their weekly bowling. Ladies‘ high single scores wem‘V. Clark 227. A. Geen 209. B. Braid 199; high single with handicap V. Clark 240. A. Geen 226. E. Andrews 224; high triple B. Braid 548.13. Masters 535. E. Andrews 532. IllllllllllIlllllIllIllIIllllllllllllllllllllllllll mn- fllllllllllllllllllIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllg the piano teacher Rosanne (‘udia Forthcoming marriage lllllllll||lllIlllllll|llllllllllllllllllllllllllll Pushers wan ted by YC HA AMO and parent concern Stress, parenting, self-esteem, child abuse are topics that concern Joyce, a volunteer sponsor for Parent Concern. a self-help, help-each-other group designed for parents overwhelmed by the pressures of parent-child relationships. “Fitted to your Eye Doctor‘s Prescription“ 2 Locations to Serve You 10142 Yonge St. 884-1955 and 10350 Yonge St 884-2463 RICHMOND HILL ‘ Sixtyâ€"eight seniors turned out at ABC Friday {or their weekly bowling. For a very successful evening, warm thanks are extended to all parents who participated. In par- ticular to Barb Duce. chairman of the group committee; Jim Milne‘ master of ceremonies, and John Loweth whose contribution of single records to each boy, and record albums for prizes was a highlight of the evening. Hooray for the senior citizens of Club 35, They really put their St. Patrick's euchre party over with a bang. To the delight of Charlie Attridge, convener for the day, there were 18 tables, the largest crowd for some time. The travelling prizes were won by Vi Baker and Jack Sanders. Low prize winners were Irene Brooker and Anna Hill. And to explain the program and objectives of Parpnt Concern, Joyce Mark will be guest speaker at a meeting of the AMO (a morning out) group on March 31. One of the most satisfying events of the year for lst Beverly Acres Scouts and Cubs was the annual father and son banquet which took place this year in Don Head Secondary School. St. Pat’s euchre party Charlie gave out about 50 prizes in all, with some winning more than one of the prizes donated by Gwen Grist. Edna Harding, Lillian Tutt and Anna Holz. The dinner and program proved to be one of the best ever for the group. The meal prepared by students of Don Head was a chef's delight. Prizes donated by local merchants were piled high on the stage. and the films supplied by Richmond Hill Library were loaded with laughs. A special bonus was a bag crammed with merchandise for each boy and his father to take home at the end of the evening. The film. The War of the Eggs, will also be shown with discussion after. .' JAMO is a group for mothers of young children which meets each Wednesday from 9:30 to 11:30 am. in Richmond Hill United Church. Tea was served by Gwen Grist and her helpers. Lillian Tutt and Hilda Glover. Preschool and nursery care are provided on a co operative basis, and new members are always welcome. For information call Margaret Moon, 884â€" 7161. St. Mary’s parish mission Man; fathers watched with pride as Scouts and Cubs were called up to collect well-deserved badges and awards. The Scouts were Tom Boardman. Douglas Roberts. Steven Loweth, Steven Onlouk, Meronish Pestronji. Bill Vrantsidis, Gordon Brown. Alan Jones and Derrick Romer. ' I St. Mary‘s Anglican mission with Brian and Cindy Allan is reportedly developing well. There are still some dates open for parishioners who would like to invite them for home visits. YCAMH "500" ELEVENTH WINNER in 1976 JOHN WILLIAMS RICHMOND HILL TOKEN 495 The mission closing festival will be at 7:30 pm April 3. All are welcome to this service of praise prayer and thanksgiving; York Central Hospital Auxiliary is looking for pushers â€" the kind who can push the gift cart around on the patient floors. particularly on Monday or Tuesday. If you can help call Joyce Studdy, director of volunteers, at 883-22064 Award and badgeâ€"winning Cubs were Robbie Beggs, Ron Boardman, Shawn Dodds. Ron Duce, Neil Jones. Thomas Kjaersgaard. Warren Peart, Shawn Porter, Dennis Ruutbert. Carl Smith, Donal‘d White, Douglas Wells. Seniors' bowling Also needed at the hospital â€" used paperback books. They are always in demand at the gift shop and may be left there during gift shop hours. It will be Fathers‘ Night when the York Region Chapter of the Association for Children with Learning Disabilities hadiits general meeting April 8 in the Gordon MacLaren Auditorium of Richmond Hill Library. 24 Wright St. Scout and Cub banquet Learning problems At this very special meeting. 8 to 10 pm. there will be a film and panel discussion. Laurie LaBlanc from the York centre will be chairing the meeting, and sitting on the panel will be three fathers of children with learning problems. All are welcome to attend. Association president is Elizabeth Harrington, 884-3056. Gordon S. Wood GLASSES m the hill THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, March 24, PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS 3:1"|llIlll|IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllï¬ Estelle Markham 884-3787 Lucevsed Denture Details! THORNHILL » EVENINGS AflevG P.M.' COMPLETE DENTURE SERVICE 8834144 C. S. CANN arkhani 787 1976 ’ Mary and Martha Plans May wedding The Richmond Hill Unit of the Cancer Society held its monthly meeting on March 16 at the Yonge Street office. April is Cancer Month and campaign chairman Diane Fulton reported she has her full complement of captains and canvassers and will be having an orientation get together before the end of this month. Among the many items discussed were two recent 'fundraising events â€" Talent Night of Richmond Hill and a Skateathon â€" both of which were highly successful. In April when your canvasser calls, please give generously â€" as even though much has been done to reduce suffering through education, early diagnosis and better treatment, the battle will not be won until research has identified the causes and found the cure for cancer â€" and that takes money and the wholehearted support of the public. April 3 is Daffodil Day and volunteers will be selling bunches of these spring flowers throughout the Hill at only one dollar a bunch. Any industries wishing to place orders beforehand may do so by calling Mary Follows at 884-3490. The Mary and Martha Guild of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church is having a rummage sale April 10 from 10 am to noon, bargains galore, coffee and donuts. Volunteers of Richmond Hillâ€"Thomhill Family Services are stepping up their preparations for the family fun and sales day planned for April 24. Anyone interested in helping should call the co- ordinators. Isobel Ewing 884-3577, Doris Tilt 884- 2879, Joyce Ma‘rk 884-3503. For the international Midget Hockey Tournament March 22 to 28, catering hours are 9:30 am. to 8 pm. and any help will be appreciated. The hockey championship dinner Sunday will be a cold buffet. Some 36 volunteers‘are Working with family services, at home or in the office, daytime or evenings, doing clerical, typing, receptionist or bookkeeping work as time and talents permit, and now they are out to raise funds to keep the operation gonng. Anyone wishing to make donations of items for sale is asked to call convener Betty Hazell at 884- 5525. Legion auxiliary 248. F. Pric handicap R high triple 545. The radies auxiliary to Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion. was reminded at its March 15 general meeting of some very important dates: Their garage-rummage-antique-bake sale is scheduled for 9 am to 4 pm. in and around Our Lady Queen of the World Church at Bayview and Crosby Avenues, Richmond Hill, and they plan to include plants, preserves. candy. items large and small. April is cancer month With spring officially here, spring cleaning follows as spring follows winter and they would like to be on the receiving end when such things as bicycles. garden furniture. clothing, books. jewelry. records. picture frames. toys. games. comic books. household items. appliances. furniture, antiques. etc., etc.. etc.. are earmarked for disposal. The Richmond Hill, King Township and Newmarket Baha‘i communities combined Sunday to sponsor a Feast of Naw- Ruz (Baha’i New Year party) at the Aurora Highlands Golf Club. About 75 parents. children and guests attended. The festivities included devotions. folk music, pot luck dinner and an evening of dancing with a disc jockey in attendance. Family service volunteers Baha’i new year Thézone nieeting will be March 29 in Newmarket Men April 25- June3 May 30 - July 1 June 16 - July 15 July 14 » Aug. 26 July 21â€" Aug. 12 Aug. 18 - Sept. 16 Sept. 16- Oct. 4 From ~ T0 Ask for our connections to: Budapest 5 high six Price 229 A Pleasant, Non-stop flight with 661 lbs. Luggage! TORONTO-VIENNA-TORONTO 420 SPADINA AVENUE, TORONTO, ONTARIO, MST 267 TELEPHONE: (416) 351.1101 we ACCEPT COLLECT CALLS Brillinger 235 v1. Atkins 683 ABC CHARTER FLIGHTS BY AIR-CANADA SUMMER 1976 singles s were M. Brillinger Days A graduate of Bayview Secondary SchOol is employed with Go Camping Limited, Brampton. She attended elementary school in Maple. Mr. Ephgrave is on the staff of The Globe and Mail in Toronto. RICHMOND HILL â€" Mrs. Vincent Cudia, Rathfon Crescent. has announced the for- thcoming marriage of her daugher. Rosanne Ruth, to Christopher Ephgrave of Toronto, The marriage will take place in West Ellesmere United Church in Scar- boro on May l5. . Atkins 255. J. Swan 7221; high single with Hill 205, A. Smith 176; Price 597. F. Martin Weeks 5500005 5446342 nests attended. folk music, pot Budapest Zagreb Bratislava Belgrad $ Amoum mwmmmmm mmmmmmm As an author Mrs. Hart has gained recognition for her book, “Pioneering in North York", published in 1968, and is continuing her interest in the com- pilation of the history of Richmond Hill. OAK RIDGES â€" Duplicate bridge club Swiss team tournament winning team March 12 were: Bob and Edna Dunn, Joe and Lorrie Coen. Mrs. Hart, a United Empire Loyalist descendent, is a founding member of the North York Historical Society and served for a term as president. Founded to preserve the cultural heritage of the town one of the more important tasks of the society has been the restoration of the Burr House on Carrville Road, the oldest known house in the area. If you have ever wondered about your ancestors, who they were, what they did. where they came from. or are curious about the skeletons in the family closet, now is the time to start delving into the past and start tracing your family tree. And what better person to assist you but Richmond Hill’s Chief Librarian, Mrs. Patricia Hart, who. during her seven years' residence in the ‘Hill has given so freely of her time and expertise as a historian and genealogist to assist in the preserâ€" vation and documentatipn of the history of our community? During the period of Richmond Hill’s own Centennial in 1973, Mrs. Hart worked with the town’s centennial com- mittee in formulating and presenting the year-long celebration program, and in the latter part of the year helped found the Richmond Hill Historical Society, serving since that time as a historical adviser. Duplicate bridge RICHMOND HILL â€" “Digging for your family roots". or, searching and organizing your an- cestors, â€" this theme is the subject of a lecture on genealogy to be presented by the Richmond Hill Public Library Board in the Gordon MacLaren auditorium of the main library, on Wright St., April 6th at 8 pm. In 1967 she was awarded the Centennial Medal from the Federal Government and an additional medal frbm the Borough of North York. On Mar were â€" Dieken Jenkinson and Al ] Dieken Payment Tierney Ladewig and Mu] Joe and l ‘ Side game were: Peter Edwards. Eva and Gertrude Pat and Alan : and Gertrude Saamen. Pat and Alan Sanderson. Winners on March 17 were Jean Goodwin and Marg Melnichuk, Edith Windsor and Natalie Platner. Heather Burling and Marg Davis. Coming Events: - March 29 - second session of Monday night open pairs; April 4 - friendship day at Peterborough - Swiss team; April 5 - no zero game. Limited side game every Monday â€" new players welcome at any time. For partners and information call Marie Cole 773-4280. Climbing family trees SERVICE LIMITED Murray Fergl and Lorrie Coen Last Day To Register March Romania and l, Bob ILehman and March 26 April 30 April 16 May 14 May 21 June 18 July 16 ame winners ter énd Rita Eva Guttmann and Ron 5 w1nners â€" Fred 1 Ross > Manning an, Cleta d Ann â€" Fred Detlaf l Marlow Ferguson. win and , Edith Natalie Burling Frequently these fears are less than reasonable. Foods after all, are natural chemicals designed to do a chemical therapy job on our bodies, and we are assured that the supplementary chemicals added by processors are nothing more than man-made twins of the originals. {‘3 {3: .x. Allergies and additives Bring up the subject of chemical additives in food and you're likely to send shivers down a few spines. Even so. as manufacturers attempt to duplicate nature with artificial flavors. colors and duplicate chemicals‘ evidence grows that these are not as exact as we like to think. In fact, for at least two groups of people, food colorings and artificial flavorings are extremely painful and dangerous. With the increasing interest in genealogy the Richmond Hill Library is extending a welcome to all would-be genealogists to attend Mrs. Hart‘s lecture on April 6. Admission is free, and Until fairly recently, parents of hyperactive children were driven nearly mad by the in- credible energy and short concentration span of the children. Even sleeping time was likely to be interrupted eight or nine times during the night by the hyperactive child. The eating of certain foods was followed by a period of high activity and seemingly senseless, rapid energy burning. It was almost as though the child had been given a shot of adrenalin instead of a pink cookie. Squadron Leader Edward James Follows and his wife, .Isabella, of Lindsay celebrated their Golden Wedding in Rich- mond Hill March 5 at the Paliser Crescent home of their son. Jack Follows, and his wife Mary. Many local friends and out-of- TORONTO (NORTH) TORONTO (CENTRAL) 715 Bay St. Toronto. Ontario 120 Doncastec Ave., Thornhill. Ontario 5401 Dundas St.. Burlington. Ontario HAMILTON/BURLINGTON 632-5958 . {Vi 33$ Tia. GLOBE TRAVEL, 10303 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ont. 884-8191 Golden wedding Part of another group of health sufferers who ‘avoid these additives are those who get migraine headaches. Rosemary Dudley. who heads the Migraine Foundation in Toronto. says not all migraine sufferers are affected by food ad- ditives. but generally recommends that they be avoided for fear they could cause migraine. The Allergy Foundation suggests that no Their problems range wider than the matter of a single artificial or natural food. presenting a whole spectrum of things which must be avoided if pain or death is not to follow. United States physician Benjamin Finegold isolated food colors and flavors as the reasons for such drastic behavioral patterns, and ,those who follow his recom- mendations claim definite improvements in concentration and sleep. The substitution of soya products in manufactured protein goods is causing more than a headache for allergenics. Val D. Greenwood in his Researcher’s Guide to American Genealogy, states that it is not necessary to be a professional genealogist there is ample parking at the rear of the library. Nutrition 7’! PHONE 0R WRITE FOR YOUR COPY OF nus COLOUle '51! CATALOGUE, TODAY! coma YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL new. 226-4804 597-0818 MOTORCOACH, AIR, SHIP & TRAIN Itavelways Tours-Offeting om 240 departures conveniently aiginating ham Toronto, Hamiltm, Ottawa, Olillil, Batrie, Peterborough, Lindsay, Edmontm and Vancouver. Highlighted lor 1976 is me rugged beauty of Wesiern Canada. The pic Vuresque Maritime Provinces and the magnetic appeal cl Norm Ontarlo. Special Bi Cen'ennial packagesto me U.$.A include New England-Cape Cod. Colonial Williamsburb, a. Jamesiowne, Pennsylvania Dufch Country. Stowe, Florida. Calilonria The inside passage 10 Alaska and several special inleresi vours like our unique Iocomoilve noslalola Your. Overseas packages lor 1976 are Spain. Mallorca Soulh Pacliic and the Orient THIS summers schedule gaves great variety in destinatlons, length at stay and price All touts are cheertully escorted, usmg high quality ac commodatlon, interestlno ltlnerarles and Include tax“. baggage handllng and most admissions to memorable anractlons Tour coaches are the most modern available with air condltlonlng, washroom, reclinan seats, alr rlte suspension, taped muslc, and large llnted wlndows The Canadian Diabetic Association's national diet counsellor, Jan in order to be successful in locating your an- cestors. be truthful in your findings. allergenic should pur- chase foods which do not have complete list of contents on the label. Even spices can create problems for allergenics, so they must be aware of what is contained in baked products â€" pumpkin pie for instance â€" before they buy. An outlaw or the proverbial horse thief may show up on any pedigree â€" on the other One of the bi gest problems .face ' by allergenics today is the purchasing of margarine. With 17 available oils, and fluctuating oil prices manufacturers switch according to market conditions. When a product is simply labelled as con- taining oil, with 17 possibilities available. an allerenic cannot take the risk. anne wanstall town guests and relatives joined them in the celebration. Alf Stong MPP York Centre presented the couple with a congratulatory plaque from Premier William Davis on behalf of the provincial government. BOSTAL QODE PLEASE SEND ME A FREE COPY ~0F TRAVELWAYS 1976 SUMMER TOUR CATALOGUE ADDRESS Goeller, says she feels some concern about additives which would alter the balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in food. Even heavy drinkers who are not quite~in the alcoholic category should be concerned about chemicals. hand one may find the opposite â€" nobility and social status! The author concludes, “Never be ashamed of the truth of your ancestors. After all, who knows how they might feel about you!" The treatment of diabetes is based on portion control in a controlled diet. A change in the formula of dietetic foods could alter the whole balance of the diet. Many commercial mouthwashes are equivalent to another shot of liquor, and inhaling some deodorant room sprays can double the intensity of the drink in hand CENTRE 884-1812 Phone 889-1812 Hm? Rice's Flowers Wired Anywhere For All Occasions RICHMOND HEIGHTS ySun'ounding Distticts ii We Deliver : w Toronto (photo by Sinai-1')