Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Apr 1976, C10

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C-IO â€" THE LIBERAL. W ednesday. April 21. 1976 Manual for home garden er Waiting for signs of insects or disease on your planting may be too late for effective control. so preventive treatment is a must, according to ministry of agriculture and food publication 64 â€"â€" “Insect. Disease and Weed Control in the Home Garden." The 56-page manual contains vital information on pest and disease Gardening control necessary to grow a way of control â€" time of benefit from the section on spray programs for apples. pears. peach. plum and cherry. If you‘re having trouble with weeds in lawns and plantings, there‘s help in damage caused by both. this book should get you off toa good start in home gardening for 1976. Write to Information Branch. Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Parliament Buildings, vegetables and fruits. as planting‘ hoeing‘ this handy, book for you a ' well as attractive trees. sanitation. crop rotations too ' ‘ ' gufen; 129mg:- ' v - ' art . I . a. » shrubs and flowers. andplam denslty _ m digging a Cheque 0r addmon [0 complete With 52 illustrations to money order for 50 cents Emphasis is placed on good cultural practices as Control crabgrass now Crabgrass is a problem that can spoil a good home lawn by smothering out better grasses during the hot summer months. A ministry of agriculture and food specialist suggests the best time to control crabgrass is late in April and early in May. before the seedlings appear. “Crabgrass is a warm weather, annual grass which grows from seed each spring. It can be found in areas of bright sunlight wherever turf is thin. But by using one of the preemergent crabgrass killers before the seed is ready to germinate and grow. we can obtain almost 100 per cent control of this annual pest." says horticulturist R.A. Fleming. He recommends gar~ deners obtain a brand of crabgrass killer from a 'local garden center. They are available in both liquid and granular formulations. Most effective control is obtained by following the rate recommended by the manufacturer. ' Cultural methods that ensure a strong and healthy turf will also help to discourage crabgrass. Adequate soil moisture and regular use of fer- tilizer will keep lawns thick and lush, providing sufficient competition to smother crabgrass. A lawn should not be cut so closely that it will be weakened. Mowers set at RICHMOND HILL FURRIERS COLD STORAGE Free Pick Up 8 Delivery 10210A Yonge St. 884621 1 OPEN 9 am. - 6 pm. MON.»SAT. REPAIRS REMODELLING CUSTOM MADE FUR COATS How to Keep More of Your Money If you're expecting income in a lump sum (say, from a registered pensron plan or a deferred profit sharing plan or as a retiring allow ancel you can expect to be taxed In a lump sum as viral" Sobenng thought Isn‘t itl Besrdes. wouldn't a file income be more useful to you than a lump sum? You can kill two buds wrth one stone â€" convert the lump sum into a life income and save a bundle in taxes now, by usnng Sun Life's transfer of funds arrange ment The lump sum the (airman didn't get WIII be put to work for you, and you ll be taxed only as the Income is paid Give me a call Let me show you how small that tax lump beCOmes 1. RACCO, C.L.U. Slo. 601.1183 Finch Avenue Wosl Downsviow. Ontario M3] 252 Office: 630-2661 SmIJIe OF CANADA THE WORLD IS YDURS...IF YOU KNUW THE RIGHT PEOPLE" Mrs, Ena Allan 152 Libby Blvd. Richmond Hill 884-5086 swat, 1'2 to 2 inches cutting height is a good recom- mendation. in August. pesticide and fungicide information. The pros and cons of both methods, and their interrelationships. are discussed; there‘s also information on parasites and predators. the effects Fruit tree owners will aid in identifying insects and diseases and the CB. Smith guldsmrth payable to the Treasurer of Ontario. RR; ‘ Caledon East Ontario LON 1E0 ()llltll'ltl ( it iIIt‘gt‘ (IIAI'I ()pen I louse: .\|)l'lI '23. 2-izuitl 22;) IOU .\It'( itlllI Sli'eetfliii'tiiito { ’l 1 . . ‘ By keeping yourlawn in of I climate, and iden- Telephone «)4 0010 ‘ IIlI' lll~I|II|I tut» (IITI ‘IIIIII rm [.7 l him int will 2' HI \Il I'IIHIUL‘MIIIIH. 4'll\|lHllf||1'lll.II .iiiul llIIIlI~IIltlI III"|:_‘ILI t'l’tlllll! s. good gI‘Ong condition tlflcatlon Of damage i ll|\ilr \Iill Inn. .m‘i I,IIIIIII\iIiIIiI‘Hi ltiiiittiig, Ir\Iilrarmwllpyr.iiiilil.iriir.itir| [Iliullii-Jrls. and usmg crabgrass causéq by over. i‘ III.l\\lI|‘_'. ~. lliltllilr’. [IIIIIIIILILIIIQ IIIIII. \tylm. gmltliii ~ \rlriii~~tnii l~ III'I‘ III I Intruv tlllII mitir- \mi’lx‘ .ll’l' IHl \lIf‘. kzlille; W[%e?h:f:?:gé )éou fertilizmg. weddmglnngs d . .,,..l .ltI\I iIi~1ii-; Tl. quit, viiri~li.iliuii. I'iiilnx .iinl \iliiillm lltutll In I” |~.iii.: Ninthn lIUIIll In fi lI.lll. C n V0! F 55 . custom cstgnc Frut s purple haze on your lawn “"9 and handcrafted ) ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY, APRIL 24th, 1976. hop A&P . . . Discover Price & Pride FRESH CHCKEN BOX-O-CHICKEN CHICKEN PARTS CHICKEN CUTS 3 LEG QUARTERS, 3 WINGS, LEG QUARTERS, BREAST QUARTERS, WHOLE LEGS 3 BREAST QUARTERS. 3 NECKS MIXED QUARTERS, HALF CHICKEN, WHOLE BREASTS 3 GIBLET PACKAGES WHOLE CHICKEN CUT-UP SPLIT BREASTS lb Ib7 {3 ’ "1984 YOUR CHOICEâ€"COUNTRY STYLEâ€"MINI SIlILERS I FROIEN ALL BEEF SIHLERS Schneiders Sausages COORSHâ€"COLE S LAW OR Potato Salad SUPER-RIGHTâ€"SLICED Side Bacon WINTARIO 8 OLYMPIC [OTTERY TICKETS AVAILABLE AT AaP F000 STORES! STORE HOURS OPEN WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 PM. SATURDAY UNTIL 9.30 PM. EVERYBODY’Sâ€"WITH PECTINâ€"RASPBERRY 0R 24$L-Ol JAR Strawberrylm 99¢ Aim Toothpaste so-mlrube59rz’ Tomato, I Choose, Who‘ll I: Choose. Bacon I Chon- Action Prludl Lancia Luncheons 47-ozpkss89¢ Margarine 7.1-lb ms 89¢ CANADIAN, PROCESS, SINGLES, SHARP, PIMENTO, SWISS Kraft Slices semis 79¢ Mr. Clean mm bu $1 .1 9 22-01 ctnr Comet Cleanser (5»LB BOXâ€"$3.291 MAPLE LEAFâ€"SLICED I6-oz Vac Pa: 8 MAPLE LEAFâ€"â€"SLICEDâ€"4 VARIETIES lb$1.28 Boston Bluefish Fillets L69¢ W795! Cooked Meats Iz-ozvacvac89¢ 7 9¢ ‘ Chicken Wings Mb 78¢ Bologna By the Piece lb 48¢ Action Priced! MAPLE LEAFâ€"REGULAR OR ALL BEEF Mb vac vac $1 . 5 8 Wieners CEREAL Idflfii‘les79r SWEET MixEo on BREAD!- BUTTER REEF/89¢ CARNATION, inmuun. vusiieo 7 no: no INSTANT 79¢ POTATOES PIT/(E Pws FRESHNESS MAKES m5 DIFFEREME 'AT AaP! diaii'iiiis 5 9¢ TOMATOES mow CANADA NO. I GRADE - FLORIDA â€" FIRM â€" RIPE CANADA NO. I GRADEâ€"TEXASâ€"NEW SPRING CROP m“ 39¢ CANADA NO. I GRADEâ€"ONTAle SO MANY WAYS FLORIDA XUCCINI OR YELLOWâ€"MIX 0' MYCH CARROTSWG39¢ SQUASH L329}! A VARIETY or LOLWIS FOR YOUR CNOIC! iidt'hAs'I 14.99 FREE SCANDIA GLASSWAR IMPORTED WITH CASH REGISTER TAPES HERE'S ALL YOU Do: i PtCK UP YOUR TAPES/AVE? Etw’ELOPES and sme «our cash register tape: 24-01 PKG ISO GMS PKG JACK'Sâ€"RIPPLE Potato Chips 83¢ Quaker Muffets 59¢ Pantvaose TRIAL OFFER pkg Chocolate-Colt“! Huol Nun, Bruil Nun, Almond Roi-in Cadbury Candy e»owt9$1.29 FUDGEE‘Oâ€"PIRATESâ€"COFFEE BREAKS IS 9â€"01 TIN TIE BAG Christie Cookies 99¢ Action Priced! ASSORTED FLAVOURS 19-02 PKG DUNCAN HINES 6 a 4 CAKE MIXES Goon VALUE m HEINZ TOMATO PRODUCTS } Heinz Ketchup 59¢ HElNlâ€"FANCV 48-FL-OI TIN Tomato Juice 59¢ NEINZ TIN FRESH BAKERY FROM OUR OWN OVENS! MARVEL lRANDâ€"SLICED 16-01 LOAF II'l'IE [$199 BUY 4 LOAVESâ€"SAVE 40c JANE PARKERâ€"PLAIN. SUGAR, CINNAMON SAVE 10: ICJUIIIIIIIPSGOF1259¢ SllCEDâ€"ITALIAN OR OLD~FASHIONED STYLE BUY 2 LOAVESâ€"SAVE 9: Bread 224~ozloaves89¢ JANE PARKERâ€"2 WHITE OR I WHITE R I WHEAT Bread N am. 45¢ JANE PARKER SAVE 10¢ Twin Rolls pksom49¢ JANE PARKER SAVE I0: Pumpkin Pie sham" 89¢ JANE PARKERâ€"SLICED BUY 1 LOAV‘ESâ€"SAVE 19c Raisin Bread 216<>zloaves99¢ MALT 0R REGULAR Tomato Paste 3/$I.00 OMAR â€" CHOICE FROZEN PEAS 3:: 59¢ AEP FOOD STORE 8190 BAYVIEW HEINI 7‘/asFLOl TIN Tomato Sauce 5/$I.00 HEINZ Chili Sauce ‘°"‘°Zb"55¢ TOMATO I OJLOZ TIN Heinz Soup 5131.00 “’21. CELLO no 2 LE CELLO no SEED $3.79 $1.89 IN TOMATO SAUCE HE IA-FL- z sperHETTi 98¢ BOUTIOUIâ€"ASSOITED COLOURS Kleenex Towels WNLY m3 FEATURII KWTHLV BONUS FEAYUIEI pItg of 2 rolls “1 PURPOSE mmicm 2 COLLECT $09 00 WORTH OF TAPES its EACH ENJELOPE Ema rapesaver M h er ye C383 are aveiiabie a’ a‘l chem Col; onarc a" 51%” ¢ ; TJEN Th4 YOqR ENJELOPES cop FREE sour); GLASS'NAPE om, ' CLOVERLEAF 6"9‘39‘2 ‘590 00 “or” ‘3' The“ "N var. my I WC” ser With me E N U E T F. h A .2ece '9 5:9 Sef‘unr' Colt e:f as Vet. :e" a. .4; t... J, una IS “6*” WW“ 6 101"“ MATCHING DECANTER ROYALâ€"ASSORTED ruvouns MONTHLY BONUS FEATURE‘ "9 ’E' 5;: '9 381‘?” "3r ‘E 5 1; a'” If I“; " i' Li a, A296: {SHE 3: J P d 4 v k ‘l 3 :e.‘ 'ega'e' “cue; e V ow ers 3‘” 95$ - START YOUR SET TODAY K J

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