Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Mar 1976, B10

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INCLUDING 2 STOVES FRIDGE, HOUSEHOLD ITEMS T.V.,W|NE BARRELS, ETC. General Eledric, whi'e. .wH :leaning oven, 3225, also 24" white R.C.A., lully automatic, electric, $125 0 R D E R Y 0 U R INGROUND POOL NOW FOR SPRING IN- STALLATION. Planning a Spring orSummerWedding I have the perfect wedding gown and veil for you‘ Site 5 - v A David Rea original design a! half price. ,....~a We have several thousand tropical plants succulents. cacti, vines. ivys and flowering plants. BENTLEY POOLS We are going out ol business. Plant your Terrariums or decorate your home at reasonable prices. Free advice. J. Greftegreff Greenhouses Corner of 17th Ave. Markham - Pickering Townline Displaced by New Airport Unable to relocate Contents of Home Now In Aurora! Cow Manure For Sale FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE EXTENDED SHOWROOM HOURS: Thursday -â€" 6:30 P.M. â€" 9:00 P.M. Saturday â€" 9:00 A.M. â€"â€" 12:00 Noon Good black garden manure 884-7610 TO BE TRAINED TO FILL IN FOR ABSENTEES DURING VACATION PERIOD. Job will consist of observing a security panel and reporting. 3-10 â€"â€" m: LIBERAL. Wednesday, March 24, 1976 Selling Out Carriers, aged 12 to 16 required for'distribution of flyers, catalogues and household advertising material. We carry a complete line of electric and gas appliances ls vds. or ‘1 ton truck load ROUTES AVAILABLE CLOSE TO YOUR HOME LATE AFTERNOON & SATURDAY DELIVERIES PAID WEEKLY. MUST BE DEPENDABLE Ranges Freezers Refrigerators Washers Dryers Air Conditioners CALL AFTER 5 P.M PART TIME HELP B TLEY P oLs 727-1132 30" STOVE 294-5634 884-5808 Unbelievable low prices at J & B Transport Warehouse 889-0598 (Between 9 am. and 5 pm.) Up to 5 years to pay CONSUMERS’ GAS COMPANY CHESTERFIELDS & MATTRESSES INVENTORY CLEARANCE Call between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. 493-1214 WOODBINE - STEELES AREA URGENT SALVAGE SALE PHONE 755-0953 500 Elgin Mills Road, East Richmond Hill, Ontario 887-5847 895-4577 884-8628 SHIFT WORK IS INVOLVED Articles for Sale Help Wanted GirI/ Boy Distributors 7451 BM Rd.. Mississauga. 5731422 CNN? plwaa ("V39 (N15 c1w39 new, won in a draw. Asking 3100. 1844925. :lw39 - will sell you w x 32' above ground Modular Redwood Pool a? sacrifice price of $3,000. savings of $2,101 1975 model. call 016-625- 2719. days or evenings, collect BICYCLE, Men's lo-speed. Brand BRIGGS a. STRATTON Hand hem with plow, discs. narrow and arm. EXCHANGE FOR TRAILER OR MAKE A DEAL SWIMMING pool for sale. Moving INEXPENSIVE Bed Chesterfield and Matching Chair KITCHEN equipment, stainless steelware, ideal lor institutional use. For details contact: Mrs J. Willer. York County Hospltal, 8?5- 4521‘ c1w39 Must dispose ol l97s aluminum pools in siock, sacrilice price lor desperately needed laclory warehouse space. Brand new swimming pools include walk around deck. lence. filler. and warranty. Sixe 15’ x 27‘ $1,088 cash or 'erms 'Farm Iresh. Governrieit in spected. Average wefgm M} R): SWIMMING POOL, Deluxe, redwood, above ground pool. 16’ x 14'. One yr old. Repossessed by bank, sacrifice, “a price. Can Mr. Harvey, tolled, days or evenings, 416-615-6819. "(35 per slde. HeaviQr side; available; Cm, wrapped and dellvcred â€" 89 cams per lb. CONTENTS 100 sets bunk beds, cheap. Liquida'ors, 3368 Yonge St, 4857911. c2w38 Swimming Pool Wholesaler 9-pieces, solid mahogany, buffet hu'ch. table, 6 walnu' chairs. GARDEN TRACTOR Black and whiie console model VERY GOOD CONDITION $3 bushel and Up 889-4172 ":3 Diningroom Suite Evgs. 884-0721 705-357-3182 Excellen' condition. 5200 BABY BEEF collect days or evenings O Dishwashers 0 Air Cleaners . Barbeques O Humidifiers . Logs O Deâ€"Humidifiers SPIES,MacINTOSH OTHER VARITIES CASE HOLTEREST 884-7992 CALL GORD 1-545-9016 T.V., 23” 889-4750 889-3414 APPLES S350 clw39 clw39 t:le9 m: c1w39 ":39 c2w39 "(3| CZWJB aw” flch "CH Articles Wanted 2 LAIDLAW BLVD. MARKHAM - 294-3650 0 CRESTLINERS 0 DORAL 'SURFMASTER WTHUNDERCRAFT 'MERCL‘RY OUT- BOARDS & [NBOARDS Every boat. motor & accessory discounted SAVE ON 1975 BOATS & \IOTORS brand new (won on Tim. 3356'. 3814190. CIW39 BUNK beds, maple, $75. 4 chrome kitchen chairs, $10. 887-5537. c1w39 WANTED, 'I used Mon or sickle mower and I post hole auger for Massey Ferguson tractor. 889â€" 1044. clw39 PIANO wanted. Approximacely $100. - 5150.122-7088. ":22 _ Marine Discounters! BRASS beds â€" a country store lull. All sixe and styles (including Queens). Open all weekends. 9994 Keele 50., Maple 936-3056, 832-2567. "C45 12 FT. aluminum boat, Springbok TYPEWRITERS, adders, calculators, sales, service, ren- tals, Newmarke! Business Machine: 497 Tin'fothy 5L Newmarke1.895-762L ":36 STANDARD vransmission, 3- speed, Bellhohsing, !or 183 motor. as 183 motor and transmission. 804-0689. cle? A BRICK or Sloné wall for yet" kitchen. Installed or do il yoursell: 6303578. "(3| DEAD or crippled farm animals. picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Dis'ance and ask [or ZENITH 32800. Can anytime. Ed Peconi 8. Son, Woodville, 0m. Licence No. 324C“. ":29 LEARN to Fly. Introductory flight 55. Toronto Airways Ltd., But- tonville Airport, 2974421. NCJ' Free Estima'es. Aluminum siding, windows, doors, awnings. 884-4558 or 831-1319. ":5 CHESTERFIELD, 4 seater, and chair. Blue. 889-5665. Clw39 RUG, shag. in orange and brown S'arhurs! design, approx. 9' x 12‘ S95. BBQ-3906. clw39 WANTED FOR SCRAP Top Prices 889-0353 We CENTRE Meat Marke!v I91 Sheppard East Home Freexe orders. 121-6000. ":19 DISHWASHER, portable, w. Way, $45. 884-0025. cum HIGHEST cash prices or iraae value paid lor houseiul of N‘- niture and appliances. Brice's Furniture. 363-1954. "ch TEAKWOOD Living-Dining-Bedrooms‘ Designs in Teak. 657 Markham Rd., Allencourt PIala. Richmond Hill â€" 8843750. Several type laces to choose lrorn - including Script, Block letters, Outline and Signature. Fast service. Call "The Liberal” 884- 8177. ":42 Articles for Sale apanmen' size, good condioion. $125. 884-8872. (lw39 Leading Manutacturer and distributor has above ground Aluminum Pools left over trom .1975 season, V2 PRICE, guaran- teed Installation and terms. Call Credit Manager collect. Mississauga days or evenings. 416‘ 625-8519. ":32 8 PIECE Dining room suite, blue Chesterfield and chair, side tables (2), phone table, omce swivel chair, bed chesterlield. 834-7131. SPIN Washer. dryer and stand. Simplicity, brand new (won on T.V.).5375.881»H90. c1w39 .LARGE colonial type picture window 8' x 5’. Available on or about April 151. Beirlg replaced by TEAKWOOD Burma Scan‘ dinavian furniture, bedroom, diningroom, Iivingroom, coflee tables. Brand new. Very reasonable. l-147-4377. ":30 WASHER â€"- spin dry, Kenmore TV 19" and stand, frailer hi'ch lra'ne. 384-5515. Reasonable‘ Doors, windows, awnings. railings, siding, sottit systems,’ trough. Free estimates. Ron Woods 884-1514. ttcdb CONTENTS. ‘00 Continental beds, all sites, new, cheap. Liquidators, 3368 Yonge St, 438-7911. c2w38 SWIMMlNG POOL. less than 1 year old. Fania-Sea above ground redwood. 16' x 24' Cost “500‘ Must sell immedia'elv. WiII sacrifice at savings at $2,000 Call Fania-Sea Swim Cemre at Mousse”. Days or evenings collect. ":38 "thermopane evenings. CONTENTS, 100 kitchen sets, new, cheap. Liquidators. 3369 Yonge 57., 4884911. c2w38 MODERN walnut coffee table 72" x 22" and matching end tables $50 pair. One stem: chair chrome with black upholstery. $15. 889-7074. ORGAN, Baldwin electric Conâ€" cen model. Good condioion. 884- 9747(5:30to1:30pAm.). clw39 FLOOR grinder, J h.p. Domus. For information call 889-607 or 745-3500 Ext. 69. (:le9 JOHN’S MARINELAND Motorcycles MOTORCYCLE 250 KAWASAKI YORK ALUMINUM RUBBER STAMPS Cars° & Trucks Boating Aircraft excellent Candi SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE ALUMINUM Call Mike 884-5432 AFTER 6:30 c1w39 Call 804-3736 plw39 clw39 clw39 clw39 (11:29 Pfifiiia, KING CITY TRAILERS ‘ 0 10th t ANNIVERSARY SALE UP lo 25% discount on parls & accessories. Repairs lo all makes, Hilches, 8. Roll up Awnings inslall- ed. Campgrounds al Pigeon Lake, all hook ups, and healed pool. $295 per year. (12 mos). COME in, compare and save on all new 8. used trailers, lruck cam9~ ers, and truck caps. WW figlfler. Easter Seals help crippled children . FOR fibreglass raised van root. eouioment. windows; sleeping (a- (ilines, storage mace, alleralions, cabinelrv, repairs and/or renova- {ions, pronane gas licenced installa- or. 72 SKI 000 400 Free Air Racer. new engine. Asking 3550. 881-1746. . clw39 73 YAMAHA 433. Good condition. Only used 2 seasons. 5650. 881-1746. clw39 FOR qur qleasure 9nd comforl in- terior hnnshung to Sun your use, FOR fibreglass repairs and much more. thre no nob is loo small, no request unrque. FOR vear-roynd Lse camoer/ recreahon vehicle irom your van, bus,elc. TRUCK CAPS SALE $229 UP ' , Finance charges waived on John Deere Snowmobiles until July'u. I974 GLENDETTE, 24 H. Trailer. Like new. 773-5517 I971 SKI DOO, Nordic 399, double trailer and Skiboose MK II_. Good condi'i n. “75181-0170. c2w38 FOR 2 TO MEXICO! 0R OVER 100 OTHER PRIZES! CUSTOM CAMPER CONVERSIONS 0 SUNFLIGHT TRIP ‘71 SPRING GARDEN AVE. WILLOWDALE, ONT. M2N366 PHONE (“6) 222-3569 Bethesda Sales & SNOWMOBILES o SALES o SERVICE 0 REPAIRS NEW 8- USED PARTSâ€"SERYICE â€" CLOTHING ENGINES a. PARTSâ€"SASCHS HIRTH»â€"C‘C.W,â€"KHOLER SLEEPS!» LARGE FRIDGE 4-BURNER STOVE EXHAUST OVEN FLUSH TOILET 9ATH, SHOWER FURNACE RUN BY PROPANE BATTERY OR ELECTRICITY HOT AND COLD WATER Richmond Hill CycI-e Clinic Ltd Chrysler Boats Chrysler Outboard Motors SALES & SERVICE Reid Mower, Marine & Sports 884-7716 881-2384 Snowmobiles YAMAHA NEW & USED SNOWMOBILES Sales - Parts Service to all makes 10593 Yonge St. Richmond Hill 883-1412 881-0844 mu Reid Mower. Marine & Sports KING CITY TRAILERS ’ KING RD.,2MI.W.OF YONGE s12, nuzw mm MON.â€" FR|.-8.00 TO 6.00 SKIROULE SNOWMOBILES WIN ALL EXPENSE PAID 1975 - 24' FREE SPIRIT TRAILER All sixés and colors Old Hwy. 7 and Bayview THORNHILL 339-183} C‘ CAMPING TRAILERS Trailers 11641Yonge SL. Richmond Hill Boating 0K 884-5935 884-7716 Service Bus. 389-17” Res. 838-1166 c|w39 c1w39 Trav: clw39 "€19 a {anâ€"radio, radial tires. 22,000 IT“ 95. Four wheel drive. automatic, 350 4-Barrel. Power steering, power brakes. 5 Lug tires. 20,000 miles. Heavy duiy suspension. Radio. liebaned. 55,500, CALL TOM AFTER 7 P.M. 8844072 cleQ pond clean condition. 16 plates Uncenilied. $650. Call 727-2609 Power Mares. steering and windows. Air-conditioning. New tailgate. Can be repaired for road .159 or lor pans. Licensed in 1975. Make an alter. can be seen at 11290 Keele 51., Maple most anytime. clw39 Air conditioned, loaded with op- !ions. 12,000 miles. ASKING $4,750 0R BEST OFFER Standard 3 speed. Cenilied. New paint. New tires. IMPALA 4~door hardtop. Fully equipped AirAconditioning. Low mileage Best oHer. Must sell. 74 MUSTANG ll 72 Pinto Wagon Air, radials, power steering and brakes. Auiomatic, radio. One owner. Certified. Sl,695. ALSO 25 OTHER RECON DITIONED VW'S 1975 Chev Impala 1969 FORD 1/2 TON Automa'ic. Radio. Gas 47,000 miles. $1,295 68 VW BUG 69 Dodge Charger RUNS GOOD. VANDORF FINA 727-3322 1970 Chev Deluxe Kingswood Wagon 1968 PLYMOUTH Automatic. Radio. Gas heater 73 AMC HORNET Afternoon Shift Supervisor Standard. Radio. Gas heater CERTIFIED 6CYLINDER. STANDARD NEW BRAKES, NEW TIRES $1.500 CALL 384-2288 OR AFTER 6 P.M. 484-3784 74 Chev % Ton 73 MAZDA RXVZ 70 Ford Torino Wagon 3511 For appointment call Mr. Bob Corner AT 889-1799 $895. 72 FORD PINTO Sports Satellite Call 895-3843 70 V W WAGON 74 CHEVROLET 67 PLYMOUTH Low mileage, Best offer 884-4881 :1 72 Renauh R10 1-640-1566 74 HORNET HATCHBACK 21,000 MILES CALL AFTER 6 P.M $1,950 Firm 889-3642 884-0279 ASKING $1,300 OR BEST OFFER 6 cylinder standard $995. 68 VW BUG 884-8204 889-1352 Radio. Runs good Call Evgs. $600 884-4691 297-2779 889-3965 881-5142 AMC Dealer aflerb p.m $1,695. afterbp.m Required for Cars & Trucks Gas heater clw39 clw]? clw39 clw39 c1wJ9 clw39 clw39 clw39 clw39 clw39 c1w37 clw39 clw39 c1w37 ACCIDENTS: Neither the Owner nor the Audioneer will be responsible for accidents or propefly loss. ERNIE SEVERN,Auc1ioneer R. R. I, Alliston Tel. 705-435Ju1 TERMS: Cash day, a! sale â€" Cheques with ID. Nothing to be removed until settled for. ‘» FOR BEN SEVERN 2V; miles north ol No. 7 HWY. an Keele St. or 1 mile south ot Maple, tirst house south ol Rutherlord Road, s.w. corner at Rutherlord and Keele, on FRIDAY,MARCH 26 AT] P.M. The lollowing: Findlay Oval coal and wood stove with heater, closet and reservoir; Findlay Cheerful coal and wood heater (good); Woods Zl cu; lt. deep lreeze, Hoover Spin Dry washing machine. Findlay Quebec heater; Motlat 4 burner elec. stove with deep well cooker, glass in oven door (good),- ox yoke; old light lixture; oil lamp; 5 gal. crock: old kitchen cupboard porcelain top; pine cupboard; large cupboard; small table; ant. gate leg table; old pine table; love seal; parlour table; end tables; 2 elec. table lamps; T.V. trays; small table; drapes,- books; kitchen table and chairs; misc. pots and pans; iars; rocker; odd chairs; Console radio; bench; chrome table,- Viking vacuum cleaner; Seabreeze record player; scatter rugs; '00? Stools,- blanket box; material; bed with box spring and mattress; chest of drawers; dresser with mirror; ant. chest at drawers; wooden bed, odd chair; suit cases; baby's iron crib; shoe box; Beatty wrinser waSher; coal oil burner; gas lanterns; bag truck; steel posts; old emery wheel; bar- beques; Toro rotary mower (good); reel power lawn mower; hand lawn mower; garden roto tiller; screen door; step ladders. wood and aluminum; assorlmenl ol saws; forks, shovels. axe. garden tools,- hand tools; elec‘ drill; sump pump; wood block pulley: lantern; Coca Cola cooler; tlower pots; blow torch; Mc- Cullough chain saw, ladder; wheel barrow; quantity ot paint, numerous misc, items. Located iust west all Don Mills Rd., St; miles north of No. 7 high- way, in the village ol Vicloria Square. SOME HIGHLITES FURNITURE: Pine Corner Cupboard; Pine Bonnet! Chest; Pine Chests of Drawers; Pine Washsrands; Arrowback Chairs; Rockers; 2 Rope Beds (one name birch); 54" Brass Bed; Tables; Chairs; Etc. LAMPS Brass hanging Lamp; Vaseline Banquet Lamp; and other Oil Lamps; Glass 3. China: Doulton Tobys: Cranberry Glass; Flo Mulberry; Wedgewood; Cut Glass, Etc. MISC: Wall Telephone; Mirrors; Stain Glass Windows; Primitives, and Other Good Collectables. Note furniture mostly refinished PREVIEWéP.M. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416)985-8161 71 METEOR, 26,800 miles. 2 door hard'op. vinyl root, power steering, power brakes. brown. A- 1 condition. $2,000 or has? ouer. 8814746. . clw39 1975 DODGE Sportsman l5 passengerwagon.773-ssn. clw39 SPECIAL ANTIQUE AUCTION 7PiM. AUCTION SALE AT KING CITY COMMUNITY CENTRE 134 miles east at No. 400 and the King City interchanged Sale includes ll old dolls, German and Nippon Bisque, 1 Shirley Temple and composition; Doll lurniture; exceptionally good walnut dining room extension table, triple centre leg; walnut outtet (low); 3 dining chairs Chippendale design; Round bottom walnut chairs, reed back and velvet seat oak rocker and armchair; mantle clocks, wash stands, pine blanket box; swing mirror; child’s Morris rocker (rare); Beaver sealer; cow and sleigh bells; china, glass and silver items. oil lamps; druggist scales and weights; Dresden ligurine. Old auto wrenches (1920 and earlier); old sleigh; nursing rocker etc. Approx. 250 items in all. Terms Cash. GORDORR,AUCTIONEER 833-6360 O! house and Lot and all the lur- niture and tools of a seven room home in the Village of Claremom. The estate 0! Mrs. Fred Madill. Sale at H a.m. MORE DETAILS NEXT WEEK For inlorma'ion contact AucA Qioneers mo FORD Fairlane. a cylihder, automa'ic. Good condition‘ can be cenified. Reasonable. aaLow. 1913 DODGE, power wagon, 4‘ wheel drive, 360 automatic loaded, 12,000 miles. 889-1591 3]! V8 ENGINE, AUTOMATIC Power s'eering. radial Oires, 46,150 miles. I966 MALIBU/ rebuill mo'or, good condition,31.000.884-4841. clw39 I971 MAVERICK Grabber. Cer- 1i!ied.688-1998. c2w38 WANTED 1972 Volkswagen Iron! end, len lender, hood. trunk. etc, Phone 884-2396 or 939-2605. nc2w38 EARL GAUSLIN, 640-3079 NORM FAULKNER, 640-569! MONDAY, EVENING MARCH 29TH â€"-AT 7 P.M Being held at "VICTORIA SQUARE COMMUNITY HALL” AUCIION SALE Sat, April 3 AUCTION SALE 889~0128 Evgs. Tue. Evening, MARCH 30TH Auctions 73 DUSTER $2,450. CERTIFIED c1w39 CNN]? clwu clw39 clw39 cle')‘ clw39 clw39 APRIL 3, Saturday. U.C.W. Spring Rummage Sale. Thornnill United Church, 189 Dudley Ave., ‘0 to 12 noon. Coffee. c2w39 THEATRE AURORA presents "The sound a! Music" by Rogers l. Hammerstein on March 3| - April 1, and April 7-April 10. For iMormation ghone: 7274313, 727- Antique repairs and res’ora'ions by skilled cabinet craftsman; available to limited clientelle. Wrile: Bonnell Anliques, R. R‘ I, sormlev, om. LOH K?!) or phone 127-4311. We buy, sell, evaluate, "cu at Our Lady Queen of the World Church Cards of Thanks fig BRASS, copper. antiques repolushed. Brass beds, etc. Briiex. 755-7851, "(29 THE family at 'he late Lillian Brown wish to exiend sincere thanks to Dr. Krystolovich and pr. Gran'on and the stat! of York Central Hospital and to our neigh- bours and iriends lor me many messages of love and un- derstanding. clwfl l2 NOON AUCTION OF ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES 6 signed “R‘ Hay, Toronto. 1890" carved chairs. 10 piece dining set Suddenly at his home in Richmond Hill, on March 19, 1976, Jack Warwick, beloved husband at the late Edith Webster, dear father of Ronald, grandtather of Lynn, Lori, Lesley. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. SéFViE; Monday. Interment nu. Cemetery. "Pequegna'" clock and ovhers. 5 piece Flow Blue wash set. M. Gregory an glass, Iurniture. china, brass, copper, oil lamps, silver, iron, cracks, eic‘ Claremom Communi'y Hall. Brock Road, Pickering 5mi.norih ol Hwy.7 B.GREEN,AUCTIONEER 197-4133 Oi new turniture and used lur- niture. including number at new diningroom chairs, tables, buttets, kitchen chairs, beds, dressers, chestertields. etc. Used dressers, kitchen dinette, bookcase, television. hall tree, pictures. mirrors, dishes. A real good selection TO BE SOLD AT VICTORIA SQUARE HALL All items in good condition A sale worth your attention NO RESERVE. TERMS CASH SALE AT 6:30 P.M. Earl Gauslin 3. Norm Faulkner Auctioneers WALLER â€"- Jack and Carol (nee Smith) are proud and happy to announce the sale arrival at their son, Steven Albert, 9 lbs. on March Id, 1976, at York Central Hospital. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Waller and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith of Richmond Hill. Our special thanks‘ to Dr. Krystolovich and Dr. Luk and the nursing stall at 5 East, York Central Hospital. plw19 gntiquw & gm WARWICK. John (Jack) WHITEHEAI). Thomas Al his home on March th, W16. Bob Kivell, dear brolher of Alice (Mrs. A. Smith), Reba (Mrs. J. Currie), Pat (Mrs. A. Sullivan), Fern (Mrs. J. Pearcy), Bill, Audrey (Mrs. B. Aislrope). Norm, Frank and lhe lave Stan. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Mass was held a1 5‘. Mary Immaculate Church, Saturday. mlermem Holy Cross Cemetery. GALLOWAY. Jessie Victoria â€" JUNTUNEN. Selma Elvi At York County Hospital on Thursday. March la, I976. Elvl Partanen, beloved wile at Michael of Keswick. Dear mother at Paul of Richmond Hill, Relno, Sirkka. Elma. Keiio all ol Finland. Also survived by lo grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, 10366 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. Service Monday. Cremation. At York County Hospital on Thursday] March 18, 1976 Peter Stickley, dear husband 0! Clara Stecklev, dear lather oi Mary (Mrs. Norm Jarvis) and the late Leighton, dear grandtather of Carol Robinson, Marilyn Connell and Kenneth Jarvis. Also survived by 4 great grandchildren and his brother Edgar ol Stoultville, and Martha (Mrs. Henry Heise) Unionville. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Service was held Saturday, at the Heise Hill Brethren and Christ Church. Interment in adioining cemetery. At Sunnybrook Hospiial on Thursday, March 18. 1976, Thomas Whitehead. lather of Thomas cl Novelty, Ohio, brother 0! Jessie (Mrs. R. Marsha") and Archie. A private iunerair service will be new a. the B. E‘ Ring Funeral Home. 7783 Yonge 51., ‘I’hornhill. Cremavi n. Suddenly al her home in Rich- mond Hill on Tuesday, March Id. 1975. Jessie Upshall beloved wile of Alex Galloway. Dear molher M James ol Richmond Hill and David ol Markham. Dear sisler ol Victor Upshall ol Brampton and Mildred Sherk of Perl Colborne. Also survived by two grand- children. Resled al lhe Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. Service was held Friday. In- lermenl Richmond Hill Cemelery. KIVELL, Howard (Bob) STICKLEY, Peter Elmer Sat., March 27th ANHQUES ANNOUNCFMENT Thurs. March 25 AUCTION SALE Richmond Hill Hockey Association Bantam and Minor Pee Wee Bayview Ave., Richmond Hill 8 pm. to 1 a.m. HOT AND COLD BUFFET $10 per Couple Auctions Deaths Births Coming Events APRIL 2nd DANCE D. For i, 727- c2w39 c2w38 clw39 SATURDAY, April 10, Rummage Sale, 1:30 pm. Maple Uni'od Church, Keele Street. c3w39 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PLOT HOLDERSGTRUSTEES 0F THORNHILL CEMETERY will lake place on Wednesday. March 31,1916, at B p.m. in Norm Thornhill Community Centre, Royal Orchard Blvd. and Baytnorn Drive. lConvict women of neglecting horses “This action caused a great deal of pain and The women’s attitude toward dumb animals was flagrant, said’ Provincial Judge Ian Munroe. Overseas arrest in Markham rabbit case LONDON, Eng. â€" A former Newmarket man, charged with stealing $370,000 from the Markham-based Chin- chilla Guild of Canada, Charges arose after 11 horses, two ponies and a pig were found starving on a Whitchurch- Stouffville farm. $300 each in provincial court last week. Eileen Maxwell and Wilma Fisher were also placed on one year probation. NEWMARKET â€" Two Whitchurchâ€"Stouffville women, convicted of neglecting animals two weeks ago, were fined at ease and wandering aimlessly about. Sometimes he would seem to be fighting with an invisible foe, using his cane as a sword. An explanation of this extraordinary conduct, which was accepted by the other settlers, was that he had been a member of the infamous Butler’ Rangers during the American Revolution. His first house, a log shanty. stood about where Dr. James’ Langstaff’s ,Hall Street home now stands and never. got beyond the requirements of a settlement house. Peculiar person The elder Stocks was remembered as a very peculiar person avoided for the most part by young and old. At other times it became a bayonet which he would use to stab something to the ground. This group of men was formed with the duty of h a r a s s i n g t h e revolutionaries in every possible way on the principle that anything was permissible during wartime. The farm was marked will) very little clearing. The two sons lived in another crude log hut on the site of the present Mill Pond and spent their time in hunting, fishing and roaming with kindred spirits. He was described as being always restless, ill He and his family arrived in York on the evening of June 28, 1797, put up at Abner Miles‘ hotel, bought half a pound of butter for one shilling and threepence and a loaf of bread at two shillings and Sixpence. He took up residence in what was to become Richmond Hill and received his patent on completing his settlement duties in 1808, By the royalists they were depicted as all that was loyal, courageous and heroic. To the Americans they epitomized all that was cruel, vindictive and blood-thirsty. The first owner of lot 48 Vaughan was John C. Stooks. Peculiar Vaughan 3e tt/er yesterdays by mary dawson c2w39 clw39 all animals produced by the breeders. But the guarantee became worthless when the guild went bankrupt, and an estimated 2,500 people were left with their chinchillast At the time, a list of the company's debts totalled $290,000. It had sold chinchillas at $350 to $1,300 each to Canadians seeking to profit from breeding them. The guild had offered a buy-back arrangement in which it promised to buy He is charged with theft from the chinchilla guild which went bankrupt in April 1971. Kirby. originally from California, has been wanted in Canada for two years. Financial difficulty was the main cause of the problems, according to the women’s lawyer. Toronto RCMP said William Kirby, 53, was apprehended while trying to get a new Canadian pasSport. Extradition proceedings are under way. Maxwell and Fisher were given time to pay the fine. The alternative is three months in jail. was arrested here last week. A humane society of- ficial testified the stalls were eight inches deep in muck and all animals showed signs of neglect. According to witnesses testifying at the trial, a pony had died of star- vation and other animals were suffering from malnutrition at the horse farm‘which the women rented near Vandorf. suffering,” he said Another Ranger who settled in this area is reported to have bragged that members of the group became so har- dened with sights of blood they had shed that his heart failed him only once. according to William Harrison. Killed babies They had attacked a house and killed the men who defended it The women fled leaving a baby sleeping in a cradle. The old distillery fell into ruins and its site and surroundings are now covered with fine residences. The Ranger was about to put it to death with his bayonet, when it opened its eyes and smiled at him, and he found himself unable to make the lethal thrust. It was a dingy looking log building with a cupola on the top through which the fumes from the distilling process escaped into the air. However, he solved the problem by upsetting the craddle and with the child face down on the floor pinned it there with his bayonet. It is reported that at the battle of Cherryvale the Indian chief who was fighting with his braves alongside the Rangers. seeing the merciless cruelty of some of the white men, rushed up to Butler and shouted: “Call off your bloodhounds! We Indians are bad enough but we are ashamed to be associated with you.“ First distillery This lot also was the site of the village’s first distillery. It stood in the hollow west of what is now Trench Street, then only a footpath between Richmond and Mill Streets. The venture was not a financial success and was abandoned after a few years. The Stocks, un- successful farmers, were not permanent settlers. They soon flitted elsewhere. Wanton cruelty Many tales were recounted of their wanton cruelty and unnecessary slaughter.

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