Repairs, replacments and new Installations of window and central type units. Bookkeeping & Accounting Services SERVICES 0 BOOKKEEPING O INCOME TAX O PAYROLL BOOKKEEPING Full Range of Services INCOME TAX KENNETH M. PAL 889-1877 tfcl O ACCOUNTING 881-3827 7 Franchise dealer for John Inglis. General Electric Hoover Products, Black 8 Decker. Eureka. Service depot for Black 8: Decker. Hoover. Eureka Repairs to all makes. "" Bab ‘AirConditioning? &, Rï¬fri‘geratiqn} THORNHILL TRUCK & AUTO REPAIR CENTRE LIMITED 41 Maple Avenue Unit 12 THORNHILL, ONT. 889-5334 BOOKKEEZPIN G 727-4681 COMPLETE RESIDENTIAL AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE INCOME TAX Italian & German spoken ALL MAKES & SIZES Ben Mar Discounts Ltd. AUTHORIZED DEALERSHIP FOR HOOVER APPLIANCES Vacuum Cleaner Sales & Repairs 9010 YONGE 57- (NORTH OF NO. 7 HW Y.) 881-4422 m. APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE LESLIE APPLIANCE 68 YONGE ST. S. AURORA AIR-CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION After 7:30 pm J. E. ROBERTS For small businesses 889-7250 889-5683 Regional Alumimlm Products APPLIANCE REPAlRS Industrial, commercial, residential service and repairs 884-9575 SIDINC SOFFIT FASCIA EAVESTROUGH BJ's Enterprises ELECTRICAL SERVICE COLLISION â€" REFINISHING COMPLETE MECHANICAL REPAIRS "‘39 ALL WORK GUARANTEED Aluminum Products Appliance Repairs $4. Plus Bookkeeping 773-4265 727-8311 884-6036 Auto Body Advertising ‘ helps New make jobs. (‘95 find the service you need for home or business in this c5w36 Electric "c" "('13 ‘Pâ€"W T0 wank r‘oR You Bookkeeping, Accounting ser- vices, specialize for business, and personal Call 489-1710 BOOKKEEPING 8. INCOME TAX ACCOUNTING MANAGEMENT BOOKKEEPING SERVICES LCar Repairs I FOR THE SMALL BUSINESS STORM DOORS WINDOWS AWNINGS PATIO DOORS J. C. HUGHES anyflme including Sundays TAX RETURNS DUTCHIES Automotive Repairs Home Improvements Eavestroughing Repairs to all makes L Models CARS 5. TR UCKS SpecIaIiIing in European Cars HANS BU'I'I' 8894106 ALCAN ALUMINUM Aluminum Siding 79 OLD HWY. 7. E., THORNHILL 881-0557 889-0452 884-7530 (JWJB (SW36 c5w36 Ncu "(:38 ":23 "€31 "(:36 Bulldozing franc/112,9 Frontend Loader lam-908.01% FREE ES TIMA TES R & C GRADING & BULLDOZING 669-9694 Joscelyn Laughlin Harper, Tory & Associates By Competent Tradesman Prices on request or by hour R. P. (Bob) Ross 130 Centre St. W. - 884-1788 Chartered Accountants l0355 Yonge Strcet North Richmond Hill. Ont, 384â€"44746 91 Geneva Street St. Catharines. Ont. 684-1177 o EXCAVATION WORK 0 B A S E M E N TS 'SEWERS oDUMP TRUCKS LEONARD R. ROSENBERG & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants 887-5720 - 889-2741 84 Yonge Street S. Aurora. Ontario Still Going Strong! Since '59 Alterations â€" Additions Custom Carpentry ' HEAVY MACHINERY MOVING Additions. Renovations & Rec. Rooms 83 Roseview Ave. Richmond Hill. Ont. Tel. 884-4171 HAVE 2 ACRE LOT IN KING CITY. WOULD CUSTOM BUILD TO YOUR REQUIREMENTS Salmon Janitor Services CUSTOM WORK Floors Scrubbed MIDWAY A. J. BODOGH LTD. Alf Catenaro CARPENfER CONTRACTOR GENERAL CONTRACTING LES WEBB 889-2546 CARPENTRY Qarpentry l KIlchens, Rec Rooms Additions, Renovauons CUSTOM HOUSES FREE ESTIMAYES Hourly or conirad AURORA 727-5544 WALLS WASHED RUGS CLEANED CUSTOM BUILT HOMES & ADDITIONS 889-6064 Evgs. EARLY SPRING Donald Holmes, P. Eng., C. A. LINDOUIST & HOLMES T PRICE & SON 88443209 Janitorial Services COMMERCIAL Chartered Accountants Lyn-N768 Res. 416-832-1364 Bus. 924-0313 Chartered Accountants Custom Building 895-5406 Specializing in Free Estimates B&K Contractors Cleaners cow]? "(28 "cu "cl CUSTOM BUILT HOMES ADDITIONS REC ROOMS Free Estimates O ALTERATIONS - REMODELme O CUSTOM DESIGNED BARS 0 STUCCO OCEI'LING & FLOOR TILE K. A. SMITH CARPENTHY Homonublo Pricos For In. uflmmu cull 88¢ l 63‘ Ht 3! CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 10265 Yonge Street Phone: 884-8651-889-3275 PART OFALL OUR LIVES! ALL HOME IMPROVEMENYS RECREATION ROOMS PORCHES. ADDITIONS KITCHENS. ETC. H. S. WOLDENGA Carpentry Contractors ' BUILDING O PINE FURNITURE 0 CARPENTRY I RENOVATIONS Brian H. Cowen Custom Built Rec Rooms CUPBOARDS. ET( 884-3333 CARPENTER Richmond Hill Contracting Co Ltd. Chartered Accountants TED RASON CONTRACTING CO.LTD. 10.256 Yonge St. Richmond Hill 884-2092 Carpgntg REID & BRADLEY ADDITIONS REC ROOMS KITCHEN 884-4835 881-0431 493-3735 c5w36 c5w36 awn "€23 "cu "C36 "(:19 "c 36 "(:1 10235 Yonge Street 884-1551 773-4121 HOME ~AUTO . BUSINESS Rec. room vaniiies' e'c Also ï¬ne Custom Furniture 8: Furniture Repairs RELIABLE AND REASONABLE Insurance- Mortgages Fire. Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Telephone 727-9488-9 Rear 47 Yonge Street S. Aurora. Ontario. BUILDING RENOVATIONS Corner Agency Limited o ROTOTILLING o SMALL MOVING o DELIVERIES HANDYMAN & TRUCK Moving and Storage Van Den Brink CARPENTRY ' K & W CARTAGE CO. Call for Ftee Estimates Available for small moving jobs Local canage and moving . barrow . Insurance CUT FUEL COST Insurance Handymen EXPERT CARPENTRY All types of Carpentry Work UNUSUAL JOBS. rooms, portable bars Excellent Catering Service A veileb/e 889-7022 Evgs. 832-2444 7734607 By insulating your attic with the modern blown method new Cellulose Insulation. Basements 881-0813 223-9093 Caterers CALL RAY 884-9318 Carpentry o Taping o Sprayed Ceilings, 0 Ceramic Tiles 0 Painting 0 Home Alterations 773-5582 Kitchens LIFE Home Improvements 884-4497 FOR FREE ESTIMATES DRYWALL Insulation csté c5w36 "Clo CSWCM "C36 "CO 884-8991 - 773-5624 Reliable Insulation efficiency and efféctivene<s 0 Light weight . V 0 Fire and vermin repellant 0 24K Faster (0! highest Estimates over the telephone With proper measurements I Machine Shops! I Optometrists I Specializing on large pieces Our LATHES, MILLING A DRILLING Minimum charge 59. per hour Location Hwy. 7 I. Keel: “9-9257 um TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES SALES- RENTALS L.H. SIMS ' 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill â€" 884-1745 new 8844388 884-8586 85 CENTRE ST. E. RICHMONDIHLL "(36 Gunar Construction A. W. Kirchen, 0.D. 0 Electrical Installations O Appliance Repairs 0 Wiring OAK RIDGE54 ONTARIO 0 Siding 0 Soffil O Shutters 0 Windows MACHINE SHOP HUMIDIFIERS Central Air-Conditioning 24 Hour Service Hill Town Ltd. c PLUMBING o HEATING o DRAINS LUD ELECTRIC Suite 204 Professional Bldg. 22 RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND HILL 0 Doors FREE ESTIMATES JOHN MacPHEE Humidifiers MacPHEE ALUMINUM SALES AND SERVICE INSTALLATION Reasonable Prices 14-Hr. Service RESIDENTIAI Metro Lic. P1737 By appointment Exporhncod. (an urvlco SAVE TIME Electricians Office Machines CARPENTRY WORK ADDITIONS SE’ALED GLASS SLIDING ooons Installedâ€"S300 COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL 881-0904 884-9420 PHONE 669-1321 889-5076 884-5807 8843962 884-0920 REASONABLE 'h‘aves .Fascia .Awnings O Railings c5w36 CSWJO "C28 "ch ":36 HcJZ c5le "<26 HOME MAINTENANCE Done on Weekends Electrical DEAL SERVICES 3899398 7734138 PROP: THOMAS H. GRIEVE Expeï¬enced Student PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING R. CLARK Plam 8. Decorative Plastering REPAIRSA SPECIALTY Free Eshma'es WALKER CONSTRUCTION BUILT AND REPAIRED Free Estimates Expert Workmanship 20 years' experience Over 10 years‘ experience H. B. FISHER Office Supplies EXCELLENT RATES Professional work guaranteed SNOW PLOUGHING 884-4539 GOOD WORK “Charlie The Painter†884-7269 Plastering - Thornhill Karl Bundschun PAINTING PAINTING 8v DECORATING Free Estimates PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R. E. Dunn 727-3303 CHIMNEYS & FIREPLACES 488-7521 - 889-3185 and Paperhanging Free Estimates Peter Elliott Plumbing & Snow Ploughing 102:0 Yongo Street WAREHOUSE & Fl'RNITl’RE SHOWROOM 32! ENFORD RI). RICHMOND HILL 88-1-9295 88-8-9296 889-5729 Furniture, Office Supplies Social Stationery Honda) to Friday 8.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. ('lnsed Saturdav PLUMBING & HEATING Roger Proulx 884-1650 Plastering Plumbing 889-2163 PAINTING 889-2773 GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP 884-3479 Roofing 884-4832 Painters Office Supplies 884-2882 Anytime clwu HUB "cl ":23 "cw Hch "cu "c1 I Tree Removal I GILLIES â€" In loving memory ol my brother Dan, who passed away March I974, also my Mother, Mary Gillies, October I971. and my Father, John Gillies, February 1957. 0 Dangerous Elm Trees 0 Trimming â€" Pruning . Land Clearing FREE ESTIMATES I Corinthians 2: I look torward to meetlng my loved ones. in the Heavenly Home, God has prepared tor those who know the Lord Jesus as their personal Saviour. ‘ Dearly remembered by Marie. Call Lorne Bridal 884-1712 W Thinking of Spring MILLHART UPHOLSTERY ANDERSON. Daniel James MORELAND. Mary Jane Al York Cemral Hospital, on Sunday, Mar¢h I4, 1916, beloved wile ol James Moreland, 0! Rich- mond Hill, dear mother ol MarA iorie (Mrs, H. Bradley), Mary Oosierhuis, James. Audrey (Mrs‘ Robert Alkinson). Kenneth, Belly (Mrs‘ Jack Davis) and Babs (Mrs. Gary Cooper) and loved by her many grandchildren and area'- grandchildren. Resied al ihe Marshall Funeral Home, Rich- mond Hill. Mass in St. Mary Immaculale Church on wed- nesday morning. lnlermenl Holy Cross Cemetery. Memorials lo lhe Canadian Cancer Socieiy. Al Toronlo. on Monday. March 8, 1976, Daniel James Anderson, 0! Thornhill, dear lamer 0! Dana (Mrs. J. Gilmore) ol Whilbv, David M Bramalea. Danny ol Darlmoulh, Nova Scolia and Donald M Don Mills, brother ol Belly (Mrs. F. Hudson) ol Newmarkel and Ruby (Mrs. J. Bunn) ol Downsview, Funeral services were held a. the ward Funeral Home, 2035 Weston Rd., (north ol,Lawrence Ava.) Weston. on Friday, March nth a! ll a.m, lnlermenl Beechwood Cemetery. cleB Suddenly, as the result at a motor accident, Thursday, March H, W76, Stephen House, beloved son at Jack and Bev House 0! Maple, dear brother at Rich and Jett. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. Service was held on Saturday afternoon. Cremation. In Hospital, on Wednesday, March 20, I976. beloved wile ot Antonio Madelino, at Garden Ave Thornhill, dear mother at Conni (Mrs. N. Harrington), Mary (Mrs. J. Donahue), Joe, Dan and Lou and also survived by thirteen grandchildren and one great- grandchild. Rested at the Mar- shall Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. Mass was held in St. Mary Immaculate Church on Saturday. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. At York Central Hospital, on Sunday, March 14, I976, dear molher of Phillip ol Truro, N.S., and Rev. James Dauphinee, Rich- mond Hill. A funeral service was held on Wednesday, March 17, 1976 at Lunenburg, N.S. JARVIS. Jessie On Monday, March is, 1976, Jessie Gillies, beloved wile ol the late John Jarvis ol Richmond Hill, in her 83rd year, dear mother 0! Peter and Ellie (Mrs. F. Dale), survived by live grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. Service was held on Wednesday, March 17th, at 2 p.m. Interment Richâ€" mond Hill Cemetery. MADELINO. Stella HOUSE. Stephen Michael DAUPHINEE. Bessie PACITTI. Maria At York Central Hospital, on Sunday, March I4, 1976, Maria. beloved wife at the late Vincent Pacim, dear mother of Oraxia (Mrs. F. Carcone). at Richmond Hill. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hilla Funeral Mass was held in St. Mary Immaculate Church. Wednesday morning. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. Flee Pick-Up & Delivery Lindra Enterprises â€" ELECT THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE TO REPRESENT YORK CENTRE IN THE NEXT PROVINCIAL ELECTION. NOTE: Voting memberships are available from now until Sat, April 24th. Please phone Terry Boreham at 384-3124. In Memoriam "Eye hath not seen. nor ear heard; neither hath entered into the heart at man the things which God hath prepared tor them that love him.†THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. March 17. 1976 â€" B-s â€" DISCUSS POLICIES â€" ELECT DELEGATES TO THE PROVINCIAL CONVENTION Watch this paper for further details Stuffing & Mailing Service L & E TYPESE'ITING Typesetting PICK~UP & DELIVERY Secretarial Service 859-8966 â€" 039-5063 2350 Kiln Vim Rd. ROUTE 1, KING CITY THE YORK CENTRE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE RIDING ASSOCIATION ANNOUNCES Deaths 8335925 2 PIECE SUITE EG. $150. LABOUR MATERIAL EXTRA Same reasonable prices on all other Items. FOR FAST COURTEOUS SERVICE, PHONE SATURDAY, MAY 8TH Coming Events 7755213 COLLECT 8A Main St, Newmarket OFFERS P.C. DAY Upholsterers "(‘9 c5w36 c5vt36 china AND 11 NOON AUCTION 0F ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES 6 signed "R‘ May. Toron!o,_laso" carved chairs, 10 piece dining set “Pequegna'†clock and others. 5 piece Flow Blue wash 59'. M. Gregory art glass, Iurniture, china, brass. copper, oil lamps, silver, iron, cracks, etc. Claremon' Communivv Hall. Brock Road, Pickering 5 mi‘ north of Hwy. 1 B. GREEN, AUCTIONEER 207-4133 7 P.M. Victoria Square Community Hall, approx. 5 mi. north at Hwy. 7, west olt Don Mills Rd., on lath Ave. Auction includes nursing rocker, marble top tile back washstand. 4 high press back chairs, bullet, hall bench, Captains’ chairs, walnut kitchen cabinet, armchair rocker. lireside seat. High chair. Desk, wicker baby carriage. Ginger- bread clock. British souvenir miniatures, 2 tiered cake plate, 2 glass salters and salt spoon. Depression lruit bowl. Copper kettle. Box telephone. Sleigh bells. Pine box. Iron pot. Stained glass windows. Belgium railway lamp. Butter bowl. Crock iugs. Rare pickle ladle. Wagon Wheel. Partial list only. BRIAN GREEN. AUCTIONEER 297-4133 (l-lseo collectors item), adding machine, duplicating machine, cash register, desk, swivel chair, counters. shelving, 2 big skillsaws, 2 exhaust tans, air compressor, new sump pump, old drill press, grinder with l h.p., 2 chain hoists, Pertlex pool liner (used) assorted smoke pipes and accessories, approx. 100 pieces., coping tor swimming pool, salamander propane heater, 4 or more pool ladders and parts, 300' at 1†high pressure hose, approx, 5-50' lengths at 2" suction hose, 4 air hammers and chisels, battery charger, conveyor elevator, l1" wide 25’ long, with l h.p. electric motor. Hosstled bender with at- tachment, approx. 150' 6†ABS. Pipe, 1" ~ 4" copper pipe. I†- 4" black plastic pipe, sewer and cast iron pipe, brass, copper, plastic and cast littings assorted sizes. Electric iack hammer 4 cylinder with constant air cooled motor, extension ladder, stepladder, tires, scrap iron, lumber, con- struction water pump, gas engine, electric motors all sizes, many more articles too numerous to mention. This sale is one at a kind, a plumber’s paradisel! Over 300 int: lots. 16 Market Street, Sloullville, have moved. must sell stock lrom old localion. Par! 0! list includes: 1969 single axle Dodge truck with dump box, 1961 Inlernational truck single axle, 1973 Bliuard Snowmobile, 340 (like new), assorted parts lrarn ski don slock, gas Pos' hole auger a", 2 lransits wilh tripods, AT l P.M. Auction sale at househnld lur. nilure, modern & antique. Elc. appliances; Findlay Oval coal and wood cook stove; Findlay Cheerful and Findlay Quebec coal and wood heaters; McCullough chain saw: garden rolo tiller; elec. drill; misc. tools; garden tools and anliques incl. ox yoke. Woods 21 cu. lt. deep lreele. Hoover Spin Dry washing machine. TERMS: Cash day at sale â€" Cheques with l.D. Nothing to be removed until settled for. Ac‘ cidents: Neither the owner nor the auctioneer will be responsible lor accidents or property loss. ERNIE SEVERN, Aucl. R. R.I,Allislon ciwza Tel. 705-435-7467 Saturday, March 20 Tues., March 23rd Sat, March 27th Pine iam cupboard, llal back, old bullet. spool bed, marble lop lile back wash stand, oak secretary~ china cabinel, old Vic'rola, numerous wash slands,1 caplains chairs and 4 side chairs, original slencils. Many pieces ol Carnival, Depression and Spaller glass. Ginger bread clock. Many oil lamps, biscuil barrel, NH!!! vases, 21 piece Blue Willow lea sel, 5 piece wash sel. Beaver sealer, numerous crocks, Pi" cliers, iron pot and many more good arlicles. AUCTION SALE Saturday, March 20 APRIL 3. Saturday. U.C.W. Spring Rummage Sale, Thornhill United Church, 189 Dudley Ave., 10 to 11 noon. Collee. chas ANTIQUE AUCTION 12 NOON VICTORIASOUARE COMUNITY HALL Approximately 5 miles north 0! Hwy. No, 7, W250 all Don Mills Road, on mm Avenue. 2‘: miles north of No‘ 7 Hwy. on Keele St. or 1 mile sou'h 0! Maple, lirs! house south 0! Rutherlard Road, S.W‘ corner 0! Rumerlord and Keele. Friday, March 26 TERMS CASH, NO RESERVE DON BURD. Sales Manager, Auctioneer, Stoquille. 540-2932. cm‘ AUCTION SALE Auctions BEN SEVERN A GOOD AUCTION DO NOT MISS IT!!! BRYAN GREEN. Aucvioneer. 297-4!†10 A.M‘ BETZ POOLS LTD Ftee Bï¬mates FOR CZWJB clefl clwu c2w37