â€"TUESDAYS â€" 5:304:10P.M.FAMILYNIGHT Programmes for Nursery, Happy Hour. Junior Boys. Chrishan Service Brigade, Proneer Girls, You": and Aduli Svudies, An Old Fashioned Country church on on: Edge 00 the City 915 Sunday School, all ages 11:00 a m Pasvor E Come" 10.00 A M â€" Bible School Classes 'or all ages "00 A.M â€" Morn-n9 Service 700 PM â€" Evening Service Prayer meeting WedneSdav at 8.00 P M_ Parish Lenten Mission wim Brian and Cindy Allan continues WEDNESDAYS‘ 10.00 A.M. â€" Eucharis' 12‘15 P.M. â€" Lenten Service 7.00 P.M. ~â€"- Eucharist 8 00 a m EUCHARIST lo 30 am Fam-lv -Worshup Preacher: Brian Allan Kindergarten, Nursery. Church School. 8.00 PM. â€" Faim Forum with Brlan and Clndy Allan «4’4 4:4 ,g,gw,,,,,,mhrhhyx’ $, «wwva ' I , 4N0, W¢4 va W\W"_ \ w,;»WNȤmW ‘ Corner of Weldrick Road and Bathurst Street 7:00 pm. Pastor E. Corbett PREACHING THE OLD BOOK THE NEW BIRTH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD AND THE BLESSED HOPE AT RICHMOND HI'LL BAPTIST CHURCH 50 Wright St. Rev. E. Corbett. Pastor Mr. G. Whitmore. Asst. Rev. B.T. McSpadden Pastor: Phone 884-7859 PRAYER MEETING I:00-I:JOP.M. â€" Everyone Welcome â€" EMMANUEL ANGLICAN Charismatic Renewal Fellowship Fridays â€" 8.00 P.M. EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH TESTIMONY, TEACHING PRAYER, PRAISE ALL WELCOME ANGLICAN WELDRICK ROAD BAPTISTCHURCH 883-1834 â€" 884-3091 223-8247 RICHMOND HILL â€" A Danish Diary is the fifth of a travel and adventure'series being presented in Bayview Secondary School, Bayview Ave. North of Markham Rd. by Richmond Hill Rotary Club. The film‘s creators. Stan and Irene Paulauskas, will be on stage as narrators at 8 pm. Thur- sday. Tickets $2 at the door. TORONTO â€" Works of five Canadian artists make up a new exhibition, Fin, Fur and Feather, showing to March 31 at the Wildlife Gallery, 12A Bedford Road at Prince Arthur in Toronto. Robert Bateman, and George McLean are renowned for their works in the recent ROM Animals in Art exhibition. Allycia Uccello had given two one-woman shows of sea life in the past year, at the ROM and at the Ontario Science Centre. Bronwin Stanley-Jones is noted for her graphic drawings of wild and domestic animals, and David Charles Grainger is noted for his skill in capturing detail of bird subjects, even while in flight. For further information call 922-5153. physical rhythms based on the bio theory. The program was devi: teacher Clarence Hay, who leads ti and to raise money for school activi students are providing personalizec at $2 each, including explanatt formation with each chart. For a 12 forecast of your physical, emotion intellectual ups and downs send day, month and year of your t Computer Biorhythms, 109 Main Newmarket L3Y 3Y8 before the end Handcraft exhibition IIYYI v {\Inn Al n 11:†TORONTO ~â€" The New Chamber Or- chestra of Canada is presenting a program with guest conductor at St. James‘ Cathedral Concert Hall Church and Adelaide Sts., Toronto, at 8:30 pm. tonight. Guest solist will be Edward Tarr, world authority on the baroque trumpet. YORK REGION â€" Demonstrations of old and new methods of tapping trees and making maple syrup are under way in local conservation areas every day this week for the winter school break and on weekends and holidays to April 11. Hours are 10 am. to 4:30 pm. at Bruce‘s Mill, Gormley Sideroad two miles east of Don Mills Road and at Kortright Centre for Conservation at Kleinburg, Boyd Conservation area two miles west of highway 400 south of Major Mackenzie Drive. New chamber concert Art for the subway DOWNSVIEW â€" Art for the Spadina Subway will be exhibited March 29 to April Maple syrup time 3 in the foyer of the Fine Arts Centre at York University, showing artworks proposed for the subway system. Open Wildlife gallery BAPTIST IS MacKay Dr 88943789 Danish Diary film at Bayview DIRECTORY OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES FOR THE WEEK south york region scheduled events Missionary Church GORMLEY Minister Rev. William Wallace 884-1831 Organist & Choir Director Mr. Richard Phillips H:A.M, Morning Worship New res-den“ and vmlnrs are most welcome Rev. Cecil Rosenberger Pastor â€" 887-5846 Our Service is being planned by me Worship Committee with ELLA TAYLOR. on the meme ol: OUR PRESENT DAY and GOD'S GRACE TO MEET IT 9 50A Iv. Famuly Sunday School Presbyterian “.00 A.M. Morning Worship 7:30 P.M. Evening Service SUNDAY School 9,45 A M. â€" Church School For Bus. Ministry, call 831-2818 11.00 AVMV â€" Morning Worship H 00 a WEDNESDAY 7.30 Study SUNDAY. MARCH 28, I976 RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Yonge & Centre Streets 884-1301 SUNDAY, MARCH 28,1976 SUNDAY, MARCH 28.1976 weekly Home am: Studios ST. JOHN'S BAPTIST CHURCH RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MINISTERS Rev Robert K.Shor1tn Rev Rowan DA Bnnmng A WARM WELCOME TO EVERYONE UNITED. ‘ "The Hours 0! worship are Frecious" WELCOME! Mid-Week Bible JNJ 4 4' (Kamv‘IVriï¬ g a N,(IN,~( J tW ( (,Wf’ a". 9 AS A M -â€" Bible School Classes for All Ages M. Th. â€" 889-5225 SUNDAY, MARCH 28.1976 Servmea! lo 103 m and S 00 p m SATURDAY 0.30 A.M. - Sabbath Schoo| ".00 AM. â€" Divine worship "0 come let us worship . . . fl Lord our Maker." Psalm 95:0 939 AVM. â€" The Lord's Supper 11.00 AM â€" Family Bible HOur H m AVM â€" Sunday School. Kmdergarven to Grade 6 Bible School lor Grade 7 and up 7.00 P Mr H Evening Serv-ce Prayer CHURCH UI‘ L'Hfllb l Concord Rd. & No. 7 Hwy. A Church of The New Testament Order A. E. Atkinson Ministerâ€" 669-1831 A. Youngâ€" Sec. 669-2784 9:30 A.M. Sunday Channel ll Lnsven V0 "The Voice 0! Prophecy Sunday I0 am. CKFN PENTECOSTAL CALVARY (III-Inï¬ll . - Morning Service . â€" Communion Service ZION LUTHERAN (2 miles south of Maple) Rev. James S. Dauphinee Vice-Pastorâ€" 884-5264 suumvmnncn 29,1974 9:30am. ‘â€" Worship Serwce 10:30 a.m â€" Sunday Church School BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH Computer forecasts future Other Denominations WEDNESDAY 3.00 PM. â€" Bible S‘udv 24 Oak Ave.. Hichvale TORONTO â€" Amor Vincit femina: the Battle of the Sexes in Science Fiction, will be discussed by science fiction writer Joanna Russ at 8 pm. Friday in room 204, York Hall, at York University's Glendon College, 2275 Bayview Ave. at Lawrence. The public is welcome and admission is free. For further information call 487â€"6210. Minister Rev. D. VanderBoom daily to the public from 10 am. to 10 pm Keele St. at Steeles Ave. NEWMARKET â€" A computer at Huron Heights Secondary School is being used by the school Project Club to develop personal charts outlining the cycles of an individual's intellectual, emotional and physical rhythms based on the biorhythm theory. The program was devised by teacher Clarence Hay, who leads the club, and to raise money for school activities the students are providing personalized charts at $2 each, including explanatory inâ€" formation with each chart. For a 12 month forecast of your physical, emotional and intellectual ups and downs send $2 plus day, month and year of your birth to Computer Biorhythms, 109 Main Street, Newmarket L3Y 3Y8 before the end of May. SUNDAY, MARCH 18.1976 Non-profit organizations planning“. programs of interest to readers in Southern York may submit items for this column to Social Editor Margaret Lade, "The" Liberal", 10101 Yonge Street, Richmond‘ Hill, 884-8177 or 881-3373. Deadline is noon on Monday. CONCORD 9:00 A.M. CHURCH OF CHRIST 9:30 AM Wa'ch "The Herald 0' Truth T.VV Channel 3, Barrie Battle of the sexes WILLOWDALE â€" Five artisans are combining their talents in a show and sale in the Gibson House Gallery, 5172 Yonge St., opening tomorrow and continuing to April 18. The exhibits include woven wall hangings. painting in various media, jewellery, ceramics and sculthre. Each is of original design and handcrafted b artists of established reputation â€" Dia e Daniel. Jim Baker, Cathy Stasko, Ken Daniel and Micheline Montgomery. The Gibson House galleries and museum are open daily from 9:30 am. to 5 p.m.. Sunday 1 to 5 pm. Adults 50 cents. children and senior citizens 25 cents. LUTHERAN 148 Thornridge Dr Thornhill RICHVALE BIBLE CHAPEL SUNDAY SERVICES SUNDAY ‘2.†P.M TUESDAY ' â€" Bible Study and Sunday 9 AS a m Sunday School and Morning Worship Sunday 8 00 D m Evangelistic Service WED. MARCH 10, 8:00 PM. First in a series of five community Lenten Services with the churches on the east side of town 90an together. This Week the service is at the Free Methodist church. RICHMOND HILL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH WED. 7:00 PM. Family Night. Aéflvi'ies and Study for every age group. RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH 212 Hillsview Dr. 884-5029 Rev. Robert C. Quick 884-6629 ' SUNDAY, MARCH 28,1976 9:45 am. â€" Sunday School classes for all Age‘s For Free Bus call 8344759 11:00 am. â€" Family Worship‘ Message: 'Love That Forgives‘ 6:00 pm. â€" Evening of gospel Music with the Outreach Quartet THURS. 9:30 A.M. Ladies’ Coffee Cup Bible Study Groups at the churcn‘ VIEW: "IT is WRITTEN" 9:00 AM. Sunday, Channel 22 222-1681 - 94 Hunt Ave PENTECOSTAL CALVARY CHURCH Pastor: ELL. Anderson 884â€"0451 80 Elgin Mills Road W. i C 1 IS 0â€... N. 3533136310111.“- fl EVERYONE WELCOME EVERYONE IS MOST WELCOME R. J. Muir M. A. Golden. Pastors "I. Academy award film maker at York Pines RICHMOND HILL â€" - Most Christians in Canada use Lent in part as a time to think about our responsibilities in the development of the whole world. MARKHAM â€" Journey Toward Wholeness was the theme of the recent annual meeting of York Presbyterial UCW in Markham United Church. The values of hope and joy in becoming whole K E T T L E B Y â€" Christopher Chapman, the Toronto-born film maker who received international acclaim and an Academy Award for A Place to Stand, will be guest speaker March 31 at York Pines United Church. Chapman's address is part of thé church‘s continuing World Around Us lecture series. By Rev. Bernard Barrett St. Mary's Anglican Church Richmond Hi]; We live in a world where many people are still starving to death and facing disease and pollution and other dehumanizing realities. Accordingly. the Christians of the world Who/eness theme for York UCW Radlo Illaelé Lent a time for concern TAKE PART IN OUR ’450 STORE-OPENING CELEBRATION’ 450 PRIZES TO BE WON BY 450 NO" PEOPLE! Radlo Ihaek A DIVIS!0N OF TANDV ELECYRONlCS LIMIYED Drop in to your nearest Radio Shack store and fill out your ballot for a chance to win one of 450 prizes; and see our fine line of Realistic products. CELEBRATION see one of their Lenten disciplines as being sharing something of their wealth with the needy of the world. To help us think about this, Iquote a Declaration of Concern which follows called the Shakertown Pledge. in which a group of persons convenanted together to reduce their levels of consumption. to share their personal wealth with the world‘s poor and to work for a new social order in which all people have equal access to the resources The 175 ladies present, representing slome 50 churches, were greeted were described in the opening workshop con- ducted by Toronto Con- ference UCW president Audrey Emmsl April 7, the speaker will be Dr. Chris McGowan, associate curator in the department of vertabrate palaeontology, Royal Ontario Museum. Lectures begin at 9:45 am. at the church, which is located on the Aurora sideroad, east of Highway 400. An admission charge of $1.25 includes babysitting and coffee. A DIVISION OF TANDY ELECTRONICS LIMITED CONTEST CLOSES APRIL 3, I976 The guest speaker was Hilde Toll, first woman president of Toronto Conference. She outlined her attutde toward wholeness, giving examples of encumbered lives that are abundant and beautiful. The election and in- stallation of officers was conducted by Rev. Douglas Smith of Markham. “We are touched by others, and we resepond by touching others," she explained. With a reminder that the church is many they need. 1. I declare myself to be a world citizen. 2‘ I commit myself to lead an ecologically sound life. 3. I commit myself to lead a life of creative simplicity and to share my personal wealth with the world’s poor. 4. I commit myself to join with others in reshaping institutions in by president Marion Starr. Greetings on behalf of the hostess church were extended by Helen Allen, and Ella Taylor, president of York Presbytery, brought messages from York. These No tech, 5 a ‘I I'Klll.‘ winner; ail eggs Couple» stereo system, v receive a travel * “29.80 eoch‘ vouch†for $1“. g Each voucher is to be used ea a Complete stereo systems. trip for Mo on an exciting \ valued at $609.80 each ' A 3-- gnu“... u-â€" mâ€... 10520 Yonge St, Richmond Hill (RICHMOND HEIGHTS SHOPPING CENTRE) 8167 Yonge St., Thornhill (BAY HII.I. MEWS) from the churches is u Sunflight trip for two, through 12“ 13’ PRIZE SunflighfÃ©ï¬ Canada’s Numba' Ontï¬olidaymaker. to ExGRAND PRIZE Includes airfare, hotel accommodations, and $500 spending money. lONDON, ENGLAND order to bring about a more just global society in which each person has full access to the needed resources for their physical. emotional. intellectual and spiritual growth. The new executive are: past president Jean Rumble. president Marion Starr, vice president June Atkinson, secretaries Helen Kingsley and Rosemary Haessler. treasurer Mary Walker. 5. I commit myself to occupational account- ability and in so doing I will seek to avoid the creation products which cause harm to others. Members without portfolio are Lois Bushell, Betty Cutting, Marion McMillan, Emily Woods. Jean Buchan, Ruth McCaskill. Pauline Hirsch and Helen Hawke. members with many gifts, he _asked all to dedicate themselves anew to the UCW pur- pose. 6. I affirm the gift of my body and commit myself to its proper nourishment and physical well-being. Chairing various committees are Muriel Graham, June Atkinson, Mae Richards, Jean Rumble, Jean Morley, Florence Burnside, Betty Thomson, Jean Willits, Margaret Fockler and Mary Leek. THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. March 24. 1976 â€" C-: 7. I commit myself to 4". 5" PRIZE Com:th stereo systems, vaiqu at $1,630.58 ench‘ Complete stereo system, valued a! $1,366.78 ends ' Complete stereo system, valued at s 899.80 and: " O Reg. SopanIe nom Pllm THE FOLLOWING RADIO SRACK MERCHARDISE CWIFKAIES: 16‘: certiï¬cate: M $100 each 100 certiï¬cates at $50 each :00 certiï¬cate; at $25 each l37 corï¬ï¬cutos at $10 ma 6" 7" PRIIE 8" . 9" PRIZE PlUS AURORA -â€" Metro Police Chief Harold Adamson will be among the main speakers for the annual meeting of Toronto Conference of United Church Women March 30 and 31 in Aurora United Church. The conference then is Journey Toward Wholeness. All women of York UCW Presbyterial are especially invited to attend, as are all people interested in the events. In the afternoon. at 2 p.m.. Helde Toll, first chairwoman of ,Toronto Conference, will address the assembly, and at 3 pm. the speaker will be Rev. Harold Moddle, division of mission. Chief Adamson will speak March 30 at -7 pm. On March 30 at 10 am. the speaker will be Don Sims. the Ontario Censor. On Tuesday evening, The Joybelles. will provide musical en- tertainment. All sessions are open to the public. 8, I commit myself to personal renewal through prayer. meditation and study. examine continually my relations with others, and to attempt to relate honestly. morally and lovingly to those around me. 9. I commit myself to responsible participation in a community of faith. Metro chief at Aurora conference