8-2 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. March 24. 1976 Epic boys ousted by Orillia in finals York Simcoe champs Middle row. Ken Main. Joe Thurston. Bill Following are members of the Richmond Hill Tournaments Inc. Minor Bantams who won the York-Simcoe championship last week. Front row (left to right) Maurice Del Fabro. Craig Halliday, Danny Henderson. Eddie McCleave. Allen. Steve Dave Jordan. Shannon. David Glen Dunford. Madden. Mike O‘Donnell. Mark Austin. Jeff Briggs. Doug Eldridge. Eric Rockarts, Doug Jones. Back row. Larry Trollope, manager. Ray Floyd. coach. Wayne Allison coach. (See story Page 8-1). Min or ball registration time RICHMOND HILL Registration dates for Richmond Hill Minor Ball will be held April 3 and 10 from 10 am. to 4 pm. in the new arena here. Fee per child is $7. family rate is $18, It was also announced that “with the increasing interest and co-operation of the parents in Rich- mond Hill“ the association has achieved a full executive com- mittee with all positions filled for the 1976 season. The executive com~ mittee is: New executive S t a n S h a d o f f. president: Shirley Ed- wards. treasurer: George Nelson. equipment manager: Ann Thorpe. publicity director; Lillian Chepelsky. secretary; Dale Trumbull. diamond controller; Lois Smith. head convener; Ed Deminiuk, umpire-in- chief. Footnote: The RHMBA is a separate body of executives from the Rich- mond Hill Ball Association which most people seem to be con- fused about. The minor ball executives work directly with all boys and girls ages five years and up in the house league division in Richmond Hill only. Lots of enthusiam RHMBA publicity director Anne Thorp told “The Liberal" that “with all the enthusiasm being shown we are looking forward to a very promising season in minor ball with lots of action nightly in Brad- stock Park commencing around May 24. “Parents are urged to attend registration with their children as a parental signature is required on all ap- plication forms. “We still need all those parents who so graciously gave their time last season in coaching our house league teams for similar duties this season. We also need conveners for all divisions as well. “You can sign on registration day when you come to the arena. Your efforts are very much appreciated, not only by the children but by the executive com- mittee and parents alike. It is quite a rewarding experience to be involved with boys and girls in the Firestone STORES SERVICE SPECIALS Alignment and suspension check f\ s . most cars yes we service imports too . This service features setting toe-in and toe-out. adjusting camber and caster centering steering wheel. adjusting wheel bearings c0rrecting tire pressure plus inspecting springs and shocks TOFSIOn bars air conditioning extra, parts and Installation extra if required Guaranteed Brake Service Lifetime Supreme 95 y. s “nâ€? I; s it": P e 2 3 r C Guaranteed for as long as you keep your car. HOURS: Richmond Hill RICHMOND HEIGHT CENTRE Mon., Tues. Wed, Sat 8 am - 6 pm. Thursday and Friday 8 am. - 9 pm. USE OUR firestorm CREDITPLAN 0R. . T3531“ _ (lt\R(.t _ t ! i 8844401 ¢$t0ߢ STORES Youngsters are also ('linics encouraged to attend. Plans are also un- Datesof the clinics will derway for an umpires' be announced. I and pitchers‘ clinic. The association Will be These clinics are for the holding a Spring dance benefit of everyone and June 19 at St. Marys run free of charge. (‘atholic Church. house league tea ms. " RICHMOND HILL An injury-plagued Rich- mond Hill Epic Realty Bantam team went down to defeat against Orillia in the York Simcoe finals by 4-2 and 5-2 scores. That final 5-2 loss saw the Realty bantams forced to dress injured "Digger" DeGeer and have him sit on the bench just to have the required number of players in the lineup. Despite this. the Epic boys come up with a hard struggle before losmg with their goals going to Scott Bartlett from Jeff Joslin; and Gary (‘arvin from the same Bartlett. The opening game 4-2 loss saw the Hillers losing a tough one despite a great effort in the net by Rick Warren. For Epics it was Bartlett from Joel Reeves and Cross; and Rick Gerber from Jim Majury and Joslin. ('oach happy Epic coach Richard Hughes was happy with his despite the loss stating that “this is a great group of kids who in the past years of playing OMHA hockey have never gone this far in the league. Their efforts deserve full BAYMAR SPORTS 459 MARKHAM RD. ALLENCOURT PLAZA RICHMOND HILL 884â€"1911 3RD ANNIVERSARY SALE ‘ ADIDAS ROM ADIDAS 1425 ADULT 1595 IT‘PSII-ITTITS 295 695 6 PLAYER CROOUET SETS 22"5 Value Jelenik PHONE GAZELLE 1 All Sizes All Sizes STANFIELDS tilt“ 2295 499 AlISizes EACH l ' i ADIDAS TRAINING SUITS ; CHILDREN'S 1395 TUBE PAIR 4 PLAYER BADMINTON SETS WE DD BICYCLE RERAiRscNgu NAKEs 1965 $595 889-9977 * Free checks of complete exhaust system & shocks HOME OF THE FAMOUS MIDAS GUARANTEE acknowledgement. Tournament The Epic boys are currently in the North York Invitational Hockey tournament and have won their first two games by 4- :2 over Cedar Hill and 34) over Agincourt in a two- game total points to count series. Play today The second game takes place today iWediiesdayi at North York Centennial Arena The opening game against Cedar Hill saw I-Ipic take a 3-0 lead in the first period on two goals by Bartlett and one by Gerber Assists went to David I’laxton. t‘arvin and Joslin Cedar Hill came back in the second and third periods to make it 3-2 but Richard Hughes put the game away from Bar- tlett Shiitout for Warren The second game saw goalie Rick Warren coming up with the shutout with a terrific effort The goals were scored by Bartlett from Cross and Hughes; Bartlett from {\lajury and Dan ()‘Sullivan; and Hughes from Majury and Joslin. l COACHES NEEDED URGENTLY Town Representative Teams Need YOUR Help Please Contact: Mr. Stan Thornington 884-7098 Before March Blst BOYS TEAMS SQUIRTSV Under 11 yrs. of age BANTAMSUnder 15 yrs of age MIDGET-Under 17 yrs. of age GIRLS TEAMS BANTAM under 15 MIDGET-Uridei l7 JUVENlLE Under 19 Ages as of Jan 15 of Current year, I! r small srzed sweeperwrth dust away from walls Color Rally Red BISSELL RUG BUG The new features The all steel case has a baked enamel IlnlSh and Vinyl bumper Corner brushes whisk \\\ V\:\\\\\ i\ full Sized $11.99 t .l iii xiii wit y... i ll. .\\l‘i., ‘2‘ V 0-CEDARANGLER BROOM The brOOrn fOr all big robs A 9 angle Cuton bristles allows mOre effrcreht sweeping on any Surface $3.77 \9 Dominion Hardware makes it easy with these fine products... 0-CEDAR GLEEM SPONGE MOP Features a rust proof frame and a 48 ontiinelled handle at only $3.27 GLEEM SPONGE MOP REFILL $1.19 SCOTCHGARD ' ALL PU upholstered furniture. needlepomt tablecloths. boat topsâ€" NOTE TO SLOPPV EATERS try It on ties' 53.661602. FABRIC PROTECTOR The do-it-yourself stain stopper developed for today 5 fine fabrics â€"spil|s bead up and blot away For use on. rainwear, snowsurts RPOSE steam vents 519,99 chocolate flame and gold 52.37 SALE ENDS MARCH 27TH ' DOMINIONJIARDWARE GE STEAM AND DRY lRON White handle With fabric gurde The mirrOr finish soleplate has 25 RUBBERMAID NEAT 'N TlDY BUCKET With a capacrty 012 gallons Available in avocado ALLENCOURT DOMINION HARDWARE 433 MARKHAM ROAD, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO 884-5331 KING CITY DOMINION HARDWARE PO BOX 94, KING CITY, ONTARIO 833-5481 IN RICHMOND HILL AT 9190 YUNGE STREET NORTH (south of Hillcrest Mall) SATU R DAY APRIL 3rd from 11 am to 5 pm. Come in and join in our official Opening and meet Tony Campagna, your local Midas man COUNCILLOR MIKE BURNIE, Ward 6 WlLL OFFICIATE AT THE OPENING * Custom Bending of Pipes