Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Mar 1976, B5

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Repairs, replacments and new Installations of window and central type units. Bookkeeping & Accounting Services o ACCOUNTING SERVICES 0 BOOKKEEPING o INCOME TAX o PAYRQLL 881-3827 Franchise dealer for John Inglis, General Electric. Hoover Products. Black & Decker. Eureka. Service depot for Black & Decker. Hoover. Eureka Repairs to all makes. "" Airfionditieningi & Refri‘geratjgg1 Full Range of Services INCOME TAX KENNETH M. PAL 889-1377 tfc] THORNHILL TRUCK & AUTO REPAIR CENTRE LIMITED 41 Maple Avenue Unit 12 THORNHILL, ONT. 889-5334 Bab 727-4681 BOOKKEEPING COMPLETE RESIDENTIAL AIR CONDITIONING" SERVICE Italian & German spoken INCOME TAX AIR-CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION ALL MAKES & SIZES Ben Mar Discounts Ltd. AUTHORIZED DEALERSHIP FOR HOOVER APPLIANCES Vacuum Cleaner Sales & Repairs 9010 YONGE ST- (NORTH OF NO. 7 HWY.) 881-4422 W APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE LESLIE APPLIANCE 68 YONGE ST. S. AURORA After 7:30 pm BOOKKEEPING J. E. ROBERTS For small businesses 889-7250 Regional Aluminum Products APPLIANCE REPAIRS 889-5683 884-9575 Industrial, commercial, residential service and repairs SlDlNG SOFFIT FASCIA EAVESTROUGH COLLISION â€" REFINISHING COMPLETE MECHANICAL REPAIRS "‘3‘ BJ's Enterprises ELECTRICAL SERVICE ALL WORK GUARANTEED Aluminum Ptoducts Bookkeeping $4. Plus 773-4265 727-8311 Auto Body 884-6036 find the service you need for home or business in this Advertising ‘L helps New make jobs. C85 c5w36 Electric NC" "<23 . BOOKKEEPING & INCOME TAX Bookkeeping. Accounting ser< vices, specialile for business, and personal Call 489-1710 ACCOUNTING MANAGEMENT BOOKKEEPING SERVICES LCar Repairs TO WORK can You FOR THE SMALL BUSINESS STORM DOORS WINDOWS AWNINGS PATIO DOORS J. C. HUGHES anytime including Sundays DUTCHIES Automotive Repairs TAX RETURNS Repairs to all makes 8. Models CARS 8. TR UCKS Specializing in European Cars Home Improvements Eaveslroughing HANS BUTT 8894106 Evaryfling in ALCAN ALUMINUM Aluminum Siding 79 OLD HWY. 7. E., THORNHILL 881-0557 889-0452 884-7530 c3w38 CSWJL c5w36 "C38 NcZJ "C33 "cu FREE ES TIMA TES B 8 C GRADING Er BULLDOZING 669-9694 By Competent Tradesman Prices on request or by hour R. P. (Bob) Ross 130 Centre St. W. - 884-1788 Joscelyn Laughlin Harper, Tory & Associates Chartered Accountants 10355 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill. Ont. 88444746 91 Geneva Street St. Catharines. Ont. 684-1177 o EXCAVATION WORK 0 B A S E M E N TS 'SEWERS oDUMP TRUCKS Still Going Strong! Since '59 Alterationsâ€" Additions Custom Carpentry LEONARD R. ROSENBERG & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants 887-5720 - 8894741 84 Yonge Street S. Aurora. Ontario ° HEAVY MACHINERY MOVING Alf Catenaro CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Additions. Renovations & Rec. Rooms 83 Roseview Avé. Richmond Hill. Ont. Tel. 884-4171 HAVE 2 ACRE LOT IN KING CITY. WOULD CUSTOM BUILD TO YOUR REQUIREMENTS CUSTOM WORK Floors Scrubbed Salmon _ Janitor Servnces MIDWAY A. J. BODOGH LTD. CARPENTRY GENERAL CONTRACTING LES WEBB 889-2546 Knchenst Rec. Rooms Addition: Renovations Hourly or contract AURORA 727-5544 WALLS WASHED RUGS CLEANED CUSTOM BUILT HOMES & ADDITIONS 889-6064 Evgs. EARLY SPRING CUSTOM HOUSES FREE ESTIMATES T. PRICE & SON Donald Holmes, P. Eng., C. A. 8848209 LINDOUIST & HOLMES Janitorial Services COM M ERCIAL Free Estimates Chartered Accountants 1.3934963 Res. 416-832-1364 Bus. 924-0313 Chartered Accountants Custom Building Specializing in 895-5406 B&K Contractors Cleaners uwn "(28 "C36 "cl CUSTOM BUILT HOMES ADDITIONS REC ROOMS Free Estimates I ALTERATIONS - REMODELLING 0 CUSTOM DESIGNED BARS I STUCCO OICEILING & FLOOR TILE K. A. SMITH CARPENTRY Remnublu Pricon For In. animal“ call 884-1634 flc 3t Brian H. Cowen CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 10265 Yonge Street Phone: 884-8651-88918275 HIBESIS PART OFALL OUR LIVES! ALL HOME IMPROVEMENYS RECREATION ROOMS PORCHES. ADDITIONS KIYCHENS. ETC, H. S. WOLDENGA Carpentry Contractors 0 BUILDING O PINE FURNITURE o CARPENTRY I RENOVATIONS Custom Built Rec Rooms ADDITIONS REC ROOMS KITCHEN CUPBOARDS, ETC 884-3333 CARPENTER Contracting Co Ltd. TED RASON CONTRACTING C0.LTD. Richmond Hill Chartered Accountants 10.256 Yonge St, Richmond Hill 884-2092 Carpentr! REID & BRADLEY 884-4835 881-0431 493-3735 cSwa c5w36 c4w32 "C23 "(It "cu "cl? fit 36 "cl 10235 Yonge Street 884â€"1551 773-4121 Rec. room vanities, eIc HOME ~ AUTO - BUSINESS Also fine Custom Furniture 81 Furniture Repairs RELIABLE AND REASONABLE Insurance â€" Mortgages Fire. Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Telephone 727-9488-9 Rear 47 Yonge Street S. Aurora, Ontario. BUILDING RENOVATIONS o SMALL MOVING o ROTOTILLING o DELIVERIES Corner Agency Limited Van Den Brink CARPENTRY HANDYMAN 8 TRUCK Moving and Storage K & W CARTAGE CO. Call for Free Estimates Available for small m0ving jobs . barrow . Insurance Local cartage and moving CUT FUEL COST Insurance flandymen EXPERT CARPENTRY Excel/en! Catering Service A vailab/e 889-7022 Evgs. All types of Carpentry Work 773-5582 UNUSUAL JOBS‘ rooms. por'able bars 832-2444 By insulating your attic with the modern blown method new Cellulose Insulation. 7734807 Basements 881-0813 223-9093 Caterers CALL RAY 884-9318 o Taping o Sprayed Ceilings, 0 Ceramic Tiles 0 Painting o'Home Alterations Carpentry Kitchens LIFE Home Improvements 884-4497 FOR FREE ESTIMATES DRYWALL Insulation f CSWJG c5w36 Hcio c5w36 "CM "co 884-8991 - 773-5624 Reliable Insulation efficiency and efléctivene<s O Lightweight 0 Fire and vermin repellent 0 24K Factor for highest Estimales ovev'the telephone with proper measurements I Machine Shops I Omeetrists I Specializing on large pieces for LATHES, MILLING 8- DRILLING Minimum charge 9. per new; Locafion Hwy. 7 L Keele 669-9257 (3st TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES SALES - RENTALS L.H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hillâ€" 884-1745 Marisa mason 85 CENTRE ST. E. RICHMOND HILL "€36 Gunar Construction A. W. Klrchen, 0.D. Suite 204 Professional Bldg. 22 RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND HILL By appointment Installations O Appliance Repairs 0 Wiring 0 Electrical OAK RIDGES. ONTARIO cswat, .Siding .Eaveé .Soffit .Fascia o Shutters OAwnings O Winan§ O Railings 0 Doors FREE ESTIMATES JOHN MacPHEE MACHINE SHOP HUMIDIFIEHS Central Air-Conditioning LUD ELECTRIC Hill Town Ltd. c PLUMBING o HEATING o DRAINS 24 Hour Service Humidifiers MacPHEE ALUMINUM SALES AND SERVICE INSTALLATION RESIDENTIA l. Metro Lic. E737 REASONABLE Exporloncod. Ian urvico SAVE TIME Electricians COMMERCIAL CARPENTRY WORK ADDITIONS SEALED GLASS SLIDING DOORS Installedâ€"$300 Office Machines INDUSTRIAL Reasonable Prices 24-Hr, Service 881-0904 884-9420 569-1321 PHONE 889-5076 884-5807 8843962 8840920 c5w36 "(10 "(2’18 "c36 ":32 "cab c5w36 "c6 HOME MAINTENANCE Done on Weekends GOOD WORK “Charlie The Painter” * 884-7269 Plumbing & Electrical DEAL SERVICES 3899398 773-4138 PROP: THOMAS H. GRIEVE PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING Plain 8. Decora'ive Plastering REPAIRSA SPECIALTY H. B. FISHER Office Supplies WALKER CONSTRUCTION BUILT AND REPAIRED Free Estimates Expert Workmanship 20 years' experience Over 10 years' experience EXCELLENT RATES Professional work guaranteed SNOW PLOUGHING 884-4539 Specializing in Roofing, Repairs 8 Refloofing Karl Bundschuh 884-4832 Plastering - Thornhill PAINTINGB: DECORATING Free Esfimates PAINTING PAINTING & PAPERHANGJNG R. E. Dunn 727-3303 CHIMNEYS 8: FIREPLACES 488-7521 - 889-3185 Expenenced Student Peter Elliott and Paperhanging Free Estimates Snow Ploughing 102:0 Yonge Street WAREHOUSE 8: FL'RNITL'RE SHOWROOM 321 ENFORD RI).. RICHMOND HILL 881-9295 884-9296 889â€"5729 Furniture. Office Supplies Social Stationery Monday to Friday 8.30 a.m. t0 5 p.m. (‘losed Saturday PLUMBING & HEATING Roger Proulx 884-1650 Plastering Plumbing 889-2163 PAINTING 889-2773 GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP 884-3479 Bjofing Office Suppfies Free Estimates Painters Masonry 884-2882 Anytime R. CLARK t:le “:18 "C23 "cl "cl? "cu "cu "cl | Tree Removal I Dave Bagley opened the scoring from Bruce Price and Dave Olson. Dundas tied it and then The second game saw the local firefighters downing Dundas 5-2. The score remained that way until York tied it with 20 seconds left in the game. ' Terry Haviland opened the scoring in the first period with assists to Jim Dubkowski and Bruce Buchanan. York tied it in the second but Richmond Hill‘s A] McKenzie scored from Barry Pollard and Ray Boisclair. 0 Dangerous Elm Trees 0 Trimming â€" Pruning 0 Land Clearing FREE esmwnss The first game saw them tie York Fire Department 2-2. Thinking of Spring MILLHART UPHOLSTERY RICHMOND HILL â€" The Richmond Hill- Vaughan Mutual Life Firefighters closed out their last three games of the 1975â€"76 schedule with a win, tie and a loss. THORNHILL â€" The Firefighters of Richmond Hill - Vaughan beat the Thornhill Minor League Old Timers Saturday night here but the real winner was the York Central Association for the Mentally Retarded. Call Lorne Bridal 884-1712 W While a fair number of telephone pledges of financial contributions are yet to be received the total monies raised after the dance stands at $269. This does not include the dance proceeds which have yet to be deter- mined. Those who offered telephone pledges are urged to submit their contributions as soon as possible. The York Central Association for the Mentally Retarded was represented by Sil Steffan, executive director, at the event. Goodgame As for the hockey game? T h e T h o r n h i l I Originals. who first established minor hockey in Thornhill, were pleased with their efforts despite losing to the Richmond- Vaughan Firefighters. They hadn‘t played together in almost 20 years. Three of those playing were Bob Park and Dick and Dave Barbour of the actual original Thornhill minor hockey team which continued in existence until hockey was well established in this community 22 years ago. Pricescores The first period was scoreless but Bruce Price Free Pick-Up 8 Delivery Firefighters out Thornhi/l veterans losers t0 firemen Lindra Enterprises THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. March 24. 1976 Stuffing & Mailing Service Includes: Lining 4 wheels Brake fluid. Drums or rotors machined Inner and outer wheel bearing re- packed‘ Complete brake system inspection. 20,000 mile guarantee I 7 let ’ ' G a mewâ€"v La .Rgm , o _ THORNHILL 3; John 5.. 889-4499 889-9179 L & E TYPESETI'ING Typesetting PICK-UP 8. DELIVERY Secretarial Service 889-8966 â€" 889-5063 Z350 King Vaughan Rd. ROUTE 1, KING CITY 833-5925 (Drum 0r Disc Type Brakes) Par'ts and Labour FOR FAST COURTEOUS SERVICE, PHONE 2 PIECE SUITE EG. $150. LABOUR MATERIAL EXTRA Same reasonable prices on all other items Auto Brake Repairs 7755213 COLLECT SPECIAL $59.95 8A Main 81., Newmarket OFFERS BRAKE JOBS Upholsterers "(I9 c§w36 c5w36 Each of the guests received an engraved silver brooch. Presentations were made by Regional Councillor Alma Walker at a council meeting which also saw speed- skater Mrs. Ozzie Martin of Southdale Drive, Markham, honored for her past achievements which has seen her capture several gold medals. The four Unionville curlers honored were Lois and Peggle Lawrie, Mollie Hood and Hilda Thorn. Markham Mayor Tony Roman paid tribute recently to a Unionville rink currently representing Ontario in the Canadian cham- pionships at Charlot- tetown, Prince Edward Island. The team members wish to thank Doug Hinchliffe for sponsoring the team and the staff of the Maple Arena for the cooperation the team has received. Brent Fisher picked up three goals to be the tops marksman, Goalie John Killer recorded the shutout for the Oldtimers. The third game was against Hamilton and for the second time this season Hamilton won by a 5-0 score. This was the final game of the season and everyone tried their best but ran into a goal keeper with a red hot glove hand. Oh well. Maybe next year. The Thornhill Figure Skating Club entertained between periods. They hold their ice carnival the first weekend in April. Old Timers win A previous game saw the Thornhill Lions beaten 11-0 by the Thornhill Old timers. Richmond Hill scored three quick goals by Jim Lawson, Bruce Price and Gerry Caume to put the game out of reach.- The final goal was scored into the empty net by Bruce Price. Park injured One unfortunate inâ€" cident occurred when Bob Park of the Originals required eight stitches to close a skate cut on his right Cheek. At the other end of the rink, Originals‘ goalie Bob Deighton turned in a sparkling performance as did Dick and Dave Barbour respectively. The latter two, both senior members. played a few shifts each. Markham Ward 1 Councillor Peter Grosskurth was master of ceremonies and was assisted by other members of council. Stamp stars Captain Gary Stamp was clearly the leader for the Originals along with Donnie Anderson. Rolfe Sundquist, Rick Charles and Denny Lougheed. Honor athletes It was Richmond Hill goalie Blair Robson's first shutout of the season. scored what proved to be the winner in the second. Bill Ash added an in- surance marker in the third to round out the scoring. MARKHAM Steele; Avenue Ftee Estimates "c3? ":28

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