Whether writing for children or adults, satirist (The Mouse That Roared) Wibberley‘s plotting and characterization are always far above average. His latest novel relates the adventures of an 80-year-old priest-who makes the decision to hold his African mission (with the help of a few unlikely allies) against an all-out military assault by a fanatical sect of Bantus. (Fiction) Recommeng park rink I A minister of the Church of Scotland, well-known broadcaster, television performer, journalist, novelist, scholar, amateur actor and wit here tells the engrossing story of his boyhood in Paisley at the beginning of the 20th century, his training for the ministry, and his entertaining experiences as an adult. His account is delightfully enlivened by many tales told out of church about parishioners. church officials and fellow ministers. (Non- fiction) The Last Stand of Father Felix. by Leonard Wibberley We like to listen as well as talk. Anytime you read a book that you have a strong reaction to, we'd be pleased if you would come in and tell us about it. We‘re very interested in your opinions. No Better Than I Should Be. by James L. Dow Seniors have busy schedule Information 'can be obtained from Louise Cooper at 832-2408. A few seats still are being held for senior citizens on several trips to Florida. including a 21- day circle tour, 21 days to Clearwater, and 30 days to St. Petersburg. The meeting will be held in the Woodbridge Auditorium (Arena) and is open to any senior citizens. Indeed. visitors are made most welcome. Jan. 28, at 1:30 p.m.. the seniors of the Woodbridge Club are to host the Town of Vaughan Cabinet of Senior Citizens, with representatives from each Vaughan club on hand. At a meeting Thursday, Maple Area Recreation Committee passed a motion to put in the outdoor rink in the park this winter. Many local residents are very keen on having this facility in addition to the indoor arena rink. At that same meeting. the M.A.R.C. committee held its annual elections for the executive for 1976- 77. Jack and Debra Kok (nee Cook), announce the arrival of their first child. Jacqueline Grace, on Jan. 9. The M.A.R.C. decision will be subject to approval by the recreation and parks committee. Members stayed the same with the exception of the addition of Penny Srigley. Birth announcement Congratulations to the new parents (Debby c'ertainly had plenty of experience with babies during the time she babysat for many of us!) and to the proud grandparents, Hugh and Jackie Cook. Girls between the ages of 12 and 26 who are in- terested in joining the homemaking portion of the 4- H Club, please contact Anne Ella at 832-1568 for information. The next meeting will be at Anne’s home during mid-February. "III “II IWlUll AUIONOIIII IISUIIIH (OUMNV Cancun Nun om“ Summon". 0mqu Please see next week’s column for a detailed writeup on this very interesting organization. YOUR GOOD NEIGHBOR 4-H club meets Ed. Francey 381-0195 THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. Jan. 28. 1976 Like to listen, too ma . Ie me tum Correspondent Anne Fowler 832-1204 I976 SEED AND GARDEN (ATAlOGUE ONTARIO SEED CO. LTD BOX 144, WATERLOO, ONT. Name Address Prov‘ Comple‘e List of Flower and Vegetable Seeds, Lawn Seeds. Garden Supplies. Etc.. Etc. Clip Out and Mail Today! by margaret carrington A librarian looks a! new Markham Library books BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED 6347 Yonge St. (South of Steeles) 222-3770 STEPHENS FURNITURE IB‘D‘DM WAlLlK The sexy Swedish teenager whose dazzling career in tennis has captured world-wide attention here gives a full account of his life. He candidly discusses his faults and failures, his court strategy. his competitors. his fans and his personal affairs. The many photographs include an irresistable one bf thé fliture star when he was six months old. (Non-fiction) One Way Street. by Marian Engel This later novel by the Torontoâ€"born author of The Honeyman Festival develops a series of inventive and penetrating variations on the themes of marriage, divorce, suicide, misalliance and alienation. The setting is a sultry island in the Mediterranean. (Fiction) How to Talk with Practically Anybody about Practically Anything. by Bar- bara Walters The Bjorn Borg Story. by Bjorn Borg The female star of television‘s Today program reveals her secrets for remaining at ease with tycoons, celebrities, clergymen. the bereaved. new dates and other potentially em- barrassing society. She offers, as well, tips on giving parties. public speaking and good grooming, and relates a rich collection of anecdotes about the VIPs she has interviewed. The book con- cludes with a list of 20 sure-fire con- versation starters. (Non-fiction) JANUARY SALE OHIBRITEN 0 WHITE 0 THUMASVIUE OSTANLEY O KRUHLEB OKIlGUUl-T O BURLINGTON Hours: Weekdays 10 - 9, Saturdays 9 - 6 Richmond Hill Barrow Insurance Services Ltd. 884-1551 Willowdale Neil G. McDonald Limited. 226-1611 lf your home isn't insured against today’s cost of replacing it, talk to your independent insurance agent. He’ll be happy to provide full details of our special inflation guard endorsement. Ont. Drug Bengit Blue Cross Mon. - Fri. . . . . . Sat . . . . . . . . . . . . Sun. 8 Holidays 833-5304 KING CENTRE PHARMACY KING CENTRE PHARMACY Just West of King Secondary School KING CENTRE PLAZA Patricia Egan reports A special thanks to Carol McGinis who supplied data on organizations and persons to contact. CONCORD â€" As The Liberal's new correspondent for the Concord area. I would like first to express my thanks to those people I spoke to and who were especially helpful in providing me with information about the Community Centre. Many activities The Concord Centre is a great boon to the community since it is the only recreational facility of its kind. There are many activities there on various nights of the week, so be sure to get out and take advantage of them and meet your neighbors too. The first one will be shown Feb. 21 at noon. The library, although small as yet. offers a great deal. It has a selection of films, periodicals. current paperbacks. French books, junior books and a very extensive collection of paperback novels in Italian. It is hoped more people will be using this unique section .,‘I,I,,-._\- jlï¬â€˜ï¬Ã©'li'bgérï¬yï¬xï¬ll 622 shownné children‘s movies once or twice a month. They have not yet decided on which film is to be shown but I will keep you posted. At present, library hours are limited to Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 7 to 9 pm. and Saturdays from 10 am. to 5 p.m., but as more people begin to take advantage of the library facilities, hours may be extended. Incidentally, any book donations will be gratefully received, particularly children‘s books and adult detective and mystery books. concord news 9 am. to 9:30 pm 9 am. to 7:00 pm .12 noon to 6 pm GreenShield Correspondent Patricia Egan . 884-5736 D.V.A Inn/mm memnca Io! am ’00 In" grueosenm I Afuméaum meta}, res} ‘ename1 2 seaté; In 5-6 Colors, 46-6-7-8 it Lengths Also Custom Made m any size 35.00 ft ARBORITE HANDY Large Variety of Panevns 2x4' ONLY SALE KITCHEN TOPS CEILING TILES POST FORMED “All Sizes" CEDAR FENCING MATERIAL Other Panaas Â¥n Stock PIUSBURGH WALLHIDE PANELS 12" x 12" Wes. Johnsï¬anwfle Sana White tiles m Moss 0164 sq‘ ft. ferrifn: Veiue; GIGANTIC STOCK REDUCING 0F PRE-FINISHED PANELS (WHILE THEY LAST) lfllflflflfl IN KEELE ST., MAPLE CEDAR FRONT DOORS w - ALL \ 8W 4 w: ‘ VARIETI ES / ADILLABH 10" CHAIN SAW DO-IT- YOURSELFâ€"ELECTRIC The splehdid attehdance in all classes was very encouraging. The first arts and crafts class. under the direction of Lillian Smith, began Jan. 21 and will be held weekly for a period of 10 weeks. Mrs. Smith has been working very hard for several months to set up classes in art. macrame. and sewing, and her efforts came to fruition with the commencement of these classes last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Smith hopes to set up classes in other disciplines if there is sufficient public interest. 1 Anyone interested in such classes should contact Mrs. Smith at 669-2011. Children's craft classes are also in progress and again‘ if you are in- terested. please call Mrs. Smith. Euchre evening Arts and crafts ' Ev'er-f C’dn'co'ra'r'esident should be receiving a monthly newsletter from the Community Centre. They are prepared by Julie Seeman who then passes them on to street captains who assume the responsibility of distribution. They are hand-delivered in most cases and should appear during the first or second week of each month. The first euchre of the New Year was held Jan. 13, but due to .a bad snowstorm, attendance was poor and only four tables of players were on hand. Warren Bone and Irma McCutcheon were the high score winners; Mr. and Mrs. Art Godfrey, the low score win- ners‘ Otto Freeland would like to express his thanks to Molly Godfrey, Pat Kemp and Norma Hewitt for making up sandwiches for the affair. If you are not receiving this newsletter and would like to be on the mailing list, please call Julie Seeman at 669-2793, Euchres will be held once a month from now on, and everyone is welcome. Newsletter $7495 Latex paint (Norm u! Maple Slurud $11.95 on Kale 57m†$350 $149 $795 $795 Phone 889-4973 T0 QUALIFY, THE OWNER 0R SPOUSE OF THE OWNER MUST: A. Be 65 years of age or more by February 28, 1976, which is the last day for filing applicaï¬ons: B. Be in receipt of the monthly GUARANTEED INCOME SUPPLEMENT provided under the Old Age Security Act (Canada): C. Occupy the property on which the municipal taxes are imposed and D. Have been continuously assessed as the owner of such residential real property in the Town of Vaughan for not less than 5 years immediately preceding February 28, 1976. If you qualify for this assistance and have not received an application form TELEPHONE W. H. YOUNG AT THE TOWN OFFICE, 832-2281, and an application form will be mailed to you. Application must be made each year for this assistance. This credit, where allowed will be an outright grant by the Town and will not entail repayment of any kind For further information or assistance, telephone W. H. Young, Deputy-Treasurer To provide‘financial assistance to elderly homeowners. The Town of Vaughan Council has authorized the Treasurer to allow certain owners of residential property a credit of $100.00 against the 1976 taxes imposed on such real property subject to the following qualifications: ' gal. THE TOWN OF VAUGHAN 1976 ELDERLY HOMEOWNERS' TAX ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME SANOSTONE . . . . . SIENNA . . . . . . . . SMOKEY ONYX. . . IVORY . . . . . . '. . . ASH . . . . . . . . . . . MEDIT. WALNUT. . EMBOSSED PECAN APPLICATION MUST BE MADE NOT LATER THAN FEBRUARY 28, 1976 TUB ENCLOSURE DOORS mi??? VINYL FRAMED BULLETIN BOARD 3/3 ELECTRICAL SKIL DRILL ;3§MICA & ABBDRITE $ 1 795 1 i r‘ulmutnLhHJta:1mm , x Rm: S?! 915 SKIL SINGLE SPEED JIG SAW DECORATIVE CORK PANELING flan Suck Reg 344 95 WHIH MW ms: GREGG VANITIES 3n" Vanity . $54.95 36" Vanity . ’ STOREHOURS 8:30 am to 5:30 pm Fri. 8:30 am to 99m Su. 8:30 lm I05 pm. (Includes Counter Top) Taps and sunk are extra 24$295 h: 1995 SHOP 8. SAVE Your choice of color top Mod-I 17M $550 $3.95 was $3.95 M $3.95 $4.50 $3.95 $5.45 $4.95 $619!! $5.50 $95 $5.50 (Includes Countev Top) $2995 $59.95 CHARGE] USE YOUR CHARGEX AND MASTER CHARGE H. C. BURKHOLDER TREASURER. 4x8 4x8 4x8 4x8 4x8 4x8 4x8