Assists to Lorne Baxter, two, and .3: 4% w A special mention for Farrell. ~ the fine goaltending of Doug Macklin in the On Sundav the Hillers Richmond Hill twines. The Richmond Hill Cadillac Baif Peewees downed Newmarket 4-1 to tie their playoff series with goals going to Adrian Steenson, Pat Lawlor, Paul Beckwith, and Cleve Jones. Hill peewees down Newmarket On Sunday the Hillers RICHMOND HILL â€" Alex Ebersoaecher Of course it is very difficult to hand all of the blame to the poacher when there are sportsmen waiting to purchase the roe from them. Every year we have the same old controversy â€"â€" Should spawn as bait be outlawed? The best of friends are bickering among themselves when trout season opens in the spring, especially if one should have trout eggs as bait. p. Not only are all the male fish left on the shore to rot, but also the females are merely cut open and the spawn removed. The fish is left behind as a mark of man‘s greed. Spawn, or as it is more often called, me, are the eggs of ripe female trout or salmon. Fished mostly in the spring and fall season, this bait is, in my book, the most natural food available, and con- sidering the fact that those times are also the spawning times, I feel that it is perhaps the best bait for trout. Poachers Another problem is the poacher. Being usually from the local area, this fellow knows all the feeder streams. Before the regular season opens, he heads out during the night and spears or nets all the fish he wants. Reason for outcry Let's look at some of the reasons for the outcry to ban all such baits in Ontario, 3 problem which has been entirely brought on by the anglers themselves. First and foremost of course, is the age-old problem of snagging. Taken mostly during the regular season, some fishermen will do anything to snag a fish, sometimes even with an unbaited hook. Spearing fish We all know that spearing fish or even netting them is just as illegal as snagging or ‘foul-hooking’. T0 ban spawn?? Get ready for spring with a Searstune up It's another great Sears auto- motive value! Check these terrific low prices. . . then. bring your car in for a complete tune-up. We'll re- place spark plugs. points. con~ denser and rotor. Plus all the following: adjust timing; clean battery terminals; test compres- sion. generator. alternatOr and regulator; pressure test cooling system; verify coolant strength: adjust exhaust emissions: check ai and gas filters; check and adjust fan belt; scope check. Additional parts and Iab0r extra. Don't miss out on this value-packed offer. , . after a hard winter. your car really deserves some attention. Offer good for most North American cars including cars equipped with electronic ignition, Hurry in! Prices in effect now 'til 5:30 pm Saturday. March 27th. Goals were by Mike Smith and Farrell with two‘ Assists went to Carl D‘antimo. Steenson, Troy Mitchell and Keith Goulter. nipped the Toros from Bowmanville 3â€"2 in an exhibition match. rs auto- ‘hese terrific ring your car -up. We'll re- »nts. con- ;all the Sears Bait dealers Some bait dealers have a special license from the government to sell roe commercially. Fish eggs taken from Coho and Chonook right here in Ontario can be sold under this license. Most of the eggs come from the U.S., Michigan in particular. If a bait dealer is lucky, he might get some rainbow eggs from one of the commercial batcheries, but, believe me, these eggs are few and far ‘between. However, if you catch a fish legally and keep the roe for bait it is per- fectly all right, but the roe must not be sold. Most commercial roe, preserved in a bottle, are from either Coho or Chonook salmon. As they are partly boiled, not much milking takes place. (Milking is when the natural oils mix with the water, an action that is very at- tractive to the fish.) Killer bait When fished in the right way, spawn is a killer bait for Rainbow Trout, for both the spring and fall runs. Since it is a natural food at this time, many fish are taken quite legally from our streams, and banning such a bait would only penalize the majority of the anglers for the actions of a few selfish inâ€" dividuals. The answer? What is the answer then? Education may go a long way, but it is my opinion that those who misuse the bait are well aware of the law and of the consequences if caught. Better enforcement by govern- ment officials and help from the good sportsmen in the only answer, in my opinion. If we do our duty and buy only legal roe, as well as reporting the outlaws, I think we would be well on our way to settling this matter. Roe, if fished legally and properly, is still the best bait. Whether or not we are allowed this privilege in the future is entirely up to you. Sears. Richmond Hill, Hillcrest Mall. ’ Carrville Road and Yonge Street. 1†3193’ 382? COUNTRY BLUE GRASS JAMBOREE EVERY SATURDAY & SUNDAY AFTERNOON Featuring Steve St. Michael 8 Friends - The Good Bros. AMATEUR TALENT CONTEST SATURDAY AFTERNOONS BUFFET DINNER DANCING SUNDAYS 3:30 TILL 10 STEVE ST. MICHAEL Er DISCO DANCING GERONIMO'S YONGE ST.. ELGIN MILLS RICHMOND HILL 8843171 Store hours: Mon,. Tues.. Sat.. 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 pm Wed.. Thurs. Fri., 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 pm Lilac, apple, juniper other trees and shrubs pestknownas"scale."an and‘ a large number of can be infested with a insect that sucks the sap AURORA â€" Craig Cribar of Newmarket Monday night took his fellow York County Board of Education trustees to task for "panicking everytime they think someone's listening at the keyhole.†Cribar made his remarks during a discussion of releasing the minutes of an in- camera meeting of the board. Oct. 14. in which a decision was made to grant administrative staff wage increases beyond the 10 per cent federal guidelines. That was unnecessary, Cribar said. The board must decide if it was going to have in camera meetings, or not have them, All of the members had been misquoted at various times, he said; “that’s just the way it is. We have to live with it. “If you don‘t know how honest you are, yourself, Cribar said every time the board felt “someone was tipping off someone else†as to board ac- tivities, “we run back and say we must release this material." Use oil to control garden scale Trustee says board ’pan/cs’ AUYOMOTIVE CENTRE “Otherwise let's have the public here at the outset and not two months later when we've had flak then. you‘re in bad on the SUbjeCt shape." Cribar said. 3 (1T. TRI PAK ROYAL INSTANT . < 00/. IUIII II DIII'II'IIMflQ , PICKLED BBISKET TURKEY DRUMSTICKS 10341 YONGE ST. NORTH IN RICHMOND HILL HENLEY SWEET MIXED BEEF $1 _0 SPLENDOR SPAGHETTI $1 _29 45.? CHICKEN PICKLES 59¢ CORNED ENDEN SHAMPOO RR 1.59 HELENE CURTIS 32 Fl. Oz. Jar 10 LB. BOX LEGS lb KURKEBS 5 Lb. BOX 3for100 ASS'T. SNACKS CHRISTIES 9.4 fl. oz. 5 oz. box 2% MILK Partly Skimmed lb. Cribar was one of two trustees voting against releasing the minutes. William Laird of Georgina was the other. 2/33¢ AYLMER SWEET WAFER PICKLES 59¢ DOG FOOD ROUND $1 25 STEAKS ' LB- LOINs 0|: PORK $1 33 GRADE A BEEF FRESH TURKEY WINGS 24 fl. oz. jar 15 Fl. Oz. Tin SOUP 5for100 WOOD LIFE FURNITURE 16 fl. oz. Tin POLISH HABITANT 14fl.oz.tin ZIP of the host. causing twigs and whole branches to wither and die. “Scale insects spend most of their life cycle under a hard scale, which makes their control difficult with ordinary garden pesticides. For a very few days in May, the But scale can be brought under control, if your spray timing is correct. SPAGHETTI SAUCE 3 F0R100 CLUB STEAKS WHOLE TOMATOES ROUND UP COOKIES 3for1‘m 8 oz. pkg. 14 Fl. Oz. Tin 11.? W 8’ S CHOICE BONELESS WESTON'S 28 fl. oz. tin PRIMO 5m 1 W crawlers emerge from under the scale. when they can be controlled with malathion sprays. But since the crawler stage lasts only a few days. it can be missed easily." says an extension horticulturist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. D. B. McNeil]. According to Mr McNeill’the most ef THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. March 24. 1976 â€" B-l] FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED WHILE SUPPLIES LAST ONLY! BONELESS CLUB STEAK ROAST FANCY GRADE McINTOSH APPLES 58¢ BETTY CROCKER FABRIC SOFTENER COOKIE MIX 39¢ 39¢ 3.58 Oz. Box 13 oz. pkg. 33 fl. oz. p|astic TWINKLE 3 lb. hag CAKE MIX 16 Oz. Box TUES. - WED. - SAT. 10 AM. TO 6 PM. THURSDAY & FRIDAY 10 AM. TD 9 PM". NOW OPEN fective control for scale is a dormant oil spray that should be applied in thq spring before the buds break. When applied ac- cording to the manufacturer‘s direct- ions. it can provide ex- cellent control of scale. This is a special oil available at any garden supply store. FARMERS SAUSAGE WEINERS 49¢ COOKING ONIONS 99¢ SUNNYBROOK SAVE 1 lb. vac pac N0. 1 GRADE BLEACH 79¢ DILL PICKLES 49¢ 24 fl. oz. jar 99¢ 89¢ HANDI WIPES TOWELS 48 fl. oz. botde 128 Fl. Oz. 10lb.bag HABITANT TABLE SYRUP ROSE 12's pak DAY