This ’Operation’ didn’t succeed DOWNSVIEW â€" Theatre Passe Muraille's Operation Finger Pinky, staged at York Univer- sity‘s Burton Auditorium recently, is a terrific example of the way art is fashioned on the back of some worthy cause and accepted solely on the basis of its sentiments, York University has been involved with the women‘s movement in a big way in the past year or so, and its four days of sessions on Women Working was kicked off and energy ivery littlel in being neither. Its few funny moments and its one or two valid points are disrupted by stret- ches of dully factual, preachy dialogue, semi- songs or innumerable exits and entrances. Any knocks for the sake of knocking. (‘ritic cared Nathan Cohen was a fine critic who refused to countenance the less- than-excellent. He ap- plied universal standards of judgment to everything he reviewed, and if his praise damned, it was because he cared enough about the artistic life of his country to want it to succeed because it was good and not just because it was Canadian. Has our drama, our art, our culture improved since Nathan Cohen‘s death, or have we lowered our standards? I'm in- clined to think it's the latter. Operation Finger Pinky is a sad reminder of how far those stan- dards have fallen, and the enthusiastic reception this tidbit has met with. an indication of how facilely we are willing to slake our thirst for in- Banford service held GORMLEY â€" Services were held last week for William Hanes Banford, who died at his home here in his 89th the past 15 months after the death of his sister, Blanche Read. sight. The two people responsible for the writing of this supposedly straight-from»the-hor- se‘s-mouth proposition are Judy Steed and Gabriele Paddle. Forgive me, but there were times during the long, long two and a quarter hours it encompassed when I wondered if they'd been paddling at the wrong end of the steed. SNAPPIIR 'I'IIiIiEB. ALSO A MULTI- ‘ 8842025 Spring Service & Start Up I‘IIIu‘ LIBERAL, Wednesday. April 7. 1976 â€" (til GAS POOL HEATERS AS LOW AS $43900 Installation extra FLETCHER GIBBARD, HEATING LTD. 223-2124 * financing available ‘ improves gas rate. by this same Theatre tempo or momentum it war. He is survived by a son, Lloyd. 0f P3558 Murallle Offering I may have ,a‘med 3‘ .are He had been a Gormley resident for Pontypool, and a daughter, Lena Lee of can. only assume that destroyed “me and “me more than 30 years and lived alone for Oakville. havmg proselytized to the again. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" O :gnt‘éfirtggvf lIII wiiosr alfs- It can't decide if its I I ' With easyrtwrmstall di'K‘C‘Sï¬HI‘lF’L» the Itiliilh and In iw‘wrl ..a . 13‘ J 3}†y w target is really women‘s Snappertillet‘t‘drldim) imiiapilo» .iiiairlviiziawi. I it " ' message 0 Up omenv rights or workers' rights can plow, turn my and Willilvdir‘ virtll s1 ill ll‘. ii linv um i cpl and its inanity, its . . r V th‘ h rrl‘ e tll. l ‘ii i.. n ez.’:'i ‘ii: i 1. predictability‘ its tedium so Its buckshot IS scat_ GORMLEY _Members of the Youth for almost any Job. 6 C aln llV n 1 er lei fllt i )l l itt i it I handle even the toughest ililri lei; ii iii . ith w l‘ w overlooked. There is no 'I‘GIIOWShIL: of leSSlorgary Church tWIII h Amonlg the po_ss(ljble lservices are Snapâ€), T1118rq are “.enmllanmd 3,1,1,..,,.,.'. p}; “1,â€. other explanauon for [he ‘ I, b t [h I lecome s ates . or our consecu lve ouse c eanlng, win ow c eanlng, yard They re hPaVVdUIV, all SIGPI(‘i'lll,ill'lll‘llitll i.-.-iili < ml“ absence of word_0f_mouth foanCQ‘ any U C Saturdaysv startmg April 17_ and garden work and farm chores. horsepower engines and hayr-tlniir-itirir'iiiitlwlrliiixilwi dismay that would have already (onvmced‘ The Slave Days, being held to raise For more information, contact cmnvenlelltlyiin till-handle spared others from being The cast of Charlotte money for missions projects, will allow fellowship president Doug Elliott at 887â€" See US for a il‘eeiiPmi rip-timiiiri subjected to it. Blunt Jessica Bookerv area reSIdents to buy their own workers 5303 or the church at 887-5846. You buy a Snapper Tiller for quality dilli yiitl «let niui'h more a Throughout this cen~ Diana Knight. Jeff K , tury populist movements Braunstein. Charles ' \ *3 ham with varying Irvine and Paul Kelmam Dualityyou can trust. . . quuryyou can feel ONLY WITH A I .. ‘ V degrees of success, bred all of whom are called on m attempts to dramatize to play multiple parts. are - their struggles. But the operative word here is dramatize. Operation Finger Pinky purports to do that for dehumanized, underpaid, ill-treated secretaries in offices all over, but instead it merely narrates a series of vignettes and vicissitudes. There is no dramatic core to this play for anything it wants to say to adhere to. Its basic premise, that starting a union is difficult, gets lost in a shuffle of buzzing buzzers, ringing bells and interminable games of musical desks. Uncertain It can‘t decide whether its funny or sad. It spends most of its time (a lot) an adequate group. though they have little chance to strut their stuff in this production. In fact, their successful attempts at verisimilitude offend - one feels one has been sitting in their ersatz office for hours for no pay at all, something not guaranteed to evoke sympathy for the merely underpaid. Harsh words about a light-hearted look at a particular problem? Perhaps. But the other day I heard a young man on the radio remark that the late Nathan Cohen. until his death the Toronto Star‘s drama critic, had started the school of criticism that If you’ve been comtemplating carpeting your home, the constant barrage of hucksterism in carpeting advertising can leave you perplexed. We understand. (After all, All carpeting simply covers the floor, right?) Wrong! Some cover floors better than others â€" and last a lot longer. And make no mistake about it; you only get what you pay for. At Heritage Carpets, we don’t do business like some of the high-pressure outfits. We rarely have a "sale". (Although we budge a bit when we have something of real value). No gimmicks when you deal with us â€" no high pressure. We make an honest profit on honest value, and sell only top quality goods we stand behind. You can visit us, or we'll bring our samples into your home. If you want carpeting you'll be proud of, now and in the years ahead, don’t be fooled by all the raz-a-mataz the other places feed you. VISIT US. FubuA McDonough Power Equipment In†l‘r‘chor.i.ilili '39 igid 30253 ‘ " A Fuqua Industry THORNHILL LAWN EOUIPMENT 12A CENTRE ST. THORNHILL 889-5517 I n \\ In-rr \.I\ MIL-s .IH' .Il\\ .i_\ s III Ll‘IIIGIII OVERSTOCKED SALE CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING SAVE 300°“ 0â€â€œ TAPPAN 18,000 B.T.U. HARDING $700.00 THIS Is AN INSTALLED PRICE CARPETS I ACT NOW CALL 481 -8707 S.J.M. MECHANICAL APRIL SPECIAL SAVINNGS HEALTH & BEAUTY [AIDS s, ,\ V “ ’Vs’xé‘ï¬mww LYNDALE “mom mitt: $ 1 249 SPLUSH $15.49 d OUR SALE PRICE 91- V - 7724 YONGE STREET 889-0237 PAMPERS DISPOSABLE DIAPERS Daytime or Daytime TONI HOME PERMANENTS TOWN 0r VAUGHAN MUNICIPAL GARBAGE COLLECTION WOODBRIDGE AREA: There will be NO THE TOWN OF MARKHAM and MONDAY, April 19th, 1976. Collection will take place on your next normal pick- on the d . “p ay NEW OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF MARKHAM. THORNHILL AREA: There will be NO THE SECONDARY PLAN FOR MARKHAM-UNIONVILLE Garbage Collection on FRIDAY, APRIL ' 16TH, 1976. Collection will take place on the and the preceding THURSDAY, APRIL 15TH, 1976 SECONDARY PLAN FOR RISEBORDUGH (Milliken Mills) at the usual time. Will be held on Extra- Absorbent 7SFT & DRI oz. p us $ 1 t; O % BRECK GOLD free bonus FORMULA 500 ml Shampoo 149 R. H. Kraft P. Eng. Town Engineer Town of Vaughan, Maple, Ontario. THORNHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE, John St. and Bayview Avenue. ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH, Highway 7, opposite Robinson St., Markham TUESDAY, April 20 at 8:00 p.m. Tin Tie bag COOKIES THE UNIONVILLE WEDNESDAY, April 21 at 8:00 p.m. “\IIONVIu; SKATING SKATING (IUD CLUB THURSDAY, BERCZY PUBLIC SCHOOL , 1 49 PRESENTS April 22 at8z00 p.m. (MARK ll), Carlton Road, 600 ml creme Rmse Unionville Their 25th Annual ICE SHOW ICE FANTASIA 76‘ Crosby Memorial Arena April 23, 24, and 25 Friday - 8:30 pm » $1.75 and $2.00 Saturday a 4:30 pm - $1.75 and $2.00 Saturday ~ 8:30 pm » $2.50 and $3.00 Sunday - 2:00 pm ~ $2.50 and $3.00 Sunday ~ 6:00 pm â€" $2.50 and $3.00 For further information and for ticket reservations call 887-5571 or 297-2824 or visit the Crosby Memorial Arena, Main St. Unionville Sanctioned by the Canadian Figure Skating AmraIIOI‘ MONDAY, April 26 at 8:00 p.m. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, Municipal Offices, Buttonville COUNCIL CHAMBERS, Municipal Offices, Buttonville WEDNESDAY, April 28 at 8:00 p.m. The Planning Committee of the Town of Markham has not yet adopted the Plan and is seeking comments, suggestl0ns and opinions from the reSIdents, business perSOns and property owners in the Town befOre recommending a Plan to Town Council. The Planning Committee Invites you to attend the Public Hearings, to Visitor telephone the official Plan Information Centre in the Municipal Offices at Buttonville, telephone 2973567 and to make Written submissions by May 17, 1976. The complete text of the proposed plan is also available for study in the Information Centre or in the Town libraries and may also be purchased, price $5.00, from the Inform- ation Centre. A free brochure summarizmg and highlighting the Official Plan is available on request from the Information Centre. R W Adams. Chairman. Markham Planning Committee T M. Januszewski, Planning Director. 6, R. D. Fryer, Fryer Planning Services Inc. HILLCREST MALL