New crafts challenge to local art/s t, 79 * RICHMOND HILL â€" The town has received a conditional commitment of $350,000 in Wintario funds to help meet costs of the community centre nearing completion at Avenue Road and Castle Rock Drive in South Richmond Hill. Mayor David Schiller said final approval of the grant, from the province‘s culture and recreation ministry, will be given after submission of'various documents by the town. Following design changes, that figure was reduced to $1,300,000 at the request of the town last year. But she does not hoard the things she makes. Her necklaces, Chokers, rings, decorative pipeâ€"cleaner dolls, artfully designed cosmetic bottle covers and In addition to a developer con- tribution of $400,000, the Ontario Municipal Board earlier approved municipal borrowing of $1,440,000 to pay for the project. Petite and perky with lively eyes and ready smile, Mrs. Cox believes everyone should have a hobby, and she recommends handcrafts in particular as the best thing in the world to keep people young. Her home abounds in samples of her handwork â€" tooled leather key case, shoe shine kit, handsomely tooled silver chest, afghans, tea cosy, etc. Now 79. Mrs. Cox started painting when she was 70, and about a year ago she took up bead work. If she is not in a mood for one of these pastimes she may be making fluffy flowers from squares of burlap, or knitting or crocheting. Community "centre gets Wintario grant RICHMOND HILL â€" Victoria Cox of Cartier Crescent has been retired for 14 years and a widow for 45 but she is never at a loss for ways to occupy her time. Danson has already expressed support for the residents' association, which seeks to block the airport owners‘ plan to lengthen the main RICHMOND HILL â€" The Buttonville Airport protest lobby gained Richmond Hill council as an ally this week. In a 5-2 vote Monday, council decided to write York North MP Barney Danson and Transport Minister Otto Lang expressing support for “the position of Markham council and the Association of Involved Residents (A.I.R,) in op- posing runway extension" at the air- port. Now, Schiller said, it appears only It was lonely. There were plenty of other drivers, of course. but no sooner had they made an ap- pearance in my rear-view mirror than they’d scooted around me that much closer to Barrie. Scores â€" maybe hundreds â€" passed me. Most seemed to be doing about 70. a few were pushing 80, and there’s always the occasional bat- out-ofâ€"hell who doesn‘t know a speed limit Sign from a dirty Volkswagen. But, in my far-frorh-official View anyway, the new law is a good one, even if‘most people aren‘t inclined to In nine miles. driving a steady 60. I didn't have the opportunity to pass a single car, I did get to pass a huge tanker-truck, but that was on an incline and the truck was moving slightly faster than the speed of Canada Post, I decided to see what it‘s like to actually obey the 60-m.p.h. ruleâ€"of- the-road. i Viotoria Cox ' . more than enough to do You'll feel that way for sure if you happen to be a law-abiding motorist who takes our new speed limits seriously. If there are any of you. There didn’t seem to be on a recent workda morning when, making my usua run north on the freeway to Major Mackenzie Drive, Hill council joins airport protesters HIGHWAY 400 â€" Ever get the feeling the world‘s passing you by? We 're 3/0 W/y 3/0 wing d0 wn By Bill Lever She learned the craft from a friend. Dr. Constance Jackson, who worked for 40 years as a missionary doctor among the lepers in India. Now 83, Dr. Jackson sells her beadwork and sends the money to help the lepers and those who still carry on the work she is no longer able to do. She enjoys doing landscapes more than anything and sometimes works on location. “But I don't like to work with people looking over my shoulder," says Mrs. Cox. “so I usually take a picture of what I want, then paint from it.“ Her beaded jewelry would be a credit to any professional, delicate pearl Chokers, rings, earrings and‘bracelets. or bold, colorful necklaces and or- naments of wood or plastic. She can enjoy a trip around the world any time 'she pleases â€" with slides â€" and most of her paintings are done from slides or color photos. Commenting on it now she reports. “The best part of travelling is coming bagk to Ontario, it is so lovely here." One of her favorites is a painting of an Ethiopian beggar. These people are camera-shy, she explained. but her travelling companion managed to distract the beggar while Mrs. Cox snapped the picture from which she later did the painting. Mrs. Cox and her daughter, Barbara, moved to Toronto where she worked as a receptionist in the Anglican Church House for 25 years. Twenty-two years ago she moved to Richmond Hill, and 14 years ago retired from business. Then Victoria Cox put on her travelling shoes and toured the world, Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East. And she packed a camera. Born in Maidenhead north of London, England, she came to Canada with her husband, Frederick, who was stationmaster in Maidenhead for many years. Mr. Cox died in Grimsby, Ont., 45 years ago. She is also popular with women‘s groups where she demonstrates her skills â€" at her own church, St. Gabriel’s Anglican, and at other churches in the Hill. other works are best sellers at church bazaars. $400,000 of this borrowing capacity will have to be used. This lower figure is a result of revised architect’s fees, design changes, reduced construction costs, a $150,000 Community Recreation Cen- tres grant and the expected $350,000 Wintario grant. Approximately $90,000 of the remaining debt load is to be covered by rental payments from York region for the day care section of the community centre. The name Richvale Community Centre was adapted by the town after area residents were invited to submit suggestions. In addition to day care service, the centre will also have a community hall and outdoor swimming pool. runway from 2,000 to 3,200 feet. Long Struggle Markham council turned down three attempts by Toronto Airways, the owner, to expand the airport. Toronto Afrways then appealed the decision to the Municipal Board, which overruled the Markham decision. That ruling was later upheld by the Ontario cabinet. Normally. Markham council would have no choice but to approve the zoning bylaw to allow the expansion â€" but final reading of the bylaw has been delayed in view of a December court I finally got a chance to pass them â€" while they were stopped on the shoulders reaching to hand an of- ficer their driving licences. By the way, at least a couple of those cars that passed me the other morning didn‘t make the trip any quicker than I did, after all. Smith said/ police attribute the reduction to both the lower speed limit and the required use of seat belts. In February of both years, the number was about the same, and in March the total was down from 43 to 24. Injuries were also down during the first three months of the year, from 201 the previous year to 156. “There‘s been quite a reduction in the number of accidents and the number of personal injuries," reports Corporal J .F. Smith of the Oak Ridges OPP. For example: In January, the first month of the new law. there were 40 accidents on provincial highways in York region. The same month of 1975 had 55 ac- cidents. The official view â€" from the police â€" is that the reduced speed limit is an excellent move, and they have statistics to back it up. take it too literally. At least it keeps the decided majority of cars down around a sensible 70, an im- provement by anyone's standards. United Way avoids controversy RICHMOND HILL â€"â€" The newly- established United Way of York region won‘t likely have to go through the bitter abortion-related controversy plaguing the Metro Toronto United Way. - In Metro. Roman Catholic organizations have withdrawn their At Richmond Hill council, Mayor David Schiller commented, “If I was convinced, and the owners made a In that case, the Ontario Court of Appeal ruled municipal zoning bylaws do not affect airports, implying airports are exclusively a federal matter. Studying Decision Lawyers for A.I.R4 and Markham have been studying the court decision and a report is expected to be presented at next week‘s Markham council meeting. decision pertaining to an airport near Orangeville. Total tax bill rises 12? for Hill residents _f April is Cancer Month, and Richmond Hill Cancer Society has set a goal of $41,000 for research and treatment. The campaign was launched Saturday with Daffodil Day when volunteers brought in some 82,000 in a sell-out blitz at Hillcrest Mall. Pictured above, lending their support to the Liberal theatre critic Tom Davey calls Richmond Hill Curtain Club‘s currentproduction of Butley “a theatrical triumph". Run. don’t walk to the theatre, says Davey. See Page C-13. What do you do when you‘re a single mother with three children, unable to work and about to be evicted because you're behind on the rent? You might look for a public housing project â€" but as one Thornhill woman has discovered. not all municipalities have it to offer. Page 07. The index of this week’s news and advertising features is: Scheduled events C3 Sports 814 Classified 38-12 King-Oak Ridges C1 Entertain. C11-13 Established 1878 Richmond Hill Edition Don't miss Butley Inside The Liberal Gardening Real estate Service direct. Church directory In the Hill social Daffodils cover the Hill But in York region there is no Planned Parenthood group. so the same controversy isn‘t likely to arise. support of the fund-raising service because of the involvement of Planned Parenthood, a birth control group whose services include abortion referral counselling. commitment, that the type of aircraft and usage rate would not substantially change, I probably wouldn't be op- posed.“ _ But that, the mayor and most of council agreed, would not likely be the case. “We're saturated with flights over us," Councilor Andy Chateauvert said. “There are too many planes flying over our homes." Councillor A1 Duffy suggested the planned expansion rgight be only the first of even bigger plans for the airport in future. C12 86‘8 Ely: {than “ln Essentials Unity, in Non-Essentials Liberty, in all things Charity†Letters Editorials Vital stats Kresge‘s Cdn. Tire WEQQJESDAY, APRIL 7, 1976 52 pages Price 20 cents campaign. are Richmond Hill Snow Queen Karin Steiner (right) and Snow Princess Linda Maclntyre. Town council has officially proclaimed this week Cancer Week in the Hill, but volunteers will continue to knock on doors until their canvas is completed. A4-6 A4 311 Krl-8 Ct1-8 The fare for the Richmond Hill Toronto run increased from 95 cents $1. Other increases for the area include Markham. from $1 to $1.15; Stouffville $1.50 to $1.70; Newmarket $1.30 to $1.45; Barrie $2.50 to $2.80. Announcing the increases. GO Transit officials commented that “ridership has zoomed, but costs have TORONTO â€" It costs an average 12 per cent more this week to use GO Transit between downtown and York region. Fare increases. the first since Sep- tember 1972, went into effect Sunday, “What might be an issue is our ap- plying to Metro United Way for a share of funds collected down there," Burns said. “There are many York region residents who give their place of work downtown, and we’re trying to work out an agreement." The deadline for local organizations to apply for United Way membership is April 15. David Burns, one of the United Way organizers here, said there is still one possible area of contention. however. G 0 Bus fare is up, too “Buttohilille is a sr-naller airport handling smaller aircraft." Burnie said. “If we don‘t expand some of these private enterprise airports. then the federal government some day is just going to drop another huge airport plan on us like it did with Pickering." “Why not take the training planes Expansion of Buttonville airport was away, and leave off building big of- inevitable. he added, and for people not fices'? Instead. they're apparently torealizethatwas “like thinking Yonge planning even more expansion in Street would stay a dirt road." future.“ Rowe noted nilnts using Rnflnnville Councillors Mike Burnie and Gordon Rovge supported the airport owners. (Phom by H099) Although the town receives a 50 per cent annual subsidy from the ministry of transport and communications to help meet operating costs, the town share of the deficit has grown sub. stantially in recent years. Some fares are up higher than 12 per cent, others lower. They were deter- mined by computing cost-per-mile figures. Among the new routes offered by G0 Transit is service to Markham, which takes riders from there to three Toronto destinations â€" the Finch\ subway, Warden subway, or Bay and Dundas bus 'terminal. Councillor Gordon Rowe added: “We have to be realistic. For 35 cents, you can't even drive your car around the block. Everybody has to help bear the higher costs.“ climbed even faster In 1972 revenue from fares paid 79 per cent of operating costs but recently they accounted for gnly 59 per cent. The new fares will pay fdr about 62 per cent of the total operating cost. The majority opinion, as expressed by Councillor Lois Hancey, was: “If the local bus service has to have a certain rate to keep the deficit to a minimum, then someone has to make the decision to change the fare structure." “I don‘t think it’s a 35-cent ride, and we've made enough changes that there's a reasonable chance of reducing our deficit without having another fare increase,“ the mayor added. “I've always had the impression people don't view local transit as having the kind of ride that should cost much money. “We’ve made a lot of good changes in local transit, and they should increase the ridership and the revenue," he said. It will cost 35 cents for adults, 25 cents for students, and 15 cents for senior citizens and children. The new fare cbincides with the beginning of an expanded, improved transit system completely owned by the town. Schiller indicated he would prefer to let the new service stand on its own for a while at least, A five-cent increase. the second in four months, was approved by town council Monday and will take effect May 3. Mayor David Schiller was the only council member to oppose the latest fare hike. which other councillors felt necessary to offset a continually rising transit deficit. Town treasurer William Rice said the exact mill rate for the year has not yet been determined, since the region requisition has not been received and the school board‘s has just arrived. RICHMOND HILL â€" The cost of riding town buses is going up * aga‘in. Increase in the town portion of the tax bill is being held to just over 4 per cent, while the region requisition is up by 7 per cent and the school board‘s by 16.6 per cent. Interim tax bills, for’15 mills; were sent out in February and the final bill goes out in July. Of the total Richmond Hill tax bill, about 50 per cent goes to York County Board of Education, 16 per cent to York region and 34 per cent to the town. Each mill is worth $20 on a home assessed at $20,000. RICHMOND HILL â€" The property owner with an average assessment can expect to pay roughly $680 tax this year â€" about $70 more than last year. This is an approximate 12 per cent increase for the average home assessed at $20,000. It applies only to public school taxpayers, since the requisition from the separate school board has not yet been submitted. Rowe added: “Markham was scared to make the decision, at least the cabinet had the guts to make the decision and I hope they make it stick." “The owners' bought land for pansion more than eight years ago hardly an overnight decision." Rowe noted pilots using Buttonville regard the present runway as dangerously short and said the ex- pansion should proceed. Boar‘ York County Board of Education