A parental signature “is required on all- registration forms along with your OHIP number Please bring this in- formation with you to registration. Other business: A pitchers' clinic for boys will be held April 21 and 22 atyCrosby Senior Public School, Crosby Avenue, from 6.30 pm. to 9.30 p.m., in the gym- nasium. All interested boys are invited to attend free of charge. All boys and girls wishing to umpire house league games in Brad- stock this season are especially encouraged to attend this training session. RICHMOND HILL'â€" A second registration date will be held Saturday by the Richmond Hill Minor Ball Association in the banquet room of the local arena. Times are from 10 am “14 p-m- . _ . ,. A parental signature is required on all. registration forms along with your Ol-lIP number. nu,a,, I They may also register their names and leave telephone numbers with the umpire-in-chief, Ed Deminiuk, for umpiring duties. General meeting A general meeting will be held April 26 in the Blue Flame Room at Consumers Gas on Elgin Mills Road East at 8 pm. sharp. This clinic is run free of charge for boys and girls of all ages. Adults are also welcome. All interested persons are invited to attend. Umpire's clinic A clinic for umpires will be held April 28 and 29 from 6:30 pm. to 9:30 pm. in the gymnasium of Crosby Senior Public School Hi// minor ball to register Sat. Tam Hecate; wiflpBarrow spiel wwwmmor,,» as;an mes’kt WW , Septic Tanks Elgin Barrow of Richmond Hill presents his own trophy to the Tam Heather rink who won his own bon- spiel last week at the Richmond Hill club. Left to right Sidewalks Excavating Representing Sun Life in the Community since 1957 10265 Yonge St Richmond Hill 884â€"8854 Kenneth T. Ham Senior Representative WELDRICK 176 Weldrick Road 881-0069 Smlife CONSTRUCTION {New and Ropahsl Barrow trophy to Tam Heather Tmnching Curbs Drain- All interested persons are encouraged to attend. Coaches, conveners and all parents of children playing minor ball. They may also register their flames and leave telephone numbers with the umpire-in-chief, Ed Deminiuk, for umpiring duties. Date for the Spring dance has been changed to June 5 at St. Mary‘s Immaculate Church‘ on Yonge Street at 8:30 pm. _ Tickets are now available from all executive members and will be for sale at the arena on registration day. Please help us support minor ball in Richmond Hill and make this dance as big a success as last Fall’s dance. are Dorothy Red- path. skip, Natalie T o n i s s o o , L . Woodhouse, and Jean McLeod of Richmond Hill who played on the rink as spare. THORNHILL â€" The Thornhill- Richvale Ready Mix Juveniles won the York Simeoe championship Saturday when they edged the Richmond Hill team by 3-2 in overtime. It was a goaltender’s duel all the way, particularly in the first period by Rich- mond Hill. Also a standout and playing his best game of the season was Thornhill goalie Vito Damico. It was the first time ever that a Thornhill juvenile team had won the York Simcoe trophy since its inception in 1966. Particular mention should go to the fine tactical manipulations by coach Bill Sim and manager Al Takeuchi and a thank you for the time and effort they Thornhl'll ju ves Win York The Richmond Hill Lawn Tennis Club Is Now Taking Applications For Members/tin and lessons For 1976' Contact Mrs. Draper 884-4859 CROSBY FACILITY devoted to pull the boys together Scoring for Thornhill in this final game of the series Wis Steve Cashen from Brent Dunnett and Bill Sim; Steve Bagg from Don Somers; and Ross Gordon from Bobby Hoffeldt, A previous game saw the Richmond Hill team missing an opportunity to win the York when they lost a 4-1 game to Thornhill. Scoring for Thornhill were Steve Bagg, Bruce Clatworthy, Ross Gordon, and Rick Larente. Assists went to Jim Rennicks, Don Somers, Steve Bagg, Mike Johns and Ross Gordon. Dave Virgoe came up with a fine goaltending effort. Firestone Stores USE OUR turestone CREDIT PLAN \nSIaII new dvsr: pads Resmface Von! rotovs Reoau '(qv‘! ouxer wheel Deawvgs 'nspect "on: “a 09's gvease 59.11% maaxe' cw mac" Dvake huses 51 'd'daa'e 1,9,†3 5195 GUARANTEED BRAKE SERVICE FRONT WHEEL DISC 30,000 MILE GUARANTEE In the A flight it was Dorothy Redpath of Tam Heather beating out another Tam Heather rink skipped by Liz Wright. I‘ In the C flight it was Millie Allison of Union- ville winning her final game against Alice Woolsey of Donalda. WILLOWDALE â€" Two long-time rivals in the old York Simcoe hockey league of Richmond Hill, are battling it out for championship honors in the North York Senior loop. RICHMOND HILL â€" Four local rink's entered the Ladies Barrow Spiel last week but only one lasted for the'finals on Thursday. Faye Weiss and her rink of Shirley Hicks. Marcella Bird and Bridgitte Oliver won the B flight final by defeating Joan Drysdale‘s rink of Avonlea. Faye‘s only loss in the spiel was by a measure. Pat Friesen, formerly of Richmond Hill but now from the. Board of Trade, won the D flight by taking her game against Val Cummings of Leaside. They are the Don Mills Comets and the Other locals in this spiel were Dorothy Nystrom with Terri Powell, Sue Bailey and Clare Wood. Doris Vance with Keitha Matheson, Gladys Thwaites and Chris Rickaby‘ and Mary Barrow with Jean McLeod. Gina Morlock and Ruth Taylor. "- Iain. 1‘ In the C flight it was Millie Allison of Union- ville winning her final game against Alice Woolsey of Donalda. Pat Friesen, formerly of Richmond Hill but now from the. Board of Trade, won the D flight by taking her game against Val Cummings of Leaside. Doris Brown of St. Georges won over Barb Crane of Chinguacousy to take the E event. Win Mr. and Mrs. This time last year it was reported that Bob Weiss and his rink of wife Faye, Henry and Donna Vanden Bergh won the annual Mr. and Mrs. Tubby's rink was ac- cused of doing just that but a rink such as his would never do that. If this were true why would he have to visit the hospital before accepting his prize and come home with an infected foot and pulled leg muscle. That Weiss takes his game too seriously. Machine breaks down An interesting sidelight to this spiel was the breakdown of the com- pressor during the first game of the second draw. The machine never did start again and the ice is lost for the year. We know that feeling only too well. Luckily for the North York playoff Bv Ron Taylor See our complete line of Firestone BICYCLE TIRES and TUBES Bob and his rink won the final game giving him runner up of the third event and Elgin the “booby†prize. This prize. however, appears to be more sought after than the main prizes and in the future don't be surprised if a few games are last on purpose. The machine never did start again and the ice is lost for the year. We know that feeling only too well. Luckily for the “booby†prize. as they were the two lowest point getters in the two day spiel. Bonspiel at Newmarket. Booby prize This year it was a different story as this same rink played Elgin Barrow and his rink of Mary Barrow. Ron and Ru¢h Taylor for the Willowdale Rangers With the Rangers leading the final six point series by one game to none. The series resumes tonight (Wednesday) with an 8:30 game at North York Centennial Arena; and on Friday at Victoria Village Arena. RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE richmond hill curling club , Richmond Hill 884-4401 HOURS: MDN., TUES., WED., SAT., 8 am. - 6 pm. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 8 am. - 9 pm. 311%, WITH SUSPENSION CHECK ’I‘op curling prize (pineapples) went to Floyd Perkins and his rink. Playoffs in all sections take over for the final three weeks with the Men's Spring Thaw Brier underway yesterday (Tuesday) and the final game April 22. Mixed playoffs The mixed playoffs take place this weekend with an evening of fun planned for Saturday. Watch the bulletin board for news on the closing spiel April 23 and 24. A big thank you to Len Lee for the fine effort on last week‘s curling acâ€" tivities. A second thanks to the Business Girls Hawaiian Happenings held last Sunday afternoon and evening organizers, Bradford had ice available both Saturday and Sunday and the spiel was completed there. This is one event you can‘t afford to miss. In the Business Girls skip entry B -flight playoffs. Dianne Whit- taker and her rink of Vera Shropshire, Olive Pulchinski and Helen Foord emerged as win- ners. In the Men's Com- petitive league on Monday nights. Ken FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OFFICE 884-8171 pno SHOP 889-7955 THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. April 7, 1976 â€" 3-3 (COST WILL BE CREDITED TO FULL SEASON DUES) (NO INITIATION FEES) Undecided about joining a private golf club? PLAY 8 GAMES AS A TEMPORARY MEMBER. THEN DECIDE! MOST CARS $65.00 Dues 27 HOLES â€" POOL â€" TENNIS Pineapples for 8 Championship Cour-e games is a mtmpmrp flimber nlchmonb hill gal; anb countny club HICHMOND HILL‘ ONTARIO N0. Elgin Barrow finally found the correct level of competition for his out- standing rink in C flight us they won a record setting four games. Bullock wins Clark Bullock and his rink took top honors in the Tuesday night league. Lou Crotin with super- vice Len Lee. second Bruce Street and lead Dick Lavender, went undefeated in one section of the Thursday curling. Jack Shropshire‘s rink of Gerry Morlock, Dan Milford. and Wes Draper curled at Sutton in the Fish Derby Spiel and won the high two game prize of a four pound Lake Trout each. Dick and Marlene Augustine with Al and Ruth Stuart travelled to Gravenhurst recently and were high two game winners. Dick and Marlene are leaving the club this year. Stu Given took his in- famous rink of Jim Lane, Len Lee and Ernie Dubkowski to Port Perry last week and won two games but no prizes. B flight action saw Harold Louden taking first place with Dalt Hicks 3 close second. Ron Logan and Barry Wilson placed first and second respectively in C flight. Rowan was the top skip in A flight with Jim Anderson in second place. GENERAL MANAGER Ice-out and I required '76