Call Harry Wilkinson 8844481 or 727-2337 Lic, AFV291. blue In colour, only 48,000 mules Lic‘ JJL333 All power, bronze m colour‘ only 26000 miles KINNEAR PONTIAC Address Soc Ins HARRY WILKINSEN â€"THIS WEEK'S SPECIALSâ€" 1975 TNUNDEHBIRD Name §1ERLINGK<§ .mn~. u. v. ...~.»m..~ Rm: Sub|ecl ToCnanqe I have enclosed a cheque tor 5 purchase a 5 year Guaranteed Investment Cemhcale Minimum $500 with mleresl paid evevy snx monms wnh Interest paid monlhly (mun $5000] Interest accumulaled lo maturity $12 YONGE STREET ALSO 1973 THUNDEHBIRD Mamba! Canada Deposvl Insurance Covpovanon When you save energy you save money. This is what Ontario is doing to help you save. The Program has two objectives â€" to find ways to help you cut your own energy bill, and to find ways of using your province‘s energy more efficiently. Right now. the Program consists of 70 working prolects. including: 0 testing ways to reduce fuel consumption in automobiles and farm operations: Your Ontario Government's goal. by 1980. IS to reduce by one-third the growth rate of energy consumption in the province. To achieve that. eleven Ministries of your Government are working together in the Ontario Energy Management Program. EST 1911 Signature Spring Service & Start Up GAS POOL HEATERS Province of Ontario William Davis, Premier Lions to dance PREVENT TRANSMISSION =£BOIIBLE= RICHVALE â€" The majorettes corps sponsored by Richvale Lions Club will perform at a dance being held on their behalf, April 3 at 8:30 pm. in the Lions Hall. 31 Spruce. The dance, at $10 a couple, will feature door prizes, spot prizes, buffet and bar. The majorettes will perform from 9-9:30p.m. Tickets are available from Eileen Robertson. 889- 7007. and Joan Dennis. 889â€"2781. 0 ROAD TEST 0 REMOVE PAN O VISUAL INSPECTION 0 CLEAN SUMP 8- SCREEN . ADJUST BANDS A LINKAGE 0 REPLACE PAN GASKETH-FLUID DOMESTIC PASSENGER CARS ONLY MONâ€"FRI. 8 TO 6 SAT. 8 T01 WE FIX TRANSMISSIONS BfCï¬USf Wf KNO‘A/ HIJW Remember, this Is a PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SERV ICE. If you already have transmusuon probiems ask abou Our other reliable sen/mes - improving the heating and cooling systems in government buildings (which has already cut some energy bills by as much as 20%); 0 finding ways to improve residential natural gas and oil furnace efficiency; 0 constructing and testing a totally solar-heated home; 0 reclaiming waste materials to produce energy: 0 sending an “Energy Bus" throughout Ontario to do on-the-spot analyses for industry (so far, annual energy cost savings averaging 20% have been identified). Practical suggestions on ways you can save energy and mOney are available from your Ontario Government and from energy-supplying companies TRANSMISSION WITH A GUARANTEE AGAINST FAILURE FOR 6 MONTHS OR 6,000 MILES! Energy Management Program Ontario Ministry of Energy 12th Floor 56 Wellesley Street West Toronto, Ontario M7A 287 Ministry of Energy Dennis Timbrell, Minister For more information. write f0 FLETCHER GIBBARD HEATING LTD. 884.2026 223-2124 ‘oflmnn * financing available * improves gas rate. AS LOW AS $43900 Installation extra 881-5222 7377 Yonge Street Thornhill INCLUDES NEW FLUID ézé/j \ COMPLETE 1 ‘ o EYEGLASS Pl “ o comm LE ;, o MODERN FR; 1/“ ‘ o CUSTOM MA TOWNS 8: COUNTRYE SQUARE YONGE AT STEELES In 5-6 Colors, 4-5-6-7-8 ft‘ Lengths Also Custom Made in any sue 3500 ft POST FORMED KITCHEN TOPS “All Sizes" CEDAR FENCING MATERIAL AHBDRITE HANDY Lalge Vanety of Patterns 2x4' ONLY .FAMINE .FLOODS .EARTHOUAKES .DROUGHTS PITTSBURGH WALLHIDE PANELS Other Pailems Team CEILING TILES White I; 2" x 4"«8 ft. During 1974-75, SHARE LENT sent 55,290,000 to 330 projects in 56 countries. YOU OUR LADY QUEEN OF THE WORLD 10411 BAYVIEW AVE, RICHMOND HILL OR CALL 884â€"7006 FOR INFORMATION KEELE ST., MAPLE For each Canadian there are 20 victims of SPECIAL ragga: LATEX $ 95 PAINT $53.; SHARE LENT PBEâ€"CUT CEDAR FRONT DOORS .. 7 ALL ' VARIETIES Member: Canadlan Guild oi Dispel-firing Opticians DO IT NOW AND GET READY FOR SPRING / CADILLAC H Z" Tiies‘ iohnsMamille Satin ï¬es m mom of 64 sq. ft Contributions are Tax Deductible Slat: COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE O EYEGLASS PRESCHIPTIDNS FILLED 0 CONTACT LENSES. had it sch O MODERN FRAME STYLES‘ O CUSTOM MADE FRAMES O SAFETY GLASSES FOR WORK OR PLAY CHAR( CAN HELP By sending your contribution to: Latex paint (Economy Grade) Open: Mon. - Fri. 9:30 am r 9:30 pm 581. 9:30 am - Bil] pm. 31223-5168 (North 01 Maul: Slderold EXTERIOR INTERIOR on Keel: Streeï¬) 54¢m $350 $149 $795 GIGANTIC STOCK SANDSTONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.50 $3.95 4x8 SIENNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . seas $3.95 4x8 ASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.435 $4.95 4x8 MEDIT. WALNUT . . . . . . . . . . . sass $5.50 4x8 EMBOSSED PECAN ......... 35,95 $5.50 4.3 GOLDEN CEDAR ........... M, $5.95 M COACHMAN ELM . . . . . . . . . 3%., $535 4.8 WINDSOR ROSEWOOD . . . . $350 $635 4x3 Phone 889-4973 gal. METROPOLIIAN TORONTO (North 01 401) Scarborough 8. Barrie Call OJ. Henderson 6380823 or write to FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK 4430 Bathurst St. Downsview, Ont. M3H 383 I-‘BDB announces... NEW SERVICE for SMALL BUSINESS talk to one 0! these Management Services Ofï¬cers: DJ. HENDERSON If you're wondering whether there's a federal govern- ment program that can assist your business. contact our Management Services Officer who will tell you what federal programs may suit your needs and put you in touch with the appropriate offices. DO-lT-YOURSELF ELECTRIC TUB ENCLOSURE DOORS mi??? VINYL FRAMED BULLETIN BOARD 3/3 ELECTRICAL SKIL DRILL 4'x8’ 8 to 10 004135; in chmxc 1mm Reg $2f95 10" CHAIN SAW FURMICA it ARBOR†E JIG SAW SKIL SINGLE SPEED THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. March 24. 1976 â€" C-7 $54.95 $59-95 (Includes Caunter Top) 30" Vanity GREGG VANITIES «eg :44 as WHH! MEY LA Your choice of calm top FEDERAL BUS/NESS DEVELOPMENT BANK ) STORE HOURS 8:30 am {05:30 pm Frl.8:30 am w9pm Sat. 8:30 am to 5 pm. (south of 401) ETOBICOKE 8. MISSISSAUGA Call RJ. Bruce 3684145 METROPOLITAN YORONTO FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK 250 University Ava, ? I Tomnto, Ont. ' 5 ‘ . . 3'33 MSH 355 ‘ ' “N3 3295,3495 SHOP & SAVF Moan! "l4 R.J. BRUCE $1795 $299? $7495 Iaps and smk are extra USE YOUR CHARGEX AND MASTER CHARGE (Includes Counter Top] 35" Vanity