Having obtained per- mission Bridgford or- dered all bells in the city to be rung. He also assiéted in the arrangements then un- dertaken for the capital‘s defence. Governor Sir Francis Bond Head was so paralyzed with fear that he did not know what to do. \ Paralyzed When Bridgford reached Toronto, he went straight to Government House and found all in consternation; Bridgford told him to ride on ahead and warn the governor the rebel forces would be attacking the capital within two hours. When Col. Robert Moodie fell from his horse at the barricade outside Montgomery’s Tavern, he was the victim of his own foolhardiness and a sniper‘s bullet, Col. Bridgford and Captain Stewart, who accompanied him, rode around the hotel, leaping the fences. Although they were fired at several times, they succeeded in reaching Yonge Street south of the hotel. There they met a man named Powell who had a fresh horse. A-6 â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday, April 14. Bright spring weather is the “call of the wild" for home gardeners, and according to an Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food horticulturist, it’s time to start thinking about planting early vegetables and starting transplants. I Gardening I es soen as the East is éut of the ground and the soil is dry enough to prepare, the cool weather vegetables can be played,†st_ates R. Fleming. “Radishes, which will germinate and grow even in quite cool weather, are a good indicator crop. Lettuce, carrots. spinach and garden peas can all be sown as soon as the ground can be prepared.†He suggests tha? before seeding: a light ap- plication of a fertilizer high in phosphorus will help the seedlings’ growth. WWith transBlants such as cabbage and cauliflower. he recommends sidedressing with a good fertilizer to enourage qew growtlh. Fleming cautions gardeners about being overanxious when it comes to starting their tomato and pepper transplants. In warm, heated homes with poor light conditions. the plants tend to become weak and spindly when they're started too early. “The second or third week of April is early enough to sow the seed of your favorite varieties. By the time the seedlings are ready to transplant to flats or individual pots, the warm days of May will permit the young plants to be set in a bright, well-ventilated area during the day.†‘ TransplaBts growh this way will not be large, but they will be stocky. healthy plants ready to be planted outdoors at the end of May or early June. Secret signal worked “A lot of home- owners are pleased at what they can save with State Farm insurance.†Plan ting time State Farm has become the largest homeowners Insurance company In the country by ottenng low rates and prompt, hrst-class servrce. But people are still surprised when they hnd out we can save them money When your current DOIICY expires. come see me. I may have a SUI’prSe for you wk‘“ 3 9“: luv! u u mull-nu 7377 YONGE STREET ED. FBANCEY 881-0195 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. Canadian Head o'flce: Scarborough, Omario STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY 881 -6222 e 93“ \nSVed‘o“ .umge‘ THORNHILL, ONTARIO \\‘ He was commissioned by Col. Fitzgibbon, who was in command of the garrison, to ride back north to raise volunteers for immediate active service. It was agreed that if he should run into dif- ficulties he was to signal by displaying his silk handkerchief. an arrangement which proved to be of great value later. The spot is now marked by an historic plaque outside the postal station. He was accompanied by Prime Lawrence on his northbound trip. Taken prisoner Both were taken prisoner by Mackenzie‘s men near Montgomery’s Tavern. located at the corner of what is now Montgomery Avenue and Yonge Street. Bridgford secretly handed his papers to Lawrence,who managed to escape and fulfill the mission rebel consultation \«“°" Ne} yesterdays by mary dawson 1976 IV-Mzi'éixâ€"éB-z‘iâ€"e told him he was to be shot the next day at noor}. _ Bridgford asked to have the execution deferred until 2 p.m., “because you will then have euough to do to look after your own neck without attending to mine." When the troops from the city, led by Colonels McNab, Fitzgibbon and Jarvis, appeared with an overwhelming force, Bridgford hung his handkerchief from the south window of the hotel. was held and it was decided Bridgford should be hanged as a spy: The loyalists then did not fire their grape and canister charges into the room where the prisoners were confined. The insurgents, many of whom were armed only with pitchforks or pikes, fled from the scene. But David Gibson, whose Willowdale house was burned that year by supporters of the government, suggested that instead Bridgford be held as a prisoner of war and thus saved the man’s life (Bridgford's second close call in his country‘s service). The prisoners were freed and the hotel was burned. Vaughan reeve William Harrison, in his historical writings of 1888, reports he heard the above details from Bridgford, himself, who lived in Richmond Hill until his death in 1868 at the age of 75. Bridgford was elected to Vaughan’s first council in 1350 and was deputy- With several other prisoners Bridgford was placed under guard in the ballroom of the hotel where he was interviewed by William Lyon Mackenzie. To be shot COME TO WHERE THE PEOPLE ARE “YOUR DOWNTOWN UPTOWN"' AT YONGE 8 STEELES COULD YOU REALLY ASK FOR ANYTHING MORE? SPRING CAR DISPLAY APRIL 15-24 Towne Er Countrye Square presents a spring ’76 car show on the mall. Come on in and see the latest in automotive engineering and sporty design! “$819 “0% LLoblaws reeve from 1852 to 1858 when he became reeve. He was instrumental in the founding of Richmond Masonic Lodge and was its first worshipful master. 7 He also served on the school board. Built hotel Bridgford married Lucy, daughter of John Stegman and built a two- storey hotel of hewn logs. northwest of the corner of Centre and Yonge Streets. In front was the cor- Own a part of a Bahamian Island. A Prospectus has been filed with the Registrar of the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act, Ontario. The acceptance of such Prospectus filing does not constitute approval or endorsement by the Ontario Government of the lands being offered. 0A-28~]06-76 There are no property taxes nor are there income or sales taxes. And you get immediate financing. with no credit check or qualifying. We're selling an island in the Bahamas. homesite by homesite. Starting at as little as $9900 Some are on white sandy beaches. Some are on hill tops where you can View the whole island. the nearby cays and a seemingly endless turquoise sea. All are within a short stroll to the unbelievable crystal clear waters. Norman's Cay is a kickoff-your-5hoes paradiserThe beaches are sugary white. and the water crystal clear. ‘ ‘ Norman‘s lies in the Northérn part of the Exumra Chain: in a secluded world of some of the finest cruising waters found in the Western Hemisphere. What does Norman‘s Cay mean to you? A vacation retreat? A weekend paradise? A retirement haven? Or something for your future? an coWye sq are The north end of the settlement then was a swamp through which a fair-sized stream meandered its way to the east branch of the Don River. Bridgford ran the hotel successfully for many years. purchasing his supply of beverages from Quetton St. George. duroy bridge, connecting the Hill with Duck Valley. Alongside the bridge was an unsightly ditch, the home of a beaver for several years. Come...see it all for yourself. Towne Er Countrye Square... your “community minded" shopping centre! At Towne 8 Countrye Square now more than ever its a “complete†new world of shopping convenience in climate controlled comfort. ...p|us a super selection of FASHION STORES, SPECIALTY SHOPS and great BOUTIQUES! _ > * financing available Ing Samoa 8 SM Up * improves gas rate. GAS POOL HEATERS OPEN 9.30 - 9.30 WEEKDAYS 9.30-6.00 SATURDAYS FLETCHER GIBBARD‘ HEATING LTD. 884-2026 2212124 Please send me complete information about puvchasmg a homesvle on Norman‘s Cay and how l may spend a three day VBCEIIOH there Including lodging food and recreation facnlltres | undevstand that I am under no obligation More Name City 0A‘28-106A-76 lcpnuming Son Andm (Nmn'u Cay) I901 Ymgc 5!. Toronto, 0M, M45 IYI Tnlophon. (“6) 401-3443 ' ' Yebenhone AS LOW AS $43900 Installation extra the Permanent lone NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE TOWN OF MARKHAM WITH PROPERTIES ABUT- TING THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL. NOTICE OF THE AP- PLICATION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD BY THE COR- PORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act. TAKE NOTICE mm "02 Council oi the corporation oi ihe Town oi Richmond Hill Intends lo apply in me Onlarlo Municipal Board pursuani lo ihe provisions oi Section 35 oi ihe Planning Act ior approval oi By-Iaw 21-76 passed on me 5th day oi February, 1976. A note giving an explanation oi the purpose and elleci oi the bv-Iaw and siaiing ihe lands aliecied lhereby is also iurnished below. ANY PERSONS lNTERESTED MAY, wlthin fourteen (l4) days aner the dale at this nollce. send by registered mail or deliver lo the Clerk ol the Town 0! Rlchmonu Hm nollce ol his ob|ecllon to approval 0! the saw lav-law, logelher wllh a sla'emenl ol me grounds 00 such oblecllon. ANY PERSONS wishing lo suppori the application lor Ip- provai oi ihe by-Iaw may within louneen (it) days aiier the date ol this nollco send by regisioreu mail or deliver to lhe Clerk oi lhe Town ol Richmond Hill novice oi his support ol approval oi iha said by- law iogeiher with a requesl for noiice ol any hearing ihai may be held giving also me name and address to which such notice should be given. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may approve of lhe sald by~law hul belore :10an so ll may appoinl a tlme and place when any obleclion lo lhe by-Iaw will be tonsidereda Nolice ol any hearing lhal may be held will be glven only to persons who have "led an ob~ lemon or nollce ol suppon and who have left with or dellvereu lo the Clerk undersigned, "Ia Id- dress to which notice 0! hoarlng I: lo be senl. THE CORRORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL BY-LAW NO. 21-76 EXPLANATORY NOTE The Corporation at the Town ot Richmond Hill enacted By-Iaw 21- 75 on the 3rd day ol March 1915 and circulated its notice at intention to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board tor approval. The summary ol the purpose ot etlect ol the by- law read as loilows: To permit only one dwelling on a lot except that in an Agricultural Zone another dwelling in addition to the owner's dwelling is per- mitted lor employees. To permit the use at a part at a dwelling in a Residential or Rural Zone lor “Home Occupation" which is a pursuit compatible with a domestic household. To permit only one at the uses named in Section 5 Rural Residential on a lot. The section reads â€" "The following uses are permitted: Single lamin dwelling, place at worship, elementary school, medical clinic, etc. As a result at comments from the Regional Municipality ot York, the Town has repealed By-Iaw 21-15 and enacted By-Iaw 21-76 which incorporates the same provisions as in 11-75 but also deletes the dellnition at “Home Occupation" which is no longer necessary and permits the use at part at any dwelling in a Residential Zone sublect to the limitations set out In the new Section 2.9 which By-iaw 21-76 creates‘ THE LAST DAY FOR llllng oblecflons will be the 215? day at April. "76‘ DATED AT THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILLTHIS7TH DAY OF APRIL, 1976. as omces in addition ti residential requirements. 2.9.5 The residential cha oi the dwelling is not chem 2.9.6 That no machlne instrument shall be used said oltices that is not nol used in a residence or compatible with a resld area (b) Adding the tollowing to Section 3: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL BY-LAW NO. 2146 A By-Iaw to Amend By-law No. 2125-68 0! me Corporatlon 0! me Township 0! Markham. WHEREAS the lands attected by this By-Iaw were situate in the Township ot Markham and were annexed to the Town at Richmond Hill by the Regionai Municipality at York Act, i970, but remain suhiect to the provisions oi Markham By-law Number 2325-68. "2.9 OFFICE use's PER MITTED NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF- THE COR- PORAYION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. By-law No. 2325-68 0! the Cor- poration of the Township 0! Markham amended be and Is hereby amended by: (a) Deleting Secflon 1.9 and by substituting the Ioflowmg: Nothing in this Bv-law shall prevenl, in a Resluemlal zone, the use 01 pan ol a single lamin detached or semi-detached dwelling lor an olllce provided: WHEREAS the matters herein set out are in conformity with the Richmond Hill Omcial Plan whlch is approved and in Oorce at this Oime. AND WHEREAS lhere has been no amendmenl lo we Richmond Hill Olllcial Plan proposed by the Council but nol approved at this time will: which "Is matters herein sel out are not in con- lormny. 2.9.2. That an area equivalent to not more than thirty-live per cent (35 per cent) ol the total lloor are. at the dwelling. or a maximum at live hundred square leet (500 sq‘ ft.) whichever is the lesser is devoted to such uses. 2.9.3. That there shall be no advertising other than a plate or sign whlch is not flashing and'ls not larger than one square foot .(1 sq. n.) indicating only the name. occupation and practicing hours at the occupant. The plate or sign shall be attached and parallel to a main wall at the building. 2.9.4. That there shall be at least one oft-street parking space lor every three hundred square test (300 sq. tt.) ot lloor space occupied as otllces in addition to any residential requirements. 2.9.5 The residential character 2.9.] That only one person resident in the said dwelling, plus one assistant, who may or may not resident in the dwelling, may operate in and (ram the said ot- lice. “1.13 Not more than one dwelling may be built on any lot except that in an Agricultural (Al) zone one single tamin detached dwelling tor the we at personnel employed on the premises may be erected in an addition to the owner’s single lamily detached dwelling. 3.14 Nothing in this lay-law shall prevent. in a Residential or Agricultural Zone the use oi part ol 3 single family dwelling lor a home occupation as delined in Section 2.9.“ (c) Deleting Sections 4.3 and 4.3.1. (o) Deleting the words “The tollowing uses are permitted†tram Sections 5.2, 5.1 and 5.4 and substituting the Iollowing “Any one 0! the lollowing uses is per- mittedâ€. (e) Deleting the words "Home Occupation" irom Sections 4.2, 5.1, 5.3 and 5.4. READ A FIRST TIME THIS 51'" DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1976. READ A SECOND TIME THIS 5TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1976. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 5TH DAY OF FEBRUARY. 1976. "MD. Schiller" Mayor. ‘Clark. Town 0! Richmond HIII, 10266 Yonge 5mm, Po. Box :00, Rlchmond HIII. Onurlo. L4C QYS residential characler ing is no! changed. at no machlngry or shall be used in the lhal is not normally residence or is not wilh a residential "C.D. Weldon' Clerk C.D. Weldon.