It must be fairly ob- vious, even to the obese, that not everything which goes into the body through the mouth remains within the system. Perhaps that’s why dietary fibre or roughage as it’s more commonly known â€" seldom comes up as a subject of drawing room or even nutritional conversation. C-8 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. March 17, 1976 As previous nutrition articles have pointed out, we eat most things for the chemical residue they leave behind for repair jobs and general refueling. ’Waste’ foods have value WCTORM and GREY ‘10%% V1 U 1 UNI/'1 and TRUST COMPANY UAHANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES 8171 Yonge St. In the Bayhtll Mews 3arrying a Complete Line of laira’ Ruby, Manager 884-1 107 Eubhlestnneg TUES., WED., THURS. 9:30 to 4:30 FRIDAY 9:30 to 6:30 SATURDAY 9 to 12 NOON 10% 10355 Yonge St., Richmond Hill (Quality; (giftï¬ Interest paid semi-annually , GLASSWARE ‘ PINE REPRODUCT IONS . GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Interest paid annually Serving Ontario since 7889 5 Year Term 3n Dietary fibre is food of plant origin that is not broken down by the human digestive system. Composed mostly of carbohydrates, fibre has been historically linked to digestive regularity and contributes to the desirable texture. or “eating†characteristics, of many foods. Additional elements of our foods, such as vitamins, minerals, fat, proteins and other car- bohydrates, play their roles in meeting our bodily needs, such as energy growth and that “satisfied†feeling that 831-0808 comes after having eaten a meal. through the system. The need for these “waste†products Fibre is considered as undigestible matter which virtually propels needless food residues through the system. SOLVE YOUR MONEY PROBLEMS? CANADA ND. 1 GRADE PEI POTATOES MEDAGLIA DORO COFFEE $149 HOSTESS POTATO ¢ CHIPS ALLEN'S APPLE Buy one at the regular price of 55° and get one APPLE JUICE 4802.tin59¢ VEGETABLE. on. $4 MARINA Produce of USAâ€"Canada No. 1 Grade ITALIAN BREAD Produce of USA-Cilia No. 1 Grade Nutrition CARROTS l bunches for $100 LETTUCE 4 ,0. 31°" 128 oz. anne wanstall recently came under discussion when a team of British physicians compared the dietary fibre intake of rural and l1 you'le expecting Income in a lump sum (say, item a vogistered pension plan or a deferred pvoiil sharing plan 07 as a miving allow- ance) you can expect to be taxed in a lump sum as well! Sobeving "rough! isn‘t it! How to Keep More of Your Money $299 urbanized Africans to that of Western man. Results showed that rural Africans, with large amounts of fibre in their diet, suffered less from digestive problems (constipation. append- icitis, diverticultitis. cancer of the colon) than did the more highly ur- banized Western group with low fibre diets. It is relatively simple to add more fibre to our diets. Fruits and vegetables such as berries, tomatoes, broccoli. cabbage, cauliflower, carrots and PREVENT TRANSMISSION :ï¬'BOUBLE= COOKIES 79¢ BISCUITS 1 lb. hag WITH A GUARANTEE AGAINST FAILURE FOR 6 MONTHS OR 6,000 MILES! in the Former Pirris Food Market Location CHECK THESE OPENING SPECIALS CONCORD FOOD CENTRE 10309 YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL 5|b.bag VALID THURS. MARCH 18 THROUGH SAT. MARCH 27 10 DAYS ONLY MILANO LADY FINGER CHRISTIE CHOCOLATE CHIP sweet potatoes are high in fibre. In addition, the cereal] fibres found in whole grain and bran (the high- fibre outer layers of the cereal grain) are most effective. Whole grain breads, such as wheat and rye, bran muffins and branâ€"containing ready-toâ€" eat cereals are excellent sources. Wheat bran-based cereals contain from two to seven per cent fibre and can be enjoyed alone, or in combination with the more generally eaten .:e"eals for breakfast. is opening at pkgs. $119 $100 Large Florida GRAPEFRUIT BONA Pink or White MOZZABELLA SERVICE MAKES /THE BARGAINS C BETTER Produce of USA-Canada No. 1 Grade RED GRAPES SALAMETTI $ 1 99 each CABBAGE 43100 BABY MORTATELLA $129 CALIFORNIA 79¢", Friolano BONA f$100 each