VICTORIA SQUARE â€" The January meeting of the UCW was held last week with Mrs. Vern Mikkelsen in charge. The worship service was taken by Mrs. Mikkelsen and Mrs. William Sandie. UCW officers for 1976 are: President: Mrs. John McCague; secretary: Mrs. Ethel Boyd; assistant secretary: Mrs. Earl Empringham; treasurer: Mrs. Frank Brumwell; pianist: Mrs. Richard Frisby. Mrs. Arnold Mortson and Mrs. Victor Shepherd; supply and social assistance: Mrs. Harold Hill; flower, friendship and visiting committee: Mrs. Mabel Anderson and Mrs. Fraser Gee; manse committee: Mrs. Harold Hill and Mrs. Richard Frisb‘y: Observer representative: Mrs. Cecil Nichols: representative to stewards: Mrs. John McCague and Mrs. Ethel Boyd; press secretary: Mrs. William Sandle. Euchre party C-4 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, Jan. 28. 1976 UCW elects officers The Victoria Square Church and Sunday School annual skating party will be held at Cedarena, Cedar Grove on Jan. 31. Skating will be from 1:30 pm. to 3 pm. followed by refresh- ments. Everyone is in- vited. Neighborhood notes The euchre party was held in the hall last Friday and prize winners were: Ladies - Grace Kelman. Margaret Gooderham and Janet Nichols‘ Men - Keith Carson, Ernie Kelman and Bert Nichols. Lucky draw was won by Dr. George Kelly. Another euchre party will be held in the hall on Feb. 6 at 8 pm Skating party Herman Mortson is out again following a stay in York Central Hospital, Richmond Hill. Bryan Gee is also home again following surgery in York Central Hospital. Birthday greetings to Henry Allen, Jan. 31; Joseph Gee, five years old. Feb. 3; Mrs. Heber McCague, Feb. 5; Mrs. Victor Shepherd, Feb. 6. Mrs. Barbara Hart, Judy and Wendy had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hart and Amy at Richmond Hill, in honor of Amy‘s first birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Boynton and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Pennock and girls. Mr. and Mrs. William Sandle and Betty had dinner recently with Mrs, Phyllis Boynton and Grace, on William San- dle‘s birthday. Victoria square The choir from Rosebank Brethren in Christ Church presented the cantata. Love Transcending, at Heise Hill Church Sunday night. At the Missionary Church, an evening of music was presented by the Master‘s Touch Trio. The congregation of Missionary Church of Barrie conducted the evening service at the local Missionary Church. A miscellaneous shower for Donna Bolender and Charles Fazio was held Monday in the Fellowship hall of Missionary Church. The couple will be married Feb. 14. Cantata presented igormley Sharon Hawkins spent the weekend with her grandmother. Mrs. Ralph Baker of Oshawa. who had just come out of hospital. Marie Gilbert of Dickson Hill died last week in St. Michael‘s Hospital, Toronto. Funeral was held Friday in the Missionary Church, Correspondent Marian Sandle 887-5421 Correspondent Evelyn Milsted 889-9063 Pork Shoulders MAPLE LEAFâ€"REGULAR OR ALL BEEF wane}; if f 8 8¢ MAPLE |£AF Sliced Bologna w-ozvacvac89¢ MAPLE LEAF Sliced Side Bacon Pac$1.78 Cooked Meats MAPLE LEAFâ€"SLICEDâ€"d VARIETIES MAKE LEAFâ€"SMOKEDâ€"COOKEDâ€"OINNER SYVLEâ€"IONELESS Smoked Hams MAPLE LEAFâ€"{OOKEFEONE lNâ€"OUAITEIS §3|3§na By the rim “49¢ UNIVERSALâ€"MIMI Deluxe Piua Iâ€"Ib'9-owe5199 MAPLE LEAF “Bmkimsket Plate "44¢ Flank Steaks “$51.28 $333“ Meat Centre Cut "78¢ Ground Chuck 'b88¢ MEXICAN, CANADA NO. I GRADE LONG GREEN SLICERS lONG GREEN CUCUMBERS Maple leaf Bram/s famous for Quality SIRLOIN 'STEAKS Vac Pac Vac Pac 12-02 Vac Pac Vac Pa: 8 up vac uc $1.03 "$1.98 "$1.79 PORTERHOUSE 0r WING STEAKS OR ROASTS HOMELESS Point Sirloin Steak Sirloin Point Roast Rump Roast Top Round HOMELESS HOMELESS STEAK OR ROAST Cu! from Canada Grade 'A' Beef 1 aoumss BOTTOM CUT ‘ ROUND STEAK ROAST CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF CUBE STRIP STEWING You can puf your trust in ASP Meaf! SNOWCAP, HASH BROWN FROZEN POTATOES Your Choice l 8 10m JAR l INSTANT C0FFEE$1'79 Stock up your freezer at these Low Prices Cu! from Canada Grade 'A' Beef (ut&Wrapped at your friendly MP at no extra charge Cut to your specifications - Roasts, Steaks, Stewing Beef, Ground Beef, etc. Please allow time for processing. 90 TO 120 LBS. AVERAGE Cu! from Canada Grade 'A' Beef Cross Rib Roast "$1.08 Blade Steaks “98¢ EXCELLENY FOR RAISING 7-INCH CUYâ€"FIIST 5 RIBS ONLY grime Rib Roast $51.58 Braising Ribs "988% Hindquarters 3*] 00 VALID UNTIL JANUARY 3151', I976 95 TO 125 Ins AVERAGE Frontquartets