Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Apr 1976, B12

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Cards of Thanks BRASS beds â€" a country store Inn. All sites and svyles (includIng Queens). Open all weekends. 9994 Keele 59., Maple 832-2567, 936â€"3056. "<45 Antique repairs and restorations by skilled cabinet craftsman: available to limited clientelle. Write: Bonnell Antiques, R. R. I. Gormlev, Ont. Lot-l 160 or phone 111-4311. We buy, sell, evaluate. ":18 BRASS. copper. antiques repolished. Brass beds, etc, BriIex. 755-7851. "(29 gnttqueg 8: gm NOTICETO CREDITORS ANDOTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF MORTON MUNROE DAVIS. LATE 0F 82 WELDRICK ROAD, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO. 3-12 â€"- “All persons having claims against the Estate of Morton Munroe Davis, late of 82 Weldrick Road, Richmond Hill. Ontario. who died on or about the 8th day of April, 1975, are hereby notified to send particulars of the same to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of April, 1976 after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims to which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice." DATED at Richmond Hill this 25th day of March, 1976. THE lamilv oi the late Anne Golder wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all their lriends, neighbours and relatives for their acts at kindness, cards and lloral tributes and to those who donated to the Cancer Society. Special thanks to Rev. Victor Sheppard and the Marshall Funeral Home. Lilian Homer and Family. piwal WE sincerely express to our many triends. neighbours and relatives our heartfelt thank you tor their many acts at kindness, concern and words at consolation during the illness and loss at our dear husband and lather. A special thank you to the Doctors and Nurses at York Central Hospital tor their patience and un~ derstanding. Helen MacEachern, Teresa (Mrs. C. Sowdon). Donna. Ralph and Ruth. clwdl All persons having claims against the Estate of ROBERT COCHRANE FORREST, Retired Executive, late of the Town of Vaughan, in the Regional Municipality of York, who died on the 16th day of September, 1975, must file claims with the undersigned solicitors on or before the 29th day of April, 1976, after which date the Estate will be distributed without regard to claims not then filed. NOTICE TO CREDITORS & OTHERS In the Estate of Percy Charles Edwin Peirce All persons having claims against the Estate of Percy Charles Edwin Peirce, late of the Town of Richmond Hill, in the Regional Municipality of York, who died on or about the 7th day of February, 1976, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of April, 1976, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have notice and the un- dersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice. DATED at Richmond Hill, this 25th day of March, 1906. Russell Charles Peirce and William Edward Peirce, Executors of the Estate of Percy Charles Edwin Peirce, by their solicitor, JOHN. J. LAWLOR, c-o Messrs. Lawlor, LeClaire, Nevins. Hobson & Chauhan, Barristers and Solicitors, 10265 Yonge Street, Rich- mond Hill, Ontario. L4G 4Y7. ANHQUES ANNOUNCEMENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS 8: OTHERS Richmond Hill, Ontario. Solicitors for the Administratori PLAXTON AND MANN P.0. Box 36 WALSH AND WALSH, 85 Richmond St. West, Toronto, Ontario, M5H, 2C9 Solicitors for the Ekecutor, DUANE GORDON FORREST. Legal THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. April 7. 1976 c3w4o cawdo czwu With deep regret, we announce the passing at York Central Hospital, on Tuesday, March 30, 1976, at Ralph MacEacnern. beloved husband at Helen Sholdice, dear lather ol Teresa (Mrs. C. Sowdon), Donna, Ralph, Ruth and Rae. Dear brother ot Bertha, John, Florence, Keith, Evelyn. Don and the late Georgina, Malcolm and Nell. Interment Highland Memorial Gardens. Donations would be appreciated to the Canadian Cancer society. MacEACHERN Robert KOWALCZUK‘ M York Central Hospital on Friday, April 1nd. I976. Survived by his lamin in Winnipeg. Funeral mass was held in St Mary Im- maculale church on Monday. lMermenl Holy Cross Cemetery. After a lengthy illness on Friday. April 2nd, 1976. Dear mother at John, Barbara, Michael. Catherine, and Louis. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Rich- mond Hill. Mass was held in Sacred Heart Church, King, on Monday morning. Interment Sacred Heart Cemetery. HERBERT. Louisa Matilda On Thursday, April Isl, 1916. Louisa Briflain beloved wile of me Iale William Herbert, dear mother ol Norman. Kenneth. and the lace Vitlor. A Family service was conducled by lhe B. E. Ring Funeral Home, Thornhill, Suddenly on Saturday, April 1976. Dear molher 0! Ellen (I B. Addison) Peter Harm Debbie (Mrs. R. Nichol) J (Mrs. L. Marshall) Ian. R1 (Mrs 5. Moon), Kelly . Resle the Marshall Funeral Home, R mond Hill. Service was i Tuesday morning. Cremation LAWLOR. Anne CORKIN. Ida ROBERTSON Gertrude Cremation CARVIN â€" In loving memory 0! a dear daughter and sis'er, Joan Marie, who passed away. April 3, I973. MAR‘TIN â€" Eleanor and Frank announce the sale arrival ol anomer granddaughter, a girl for Margo and Bill Hunter oi Windsor. March 13, 1976. A sister for Sarah. Darren and Tony. clwal Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Zavarella of Willowdale are happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Marie Louise, to Paul Francesco Puopolo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Puopolo of Welland, Ontario. Wedding to take place Saturday, April 10, 1976, at 3 pm. at St. Pascal’s Baylon Church, Willowdale. ncl MR. and Mrs. Fred Filield are pleased to announce the lor- thcoming marriage oi their daughter Laurie Jane to Mr. Wayne Bell son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bell ol Richmond Hill. Wedding to take place August Nth, I975, St. Mary's Anglican Church. clwdl "Your love for time children, Was closest to your heart, Because 0! your unselfish love, From us, you had to pan". Sadly missed, Mom and Dad Tom. Paul, Carol Ann and Gary. REID â€" Linda and Jim are happy in announce the birth of their iirsi child David James Radiord Reid 7 lbs. 12v, 015. at Wellesley Hospital on Tuesday, March 30, 1916. A grandson ior George and Midge Radiord oi Downsview. clwdl MR. and Mrs. Howard Hoover, ol Markham, are pleased lo an- nounce the engagemenl of Ineir daughter. Brenda Lorraine to Russell Edward (Ted) Manson. son ol Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Morison, Gormlev. Marriage lo take place September 25, W76, in me Dickson Hill Missionary Church. c'lwal MR. and Mrs. L. R. Brewer, wish to announce the forthcoming marriage oi meir daughter, Jean Louise. '0 Donald Brem, son 0! MR. and Mrs. E. Daniels. 0! Rich- mond Hill, are pleased to an- nounce me engagemem of their daughter, Carol Elizabevh. to Stephen A. Melanson, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Melanson, ol Frederic'on, N.B. clwu Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ouibell. Lindsay, Onlario, Marriage in take place May 22,1976 at J p.m. a! Richmond Hill Uniled Church. 10201 Yonge 51., Richmond Hill. At York Central Hospital, on Monday, April 5, 1916, Gertrude Armitoge, beloved wile ot the late Stirling Robertson, dear mother 0! Ruth (Mrs. J. C. Gall), loving grandmother ol Mary-Jane and John, dear sister at Leonard. Friends were received at the a. E. Ring Funeral Home, 7783 Yonge St., Thornhill. Service was held in the Chapel, Wednesday afternoon. Interment Holy Trinity Cemetery. Donations to the York Central Hospital Memorial Fund would be appreciated. NALDANE â€" In Loving memory husband and (amen passed away April 94 In Loving memory 0! a dear husband and tamer. John, who passed away April 9, 1970. “Deaih cannot change our love for Him. Nor time erase it." Always loved and remembered by wile, Thelma and Family‘ clwdl WADE, Ernest Charles â€" In precious memory at a dear husband and tamer who passed away April 7, I975. “Gone are the days we used to share, But in our hearts you are always mere, The gates of memory will never close. We miss you more Nun anyone knows. wmI cender love and deep regret. We who love you will never unset" Sadly missed by loving wife. Jewel, and Bruce. John, Jewel and Lawrence. clwdl Engagements KEEP CANADA ‘- G‘ROWING In Memoriam Forthcoming Marriages Deaths Births Gregory v, April 3rd‘ Ellen (Mrs Hannam‘ Iol) Jean In. Robin Res'ed at me, Rich- uas held Marie Ralph clwdl clwn Baseball, Glove and Ball Our Reg. Price 3.99 2 91 SALE EACH - ‘ Our Reg. Price 19.97 Sale Each . They're made in Canada and you can choose between club and bench jackets. They’re lined and are fully detailed. Colours assorted, sizes S-XL, Our Reg. Price 44.97 A. Men’s Leather Look Jacket Sale Each ' - v ' These men’s leather look Spring jackets come in various styles of the shirt or safari look. All are fully detailed. Colour antique brown, sizes 36-44. Our Reg. Price 8.97 These sporty jacketsare made of Polyester/Cotton and are permanent press. They have a mesh back, zip front closing and 2 slash pockets Colours blue, beige, navy in sizes S-XL. Sale Each FABERGE ORGANICS SHAMPOO OR CONDITIONER 450 ml. Our Reg. ‘ Price 1.49 1 1 SALE EACH I ‘ LADY PATRICIA HAIRSPRAY 15 01. Out Reg. Price 1.49 SALE EACH . Men’s Spring Jackets DISCOUNT nFDARTMFNT g'rnnps . Men’s Golf Jackets 1.19 1.19 2.99 CURITY DISPOSABLE DIAPERS TODDLER SIZE Our Reg. ( Price 1.67 9 SALE EACH I I SCOPE MOUTH WASH 24 oz. Plus 40% Mora't Our Reg. I Price 1.97 1 SALE EACH l 1 Chess And Checker Set Our Reg. Price 2.29 SALE EACH 1 .77 60” Polyester Heather Knits Don’t miss out on these terrific Easter savings! Prices are effective while quantitifis last or until 10 p.m. April 9. For economical Spring sewing use these 100% Polyester double knits in fashionable Healhev pastels. Each T-Shirts are in big demand. Like our Polyestev and Cotton T-Shirts with round necks and body prints. Assoned prints and soIids in sizes 2-6x. Boys’ Spring Jackets Our Reg Price 11 Sale Each Take your pick from Canadian made club and bench jackets with anion detailing. Assorted colours in sizes 8-18. 1 .49 DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT STORES vs Each . Men's Sport Boot! Leather Bobbsey Twin Books Our Reg. Price 1.95 SALE EACH These Brazilian made boots have a wooden wedge heel. The an- tiqued leather uppers have rawhide trim and Iacings, crepe sole. Sims 7-11 in brown‘ Our Reg‘ Price 15.99 Sale Each Our Reg. Price 20.49 Sale Each Made in Brazil, wooden soled san- dals for women and teens. Son, leather uppers with stud trim, polished wooden sole and heel. Teens and women‘s siles to 10 in tan. Jr. Boys’ Squall Jackets Our Reg, Price 4.97 He’ll be dressed warm in our Nylon Squall jackets. They're fully delailed. lined, hooded and have two pockels. Colours red, blue in sizes 4-6x, Sale Each You'll be ready for anything in these smart looking iumpsuits. They have zipper and button fronts with short sleeves, Belted and non-belted. Col- ours assorted, sizes 10-18. SandaH Decorgtor Mat Our Reg. Price 11 88 Sale Each . Make any room anractive with this two tone block design mat. It’s made of Polyester and Nylon, has non skid backing and is 27" x 48" 1 .29 I Each 3.88 Save 20% On Pinwheel Lead Crystal Now's the lune u: get a big 20% on on our beautflul Pinwheel Lead vaslal Imported lrom Euvope As- soned vases. bowls4 candy dishes. decanlevs and more Our Reg Pnce 7 97-40 97 Sale Each g rrIL’e 233m 6.38 2:21 To 32.18 Olympic Coin Banks Our Reg. Price 2.97 SALE EACH Jr. Girls' Hooded Squall Jackets! Tailored Panels Our Reg‘ Price 7.97 Sale Each . People will notice you! windows with these 100% Polyester panels. They have a rod pocket (op and are seam- less, They come in white or ivory and are 116” x 63". Our Reg. Price 3‘97 Sale Each Start building your little girls' Spring wardrobe with a Squall Jacket. They have long sleeves. zip fronts, tie neck and waist. Assorted primed bodies in sizes 2-3x. Ladies Assorted Blouses These stylish, big top blouses come in a large variety of styles, stripes and solids with long and elbow length sleeves. Colours assorted, sizes S-M~L 8-16. 10-18. Save 15% on Timex Watches Get 15% on on those modem 11qu limo (allots. Yham are many new styles to choose lrom Mlg, Price 11.95-41.95 0m Reg Price 1 .88

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