Glasses cause a fire The fire car of Ali Township KING â€"~ A pair of glasses sitting on the seat of a car, were blamed for a fire in the vehicle last week. The fire caused $200 damage to the car of Alios Sever. Concession 2. King RICHMOND HILL â€" Some church visitors in the area left fulfilled last week, even if they didn’t stick around for the sermon. At St. Mary’s Immaculate Church on Yonge Street a thief broke into an apartment in the church, occupied by Kenneth Pearce, and stole $150 cash. JANE PARKER â€" "BROWN 'N SERVE" ROLLS PLAIN OR WHEAT Twin Rolls pkg of 12 5"“ 3‘ rum, ronv SEED, SESAME Pkg ¢ French Rolls pkg of 10 Easter layer Cake 60 Bread .7. JANE PARKERâ€"SLICED JANE PARKERâ€"DELICIOUSâ€"WHITEâ€"ICED ash taken from local church HOT CROSS BUNS PKG 0F 6 PKG OF 12 $1.19 Boneless Hams m m “$1.98 SHOULDER & BLADE ROAsrs'b68i Eflgï¬oms lb 79¢ Stewing Beef "$1.08 STOR E PACK CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF â€" BONELESSâ€"BMDE OR BONELESS SHOULDER CUTS Sausages Beets: Pork “’89:! PRIDE OF CANADA'â€"SMOKEDâ€"COOKEDâ€"DINNER STYLE Short Rib Roast “98¢ CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF â€" FOR BRAISING SMOKEDâ€"COOKEDâ€"PICNIC STYLE Blade Steaks “78¢ 60 or 100% whole whul‘ or crukod when A yer Cake $1.99 luncheon Meat HAPPY EASIER FROM All Of US AT A&P! JANE PARKER Pherrill Bennett. who lives at Friar Tuck Road. Markham, reported $700 damage to his swimming pool. where vandals had Even having a name with an ecclesiastical ring presented its problems. In Markham, at the Missionary Club on Main Street, thieves got away with a $150 tape recorder. FREE! SCANDIA GLASSVV ARE '2 24-02 I ccccc WITH AGP (ASH REGISTER TAPES SEE THE DISPLAY AND GET COMPLETE DETAILS AT THE STORE. AVAILABLE AT OUR BAYVIEW STORE ONLY BUY 1 LOAVESâ€"SAVE l9: In a fire at the home of Mary Brown, Huckleberry Lane. Thornhill, grease on an electric stove was believed to be the cause. Markham fire department put out the blaze. IMPORTED Another office victim was Joan Ryland, of McConvey Drive, Rich- mond Hill. Just as vulnerable was a Church Street office in Richmond Hill. where Gloria Furtney of Dudley Avenue had her wallett containing $250 stolen from her purse. cut a two-foot gash in the liner. Just as vulnerable was a Church Street office in Richmond Hill. where Gloria Furtney of Dudley Mrs. Ryland also had her wallet. containing $92 and credit cards. taken from her purse while working at Don Little Ford, Yonge Street. PEANUT BUTTER DETERGENT SCHWARTZ Dove liquid POWDER SUNLIGHT DETERGENI £1.99 PINEAPPLE =m59¢ Canada No l Glade, Flovida, Finn, lupu FOR EASTER. . . SHOPATAJEP FOR FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABIES! MEXICAN. SWEET, RIPE, LARGE SIZE CANADA FANCYâ€"ONTARIO A P P LE 5 5 9¢ CANADA NO‘ 1 GRADE â€" CAROLINA IDEAL WITH HAM LBS ¢ ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SAT., APR. 17, 1976 TOMATOES us TRAY 9 M00 (V: "FREE") SA V510: 8 O'CLOCK BEAN (OFFEE 1- VALID THROUGH APRIL 17TH, I976 (SAVING ALSO VALID ON I-LB BOKAR COFFEE NY 5. 2mg$1099 Rgmrrmm His wallet. plus a tape deck, were taken from his car, while parked on his street. The loss amounted to $170. Also losing his wallet to thieves was Gary Hall, Essex Avenue. Richmond Hill. Heaviest hit Heaviest hit was Woolco Warehouse. Steelcase Road, Markham, which lost $10,000 in merchandise in a break-in. Heavily hit, too, was Lawrence Kelly, of John Street, Thornhill, who ACTION PRICED! A SUPERB BlEND, RICH IN BRAZ|L|AN COFFEES 32vfl-oz plastic btl ACTION PRICEDI (PREPRICED) 12-02 Iin ACTION PRICED! ACTION PRICEDI 100% PUREâ€"FROM CONCENTRATEâ€"SUGAR ADDED (PREPRICED) FRITO LAY Florida, Mild‘ cmpy, Euellent In Salad) rin79¢ Hanson Orange Juice 64â€"H-ozbr'79¢ Potato Chips ALL A&P STORES WILL BE CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY â€" APR LB BAG 88 5! Pineapple RADISHES I-LB PKG 2 $1.19 was robbed of worth of articles home. Just $5 away was Demiro Construction Limited, Downsview, whose Concord site on Cost Road. was relieved of 113 sheets of plywood, valued at $1,795. Also in Concord. Keystone H and A Industries, Bowes Road, lost 40 to 50 auto rims, valued at $1,750, from a trailer on its premises. Alarming news When a burglar alarm went off in his home on Another John Street victim ‘was Eglinton Equestrian Club. A break~in there netted a video tape, camera and monitor, valued at $1,800. PALANDAâ€"SLICEDâ€"TlDB|TSâ€"CRUSHED 8190 BAYVIEWAVE. OPEN WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY 6: FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 P.M. â€" SATURDAY UNTIL 9.30 P.M. BORDEN'S, CREAMED Action Priced! COTTAGE CHEESE l-lB CARTON GREEN ONIONS H camomia, Mild, New Spring 0 $2,000 BUNCHES his Pointsettia Drive, Thornhill. March 27. Zurik Burstein made a check soon afterwards and reported everything okay. and tires taken from his car, while at General Freezer Ltd., Islington Avenue. Peter Faion, Avenue. reported Kipling the However, this week he told police $1,050 worth of jewelry was missing. The cold snap must have been anticipated by another thief. Taken from the coat room at the Parkway Hotel, Highway 7 and Leslie Street, was a $600 mink stole, belonging to Margaret MacCallum, Thornridge Dr.. Thorâ€" nhill. 66-FL-OZ PLASTIC JUG Woodbridge. too While visiting Wood- bridge on the weekend. David Lancaster, Rexâ€" dale, had a set of wheels 49¢ THORNHILL Eff: SA V530: A&P FOOD STORE Wieners 84¢ Chicken Cutlets “88¢ - B Boxâ€"$4.29) Ocean Perch Fillets “>895! Utility Grade. Eviscerated, Frozen, Vac Patâ€"6 to 14 lbs. average YOUNG lb .TURKEYS 55¢ 19-fl-oz tin so'CLocxm coma ACTION PRICEDI VALID 'IHROUGH APRIL 17TH, 1976 (SAWNG ALSO VALID ON lLB BOKAR COFFEE) mp 49¢ Corn Flakes BUTTERBALI. TURKEYS 'b 98¢ CANADA GRADE "A" EVISCERATED, FROZEN, VAC PAC, YOUNG AGP SELFABASTING OR SWIFT 5 TO 14 LBS AVERAGE Sausage Meat 79¢ FFFFF Ground Chuck "88¢ MAPLE LEAF SCHNEIDERSâ€""RED HOTS A SUPERB BLEND, RICH IN BRAZILIAN COFFEES eaw$3ï¬79¢ ASSORTED FLAVOURS “FRUIT BOTTOM" KELLOGGS Peter Faion, Kipling Avenue, reported the theft of 80 cords of firewood from his. lot. RIO-PIECES 61 STEMS IO-FL-OZ TIN 2/894“ $29.49 APRIL 16th, 1976. 8.8-oz pkg 24-02 pkg lIFE INSURANCE CALL 889-8902 (I Our nadmon of servnce guarantees professnona adwce and satuslacnon whenever you call. Get an Immediate quote persowal attention. p!0mpl,1ECISIOn$. THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. April 14. 1976 â€" C-9 Call York and save! All"), HUIISE ACTION PRICED! ACTION PRICEDI /YORK FIRE AND CASUALTY 83¢ 99¢ ’699 YONGE ST THORNHILL THE LAST DAY FOR mng obiections will be the “5! day 0! April, 1976. DATED AT THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL THIS 7TH DAY OF APRIL,1976. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may approve oi the said by-Iaw but betore doing so it may appoint a time and place when any obiection to the by-Iaw will be :onsiderede Notice at any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have tiled an ab- iection or notice at support and who have lett with or delivered to the Clerk undersigned, the ad- dress to which notice at hearing is '0 be sent. ANY PERSONS wishing io suppor‘ the application for ap- proval oi ihe byilaw may within iourieen (N) days aiier the daie oi ihis notice send by regisiered mail or deliver to me Clerk oi the Town oi Richmond Hill noiice oi his support oi approval oi me said by- law together wiih a requesi for noilce oi any hearing that may be held giving also the name and address io \«hich such notice should be given‘ ANY PERSONS INTERESTED MAY. Within inurteen (14) days alter the date at this notice. send Dy registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town at Richmond Hill notice of his obiectlon to approval at the said by-Iaw. together with a statement 0! the grounds at such ooiection. TAKE NOTICE that the Council oi the Corporalion ol the To n bl Richmond Hill minds to ap y lo vhe Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to me provisions ol Section 35 ol the Planning Acl or approval ol By-Iaw 21-76 passe n the 5m day ol February, W76. A note giving an explanalion ol "1e purpose and ellecv ol "1e by~law and slaving the lands allected thereby is also lurnisnea below. 3." Nothing in this by-Iaw shall prevent, in a Residential or Agricultural Zone the use at part at a single family dwelling lor a home occupation as delined in Section 2.9.†(c) Deleting Sections 4‘: and 4.1L (d) Deleting the words "The Iollowing uses are permitted†lrom Sections 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 and substituting the lollowing "Any one at the lollowing uses is per- mitted". (e) Deleting the words “Home Occupation“ from Sections 0.2, 5.11 5.3 and 5.4‘ READ A FIRST TIME THIS 5TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1976. READ A SECOND TIME THIS 5TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, I976. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 5TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1976‘ "H.D. Schiller" Mayor. 2.9.4 Thal there shall be at Ieasl one oll-svreel parking space for every lhree hundred square lee! (100 sq. n.) of lloor space occupied as ollices in addition lo any residential requirements. "3.13 Not more than one dwelling may be built on any lot except that in an Agricultural (Al) zone one single tamin detached dwelling lor the use at personnel employed on the premises may be erected in an addltion to the owner's single lamilv detached dwelling. 2.9.1 That only one person resident in the said dwelling, plus one assistant, who may or may not resident in the dwelling, may operate in and lrom the said at- lice. 2.91 That an area equivalent to not more than thirty-live per cent (35 per cent) of the total tloor area at the dwelling, or a maximum at ï¬ve hundred square teet (500 sq. ft.) whichever is the lesser is devoted to such uses. 2.13 That lhere shall be no advertising other than a plate or sign which is not flashing and is not larger than one square loot (l sq. lll) indicating only me name, occupation and praclicing hours ol lhe occupant. The plale or sign shall be attached and parallel lo a main wall ol lhe buildingl THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL BY<LAW NO. 21-76 EXPLANATORY NOTE The Corporation ot the Town at Richmond Hill enacted By-Iaw II- 15 on the 3rd day oi March I975 and circulated its notice ol intention to apply to the Ontario Muni ipal Board tor approval. The summary oi the purpose at ellect ol the by- law read as lollows: To permit only one dwelling on a lot except that in an Agricultural Zone another dwelling in addition to the owner's dwelling is per- mitted lor employees. To permit the use ol a part at a dwelling in a Residential or Rural Zone tor "Home Occupation" which is a pursuit compatible with a domestic household To permit only one at the uses named in Section 5 Rural Residential on a lot. The section reads - “The lollowing uses are permitted: Single tamin dwelling, place at worship, elementary school, medical clinic. etc. As a result at comments lrom the Regional Municipality at York, the Town has repealed By-Iaw 2145 and enacted 8y»law 21~76 which incorporates the same provisions as in 21-75 but also deletes the deï¬nition at “Home Occupation†which is no longer necessary and permits the use at part at any dwelling in a Residential Zone subiect to the limitations set out in the new Section 2.9 which 8y-law 21-76 createsl NOTICE OF THE AP- PLICATION TO THE ONTARIO MKICIPAL BOARD BY THE COR- PORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act. 1.9.6 Thai no machinery or instrument shall be used in the said oHices ihai is not normally used in a residence or is not compatible wivh a residential area. (b) Adding the ioilowing to Section BV‘LAW No.2l-76 A Bv-law 'o Amend Bv~law No. 232568 at the Corporation 0! the Township of Markham. WHEREAS the lands allecled by this By-law were slluale in the Township ol Markham and were annexed lo lhe Town ol Richmond Hill by me Regional Municipality ol York Acl, W70, but remain subiecl in me provisions ol Markham By-Iaw Number 2325-68. WHEREASJhe maners herein 5e! out are in condormity with me Richmond Hill Ofï¬cial Plan which is approved and in lorce a! this time. AND WHEREAS there has been no amendment lo the Richmond Hill Ollicial Plan proposed by the Council but not approved at this lime with which lhe matters herein set out are not in com lormily. 19.5 The residen'ial manner 0! me dwelling is not changed. No'hing in this By-Iaw shall prevent, in a Residential Zone, ï¬le use 0! part a! a single family detached or semi-deoached dwelling for an omce provided: NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE COR- PORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. By-Iaw No. 2325-68 at the Car- poration o! the Township 0! Markham amended be and is hereby amended by: (a) Deleting Section 2.9 and by substituting me loIlowing: "29 OFFICE use’s PER MITED THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL C.D. Weldon, Clerk, Town 0! Richmond Hill, 10266 Yonge Street PO. Box 100, Richmond Hill, Onvario. LIC 4Y5 C‘D. Weldon’ Clerk