OHENAULTA? WHAT LITTLE CAR GETS BETTER GAS MILEAGE THAN AM ERICA’S LATEST. AND INCLUDES 2 BACK SEATS T00? COUNTRY BLUE GRASS JAMBOREE EVERY SATURDAY Er SUNDAY Al-TERNOON Featuring Steve St. Michael 8 Friends - AMATEUR TALENT CONTEST SATURDAY AFTERNOONS can/IE IIV All/D TEST DRIVE IT mm y 7734444 PHONE 884-8841 'Highway mileage according lo E.P.A. standards BUFFET DINNER DANCING SUNDAYS 3:30 TILL 10 STEVE ST. MICHAEL 8 DISCO DANCING GERONIMO'S YONGE ST.. ELGIN MILLS RICHMOND HILL884â€"9171 Cycling fashion Fashions for cycling was a feature of the spring fashion show at Hillcrest Mall. It was a dramatic way of announcing the Variety Club of Ontario will add a course to its fourth annual bike-a-thOn April 25; extending into the Region of York. The 20 mile course, to be known as North of Metro, will attract a good many riders who will “ride for a kid who can't.†Bike and cycling garb pictured above are designed to provide the best in recreational equipment and comfort for the rider in the balmy days of spring. The Variety Club, founded by show business people in Metro and surrounding areas, has for many years supported training and recreational programs for the physically handicapped, including the residence-school, Variety Village, in Scarboro. The bike-a-thon was introduced to support the many projects of an extension of the program, Tent 28, an outdoor program for handicapped boys and girls who come to Variety Village from all over Ontario, providing year-round programs for recreation and physical rehabilitation. A PRACTICAL HAVE FUN ' EXCUSE T0 ~50 miles to the gallon of gas' oFront-wheel drive USteel-belted radial tires OSeats 4 in real comfort OOversize hatch-back °Up to 31.5 cu. ft. cargo space 0Fully independent torsion bar suspension 'Rack and pinion steering OFront disc brakes (GTL) °Four-on-the floor (GTL) 01300 cc engineâ€"96 mono (or 782 00â€"75 mph.) Renault 5, the most fun-to-drive little town-and-country car of them all, and the most practical. Fee for the course is $60. Driving course offered It consists of taking your pulse rate to measure the heart‘s response to a threeâ€" minute interval of stepping up and down to music on any set of household steps. The heart rate is then equated to a fitness level on an Successful completion of the course will bring a driver education in- structor‘s certificate to the teachers. The course has 40 hours of actual driving in- struction plus 50 hours of lectures on traffic regulations, car safety, construction and special driving conditions. Test your ï¬tneséim mSIde your own home RICHMOND HILL â€" Teachers of driver education can receive further training here this summer at Don Head Secondary School. The three-week ministry of education course is open to elementary and secon- dary school teachers and runs from August 16 to September 3. The demonstration is being organized by Clifford Nuttall, head of Bayview’s physical education department and a local leader of the 4.000-member CAHPER. The test was developed under the auspices of Recreation Canada, a branch of the department of national health and welfare. A new home fitness test, promoted by the Canadian Association for Health, Physical E d u c a t i o n a n d Recreation (CAHPER). will be demonstrated at Bayview Secondary School in a program soon to be announced. RICHMOND HILL â€" Testing your level of physical fitness can now be done in your own home. It's as simple as stepping up and down to music. Now is the time to invest in a fancy sportcoat tailored by leading Canadian manufacturers. F0r a special low price you'll choose from an assortment of coats in muted and bold patterns and plaids. In all-wool and wool blend all-season fabrics fashioned in 2-button and single vent styling. Sizes 36 to 46. Come early for best selection. Sportcoats available. Formerly to $89.95 Every fancy sportcoat on sale at one low price. JACK FRASER HILLCREST MALL, RICHMOND HILL Starts Th u rsday one i - of the biggest suit “ values in our history Dr. Don Bailey, one of the originators of the program, claims this home test will do for fitness what the weight scale has done for dieting. Also included in the kit are a booklet on health and fitness. a weekly guide to physical activity, an illustrated series of home exercises to im‘ prove over-all fitness, a wall progress chart for family members, and a distance calculator which allows scientific measurement of how far one should walk or run in 15 minutes to improve one's fitness level. accompanying graph The graph and recorded music are two of the items in the fitness test kit. which is sold for $5.70. GLOBE TRAVEL TORONTO (CENTRAL) 715 Bay St Toronto. Ontario 10303 YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 597-0818 884-81 91 “We wouldn't think of having a person go on a diet without a weight scale to measure his progress," Bailey said, * FURNACE SALE ï¬g: SPRING CLEARANCE OF H EATI N G EQUI PM ENT LENNOX GAS FURNACES Canadian made 2 Pee. suits finely tailored in quality fabrics and with detail- ing found only in $125 to $144 price ranges, their former price. You must see. you must touch, you must try on these suits to believe how beautiful they really are. 3 100% Wool 3 Wool Polyester blends [1 Canadian made 2 Plaids, checks, solids 3 Regular 36-46 :1 Some shorts and talls : Classic 2-button styling : Alterations extra : Sale ends Saturday. DO HURRY TORONTO (NORTH) MOTORCOACH, AIR, SHIP & TRAIN 120 Doncaster Ave Thornhlll. Ontario Chargex. Mastercharge accepted PHONE OR WRITE FOR YOUR COPY OF THIS COLOUle CATALOGUE, TODAY! Hlunllghled for 1976 is the rugged beauly of Western Canada, The pl:- luresque Marlvlme Provlnces and me maunetlc appeal 0‘ Norm Onlarlo. Special Bi‘CenlennlaI packages to the USA. Include New England-Cape Cod, colonlal WIlllamsburn, a. Jameslowne, Pennsylvanla Dulch Country, Stowe. Florlda. Calllonrla. The lnslde passage to Alaska and several speclal-vimeresl tours llke our unlque locomollve noslalgla tour. Overseas packages for 1976 are Spaln. Mallorca, South Paclllc and the Orlenl. This summers schedule glues great varlely ln destinations, length 0! stay and prlce. All tours are cheerlully escorted, uslng hlgh quallï¬y ac‘ com modavlon, Interesting Iflnerarles and Include tales, baggage nondllng and most admlsslons Vo memorable aflrac'lons‘ Tour coaches are the men modern avallablewlth air condltlonlng, washroom. recllnlng seats, alr rlde suspenslon, raped muslc, and large "med wlndows. Travelways Toursrmfeting our 240 departures conveniently originating from Tomnto. Hamiltm, Ottawa, Orillia, Barrie, Peterborough, Lindsay, Edmontm and Vancouver. 226-4804 Formerly to $144.50 FLETCHER I LL I Ul II." HEATING LTD GIBBARD amaze 23-2124. “but for years we have encouraged Canadians to get fit without providing any measuring device to test their progress.†THE LIBERAL, Wednesday, March 31. 1976 PLEASE SEND ME A FREE COPY OF YRAVELWAYS 1976 SUMMER TOUR CATALOGUE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT. POSTAL CODE As low as $9.00 a month on your gas bill no payments until September ' limited number in stock in Central Air Cpnditioning Also Available 8840933 HAMILTON/BURLINGTON 5401 Dundas 51., Burlington. Ontano 632-6958