Centre Streets 884-1301 Rev. Dana H. Lamb B.A.. B.D.. Minister UNITED MINISTERS Rev. Robert K. Shorten Rev‘ Rowan D, Binning "The Hours 04 Worship are Precious†WELCOME! Mid-Week Bible Canada and the United States and followed this with four years as a salesman and manager in the retail sales field. Following ordination he served for 12 years in the Service at 10.30 a.m. and 5.00 p.m 9.30 a.rn SchooL An exhibition of juried paintings con- sisting of landscapes and still life studies in oil, water color and acrylic -will be on display in the Gibson House Gallery, 5172 Yonge Street, Willowdale. from February 5 to 29. These paintings are the work of members of the Art Guild of Scarborough, formed in 1962 to encourage and promote art in the community. Sunday 9:45 am. » Sunday School and Morning Worship, The display of early children‘s toys and furnishings, “It’s A Small World". con- tinues at Gibson House until March 21. Sunday 8:00 p.m‘ A Evangelistic Service The interests of the consumer and producer will be explored in depth during a one-day seminar February' 11 at Humber College’s North Campus in Rexdale. Registration and lunch are $25. Prices, marketing, budgeting and profits will be dealt with as the seminar identifies “and represents public interests. Call 676-1200, extensions 540 or 554. for more information and registration. Non-profit organizations planning programs of interest to readers in Southern York may submit items for this column to Social Editor Margaret Lade, “The Liberalâ€. 10101 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. 884-8177 or 881-3373. Deadline is noon on Monday. 222-1631 ' ZION LUTHERAN Service (2 miles south of Maple) 6.00 p.m. Missionary Film Rev. James S. Dauphinee "5°me‘hing T° “"9 F°"' Vice-Pastor â€" 884-5264 WEDNESDAY 7:00 PM. SUNDAY' FEBRUARY 1' 1976 Family Night Activities and Bible 9:30a.m.â€"Warship Service S‘Udv for every age level 10:30 am. - Sunday Church School THURSDAY 9:30 A M, Other Denominations BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH Landscapes 8 still life -â€"- Morning Service . â€" Communion Service SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 1, I976 J,S. DAU PH|NEE1 PASTOR Minister Rev. D. VanderBoom WEDNESDAY 8‘00 P‘M‘ â€" Bible Sfudy 9:45 AM. â€" Bible School Classes car All Ages GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS Watch "The Herald of Truth T.V. Channel 3, Barrie 148 Thornridge Dr Thornhill onsumer seminar M. Th. â€" 889-5225 PENTECOSTAL CALVARY CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICES SUNDAY 12.30 P.M CONCORD R. J. Muir L A. Golden. Pastors - 94 Hunt Ave Sunday Church Toronto diocese and then became a full-time itinerant evangelist endorsed by the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada. He has conducted inter- denominational cr- usades from coast to coast in Canada, the United States and in the West Indies and on four occasions has ministered to the Eskimo people of the Canadian Arctic. His overseas ministry in- cludes crusades in Japan, cludes crusades in J and the Philippines He is married an RICHMOND HILL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 9:45 am. 7 Sunday School For lree bus transporta'ion Call 884-1759 or 884-6629 RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH 9.30 AM. â€" The Lord’s Supper 11‘00 A.M. â€" Family Bible Hour 11.00 AM â€" Sunday School, Kindergarten 00 Grade 6. Bible School for Grade 7 and up‘ 7.00 P.M. â€" Evening Service THURSDAY 9:30A.M‘ Ladies‘ Coffee Cup Bible Study at the church. 11:00 am. Morning Worship Service Prayer "O come let us worship . . . Lord our Maker.“ Psalm 95:6 Listen to "The Voice of Prophecy Sunday 10 a.m. CKFH 9:30 AM. Sunday Channel SUNDAY; FEBRUARY 1,1976 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1976 212 Hillsview Dr. 884-5029 Rev. Robert C. Quick 884â€"6629 Pastor: E.L. Anderson 884-0451 ‘THE CHURCH THAT CARES 80 Elgin Mills Road W. 24 Oak Ave.. Richvale SATURDAV 9.30 A.M. â€" Sabbath School ".00 A.M. â€" Divine Worship VIEW: "IT IS WRITTEN {533°}?qu is Nun ‘Bca’Big‘BmtchK‘ RICHVALE BIBLE CHAPEL ALL WELCOME TUESDAY Bible Study and the The games go on GORMLEY â€" Hockey fans in North America. especially in Canada, have recently been jostled into exciting team loyalty with the advent of Super Series ‘76. Eight of our National Hockey League teams have found themselves with their skates on the line against the two Soviet teams; the Red Army. and the Wings. Physical stamina, individual initiative, and team co-operation have been closely scrutinized Victory and loss are experienced but cannot be determined until the game is over. But the games go on! The Bible doesn‘t say anything about hockey games, but it has im- portant information regarding athletics â€"â€" especially racing. Events, similiar to our Olympic Games of today, were in operation during the times of the writing of the New Testament. The Apostle Paul parallels the Christian life to that of the runner in competition. In Hebrews 12:1, 2. we read; “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perserverance the race marked out for us. Rev. Cecil Rosenberger Gormley Missionary Church Key rent review deadlines for LANDLORDS and TEN- ANTS have been extended as of January 16. 1976 Here are the new dates: 0 For tenancy agreements taking effect on or after July 30. 1975 and up to and including December 31,1975 TEN- ANTS wishing to dispute increases up to eight per cent for that period must make application on the appropriate form by February 29. 1976. o For tenancy agreements taking effect on or after July 30. 1975 and up to and including December 31, 1975. LANDLORDS wishing to charge more than eight per cent over the rent charged during the last full month prior to August 1. 1975, for the above period, must make applica- tion on the appropriate form by February 29, 1976 o If the LANDLORD and TENANT do not agree on a rent increase above the eight per cent guideline, and do not apply to have the rent for that period reviewed. the TENANT is entitled to a rebate of any rent paid in excess of eight per cent by February 29. 1976. o The maximum rent LANDLORDS may charge tenants after January 1, 1976 for all tenancy agreements which became effective on or after July 30, 1975 is eight per cent more than the rent charged during the last full month prior to August 1. 1975. A landlord collecting more than this contravenes the rent review legislation and may, on summary conviction, be fined up to $2,000. 0 In respect to tenancy agreements taking effect on or after July 30, 1975 and up to and including April 30. 1976, LANDLORDS wishing to charge more than eight per cent for any period after January 1. 1976 must make application on the appropriate form by February 29. 1976. ' o For tenancy agreements taking effect on or after January 1 1976. TENANTS Wishing to dispute any increase must make application on the appropriate form by February 29. 1976. or 60 days after receiving a notice of increase. whichever comes last. RENT REVIEW FORMS 0 Until the rent reVIew offices are in operation. TENANTS and LANDLORDS may obtain terms from offices of the Ministry of Housmg. Ministry of Natural Resources (northern affairs branch offices only). Ministry of Reve- nue assessment offices. Ministry of Consumer and CommerCial Relations and Ontario Housing Corpora- tion branch offices in Sudbury. Thunder Bay. Ottawa. Cambridge Hamilton and London Check your tele- phone directory for the local address. 0 Mail the COMPLETED forms to Rent Review at the postal box designated for the municipality in which your accommodation is located. Telephone numbers and locations otthe rent review offices Rent Revnewssox 580‘ Postal Station F. Toronto M4Y 2L8 .,A -v-,,--.A AA“ 1,,A ,-.r-‘ will be ooBii'Qoéo'ér-uomy. Or, if you live wnthm the Metro Toronto toll-free calling If you wish a booklet or further information. please write area. please telephone 923-1199 METRO IORONTO Clly a! Toronto Oshawa, in: the Regions! Municipath of Duvham Pelerbnmugh. for the Counues of Pelubnvough Nonnumberland_VIclona. and Hahbunon Richmond Hill, 101m: Regional Municipality ol Yovk Etabicok: Easl York Nonh York Scarhamugh York Bania, tor the County 0! Sxmcoe and the Dustnct Muflltlpalllv of Muskuka Mississauga, lot the RegtonalMunIclpallty at Peel CENTRAL-EAST IMPORTANT DATE CHANGES (EAREVIEW Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Pioneer and Perfector of our faith. who for the joy set before him endured the cross. scoring its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." The competitor. in question. is running the course designed. laid out. and tested for him by the great Coach, the Lord Jesus Christ. He has. therefore, entered into the salvation and life available only by the Jesus Christ. We find that the runner is encouraged also by a great grandstand of in- dividuals who have already passed through this competition. Ontario Thinking ahead is the key to avoiding accidents, stresses the Industrial Accident Prevention Association. If this suggestion is put into practise by both drivers and pedestrians, we‘ll have fewer accidents on the streets. Many pedestrians are killed while walking along the shoulders of roads because they were wearing dark clothes and were not visible to the driver. So, to be safe, wear light coloured clothing and also walk facing the traffic â€"â€" it may save your life! from the churches Ontano Rent Revnew Box 5370 Postal Station A Toronto MSW 1N8 Untano Rent Revtew Box 511 Postal Station Etobtcoke M98 4V5 Ontario Rent Rewew Box 1013 Postal Station D East York M4A 2N4 Untano Rent Rev-9w 80] 234 Postal Slatton A thluwdale MZN 558 Ontano REM Revtew 801940 PostalStattunA ScathorOugh MlK 5E4 Untano Rent Revtew Box 23 Postal slallon A Weston MSN 3M6 Ontano Rent Revuew Box 125 Postal Slauon A MISSIssauga L5A ZZ7 Unlano Rent Remw Box 618 Oshawa L1H 7R2 Unlano Rem Revvzw Box 1586 Pelubovough K9J 752 Onlann Rent Rewew Box 985 Sam: L4M 5E1 Ontano Rent Renew Box 391 Richmond Hull LAC 4V6 Hamilton, to: the Regional Mun-cupalmes of Hamllton Wenxwonh Hallon. Haldlmand Norfolk and the County 01 Evan! Kitchanev. lor the Regional Mumclpallly of Wamlao and the COUHIIBS ul Wellington and DuHenn SI. Catharines. lo: the Regional Munncupahly of Nuagata CENTRALWEST lundon. in: the COUHIIES of Muddlesex Oxtord Elgm, Lamblnn Penh and Huvon Owen Sound, to: the COUDIIES of Gvey and Bvuce Windsor, for the Counhes 0! Essex and Kent Belleville, lo! the Count-Is ol Hastmgs and Pnnce Edward Cornwall, luv the Counties nl Slovmont. Dundas 5 Glengavry and Plescoll 5 Russell SOUTHWESTERN EASTERN RENT REVIEW REGIONS All unnecessary equipment is thrown off by the runner so that he is not tripped up in his progression. In all of this he is keeping a steadfast look towards his Coach. Dire calamity could result if he listened to someone else. Jesus Christ, the Coach of the race of life, promises to complete our beginning with victory as we obey and follow Himt Romans 8:37. “In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him (Jesus Christ) that loved us.“ Province of Ontario TROPICAL PLANTS 114 Crosby Ave., Richmond Hill VALENTE GREENHOUSES SPECIAL SALE From 3 in. to 10 ft. 0 areca palm O drecena O benjamina O schefflera Ontam) Rem Rev-aw Box 2048 Mam Terminal Kitchener N26 4J3 OnlanoRenl Review 80113027 5! Calhannes LZR 7E3. Onlano Renl Ravuew 8012006 Hamilton LEN 3R5 Untano Rem Renew Box 5101 London NSA 4L6 Ontanu Rent Rev-aw Box 625 Owen Sound MK SR4 Omano Rent Revuew Box 1605 Windsor NQA 6F? Bax not EeIlewlle 801607 Cornwall KBH $62 Until the rent reVIew offices are in operation. TENANTS and LANDLORDS may obtain f0rms from offices of the Ministry of Housmg. Ministry of Natural Resources (northern affairs branch offices only). Ministry of Reve- nue assessment offices. Ministry of Consumer and CommerCial Relations and Ontario HOusing Corpora- tion branch offices in Sudbury. Thunder Bay. Ottawa, Rem Revue Rem Rev KEN 5H9 WW THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. Jan. 28. 1976 â€" C-3 AUTO INSURANCE o Get an Immediate quote. personal attention prompt deCISIons, At York we have a tradition of service. oDrIveâ€"In appraisal faculties «One estimate is all we need to pay a clanm Call York and save! Kingston, Is! [he COUMIES of Frontenac Lennox 8. Add-nglon Leeds & Grenwlle and lhal pnmon of Lanark County Iymg was! of Highway 29, zuludmg the towns ol Callelon Placn (see Guam) and Smnhs Falls (see Ottawa) Ottawa, In: Ihe Regional Municipality of Unawa Cavlelon plus that ponmn ol lanavk Counly IVIflg 235/ of Highway 29 mt/lldlllg the lawns at Carleton Place and 5"“th Falls Pembmke, '0! [he County of Renhew NOMHIASTERN Nonh Bay, for Ihe DISUIClS cl anussmq and Parry Sound Saul! Sm Mane, Io: [he Drsluu oi Alqoma Timmins. for [he Sudbury. Io: the Regaunal Munmpaluty of Sudbury and Dnslucls or Sudbuly and Mannouhn NORTH WESTERN Kenou (or the [lawns ol Kenova and Ram Rum Thunder Bay, for the Daslncl at Thunder Bay rated for York County. ICIS a! Cochran: and ,kammg YORK FIRE AND CASUALTY Call 889-8902 or |usl walk unto our ounce â€" quallhed sla" wanting lo sen/e you 7699 VONGE ST. THORNHILL Onlano Rem Revuew Box 5500 Kingston Ht 564 Ba: 9800 Ottawa K16 3V2 Unlarm Rem Revxew Onlauu Rem Remw Box 1010 Pembroke KBA 713 Omano Rent Review Box 884 North Bay P18 3K1 Sault Ste Mane PEA 5N2 Onlauo Rem REVIEW Box 1059 Sudbury PM 455 0mm Box I Box 62 Onlauo Rem Rev: Box 2440 Kenota PQN 3X8 Onlano Rent Renew Ba: 5000 Postal SIaImnF Thundel Bay Wt 565 ‘0 Rent Revuew m Renl Revuew |30 ‘0 REM Renew NN 7H9 884-9582