Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Feb 1976, B9

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DAY can glvm In my homo, any I”. Elgln MIII: - lluogrus. :20. weekly. 004â€"35". .mm DAY CARE owlloblo In my oooo rohronca. Chlldron any age mlcomo. lovorly Acru or“. IM- 9134. cm _'A FURN‘l-SHEâ€"D roomT-cooâ€"klng‘ ‘hclllfles, Central Richmond HIII. TTC a! corner. sun-van: aner 6‘ mm. ":29‘ LOVONG day can In my home, hoi malt and snacks. wlm plenty 0! toys. mm“. CN33 NURSERY Assistant um um Day can In my homo. PM. lu- 0545. Hum MOTHER will give Day Care in my home, over 3 years old. Bayview â€" SIeeles area. 859-1845. C‘WM Rooms to Rent MATURE exporlcnced lady will do Day Care In own home. Newklrk‘Tnylor Mllls urn. m- N75. chM EEGISTER «or' mun. FURNISHED room, central Rich‘ mono Hill. Gentleman. 884-8312. BUSINESS man requires lur- nlshod bedsifllng room, cooking Iaclmlos, sop-rave bath. Thornhlll â€" Concord â€" Maple area. Call Mr. Marsh-ll, “9-120 (Moon 7:30 and Sp.m.). clwid LARGE Furnlshed room. includes parklnc. hydro, Ilgm cwklng. Slng'le person. Hlllcrest Mall â€" Yong: 5L. area. 5110 per month. Ill-3657. clw34 “DO you hive 3 an?!“ moire-m?! H so AA can help. Writ. Box 01,: -Rf€hfll°fld "I", of Cl" 437-55" YOUNG working couple require small house, reasonable renl. Early spring possession. “9-0917. cle LARGE room, prlvfle entrance, kitchen and washroom. Cable. sun clun qule' gentleman. BBC-2615. c2w33 Expcrlcnced Day Care available' In my home. GOOD LUNCHES. LOTS OF TOYS. Do you and good nil-bu Day can hr your cnna whllo you won? ll so, I mother 00 one can ‘Mlp. H01 mnls, any no. my 1N"! Iii-5014. clwyfl LOCAL buslnessman requires I bedroom apnnment, lumlshed or unlurnlshed. Thornhlll, Rlchmond Hill. Oak Ridges vlcinl'y, etc. 225- 3373. c2w34 Wanted to Rent Afiracflvo Ranch style bungalow, d bedrooms, plu: lamlly room. walk-out open "replace, com- plouly lurnlshod. Alklng $500. mthIv. Mrs. Sm". R.I.C. REALTY LTD. person. no weekly. Use ov unchén. muos. c1w34 COMFORTABLE room In private home, so" quiet person. "4-9059. Ann 5 p.m. clwu FURNISHED room for rent. Close to transponaflon. 884-9427. dwaa UPPER duplex, 1 bedroom. 5qu 2 or 3 adum. No pm. Bro-Gloom "Iroughou'. $150 mommy. lu- 1923. Call collm. clwu FURNISHED room for single Mrs. De’Mar Palm and Card Reading Studio 9 A.M. T0 8 P.M. Also Social VONGE - No. 7. Execuflve J ROOM '0 ram, lurnlshod, In- cludlng mun, shun kitchen and bath. Men only. $25 por wuk. 00+ 622. or lit-0160 an" 6 p.m. ciwu IPOCKET WATCH AND CHAIN Inscrlpflon on back probany has senvlmental value. CALL PHIL AFTER 6 PM. bedroom home, large landscaped lot. 304-9!” or alter 5, 781-7251. MODERN bungulow, also 2 bedroom upanmem. 636-6831. MOTEL units. Clean. modern. telephones. daily, weekly ra'es Colonial Motel 9046 Yonge Skeet, Thornhill. 8894823. awn DOES anyone In your lumily have a drinking problem? Call Alanon. 366-4012 Nels FURNISHED room, no parking. Preler genIlemanJM‘GJDS. c2w33 1/2 Acre - Thornhill 3 Bedroom House At Lake Wilcox Lost & Found Working Mothers Wanted to Rent North of Toronto Maximum $250 mo ROBERT ARMSTRONG REALTOR LTD. c’le‘ Wallet, Blue Day Care ASK FOR HARVEY MASHINTER For Rent Personal LOST IN LOCAL TAXI SUNDAY NIGHT THORNHILL AREA 881-0255 Nursgi " ‘ faSchoOF ‘ 7 1 ATTENTION, MOTHERS!' Gatherings 531-2704 889-7877 884-5287 226-2510 884-0091 ALANON FOUND FARM Ill-4313 "Y" inlay Sahel clwu CYWJI C2w34 clwn c1w34 clwu clwu mm "c3! mu FREE to good Mama. 4 month old Dual. pup. Call «um. clwu Bookkeeping, Accounting ser- vices, specialixe for business. and personal Call 489-1710 THREE IMII Wndlfi cl loy to‘ lovlng homo (Slborlun Samoyodl mlx). Call Ann 745-3500 or Evasfl “9-6437. :lwu, Pm, 5pm Ton-hrs, Shnphord typos, Coulis. SPECIALIZING IN PARTIES, BANQUETS. WEDDINGS. ‘ Muslc for all occasions CLIFF SWEET WESTERNâ€"HALF ARAB Palomino more. In «ml to Quarter Hom. Bay Pony. sell, vary reasonable to homo. ‘Gunar Construction GOLDEN HORSESHOEFARMS BOUVIER PUPS INSTANT PRINTING The Printing Place Buckskin Gelding CHAMPION STOCK. REG'O Ears cropped.$hots STOUFFVILLE Filclair Canada Ltd 889-3190 mm Our beautiful renovated home provides a warm protected setting for little people. Office hours: 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday FOR EARLY SPRING PLANTING TAX RETURNS anytime including Sunday§ ENGLISH AND WESTERN RIDING MAY AND SLEIGH RIDES HOURLY HORSE RENTALS AND "oasis; EOR SALE Photo copying â€" 10: Printing 0! every description CLIFE’S MUSIC SERVICE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE WHO NEEDS IT? CHILDREN DO WORKING MOTHERS D0 FATHERS DO SINGLE PARENTS DO THE YMCA CARES ABOUT YOU AND YOUR CHILD Call us at 884-4811 or 773-4591 or come in and see us at: 83 Dunlop Street, Richmond Hill SPECIALIZING IN SMALL BUSINESSES YEAR ROUND Pet Stock Residential Greenhouse Kits EXCELLENT CATERING SERVICE AVAILABLE 889-7022 EVGS. DAY CARE! Livestock 1-473-2872 CARPENTRY WORK ADDITIONS SEALED GLASS SLIDING DOORS Installedâ€"$3110 APARTMENT SIZE 883-1307 (Across lrom A a W) Centre 00 Tgwn) Gardening aha Supplies 669-1853 773-5508 888-1772 o Taping o Sprayed Ceilings, 0 Ceramic Tiles 0 Painting 0 Home Alterations 294-3857 727-1603 AFTER 5 P.M PUPPIES :1w34 SISAND UP 884-4497 FOR FREE ESTIMATES DRYWALL Miscellaneous DAY CARE!" Day Care clwu "cam: 17"”. l ciwu c2w34 chuu c2w34 Mus! "gag "ch ,wm: own Oransponnlon requh'od 2 days weekly for well-appointed house on Malor Mackenlle Drlve. CALL 832-1515 EXECUTIVE Seenury dulns Idmlnlstrulve or prlvlu socrourlll poslflon, Richmond Hill. Box 53. “The leornl". cm ‘Domestic Help Wanted required every Thursday 9:30 - 4 p.m. $10. to mn. flayvlcw-Hwy. 7 area. Call 659-9272 ______ summer. Pnnr live-In. Tlme 0". Light duflu. call Thor-MINI MI- 0700. clwu THE POODLE SCENE CLEANING lady. ovary second week. Thornhlll. "9-7843. c1w34 MOTHER’S Helper wanted hr NURSE desire: 4 hours per day In privat- home, I am. to noon duly. Exumm nhnnm. Ill-1651. 1 day I week. Thornhlll Iru. Relerences. Mus! IIIVB own transporuflon. 889-4392 GERMAN SHEPHERDPUPPIES Female: and males. Born Dec. lo. Shots and Tanooed. Black and sllver. Paper trained. $150 a 5200. Have both plan's. Sire C.K.C. reg'd. Canadian, Amorlun Champlon blood Ilnes. Dam A.K.s. rec'd. 727-5125. 4 vnrs' exporlmco In manual, synnm unto lrlll balance. Typlng Involcos. Pnhr mama ofllco In Thomnlll or Rlchmond Hlll am. M200. WILL LOOK AFTER ELDERLY PERSON on CONVALESCENT CARE IN vourz HOME REG'D PUREBRED CHAMPION SIRED Bitch trom lop champlon llnes CLEANING WOMAN WANTED EXPERIENCED HOUSE CLEANER DOGS AND CATS BOARDED Employment Wanted REL CLEAN 1 - 727-9322 Pet Stock Man Seeks Bookkeeping Position 'IN AND OUTDOOR RUNS DAY CARE! POODLE CLIPPING PET GROOMING l-ACCESSORIES BOUVIER PUPPIES woos Yonge St. RICHMOND HILL 889-7013 R.N.A. 881-4260 884-5587 ABLt NG LADY nclwu awn ,‘ c2w34 c3w33 c2w34 t:le c'lw34 61w“ clwu "C51 ":13 7 am. to 3:30 pm. or 8 am. to 4:30 pm. Monday to Friday Good working conditions. Year round employment. Apply in person :0: MR. JACK EARTH mannerisms and the ability to become a successful executive - THEN We want YOUR talents. We NEED your talents. Let’s grow TOGETHER. Do you possess the necessary 7 To do repairs and alterations and some counter work in dry cleaning store. Visiting physician on staff. The positidn requires an expenenced and mature person with an interest in young people. REQUIRED by April lst for boys’ boarding school. Ac- commodation and meals provided. Holiday§ from mid-June to end of Augustand during the Chnstmas and Easter holidays. REQUlRE I DOW PHARMACEUTICALS ‘ 0 Excellent Secretary with bookkeeping Dow Chemical of Canada, Limited for responsible position. Top Salary. 0 Accounts Payable Clerk H 0 Temporary Assignments for typists, swiicbboards, bookkeepers, etc., i REQUIRES MATURE, EXPERIENCED PERSON FOR SECRETARIAL DUTIES IN PLANT OF- FICE. gum- . compatability with people . willingness to relocate . minimum Grade 12 education front line determination But most important of all â€" SEWING PERSON We ask the following of you: Tool & Die Maker VCA FORMOLD PLASTICS 10084 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill Required with progressive die and form grinding experience HI-CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE Come see where it’s at -.Apply: EXPERlENCED IN PORCELAIN A DIVISION OF THE 5,5. KRESGE COMPANV LIMITED Ba_rth’s Cleaning Centre DENTAL TECHNICIAN HWY. 7 & KEELE AREA 669-2811 884-6970 884-6782 High wages for right person Reg’d. Nurse TYPING ESSENTIAL APPLY IN PERSON 95 NEWKIRK RD. 8., RlCHMOND HILL 10456 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. (from 9 3.111. to 11:45 a.m. HEAD MASTER St. Andrew’s College Aurora L4G 3H7 Dr. T.A. Hockin We offer pride in your accomplishments GOOD POSITIONS GOOD BENEFITS GOOD REMUNERATION APPLY IN WRITING T0 A CHANCE FOR A SECURE AND SUCCESSFUL FUTURE Recent graduates preferred. 889-7654 9350 YONGE ST. HILLCREST MALL RICHMOND HILL awn clwu "(is “will clwu cle clwu Applicant must have Grade 10 education or equivalent and a minimum of 5 year’s Canadian experience in general by-law enforcement work. Geni party display absolutely free. Top quality guaranteed products. Credit privileges Manager‘s help and guidance. Phone Collect Reply in writing, including complete resume of qualifications, experience and personal data to: In "27 thru bromors commoncod buslnm In tho rural Town of Richmond Hlll. Thu II'I'IIII boglnnlng nu olonomod lo on. ol mo largo” rot-II Ford dulorshlpx In Onurlo. Thls could be your opportunity to loln our succoulul orgnnlullon and rum. your full potonllnl. salary l: nogolloblo up to $1,000. per month wlfll addlvlonol bonus“ Ind bonum. w. provide I lull lnlnlng programme. To Do solodod, you should have good appearance, person-my, drlvo, and sales oxporlonco. Periodically we require people to assist our fulltime staff in the packaging of our finished products. This work will be of interest to people with a minimum of Grade 10 education, are not per- manently employed but are prepared to work on an as required basis. This position involves investigation and en- forcement functions regarding Municipal zoning, licensing and swimming pool by-laws and meeting the public in relation thereto; also the processing of complaints, court prosecutions, weed control measures and livestock evaluation. Set-up and Machine Mechanics Apply: Formold Plastics of Canada Ltd., 95 Newkirk Rd., Richmond Hill Then join GER" Box 51 "The Liberal” LIKE â€" your own money? your own hours? unlimited commissions? People? 8911 Woodbine Ave.. Markham. Ont. 13R 1A1 QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE MOTOR VEHICLE PROVIDED. CANVASSERS REQUIRED BY LOCAL NEWSPAPER 380 ELGIN MILLS ROAD, EAST RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO LAC 5H2 TOWN OF MARKHAM BUILDING DEPARTMENT Chief Administrative Officer SALARY COMMENSURATE WITH PROFESSIONAL SALES By-Law Enforcement Officer POLICE EXPERIENCE AN ASSET 11 to 15 years of age. GOOD COMMISSION FOR EAGER STUDENTS Required for all shifts TELEPHONE MR. D. JACKSON. DON LITTLE FORD SALES, INC. 889-1105 EXPERIENCED ONLY TOWN OF MARKHAM Mrs. L. G. McCallum 883-1911 for further information Help Wanted N. J. PICKARD Please write or call: 727-5006 and receive nc M32 clwu clwu clwtu c1w34 cleJ for cleaning terminal and office buildings. Ex- cellent working conditions. $140 PLUS Receptionist - Typist Mature person, mechanically inclined, able to handle all phases of job and production analysis. scheduling and instructing. CATEGORY VII â€" 89.807 Some experience in light assembly, ability to in- struct and work along with trainees. These are salaried positions open to male or female, regular increases, promotion potential, pleasant surroundings, employer shared benefits for those with a desire to help the handicapped. Apply in writing: ROBERT HUNT CO. LTD. Position with variety. Aptitude for figures. Dicta, coding for computer. Small office. Excellent company benefits. Don Mills-Eglinton area. $160 PLUS SECRETARY To work for Director of Security. Shorthand, dicta, must be excellent typist. Good company benefits. St. Clair~Yonge area. General office duties. Typing, filing, reception. Great position for person returning to work. Steeles- Woodbine area. THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS WORKING WITH HANDICAPPED PERSONS ARE OPEN. Knowlege of building and grounds maintenance. ability to instruct and work along with trainees, chauffeur’s license required. CATEGORY IV â€" $7.214 For Office Supply Store 884-9295 Person for filing, typing and general office duties. Must have own transportation. APPLY TO: Concord Floral Co.‘ Ltd. THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. Feb. 18. 1976 â€" B-D 250 Bowes Rd., Concord, 669-1104 $125 Toronto Airways Ltd., Buttonville, Ont. Requires HELP FOR GRADING ROSES ASSISTANT T0 MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR EXPERIENCED STORE MANAGER FILING - TYPING CLERK EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR YORK CENTRAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE MENTALLY RETARDED CHANGE THE GOOD FOR THE BETTER !!! Full Time Personnel GOOD COM PANY BENEFITS INTERESTED PARTIES CONTACT: George Marshall 297-1422 CONCORD 669-1920 FOR INTERVIEWS PLEASE CALL REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY 1890 Hwy. No. 7 West (near Keele) INSTRUCTOR - CONTRACT UNIT SHOP FOREMAN CONTRACT UNIT Richmond Hill, Ont. 4 Centre St. West, CATEGORY IV â€" 87.214 EILEEN TOBIN 429-3706 FRIDAY PERSON “W clwu mm fl". mm CIWJO

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