NAILS, Sharon and Wayne are happy to announce lhe birth ol lhelr daughter Chrislie Lynn, born March 3rd, 1976.6 lbs. 5 01:. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Hulcheon oi Richmond Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Bah Hails, also ol Richmond Hill. A special lhank you to Dr. Golab and Dr. Nirenberski and the nursing stall 04 York Central Hospilal. cleB MR. and Mrs. William Finlayson ol Osiris_Drive, Richmond Hill announce the engagemenl oi lheir daughler Wendy May Elilabelh in Mrl Wayne Thomas Spexlali. son ol Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Speliali ol Paisley, Ontario. Wedding will take place Augusl IA, 1976, at Bethesda Lutheran Church, Unionville‘ nclwaa RICHMOND HILL â€" With the exception of those fortunate members who are able to extend their tennis playing into the winter months, no one Meat Shoppe 2. Walter Long Plum- bing 2. Chris Cook scored both goals for the meat boys from Carl Lippay and Doug Hay. For Walter Long it was Mora Farina from Paul Wilson and Mike Shank. Brian Hasselfelt scored David Allan scored the only goal for Brock unassisted. In other atom action: Accurate Machine 3. Maple Hard- ware 2. Brian Winch got the hat-trick for the winners with assists to Steven Hobbs, Ken Vincent, Anthony Corsetti and Patric Corsetti. Tennis IGA team win by 2-7 For Maple it was Andy Rieger scoring unassisted and John DeLuca from Bruce Plunkett. Peewee-Bantam MAPLE â€" David West fired in both goals as IGA edged Brock Insurance 2-1 in Maple Minor Hockey House League atom action last week. THORNHILL â€" The Thornhill hockey fraternity is looking for it’s biggest victory ever, at the Thornhill Com- munity Centre, Saturday evening. Not in a margin Old timer ’3 nigh 2‘ Sa turda y By Sam Malcomson maple house league If yog’ne making mnmmum wage, you get a raise e this week. Ontario Hon. Bette Stephenson. M‘D Minister You can get more information aboht the new Minimum Wage rates and the Employment Standards Act by writing or phoning: The following maximum rates apply when room used in calculating minimum wage: a) room _ . . a . . . . . a . . . . a . . , . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . l b) meals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (each) 1.15 OR 1 c) both room and meals . . . . . _ . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . l General minimum. hourly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 General learner rate. hourly . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i (during first month of employment) Construction rate, hourly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . Guard on construction projects, hourly . . . . . . . . . . . Student rate, hourly a . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . a . . . . . . . . . . (applies to students under 18, who work 28 hours or less per week, or during school holidays) Ambulance industry rate: a) weekly i . . a . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . a . t . . . . . . . . . . . i b) hourly (less than 48 hrs. a week) . . . . . . . . i . i . . . . NEW: Minimum hourly rate for an employee who serves liquor directly to a customer. guest. member or patron in any place operating under license or permit issued under Liquor License Act . . . . , V . . _ 'ngagem ent The Minimum Wage rates for Ontario went up on Monday, March 15th. If you are presently earning minimum wage, read the following schedule to find out what your new rate will be. ‘ Births New room and board rates New minimum rates Ministry of Labour Ian is ready and anxious to get started on the program and you can help by making early application for these lessons. You will appreciate that our resident coach, Ian Griffin, has much organizing and scheduling to do before this date. However, let me remind you that your membership renewable fees this year have to be paid by next Friday. No, it might still be said that those days seem far away. The reason for the earlier than usual date is due to the introduction of indoor pre-season tennis lessons which commence April 5. is really thinking about the courts right now. While there will be two exciting hockey matches of goals, however, but in dollars, dollars for the York Central Association for the Mentally Retar- ded. registration First come. first served Employment Standards Branch Ontario Ministry of Labour. 400 University Avenue. Toronto, Ontario M7A 1V2 965-5251 Ted Hope led the Unionville boys with two goals along with Craig Daniels, Max Schuyler, and Greg Ryan. Assists to Barry Bondarchuk, two, Daniels, two, Max Schuyler, and Ted Hope. Maple 7, Unionville 6. Chris Stewart and Rob Wilmot scored two goals each with the others going to Ray Toiviainen, Ian Quinton and Rob Fenton. Assists to Wilmot, two, Bruce Shields, two, David Grant, Rob Fenton, Toiviainen, tw‘o, Chris Stewart, two. For DH & A it was Jim Rodgers unassisted; Tim Taylor from Steve Rotz; Brad Demo unassisted; Peter Morris from Scott Wright and Tim Hopkins; and Steve Rotz unassisted. Midgets Assists to Chefero, two, Fitzgibbon two, Mike Constable, two, Mike Pflug Todd Smith. Superior Propane 6. DH & A 5. Bob Bayley was the big scorer for Superior with three goals and an assist. The other goals went to Steven Fitzgibbon, two, and Ernie Chefero. the other from David Long Employment Standards Branch If you are determined to improve your tennis abilities, and aren‘t we all, you should take ad- vantage of these lessons and be fitter and more able when the time comes to‘hit the courts. So ignore today‘s weather, forget the snow and get those major applications in before Friday. is the order of the day â€"â€" the scoring punch, in aid of this worthy cause is coming from the good people of the community, in the form of con- tributions. (weekly) (weekly) (weekly) Except for donations to and board are 127.20 ‘ . 2.65 1100 24.00 3500 2.50 2.90 2.90 2.15 2.65 2.55 THORNHILL â€" The 'I‘hornhiil Juveniles moved into the finals against Richmond Hillas they eliminated Barrie in three straight games winning the last two by 7-0 and 6-2. Thornhill was at its best March 6 when they downed Barrie 7-0 with go'alie Dave Virgoe earning the shutout. the Mentally Retarded there are no tickets and no admission cost. Dance To further aid the cause a “welcome home team" dance (the Thornhill Originals, the group of, then. minor hockey players and men who established in Thornhill back in the 505.) will be held as well. Everyone is most welcome and urged to Thornhilljuves win I Expiry Date 5 pm‘ March 50 March 28,1976‘ â€"_-_ i Pdt_aio III.__... 1286 Kennedy Road North (North 01 Lawrence)! 0 1117 Finch Avenue West (West 01 Dullenn) O 735 Renforth Drive (McDonald's Fam11y Cemre) O 239 Queen Streel Bani, Brampton (1'5 1111165 west 01 Dme Road In Squire Mews) O 7171 Yonqe Street (A! Doncaster, G E M Plaza) 0 1225 Dundee Street Ban (West 01 Dane Road near McDonald's) 0 10595 Yonge Street North Ichhmond HillHNear McDonald's) O 251 Marlee Avenue‘(South 01 Glenn-cum) O Oak-Queen Mall (125 Cross Avenue, Oakvflle) 400 Laclie Street, Orillia (Shop-me Centre) 0 D.X. Oil (Highway #2, )ust west 01 Thxckson Road) 0 3330 Lawrence Avenue East ()ust wes! 01 Markham Road) Juveniles Thornhill Expiry Dataâ€"z 5 p:l'ï¬.Ml[al 21, toï¬arch g Explry Date 5 pm. March 23 to Aprlll.1976 Exper Date 5 p.m. March 21 to Marén 26,7976. A: mm leifagguritenflgvmned soft drinks. By the case. FOOL HEATER $ALE‘I Oiï¬jiï¬Ã© Juice 3_I:.arge bags of Sprlhy ' 5: " » -i "1“ *gas financing available be 5 SM Up *low monthly payments Ice Cream 3-32 oz.Cartoï¬s of come and join in the reunion celebration; to meet many of their old neighborhood chums, and Thornhill's hockey heroes of yesteryear. The feastivities get underway at 7:30 pm. as the Thornhill Oldtimers take on the Thomhill Lion‘s Club in the opening contest. Brother Acts The Oldtimers will be featuring two brother Those all important assists went to Paul and Mike Johns, two each and one each for Al Berryman, Steve Cashen, Rick Larente. and Ross Gordon. Leading the attack was Phil Paul with a three goal outburst with the other goals going to Steve Bagg unassisted, Ross Gordon, Brent Dunnett, and Mike Johns. The 6-2 game saw INSTALL EARLY SAVE DOLLARS FLETCHER GIBBARD HEATING LTD. 884-2026 223-2124 Concentrated Milk. Everyone S IOVCUI’HQ Bordens X lure vmnrr than a qlmrl' pg,“ of .:e cream Asscned flavours Suggutod retail 51.10. A. I976. Name brand ChlpS Munchable Crunchable And so aflordable Reg 59¢ each 1 pkg 0! Dairy Dehgh! makes 1 lull quart ol cold‘ beuunlul milk Home or 2% Each spvcull ollew accompanmd by NOW 3 for I Reireshmg {ELYHHTJLAS c orange mxce Reg 49¢ each . I Cases at 12 26 02 or 24 10V: 02 bonles Reg or Sugar-tree Sweet n' Low Your choxce 01 15 flavours MIX and match upanng slum only,Jim, Aland Ron Anderson and the other being the Fisher Bros. Brent and Bill. Other outstanding members of this club. which gave the NHL. Oldtimers a heck of a good game a year ago, are John Killer in goal, Fred Disera, Bob Hall and Barry Beatie. Let’s all come and cheer the Mentally Retarded fund on to victory. Assists wént to Bill Simm and Ross Gordon with two each, Paul, Johns. Al Berryman and Steve Bagg. Thornhill closing the door on Barrie with some fine goaltending by Vito Damico. This game was sparked by the three goal scoring efforts of Mike Johns with the others going to Cashen, Paul and Brent Dunnett. 99‘?â€" ,"z' ~Ax~ Le :3: m 4 We accept other cash and carry cases as deposn Em“ my“: any case. Plus rim-man $99if NOW 3 for 3 cartons deposit H†I NH | l n Low/E) P": a Pop and Swee All stores open Sunday 11 a m -5 p m except Rxchmond Hili and Oakvrllle Clip the coupons you wont. Bring them to any participating Pop City location. With the Pop City, ‘Ciip. Sip. And save.’ specials. Save on great tasting soft drinks, snacks for the kids plus milk and orange juice for the whole family. And save. Save. Save. THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. March 17. 1976 â€" B-ll