On the first day of Holy Week, Palm Sunday, there will be 8 am. the passion story; blessing and distribution “We give you this sign to show that you have passed from darkness to light; that henceforth you may shine as a light in the world, to the glory of God the Father. Following the Com- munion service all parishioners were invited to a confirmation reception in Wrixon Hall. Confirmation of the 38 candidates was ministered by Bishop Garnsworthy assisted by the Rector, Rev. Bernard Barrett. The Officiant bishop. following the baptismal ceremony, gave a lighted candle to each person who had been baptized, saying: “God has received you by baptism into His Church. We therefore welcome you into the Lord's family. as fellow members of the Body of Christ. as children of the same Heavenly Father, as inheritors with us of the Kindom of God." And on Sunday, designated Passion Sunday in the Church calendar, by agreement of the parish, St. Mary‘s welcomed Bishop Lewis Garnsworthy as celebrant in the combined service of adult baptism. confirmation and holy communion. Diocesan acceptance of this thesis has left it open to individual parishes to accept or reject adult baptism as a prelude to confirmation. Recent revisions in the Anglican orders of sacrament have reiterated the early recognition of baptism as the essential way of being admitted to life and communion in the Christian church. and confirmation as an exâ€" tension of baptism. In the setting of the Holy Eugharist, 38 people were confirmed during the morning service, 26 young people and 12 adults. Three of the latter were baptized im- mediately preceeding the confirmation. RICHMOND HILL â€" A new milestone in the profession of faith and commitment to Christian Church was reached in a festival of baptism and confirmation in St. Mary’s Anglican Church Sunday morning. Baptism prelude to conï¬rmation 3 first at St. Mary ’3 Anglican The demonstrations presented by home economist Sylvia Binkley are sponsored by a number of community groups. The first three focus on Entertaining with Ease. In addition to recipes for three complete menus, the program goes into time, money and energy saving tips. RICHMOND HILL ~ Richmond Hillâ€"Thornhill Family Services were the first of more than a dozen groups to benefit from a series of five cooking demonstrations being presented this spring in the Blue Flame Room of Consumers' Gas Com- pany, 500 Elgin Mills Road East. Entertaining with ease Benefit from cookery ShOW Sunday, Passion the Church agreement , St. Mary‘s of palms and holy eucharist. There will be eucharist at 12:15 pm. Monday, and celebrants are urged eucharist at St. Mary’s, and at 10:30 the reading of to take their lunch for a time of sharing. There A repeat program tonight (Wednesday) at 7:30 is being sponsored by the Mary and Martha Guild of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church, Langstaff Cubs and Scouts and the Aurora Beta Sigma Phi. Tickets are $1.50 and proceeds go to the sponsoring groups. The introductory program March 31 was sponsored by the Rich- mond /Hill-Thornhill Family Services volunteers. Those who attended were given recipes for the foods listed. There were prizes, and some lucky winners took home the foods prepared during the evening. On April 14 theieiwill'be A big hit at a cooking demonstration last week was an elegant cheese cake with fruit topping and glaze. Pictured above, right. home economist Sylvia BinHley puts on the finishing touches under the watchful eye of members of For further information about any of these programs contact a member of one of the sponsoring groups or call Mrs. Binkley at 884-9105, 887-5847 or 895-4577. A Seder meal at 6 pm. Maunday Thursday, April 15, will be followed by eucharist at 8 pm. will also be a noon-time eucharist on Wednesday. One of Mrs. Binkley‘s favorite dishes in the Entertaining with Ease series is the elegant Other celebrations fdr Holy Week are listed in the church calendar. a third presentation sponsored by the Order of the Eastern Star, Our Lady’s Guild of Oak Ridges and the N e w m a r k e t R u g Hookers. The two remaining demonstrations, to be presented on May 19 and May 26, will present Barbecue Know-How. Beat egg whites to soft peak stage and fold into the cheese mixture. Thoroughly combine crumbs, sugar and butter. Press into bottom of a 10 inch spring form pan. Mash the cream cheese, add cream or milk gradually and beat until smooth. Add com- bined sugar, flour, salt and mix. Add egg yolks, vanilla and lemon rind and mix well. Turn oven off and let cake sit for 1 more hour. To serve top with Fruit Pour into pan and bake in a 325 degree F gas oven for 11/4 hours. 1‘4 cups graham wafer crumbs 14 cup granulated sugar one third cup melted or softened butter 1122 pounds cream cheese 112 cups cream (10 per cent) or milk 1 and one third cups granulated sugar 2 Tablespoons cake and pastry flour '2 teaspoon salt 4 eggs separated 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 34 teaspoon grated lemon rind cheese cake: Elegant Cheese Cake 1‘4 cups graham wafer the sponsoring group. Richmond Hill- Thornhill Family Service volunteers. Left to right are Judy Flow and Elinor McMaster of Thornhill, Isabel Ewing. Jane Scrimger and Joyce Mark of Richmond Hill. Add lemon juice and liqueur. Let glaze cool a little and then 'brush or spoon over fruit. Refrigerate for at least 8 hours or preferably overnight, so that the cake will out well. Rub apricot jam through a sieve, (not. necessary, if using jelly). Heat jam or jelly in a small saucepan over low gas flame until liquified. Topping and Glaze- Fruit Topping And Glaze Any selection of canned and-0r fresh fruit may be arranged in an attractive design, i.e, strawberries, raspberries, peaches or apricots, apples, pears, grapes, mandarin oranges, oranges. 1 cup apricot jam (use red currant jelly for a strawberry or raspberry cake) 2 Ta blespoons juice Soak fruit in liqueur, if you wish. Drain well. Arrange over cheese cake in concentric circles or in a pattern. 2 Tablespoons liqueur (Cognac, Kirsch) or any fruit brandy, i.e. Grand Marnier, Cointreau, Apricot, etc. Eight to ,ten servings (New by Moog) lemon â€"TUESDAYSâ€"- 5:104:10 EM. FAMILY NIGHT Programmes for Nursery. Happy Hourl Junior Boys, Christian Service Brigade, Pioneer Girls. You"! and Adult Studies‘ 9:45 Sunday School. all ages 11:00 a m. Pasvor E Carbefl An Old Funionou Coun'ry Church on the Edge M "IQ Ci'y 10.00 AM. .â€" Bible School Classes for all ages 11.00 AM â€" Morning Service 7.00 PM. â€" Evening Service Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8.00 P.M‘ PALM SUNDAY, APR|L II, 1976 8:00 a.m, EUCHARIST 10:30 am. The Reading of the Passion. Eucharist Monday, 12:15 Eucharist; Tuesday, 7:30 pm. Eucharist. 8:00 pm. Guest Speaker, Sister Helena. Wednesday. 10:00 am. Eucharist. 12:15 pm. Eucharist. 7:00 pm. Eucharist. SATURDAY EASTER EVE 7:00 pm. Infant Baptism First Eucharis? of Easter‘ MAUNDY THURSDAY 8:00 pm. Eucharist " GOOD FRIDAY 9:30 am. Quie? Meditation 10:30 am. Family Service Corner of Weldrick Road and Bathurst Street ST. JOHN‘S BAPTIST CHURCH ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN 75 Oxford Street Yonge St. at Vaughan Rd. (MerlnBeI. B'apfls‘ffonzen‘ï¬on ST, pAUL's LUTHERAN PREACHING THE OLD BOOK THE NEW BIRTH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD AND THE BLESSED HOPE AT Rev. B.T. McSpadden Pasmr: Phone 884-7859 7:00 pm P‘ EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH 15 MacKay Dr. 889-6789 RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH GORMLEY so wngm St. Rev. E. Corbett. Pastor ‘ Rev. Cecil Rosenberger Mr. G. Whitmore. Asst. PRAYER MEETING rouge P.M. - Evlrvono Welcome â€" WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH EMMANUEL ANGLICAN Charismatic Renewal Fellowship Fridays - 8.00 P.M. TESTIMONY, TEACHING PRAYER. PRAISE ALL WELCOME Richmond Hill RECTOR Rev. Bernard Barrett 8844394 Rev. Fred Jackson 884-2418 ANGLICAN DOWNSVIEW â€" To help inform the public about issues in anti-inflation, York 883-1834 â€" 884-3091 223-8247 BAPTIST BUTTONVILLE â€" The Buttonville branch of York Central Hospital Auxiliary is havinga benefit euchre and sale of crafts and home baking at 8 pm. Friday in Buttonville Women’s Institute Hall, Woodbine Ave. just north of Markham municipal offices. Tickets $1. For further information call branch president, Mrs. Alvin Robinson, 889-3528. Anti-inflation review DON MILLS â€"â€" Graduating students of Centennial College‘s fashion services program have been thinking of a visit to Montreal’s summer Olympics and will present their version of a suitable travel wardrobe in a show at 2:30 pm. Sunday in the Tower Room at the Inn-On-The-Park, Eglinton Ave. and Leslie St. A variety of carefully selected fashions for men and women, for daytime and evening, will be shown. Refreshments. Tickets $3.50. Contact Ann Evans, 694-3241, extension 281. MARKHAM â€" Beta Sigma Phi chapters in Markham; Unionville and Stouffville are presenting their sixth an- nual craft fair, to take place from 12:30 to 4:30 pm. Saturday in the auditorium of St. Andrew’s United Church, Main Street, Markham. There will be more than 20 booths and demonstrations, refreshments and baby-sitting facilities. Proceeds will go to Participation House, a residence for adults suffering from cerebral palsy. Admission $1 for adults, 25 cents for children. Crafts for sale. Main St. is High- way 48 north of Highway 7. WILLOWDALE â€" North York Philatelic Society and Maple Leaf chapter of Scouts on Stamps Society International are sponsoring an exhibition at Towne and Countrye Square, Yonge St. and Steeles Ave., Saturday from 10 am. to 10 pm, Sunday from 10 am. to 5 pm. Olympic fashions Benefit for hospital Sorority‘ craft fair Scouts on stamps on ShOW ’asfor E. Corbett. 9:50A.M. Family Sunday school DIRECTORY OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES FOR THE WEEK south york region scheduled events 7:30 P.M. "Young People in Charge†Speaker: Mr. Denis Bell. 11:A.M. Morning worship RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister Rev. William Wallace 884-1831 Organist 8: Choir Director Mr. Richard Phillips PALM SUNDAY COMMUNION Luke 19:24 7 u; "A Parade and a tear†“Love Enters City Life" New tuition“ and visitors are most welcome. ".00 AM. Morning worship Presbyterian um.-.†/ SUNDAY sciéo.‘ 9745 AM. â€" Church School For Bus. Ministry. call 8814818 11.00 A.M M fling WOTSND ll 00 am â€" Worship Service 7.30 Study RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Yonge & Centre Streets 884-1301 Pastor â€" 887-5848 wukly Home Bible Studies SUNDAY,APRIL H. I976 SUNDAY,APRIL H, 1976 Rev. Dana H. Lamb B.A.. B.D.. Minister SUNDAY, APRIL H, 1976 MINISTERS Rev. Ruben K. Shonen Rev. Rowan D. Bmmng ol Omarioh nd Quebec) Missionary Church A WARM WELCOME TO EVERYONE UNITED "The Hours 00 Worship are Precious“ WEDNESDAY WELCOME! Mid-Week Bible 930 A.MV â€"â€" The Lord's Supper 11.00 A.M. â€" Family Bible Hour 11.00 A.M‘ â€" Sunday School, Kinderganen to Grade 6. Bible School lor Grade 7 and up. 700 P.M. â€" Evening Service Service a! lo 303 m and 500 p m Prayer 9 30 a.m School CONCORD CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Rd. 8: No.7 Hwy. A Church of The New Testament Order A. E. Atkinson Minister â€" 669-1831 A. Youngâ€" Sec. 669-2784 VIEW: ".1 Iswnrrrsn" 9:00 A.M. Sunday. cna'nnel 22 9:30 AM. Sunday Channel II Listen to "The voice or Prophecy" Sunday Io a.m. CKFH PENTECOSTAL CALVARY CHURCH . â€" Morning Service . â€" Communion Service ZION LUTHERAN (2 miles south of Maple) Rev. James S. Dauphinee Vice-Pastorâ€" 884-5264 SUNDAY,APRIL ll, I976 9:30 am. â€"- Worship Service 10:30 am. â€" Sunday Church School Other Denominations BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH TORONTO â€" An intimate exhibition, Toronto Children at the Turn of the Cen- tury, is on view to April 25 in the ap- propriate setting of Toronto‘s oldest sur- viving brick house â€" the Grange. The works were commissioned by prominent families of the day and painted by Laura Muntz Lyall. Designed to represent an upper class home of 1835, the Grange is a living museum staffed by attendants in the costume of the period. Concerts. films and lectures recall the cultural life of the city in the 1830’s. The Grange is adjacent to the ArtGaIlery of Ontario, Dundas Street west of University \Avenue, and is open during gallery hours â€" 10 am. to 5 pm. Monday through Saturday, 12 noon to 5 pm. Sun- days and holidays, and 10 am. to 10 pm. Wednesdays and Thursdays from Sep- tember to mid-May. AGINCOURT * Planning and caring for a vegetable garden suited to a small residential area will be the topic Murray Hutchison will discuss at the meeting Monday of Agincourt Garden Club at 8:15 pm. in Knox United Church Christian Centre, 2575 Mildand Ave., east side just north of Sheppard Ave. East. Monthly flower show. Admission free. Refresh- ments. All welcome. 24 Oak Ave.. Richvale WEDNESDAY .00 RM. â€" Bible SfudY Portraits of children 9 45 AM. -â€" Bible School Classes for All Ages DOWNSVIEW â€" An exhibition of batiks and paintings by the African artist, Nym Gautama, will be on display in the Zacks Gallery, Stong College, York University from 2 to 7 pm. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Also at York, in the second floor lounge of the Fine Arts Building, “1 am now coming out into the real world†a graduating exhibit by Tiiu Poder, opens Monday and will be on view from 10 am. to 10 pm. to April 20. Minister Rev. D. VanderBoom Vegetable gardens SUNDAY. APRIL H, 1976 Watch "The Herald of Truth T.V, Channel 3, Barrie University's centre for continuing education is offering a series of five lec- tures on The Law and You â€" the uneasy relationship: the Anti-Inflation Review Board. Lectures are from 7:30 to 9:30 pm. Wednesdays beginning April 14 and may be attended individually or as a series. For further information call 667-2525. J.S. DAUPHINEE, PASTOR SUNDAY, APRIL H, 1976 African‘ art 148 Thornridge Dr Thornhill RICHVALE" BIBLE CHAPEL M. Th. â€" 889â€"5225 THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, April 7. 1976 â€" C-3 IOIJI Biyvlew Avenue SUNDAY SERVICES SUNDAV 11.10 P.M TUESDAY - Bible S'udy and Sunday Church Sunday 3.00 pm. - Evangelistic Service Sunday 945 a.mv Sunday School and Morning Worshipv RIC'HMOND HILL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 222-1631 WEDNESDAYS 7:00 pm. â€"- FAMILY NIGHT, Activities 3. Bible Study lor every family member. SATURDAY 130 AM. â€" Sabbam School ILOOVA.M. â€" Divine Worship “0 com. m as wormlp . . . vl Lord our MIkIr.“ Psalm 95:6 RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH 212 Hillsview Dr. 884-5029 Rev. Robert C. Quick 884-6629 6:00 p.m‘ â€" “I CARE" Speaker and Presentaflon from Light a. Life Centre in Willowdale. THURSDAYS 9:30 a.m. â€" Ladles' Coffee Cup Bible Study at the church. 9:45 am. â€"- Sunday School Bus service call 884-1759 11:00 am. -â€" Morning worship Pastor: ELL. Anderson 884-0451 80 Elgin Mills Road W. mcFurufé is Nun ‘Bca'Big‘Bmtlzcn EVERYONE WELCOME SUNDAY. APRIL H, I976 A WARM WELCOME TO EVERYONE R. J. Muir L. A. Golden. Pastors - 94 Hun! Ave. "I.