A recently awarded Wintario grant will subsidize construction of these facilities. Club gets new courts This is GO’s first fare increase in York region since the fall of 1972. New Tennis Facilities Unionville's Tennis Club will be building new courts and a club house in the near future. Cost of a trip from Markham to downtown Toronto will rise from $1 to $1.15. A ride on the route from Markham to Finch subway station, formerly 50 cents, now costs 60 cents. The increase amounts to approximately 15 per cent for Markham residents and 12 per cent over-all. The increase became effective Sunday. UNIONVILLE â€" Last week G0 Transit an- nounced a fare increase on its York region to Toronto routes. Registration for club unionville The Council of The Corporation of the Town of Markham shall hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the By-law and who applies to be heard at a meeting to be held Tuesday, April 13th, 1976 at the Municipal Offices, at 2:00 pm. Or as soon as possible thereafter. 0 No more slooping. kneeling or crawling O Distributes seeds evenly 0 Plants vegetable seeds taster O SAVES Time â€" Money â€" Seed â€" Labor TAKE NOTICE that The Corporation of the Town of Markham intends to pass a By-Iaw to stop up and close a portion of Shrivenham Court. The proposed By-law and Plan showing the lands to be affected may be seen at my office, Municipal Building, 8911 Woodbine Avenue, Buttonvillé, Markham, Ontario. Proposed By-Iaw to stop up and close part of Shrivenham Court commencing at a point approxiâ€" mately 380 feet south from Simonston Boulevard and located in Block F, Registered Plan M-1444. Takes The Backache Out of Gardening. NOW â€" with the purchase of any Ariens Power Tiller â€"you will receive a Plant-Rite Row Seeder â€" FREE Correspondent Helen Adams 881-1621 Ariens has Power Tillers from 31/: HP to 7 HP. Visit your participating Ariens dealer today and ask about this limited time oflen TOWN OF MARKHAM ENDEAN NURSERIES 10870 YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL NOTICE Rev. Richardson in- vites Unionville and Markham residents to become members. Rev. Richardson holds New Life Bible Study at 202 Elka Drive in Rich- mond Hill on alternate Mondays from 8 pm. until about 9 pm. This is a discussion group for‘ all ages, and sometimes features guest speakers. For more information, telephone Umonvme The program features guest speakers and oc- casional interviews, and deals with many con- temporary theological themes, questions and conflicts. Richardson, of Unionville Alliance Church, is a regular speaker on the Lifeline show, a religious discussion program on Channel 10 at 6 p.m. Mondays. ' A dance is planned to get the season rolling and celebrate acquisition of new facilities. Details about the dance, scheduled for May 7. will be available next week. Minister on Television R e v . H o w a r d Richardson of Uninnville gardening authority Gilbert Milne speaks at Unionville‘s Centennial Library tomorrow night The lecture begins at 8:30 p.m. The pyramid technique is an unusual, though supposedly very suc- cessful. gardening method. Diane E. Whener, Clerk, Town of Markham, 8911 Woodbine Avenue, Markham, Ontario. L3R 1A1 membership will be held Alliance Church at 297- April 28 at Crosby 1104. Memorial Arena during GardeningPrograms the afternoon and Pyramidgardening will evening. be the topic when Toronto Guaranty Trust Company of Canada announces the appointment of A. Glenn Paton as Manager of our Richâ€" mond Hill Branch. Mr. Paton joined Guaranty Trust Company in February, 1974 as Facilities Manager and in December 1974 was appointed Manager, Invest- ment Fund Services, Head Office. It involves placing an open pyramid structure Gardening Programs Pyramid gardening will be the topic when Toronto gardening authority Gilbert Milne speaks at Unionville‘s Centennial Library tomorrow night ANNOUNCEMENT GUARANTY musr COMPANY or CANADA servuce mean to you... Thornhill residents p one A. Glam Paton ‘Also inquire about our same day pick-up service’ Sears A Sears account card is convenient to have when cash isn't on hand. And your purchases won't cost a penny extra if you pay in full within 30 days of bill- ing. This. plus our ‘satisfaction or money refunded' guarantee really takes the worry cut of your shopping! When you shop by phone, you get free home de- livery wherever we provide local service. And this really makes light work of your shopping. No struggling with heavy parcels or ploughing through crowds or bad weather. Let Sears do the hard work for you! Just relax in the comfort of your home and make your own unhurried buying decisions. Our 24 hour shop- by-phone service lets you order from our fine family of catalogues and circulars anytime during the day or night. Simply reach for the phone and call! Top service . . . ‘Charge it’ . . . Convenience . . . Richmond Hill and IThornhill residents over plants to aid their growth. For those of us who have trouble keeping plants alive, this method could be worth studying. April 15 the library's special guest will be Lorraine Surcouf, author of the recently published book, Growing a Green Thumb. “510 BAYVIEW AVENUE, BAYVIEW PLAZA RICHMOND HILL 8847691 BAYVIEW MEATS CHICKEN LEGS & BREASTS "â€" STEAK SPECIALS SIRLOIN 8- T-BONE SIDE 75¢ m LOIN PORK CHOPS Choice Quality Beef 89¢ .b. The book. and Ms. Surcouf’s lecture, will deal with ways and means of giving children an interest in gardening, with emphasis on organic gardening. This will be theme of her presentation. which begins at 8:30 pm: ' Special'programs at the library resume next fall. CUT AND WRAPPED BEEF BUTI' PORK CHDPS LEAN MINCE STEAK Simpsons~Sears Ltd lb‘ BEEF SPARE RIBS 89¢ Sc; I rs Save = (JG FQRVAILUEE Enter [Vow for The Miss Richmond Hill Fair Queen Contest 1976 RULES: WHO WILL BE QUEEN THIS YEAR {in Directors, assocuale direclors or any mediate family are not eligible. Entvv iorm together wulh a recent photograph, suitable ior publication must be submitted to the "Chairman, Mr, Gemge Ledson. PO. Box 81, Richmond Hill," by May 7‘ 1976. All photo graphs will remain the property 0! the RIChmOHd Hull-Fair The winning contestant will be expected to parlicipale m the “Miss C.N.E. Sweetheart 01 The Fair" comes! in August, 1976. Contestants wi|| be h Vaughan‘ Markham, King villearea. Deadline â€"- May 7, 1976 Judging will be held FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1976 7:30 pm. For information Phone Enter Now! 8843705 Conleslanls will be lunged on a basis ol per sonalitv, charm, Interview, shun topic speech over all appearance and deponmenL Conlesl anIs must wear shon dresses All contestants must be prepared to attend the Richmond Hill Fan throughout entivetv. Comeslants musl be between 18 and 23 years 0! age on May 6, 1976. and may be single or married‘ 127th Annual Richmond Hill Spring Fair "om Richmond Hill‘ 9, or Whitchurcnswufl You ‘Go for value’ when you shop from Sears new 16-page stOrewide circular or Sears exciting 24-page full-color fashion roto. Look for them on your doorstep or pick up your copies at Sears today! Now out! of their irn THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. April 7, I976 â€" A-‘l