Schools invite public use time for Easter, five mallard ducklings made their appearance in a classroom at Beverley Acres School last week. Students in the school’s Room 4 ob- "Whether they will depends on whether the community itself takes advantage of the potential that exists for using the schools as a “a central cohesive force." in the View of community education organizers such as Richmond Hill’s Bob Crosby. RICHMOND HILL â€" Schools can become much more than isolated knowledge factories for young»people. A meeting, to seek support for a community education pilot project here, will be held Monday at~7:30 pm. in Crosby Heights School. “To do this, at least 100 volunteers will be needed with only two or three hours required per volunteer. If 100 volunteers cannot be obtained, then it’s likely the number of homes visited will be reduced accordingly.†Crosby says he hopes to survey 2,800 homes “to identify new program areas for implementation next fall. _ Selected for the town’s pilot project is the area east of the CNR tracks, bounded by Elgin Mills, Palmer Avenue and Bayview Avenue. The Monday meeting, Crosby says, will seek ideas from the public on design of the survey, as Well as recruit volunteers to implement it. Commenting oh the purpose .of the community education program, Crosby says: Established 1878 Talented, articulate and confident are the area students who won top prizes in this year’s regional science fair in Richmond Hill. And to one who’s used to seeing the drearier, more negative side of school board affairs, they're very refreshing. Columnist Jim lrving comments in Viewpoint. Page A-4. If you’ve had enough ice sports to last ’til next winter at least, the spring season brings plenty of outdoor relief. This week. for example. there’s a big sports page spread on track and field to celebrate the climbing of the mercury. Page 8-1. This week’s index of news and advertising features is: Sports Bl-4 Classified 88-11 King-Oak Ridges Cl Maple social C4 Entertain. Cu Bob Crosby . . seeks volunteers Inside The Liberal Students shine Gardening Real estate Service direct. Church directory In the Hill social “Today, however, this trend may be changing. Schools are offering their “In recent years schools have become larger and more sophisticated. Communities are more densely populated and schools have lost much of their familiar rapport with the people. - “Consequently, schools have become not an integral part of the community but an island unto itself. BUTTONVILLE â€" “We’re fighting.‘ That’s the gist of a brochure issued last week by A.I.R. (Association of Involved Residents). Distribution of the pamphlet coin- cided with a decision by Markham council April 13 to defer third and final reading of the controversial But- tonville Airport bylaw. Ordinarily, third reading of this rezoning bylaw would have enabled Toronto Airways to build a 1,200-foot runway extension. The’reading was postponed for 30 days, the maximum allowable interval. Nevertheless, for A.I.R., “the big battle is still ahead," its brochure predicts. “We‘re digging in for a long fight â€" right through the courts if necessary.†Major concerns, association mem- bers say, are noise, pollution and safety. “The conditions are intolerable now during evening and weekend peak periods,†says Ed Quesnelle, 3 But- tonville resident. “If the runway is extended, the situation is going to be unbearable." More aircraft According to the brochure, airport expansion will result in “more jets, more STOL (Short Take-Off and Landing) aircraft, more twin engine flights, more passenger flights, more training flights and 24-hour operation." Airport protesters are digging in for a battle The broéhure is among resources C10 3711:: Liberal] "/n Essentials Unity, in Nonfssentia/s Liberty, in all things Charity" They came for Easter WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1976 32 pages Price 20 cents Scheduled events Yesterdays Editorials-letters Viewpoint Vital stats. tained the eggs from caretaker Al Smith, put them in an incubator in mid-March and saw them hatch 28 days later. The ducklings facilities to the public and are begin- ning to use community resources within the total learning experience. “Community education is not only the use of the schools by community groups during non-school time. It is also a process by which the school and the community jointly identify common concerns reflecting local interests and needs, and develop resources and activities to meet these using the school as the major focal point." A.I.R. is using to increase citizen protest actions in Buttonville, Rich- mond Hill, Unionville, Markham, Cachet and other York region com- munities. RICHMOND HILL â€"â€" Word has it that 16-year-old black belt judo athlete Steve Penyige was “born on a mat" and who’s about to argue the point? Seek membership _ “The first thing we need is peepleâ€" power,†Quesnelle sa‘ys._ Especially since the “word†comes from the lips of John Penyige, Steve’s father, who tips the scales at 205 pounds and, incidentally, has a black belt too. Better to move quietly on into the story which involves the announcement last week that Steve is one of/two area athletes picked for the Ontario Judo team which will be competing in the Canadian Nationals in Montreal on May Wrestles. too Steve, who also dabbles in high school wrestling at Bayview Secondary School, is enjoying the best year of his rather lengthy career in judo. Black belt at age 16 The other cha‘p is Joey Toule of Thornhill. Both are members of the Thornhill Bukokai Judo Club. ' Like hecsté’rted when he was five years old under the expert tutelage of father John who, at 45, who is chief instructor of judo at the West End YMCA in Toronto. Steve has learned his lessons well. Just recently he finished third in the men’s senior judo competitions for Ontario in the 139 pound class which earned him a spot on the provincial team. That. of course. means he’ll be probably standing on the sidelines when the judo competitions take place in the Olympics in Montreal this July. Fine showing But it was the fine showing in the senior competitions that impressed the experts. Steve was going against older, much more experienced competitors. “I was quite ï¬appy with myifinish," states Steve. “I feel I won’t reach my peakin strength'until I’m 20." He also finished first in the Ontario Winter games. In addition to its mémbership drive, Judo star has eye on Olympics By Fred Simpson will go to a farm in another couple of weeks. Shown admiring the flock are (left to right) Lianne Atkinson, Billy Knights and Karen Baddeley . Crosby adds that if the concept is encouraged, it can develop from a growing awareness that the school “is more than a knowledge factory. “It is, or can become, a 'central cohesive force with social, cultural and recreational benefits’for all who share in 'it.’†Anyone interested in the program but who is unable to attend the Monday meeting may contact Crosby at 884- 5281. “My ambition right now,†he said, “is to represent Canada in the 1980 Olympics in Moscow but that means there’s a lot of work ahead.†Got to work And “work†is the magic word. _ States Steve’s instructor at the Thornhill Budokai club, Chris Toule: “It‘s work, work, and more work. There’s no easy way." Joey Toule Toule thinks that Penige and his son, Joey, should do well at the Nationals but “it all depends on the coaching. If the coach can instil an attitude that they won’t be beaten, they’ll do all right." . A.I.R. is asking for donations to help cover costs of legal work and scientific projections, beyond 1980, of airport traffic volume and noise levels. Top five? “I’ll be satisfied if I can finish in the top five in the Canadian finals,“ he said. One step at a time. Their head coach, incidentally, is Don McClelland, a former resident of Rich- mond Hill who is a top-flight judo in- structor himself. Both Steve and Joey, who fights in the 154 pound category. are described as “judo technicians" by coach Toule. “They both fight a lot alike,†he said. “They are stylists. They don’t rely on ground work, they like to throw their opponents with a certain amount of grace which is really what judo is all about." Persons interested in A.I.R.’s campaign are asked to phone Murray Billinghurst at 297-2913 or 297-1247, or to write to the association (Box 15, But- tonville post office). Likes body contact Why does Steve enjoy judo? Simple: “I’ve always enjoyed body contact sports and with judo you can have the best of both worlds. It’s body contact but it‘s also strictly a sport, a clean one at that.†One of Steve’s recent ac- complishments was helping Canada down Mexico 17-0 in a judo competition at the CNE. Has he ever been injured? “Not really, 1 broke an ankle once. That’s the most serious although I've had the usual sprains and bruises. (Photo by Dunlap) Block parent group offers child safety RICHMOND HILL â€" The block parent program being organized here is a brand new movement but it‘s baSed on a very old-fashioned idea. As spokesman Carolyn Quinton of Bluegrass Boulevard puts it, “It‘s a throwback to the traditional situation of earlier days when everyone knew their neighbors and watched after each other's children." That kind of community togetherness doesn't come easily in modern-day suburbs, but the block parent promoters believe we can still offer our children some sense of security in their own neighborhoods. The program â€" modelled after a project begun in London, Ontario several years ago â€" has become widely discussed and promoted following publication of an article in a national magazine in February. Basically, it involves the cooperation of parents who offer emergency help or solace to children who encounter dif- ficulty while walking to and from school. A block parent sign, prominently displayed, lets children know which houses they can go to if they need assistance. Thousands of cyclists will be hitting the roads on five courses in Toronto, one in Mississauga, and the local one. Bike-a-thon to roll Sunday RICHMOND HILL â€" The Richmond Hill, Markham and Vaughan areas have been added to six other courses in the big Variety Club of Ontario Bike-a- thon for disabled children to be held Sunday. Locally, the bike-a-thon will kick off at Hillcrest Mall and find its way up Yonge Street to Elgin Mills Road, east on Elgin to Bayview, south on Bayview to Steeles, west on Steeles to Bathurst, north on Bathurst to Carville Road and back to the mall. Entry forms can be picked up at the mall, neighborhood variety stores, McDonald’s and' sporting goods stores. Riders can bégin théir ride for disabled children at any of seven ’THORNHILL â€" “Be sure to wear your tin hat," says York Centre Con- servative association president David Cork. He‘s just kidding about that; but even so it’s bound to be an explosive sort of evening tomorrow when several hundred Tories do intramural battle in search of a candidate for the next provincial election. The combatants are two well-known municipal politicians, Mayor Tony Roman of Markham and Councillor Bill Corcoran of Richmond Hill. It’s Corcoran’s first try at provincial politics, but in 1972 he was defeated by Tony’s Uncle Steve in a bid for the federal York North nomination. Tony Roman is no stranger to defeat either, having run and lost for the Tories tangle Peny'ige's favorite hold is the Uchi Mata or leg throw but he can toss a few others at you, too. “I’d rather meet an unknown op- ponent," he said, “because they don’t know my moves either. I always find the first fight the toughest because I’m slow at warming up. It gets easier as I go along.†He finisheli secona in Ontario for high school competitions. Not a person to argue with. Nothing serious.†v As for: the “dabbling†in wrestling, Steve does pretty good at thatitoq, _ They want a Winner Steve Penyige . . . Ontario judo team By William Lever gFamed painter i struck by car "The purpose is to help a child in trouble. It could be an emergency such as an accident, or a child being bullied by older kids or getting trouble from a driver." Mrs. Quinton is one of a group of local parents on the organizing committee in Richmond Hill. Similar groups are working in Thornhill, Markham and throughout Metro Toronto. “It‘s nothing revolutionary,†says Mrs. Quinton. “We’re just trying to organize something that used to be done as a matter of course. As a start, the local parents have received pledges of co-operation from six schools â€" Crosby Heights, Beverley Acres, McKillop, McConaghy, Pleasantville and Walter Scott. The school principals are also helping educate the youngster about the new program and how to make use of it. The principals have sent letters explaining the program to parents and inviting applications from those wishing to participate. As a precautioniYork regional police will screen the applications before homes are approved. checkpoints. Generally, it's a good idea to choose the checkpoint neairest home to start. It can make the ride shatter. Officials will mark the course and man the checkpoints. Police will be on hand to help maintain a safe course for the riders. Each course will cover 20 miles with a few pennies or dollars per mile pledged. - M6ney earned from sponsors will help Variety Club’s work withzr Tories in the last two provincial elec- tions. â€"_Variety_Village, a vocational school for handicapped young people. â€"'I‘he Rééearch Dévielobment and Production Centre for electronic limbs. If there are other candidates this time around, they’re keeping it to themselves so far. “I’ve been hearing funny rumors that someone else is going to be nominated from the floor," Cork says, “but I've got no way of knowing for sure.†Rules of the convention â€" Thursday at 8 pm. in the Thornhill Community Centre â€" allow nominations until 8:30 pm. Each candidate will have 20 minutes for his nomination and cam- paign speeches. â€"The $300,000 pledge to the Variety Club Cardiac Catherization Laboratory at the Hospital for Sick Children. _ Cork 'reports the local. Tory mem- bership is stronger than ever, with an approximate total of 1,245. lots of them are new members, he says, and are likely without com- mitment to either candidate. But lots, too, are probably new members because they do have a commitment â€" presumably to the candidate who signed them up. â€"The subport of additional projects to assist handicapped youngsters. It‘s called stacking the convention, and it’s common practice with all political parties: Asked if he feared party division along Richmond Hill vs. Markham lines, Cork said there is no reason why it would happen. “The history of our riding association is that everybody has done everything possible to prevent such local division. We're all one riding." If a definable split does occur. it will more likely be between the give-him- anotherâ€"chance Roman supporters and the victory-hungry Tories who figure two Consecutive losses is chance enough. York Centre, comprising Richmond Hill, Markham, and the Thomhill section of Vaughan, was created as a riding in 1967. It Has been held by the Liberals all along and is currently represented by freshman MPP Alf Stong. RICHMOND HILL â€" Thoreau MacDonald, son of one of the giants of Canadian art and himself a renowned painter, is in satisfactory condition in York Central Hospital here after being struck by a car in Thornhill last week. MacDonald, 75, of 121 Centre Street, Thomhill, suffered multiple fractures after being hit while walking at Yonge Street and Highway 7-B. His father, J.E.H. MacDonald, was one of the founders and leaders of the Group of Seven. The father lived in Thomhill from 1912 until his death in 1932. Thoreau MacDonald, who has earned his own reputation as creditable artist and writer, still lives in the Centre Street house where his father produced much of his best-known work. news analysis