3 Bedroom brick detached side~spliL Fully broadloomed plus many extras. To see this be’autiful home on an oversized 10;, call ~now, ask for Bill Widdifield. 222-6559 or Res. 884-7823. Super large lot, 112 it. at back, well landscaped, swimming pool and quiet street greet you when you visit this lovely Aurora 3 bedroom. Other leatures include spacious prolessionally ï¬nished rec room. kitchen with plenty ol cupboard space and large area tor table, good site bedrooms and living room, oroadloomed and absolutely immaculate. Only $59,500. Simcoe R. E. Ltd. 881-4120 _ um... “mnao'rocmm To same m BETTER" ESTATE SALE 2 bedroom bungalow on large half acre lot. Located just north of Richmond Hill. Recently renovated and moderâ€" nized. Asking $49,900. Call M. Zucker 669-1717 A. E. LePage (Ontario) Limited Realtor ANY AMOUNT. FOR ANY PURPOSE Existing mortgages purchased for cash â€"- best prices paid. FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES FULLY SERVICED‘ INDUSTRIAL SITES IN RICHMOND HILL Bâ€"8 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, March 24. 1976 $15,000 - $20,000 Below Market Value 4 years new, this 2 storey executive home off Westwood Lane in Thornhill has to be sold. Vendor bought unconditionally. Equipped with extras too numerous to mention, it is definitely the buy of the month. Act now. For information call Ann Klemt. ' MOFFAT DL'NLAP REAL ESTATE LTD 887-5026 727-1511 Aurora Bargain KING TOWNSHIP LOT FOR SALE A. E. LEPAGE $5,000. down gets you the 10 most beautiful acres for you to build on. Located on Vivian Rd., 2 miles off 48 Hwy., this parcel is zoned for one family dwelling. Land is still the best investment in your future, so do it now, call Ann Klemt. We are pleased to announce the appoint- ment of Mr. Vuckovich as a Sales Agent. George, who is 25 years old and recently married, has been in the Real Estate busi- ness in Toronto for the past four years. He has passed his Real Estate Brokerage examinations, and will become [a Vice- President of the company shortly. Jarrett. $50,000 Call Jack Wallas Res. 727-5998 MORTGAGES ARRANGED FIRSTS AND SECONDS 3873 (‘HESSWOOD DRIVE DOWNSVIEW â€" 633-1615 121 Hayfield Street, Barrieâ€" 7257130 24-HOUR TELEPHONE SERVICE Even'ngs Cal Frank Green 222-2778 ARMSTRONG @112 151mm Real Estate R eviewj Owner will build for lease Tankoos Yarmon Ltd. 8 King St East, Toronto 363-5086 or 884-3905 or your own Broker $5,000 Down - 10 Acres Polzler Real Estate Ltd. 889-6437 or 745-3500 Polzler Real Estate Ltd. 889-6437 or 745-3500 clw39 Clw39 c1w39 Almos' 2! acres. Woods, lovely stream. 5 bedroom stone 2 storey home. Must be seen to be ap‘ predated. 5139.900. IRENE ARMSTRONG, BROKER 889-2951 Immaculate de'ached 4 bedroom backsplii. 13’ x 22’ Iamily room, Mexican decor. Fireplace. Finished basement. We! bar. Excellent location. Mamre fir Irees. Move-in condi'ion. BARGAIN! $94,900 889-0697 $8.000 DOWN Nearly new 6 room 2 storey townhouse. Big king~size bedrooms, large living room with walk- out, kitchen with eating area. 2 washrooms. garage. Listed at $54,900 with 10 per cent first mortgage and quick occupancy. LTD. 884-5422 Village Property NEAR LUCKNOW Write: Ruth Wilson R.R.I Holyrood, Ont. norm black realty ltd. MURPHY PRIVATE Thornhill 1 ~ 852-6849 GEORGE VUCKOVICH 88 ACRES WITH BUILDINGS DUNDALK FARM AUTO BODY AND REPAIR SHOPS UXBRIDGE $72,000 889-7193 THORNHILL TOM CALL $90,000 889-630 REALTOR 889-2951 884-5422 "<30 c1w3‘7 C2W38 clw39 clw39 clw39 c1w39 c1w39 "<1 FACTORY space, moo sq. n omdoor scorage, S100 and up. 889 4977. "go RICHMOND HILL Units 1,250 sq. ft. and up Days 889-2777 Evg& 889-1026 2 BEDROOM ’apartmenc. available May lst Apply: Supl. “I Elmwood Ave.. Richmond Hill. clwn TWO bedroom apartment. Adults only. Nice location- 584â€"7472. cle? MODERN 2 bedroom apartment. 69 Sï¬ockdale, Richmond Hill. Parking. 6364837. c2w38 Two bedroom apartment. No children. 293 Markham Road. Apply Supt clw39 2 BEDROOM apartment tn éh’are.‘ Mature lemale. Yonge and Steeles, area. 884-0773 aher 6 P.m. clw39. TIFFANY‘HiII Ap's. 2 bedroom suite. 34 Centre 5?. w.. Richmond Hill‘ 854-4016. clw39 3 bedrooms. 11/2 baths. ' Also outdoor pool. You are cordially invited to visit our lovely furnished model townhouse. YOUR EQUITY IN YOUR HOME IS IDLE BORROWING POWER. USE IT. - Consolidate Bank, Finance Co.. and Charge Accounts - Reduce Monthly Payments by 50 percent or More FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CALL BARBARA FLEMING Each with 4 A T T Ell/ T I0l|I HUME OWNERS Open Second Mortgages Available from 13% 889-7151 '0! 88970728 At Yonge 8: Hwy. ‘ 750 SQ. FT. FOR RENT Bayview - Elgin MiHs Rd. 10140 Yonge St. Richmond Hill 884-0677 773-5268 Industrial Space For Rent Large 2 & 3 Bedroom Suites WENMUBE FINANCIAL 1 TD. 4,600‘sq. ft. Will divide Outside storage 14 ft. ceiling DAYS 741-0941 EVGS. 889-7209 GRAND OPENING SAT., MARCH 27th HOURS WEEKDAYS ll A.M. TO 8 RM. SAT. & SUN. 11 A.M. T0 6 P.M. Please join us for Coffee and Conversatic MCDONALD DRIVE. AURORA FACTORY SPACE ~ FOR RENT (JUST SOUTH OF WELLINGTON ST. W.) Apafiment for Rent Announcing Brand New Wellington Towers OUR BRAND NEW Country Lane T0wnhouses THORNHILL AREA FREE HYDRO 6: PARKING BEAUTIFUL POOL CLOSE TO EVERYTHING We are pleased to present 147 Wellington St. w. m LOVELY AURORA Mortgages 727-1354 For Rent 727-1354â€"5 "€29 FOR RENT ":17 WANTED â€" girl to share apart mem in Richmond Hillarea. 834- 5932. clw39 Accommodations‘ Available 1 BASEMENT apartment, 1 bedrooms, kivchen. bathroom. Fridge and stove. 853-1475. Days. ¢1w39 2 BEDROOM apanmen's and bacheior apartment. 534â€"2219. SUBLET 2 bedroom apartment. 5107, Availabï¬e May 15!. 889-9667 an66674864. clw39 3,000 SQ. FT. Industrial space 4,800 to 11,000 Sq. Ft. 889-6161 W INDUSTRIAL SPACE Call 881-2706 CENTRAL LOCATION RICHMOND HILL 301 MARKNAM ROAD Forinformation FOR LEASE Please join us for Coffee and Conversation. c1w39 {"137 NC 25 ":36 clw39 c1w39 ":36 Rooms to Rent All needles except rabies shov Asking 5100. 884-5932 mg, Black and tan. Male. Tanoo inside back leg. Wearing choker. Last Friday, March 19m, North Taylor Mills area. FURNISHED room, man only. 884-6305. chJ? separate entrance. $10 weekly. 884-5608. c1w39 ROOM to let. Female only. Fur- nished or unlurnished. Pets welcome. Room [or I horse. an 1012. c1w39 THREE responsible working men, with pen, require farm house, Richmondeill area, 5200. to $300. per month. Relerences available. Call Evgs. Toronto 924-32511‘ c2w38 H you need oHice or commercial space iusi 0H Yonge, this is ideal‘ Wanted to Rent UNFURNISHED room, kitchen FURNISHED room, cooking. close 10 Elgin Mills 8. Bayview. Girl only. Baa-7996. clwa? FURNISHED‘ Close to tran- sportaiion. Men only. 884-9427. alter sum. plw39 Siamese Kittens Call 884-6691 or 640-1319 mm With shots, no papers. Male and lemale owned. Both with excellent tempermem. FOR INFORMAYION CALL RHONDA AT 381-2413 or 727-6715 A FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, Central Richmond Hill, TTC 3? corner. 884-9883 aner 6 p.m. "(:29 PROFESSIONAL couple seek 2 or 3 bedroom home or townhouse for mid May or June 151. Relerences. Have pet. Repty to Box 64, The Liberal. c1w39 ROOM wanted with cooking lacilities, near Richmond HiII industrial area‘ Call 889-3712. Ask Ior Gerry. c2w39 FURNISHED room, female. cooking, bath, parking iacilities. Call aner 5 p.m. Bad-5135‘ c2w38 MOTEL units, Clean, modern, telephones, daily, weekly rates:. Colonial Motel 9046 Yonge Skeet“ Thornhill. 889-4813. c 4 w 3 7 DOES anyone in your lamin haw a drinking problem? Call Alanon. 366-4072 "(16 PHOTOGRAPHY and movies a! reasonable rates. Evenings 889- 1090. clw39 DO you have a drinking group"? II so AA can help. Write Box BIO. Richmond HIII, or call £87559! Mrs. De’Mar Pure Bred German Shepherd Pups ANYONE INTERESTED IN Liquid Embroidery PLEASE CALL LOST Pincher Miniature STORE FOR RENT $00 SQ. FT. AVAILABLE BRIGHT AND ROOMY Lost & Found Business Office Space OFFICE - COMMERCIAL AURORA $275 per Month 925-0061 .. POODL_E PUPPY FOR SALE 5 MONTHS OLD TAKE ALL OR PART OF IT Palm and Card Reading Studio 200 SQ. FT. OFFICE’SPACE FOR RENT 9A.M.T0v8 P.M. INCLUDING SUNDAYS Also Social Gathenngs 531-2704 Pet Stock Personal SHOPPING PL'n:"A RICHMOND HILL BEFORE 1:30 P.M 884-3367 727-6763 887-5267 884-1796 PURE BRED ALANON CENTRAL 884-5059 clw39 Clw39 clw39 c1w39 clw39 c2w39 "cu "c6 "ch Day Care Wanted ALL TYPES, FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE. THE POODLE SCENE Domestic Help Wanted WILL give day care in my home Our girl aged ! ~ 2 years Markham -Bayview area. 884-7394. c1w39 MOTHER‘S helper, light housekeeping for I month. Live out. 999.3652. clw39 WILL give day care in my home‘. Any age. Bluegrass and Elgin Mills area. $10 per week. 884.3514. c2w39 URGENT! Boy 17 needs em- ploymem. Learns quickly. capable of doing most things. Call 7734277. clw39 EXPERIENCED responsible clean person 5 days weekly. One child 2 years, one a years old. Ross Doan School area. 884-1958 evgs. or weekenm. clw39 TYPING done in" my own home. IBM Selectric Vypewriter, 804- 6872. "C35 RESPONSIBLE day care for 3 years and over‘ Hillcrest Mall area.881-0270. ' cinB A RELIABLE 15-year-old Bayview student will do babysitting. after school or on weekends. Phone Florie, after 4 p.m. 884-6255. c2w38 Miscellaneous PONY. Very good with children. 8884012. c1w39 ALTERATIONS, Men's, ladies’ and children's, etc. Fast, Reasonable. 884-1928. “(:39 THORNHILL â€" Day care 530. weekly, 7:30 to S p.m. Monday to Friday‘ Hot lunches. Starting April Isl Call Mrs. Natale, 88]- 3196 aftersn.m. c2w38 LOVING day care given in my home, 5 day week. 884-8408. clw39 Maple. Large indoor arena, 10 x 10 stalls. Heated tack room. GOLDEN HORSESHOEFARMS HORSES BOARDED WATERPROOF CONCRETE. ETC DAY CARE GlVEN IN MY HOME Need A Garden Tractor? GISTER for "Y 48â€. Carpet Laying Dressmaking Professional Indoor o Outdoor Gardening and S‘uPPliqis BROUWER TURF EQUIPMENT LTD ENGLISH AND WESTERN RIDING HAY AND SLEIGH RIDES HOURLY HORSE RENTALS AND HORSES FOR SALE Employment Wanted DOGS AND CATS BOARDED (8 A.M.â€"H P.M.) Painting at Student rates HILLCREST MALL AREA DON MILLS RD., KESWICK 476-4311 mm For Free Estimates Day Care Pet Stock Livestock Call Vic 889-3414 Reasonable Ra'es POODLE CLIPPING PET GROOMING 8. ACCESSORIES IN ANDOUTDOOR RUNS Nursefy Schoor 883-1288 loose Yonge St. RICHMOND HILL 884-5227 Sea us (or a Demo KUBOTA 832-1372 884~9863 294-3857 884-5587 881-4260 LIC. E1373 TRYA nuno 14 HP Play School. "(‘40 CQWJB czwaa c2w39 clw39 c2w33 NCS‘ "(22 "CH INSTANT PRINTING Aluminum Siding, Soffit, Fascia, Has/tings Shutters, Mndows, Doors The Printing Place re Do you possess the necessary mannerisms and the ability to. become a successful executive - THEN We want YOUR talents. We NEED your talents. . Let's grow TOGETHER. We ask the following of you: CANDIDATES MUST HAVE HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION AND 1 TO 3 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE ON COMPUTERIZED PAYROLL. ’ STARTING SALARY: $151. PER WEEK Photo Copying â€" 10: Printing 0! every descrip'ion ALUMINUM EAVESTROUGHS and DOWNPIPE SIDING BY REYNOLDS Help Wanted .EAYO RK But most important of all â€" Invites applicants for Payroll Clerk Box 51 “The Liberal†WILMEN ALUMINUM 4700 KEELE STREET . DOWNSVIEW, Portab|e electric advertising signs for sale or rent INCREASE YOUR TRAFFIC IN SALES. (-ompatability with people willingness to relocate minimum Grade 12 education front line determination 881-!307 (Across lrum A 8. W) Centre of Town) CANVASSERS REQUIRED BY LOCAL NEWSPAPER 741-9547 Come see where it's at «Apply: CARGIL SALES A DIVISION OF THE 5.5. KRESGE COMPANY LIMITED 11 to 15 years of age. GOOD COMMISSION FOR EAGER STUDENTS York University For further infofmation We offer pride in your accomplishments GOOD POSITIONS GOOD BENEFITS GOOD REMUNERATION PAYROLL CLERK Miscellaneous SIGNS A CHANCE FOR A SECURE AND SUCCESSFUL FUTURE Recent graduates preferred. please contact 9350 YONGE ST. HILLCREST MALL RICHMOND HILL CALL COLLECT 223-2377 "(28 Expe nced in repairs and alterations. FOR DRY CLEANING PLANT GOOD HOURLY RATE Personnel Services 667-2510 Help Wanted Mrs B. Friedman 88918555 TAILOR 8843431 "CIVIJ‘ cle9 clw39 c2w39 flclB c1w39 EXPERIENCED GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS SOME DRIVING ‘To sew cushions lor well established local uphols'ery business. 1 clw39 MALE 0R FEMALE For bedside nursing care lor elderly gen'leman residem at Day Break. Experienced. Person who work independently. CALL CANADIAN WATERMAIN CLEANING 669-2750 R.N.A. 884-9278 Shipper/Receiver Occasional Shifts 1870 Hwy. No.7 Wes', near Keele EXCELLENT CONDITIONS Thornhill Area 3 hours nightly Call after 6 pm. Help Wanted HELP NEEDED Water & Sewer Foreman/Woman Practical Nurses or R.N.A.‘s Phone Work at Home Certificate Sales COMMISSIONS 783-0026 A PERSON TO OPERATE Concord, Ontario OFFICE CLEANER FAMILIAR WIYH BINDERY OPERATIONS EARN EXTRA $$ JVB Associates Guillotine and Baum Folder EXPERIENCED OPERATOR Concord Froral Company Ltd. SEVERAL POSITIONS AVAILABLE START $7.50 PER HOUR I2 midnigm to 8 a.m. shin (Sshms weekly.) 4p.mJona.m.shm, (Ishins weekly.) sa.m.todp.m. (I shmweekly‘) SALARY $24. A SHIFT. For inverview call PRINTING SHOP 495-9186 889-2971 HELP FOR GRADING ROSES convenient location 884-4437 Part Time Call NOW 881-3268 669-1920 884-3556 THORNHILL REQUIRES clw39 clw]? Clw39 chav c1w39 c2w39 clw39 c1w39 cleV car