Câ€"4 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. Norma Constable, right, was winner of the draw prize at a dance Saturday night in Maple Community Hall. June Hill, left. presented the prize: red roses in an antique-style brass container. donated by a local delicatessen. More than 120 persons attended the event. Proceeds from the dance will go to Maple boys’ and girls’ minor hockey teams. Second series under way for ladies curling club MAPLE â€" Vaughan Ladies’ Curling Club started curling this sgaspr} i1} Octqber. The first series schedule has since been com- pleted, with skip Marilyn Wilson guiding her team (Marilyn Engel, viceskip; Jean Adamson and Betty Silver) to win first prize with a total of 841/2 Third prize went to skip Vi Bulleri, with Joan Bagg, Barb MacEachern and Carol Wilson with 80% points. The second series began Jan. 21 and will continue until March 17. points Playdowns will then begin to determine the winners of the Vaughan Firefighters Association trophy. ‘ The club welcomes anyone interested in sparing. No experience is necessary. The club, curls every Wednesday from 1:15 to 3:15 pm. at the Board of Trade Country Club, Woodbridge. Spare fee per week is $2.50. If you are interested, please contact Aletha Albin at 832-2367 or Anne Mihan at 893-1792. ,N ...... Second place was won by skip Aletha Albin and team members Doris MacCullum. Liz Chefero and Anna Granger with 811/2 points. SALE PRICE . . . . . . . . . $3,895. “upw‘kzg door, IV6, auto ML-“ -mm.‘ 1975 Skyhawk "staunch; door. vs. auto rnatic power steering and btakes. wheel covers. AMIFM stereo, spans mmor, deloggev LIc. KCZ SALE PRICE . . . . . . . . . $5.1 1 1 . 1975 Century Custom w on. mm†IruAM .nrlnflunn lat-mm nu rnn mnnmn mwm 15]!) century custom W on. Absolutely loaded Including factory air con ilioning, paws! WIl‘IdOWSl woodgrain panelling. Lxc. JPT 102, List price $7,252 SALE PRICE . . . . . . . . . $6,075. “"5 Ventura. Automatic, power steeï¬ng. radio, 260% engine, WIW lives. wheel disus and more. Lic JKS 059. Llsl plies $4,700. List price 55792 1975 Ventum. “M. This luxurious automobile is fully loaded including automatic iaclory air oondi tioning, 60I40 powet steering. AMIFM sleieo, rally wheels wiih radials. cruise conh'ol and sunroot. This one ownei car must be seen and driven Lic. HDO SALE PRICE . . . . . . . . . $4,595. Hwy. 7 east of Kennedy Rd., Unionville - 297-1666 UNIONVILLE MOTORS 1:3. A Valentine surprise ma . Ie me lum Correspondent Anne Fowler 832-1204 * MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM * OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 10 PM. * SCOTIA PLAN BANK FINANCING AVAILABLE PONTIAC - BUICK - GMC Feb. 18, 1976 4 Door Hardtop, fully equipped Including iactory all conditioning, low mile eage. LIC KKU 767 SALE PRICE. . . . . . . . . $4,695. G.M.C. Va Ton Pickup, V8 standard nans miss-on 21,000 miles Lic. A52 640. SALE PRICE . . . . . . . . . $3,795. power Eugvrrrmrleage Ex‘eliem condition. an 0X8 813, SALE PRICE . . . . . . . . . $1,850. m. Fully equipped including air conditioning and much move. 27.000 miles. Lic. HPS 1971 Chev. Bel-Air. SALE PRICE . . . . . . . . . $4,895. 1974 Grand Prix. Tickets to the York Symphony Orchestra’s Wine and Cheese concert Friday will be available at the door, as well as by contacting Betty Pigden at 883- 5541. Kindergarten registration Children who will be 5 years of age by Dec. 3lst, 1976 should be registered for the fall term at Joseph A. Gibson by Feb. 25. Registrations will be accepted between 9 am. and 4 pm. Proof of age will be required. Symphony tickets On and after March lst, 1976, half loading restrictions will be in effect on all roads within the Town of Richmond Hill. These restrictions will be enforced without exception. Restriction period from March lst, to May ‘lst, 1976. Price of admission is $4 Signed: 2 000:. V8, power brakes, (n-lont Be e O ?t eui‘i’s Half Lding Restrictions, 1976 NOTICE TO TRUGKERS (Photo bY H099) LIMITED At Concord Correspondent Patricia Egan 884-5736 CONCORD â€" The euchre party on Feb. 10 sponsored by the Golden Era Club, was an overwhelming success. There were eight tables of players, double the crowd from last month. High score winner, for the ladies, was Mrs. Donnie Warwick; for the men, Wilf Moffit. Low Score winners were Sylvia Snider and Al Bain. Mrs. Snider also won the doorprize. The next euchre will be held March 9 beginning at 8 pm. There are only three days left to get your tickets to the Cub and Scout dance Friday. Tickets are selling quickly and the evening promises to be one to remember. Denny‘s Disc Jockey Service will be providing the music and there will be refreshments, as well as door prizes and spot prizes. So if you don’t as yet have tickets. call Mrs. B. Tainsh at 669-2005. M. L. Perkins, Maintenance Manager Dance Friday The first Monday afternoon get- together for Concord ladies last week took the theme of Valentine’s Day. Ladies get-together There was a good turnout, and everyone enjoyed sandwiches and a special cake ma_de by Lillian Smith. IA macrame plant hanger was given away as a doorprize. EGery Mondasl there will be a social tea between 1 and 3 pm. at the Centre. Don‘t let babysitting problems keep you away â€" children are welcome. TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL concord news Euchre crowd doubles SALE GIGANTIC STOCK REDUCING "All Sizes" CEDAR FENCING MATERIAL In 5-6 Calms, 4-5-6A7-8 ft‘ Lengths Also Custom Made in any sue $5.00 ft PITTSBURGH WALLHIDE POST FORMED KITCHEN TOPS AHBORITE HANDY Large Variety of Panerns 2x4' ONLY PANELS AWï¬inum Meta), red enamel 2 seater’ TOBOGGAN 0F PRE-FINISHED PANELS (WHILE THEY LAST) CEILING TILES 12" x 12" We: iohns Manvifle Satm‘ White flies m atom oi 64 sq. 1L Terriï¬c Vaiues. 01M: Patterns in Stock / AIJILLAC I KEELE ST., MAPLE CEDAR FRCixltIT DOORS “11* n l- VARIETIES 10" CHAIN SAW / CADILLAC I1 For further information, call Mrs Smith at 669-2011 or Iris Taylor at 669‘ 1730. A special thanks on behalf of the library, to those who made con- tributions. Among donors are Mrs. Baker of Langstaff Road who provided an interesting History of Vaughan Township; Mrs, John Wiedman, who gave a number of National Geographies and other magazines, and to Randy Teeple, who provided a large assort- ment of novels. DO-IT- YOURSELFâ€"ELECTRIC The Crafts and Sports programs have met with great enthusiasm from residents. Registration is full for most activities. The programs are staffed in part by volunteers who put forth a tremendous amount of effort. Books donated Don Smith, a resident of King High Drive, built the macrame boards and the easels for the art class and there are volunteers working in the library area. There are qualified teachers in- structing in the various crafts programs and a librarian is always on hand in the library to provide assistance. rafts and sports $7495 Latex paint (Norm of Maple Slderoad on Keele Svrefl) $795 $336 $149 $795 SKIL SINGLE SPEED '95 I JIG SAW 3" Phone 889-4973 SANDSTONE ...... $550 $3.95 as SIENNA . . . . . . . . . seen $3.95 m ASH . . . . . . . . . . . . $5295 4x8 MEDIT. WALNUT. .. was $5.50 m EMBOSSED PECAN . .995 $5.50 m TUB ENCLOSURE DOORS VINYL FRAMED 3/5 ELECTRICAL BULLETIN BOARD 4’x8' SKIL DRILL FORMICA it ARBORITE K in 10 mum to «2mm: 1mm Reg 5?],95 ' SKIL SINGLE SPEED DECORATIVE CORK PANELING GREGG VANITIES 30" Vanity . $54.95 36" Vanity . (Includes Counter Top) Taps and smk are extra ' STORE HOURS 8:30 am w5:30 pm Fri. 8:30 am tome Sat. 8:30 am to 5pm. “$295 Your choice of color top SHOP 8. SAVE Moan'l Im ‘itv . $59.95 (Includes Counter Top) $1795 $2995 USE YOUR CHARGEX AND MASTER CHARGE