Mr; Dress-Up, that well-loved TV children's entertainer, will be at King City Secondary School on May 7‘ His visit is sponsored by the Oak Ridges â€" Lake Wilcox branch of York Central Hospital Auxilliary, and all proceeds will go to the hospital. Mrs. Rumney sells her hangings at the Unicorn Cottage in Unionville. At one time she sold through a Toronto crafts outlet. but found the pace too There will be two performances, one at 4:30 pm. and another at 7 pm. Tickets are $1.50 for those over 16 and $1 for children. For tickets, call 773â€" 4424, 773-4696, 898-2799 or 889â€"2468. Hockey stars named “This method is slower.“ explains Mrs. Rumney, “but much more creative.“ Lengths of binder twine, bits of ravellings from fabrics. and numerous other oddments are com- bined with the nubbly homespun yarn to give the work its distinctive three-dimensional effect. For this latter type, two parallel rows of small nails are put onto a backing, and the weaving is done between the rows with a needle instead of a shuttle. Some of Mrs. Rumney‘s weaving is done on a frame. This is known as off-loom weaving. and is what Mrs. Rumney teaches at the guild's 140 Main Street location in Markham. Some. however. is worked directly onto a backing in a method this taignted _crgaftswoman discovered herself. Oak Ridges and District Minor Hockey Association will hold elections on Sunday in the Lions' Den at Bond Lake Arena at 1 pm. Following are the results for Showdown 76 held recently: Novice beginners â€" forward â€" Chris Mohl; novice advancediâ€" forward â€" Peter Narduzzi, Goalie â€" Mike Smith; Atom House league â€"'forward â€"- David Koteff, Goalie â€" Donald Erwin; Atom O.M.HtA. â€" forward â€" Mike Millard, Goalie -â€" Billy McArthur; PeeWee house league â€"- forward '4 Nigel Walker, Goalie â€" Steve McDonald; PeeWee O.M.H.A. â€" forward â€" Fred McArthur, Goalie â€" Dave McQuarrie; Bantam house league â€" forward â€" John Vanderploeg, Goalie â€" Randy Anderson; Bantam 04M.H.A. â€" for- ward â€" Ken Clague, Goalie â€" Bob Smith; Midget house league â€" forward â€"- Dave Matonavic, Goalie â€" Chris Spinning the fleece into yarn comes next. and this is done on a small spinning wheel made by her husband. a carpenter. In fact. the whole family gets into the act since all six Rumney children have their own handicraft specialties. Mr. Dress-Up coming Dyeing is the next step. zinc-l since this takes place out of doors. is done between April and October, and the material stored for use during the winter. Mrs. Rumney uses weeds. flowers, onion‘skins, bark and walnuts to get the bright but subtle natural colors that make her creations so easy on the eyes. Only indigo blue and red dyes are purchased; the rest come right‘from the Rumney backyard in Victoria Square. Mrs. Rumney, one of the Markham Guild of Village Craft‘s most versatile members, begins at the beginning by getting raw fleece from an uncle and a sister who raise sheep. The bike-a-thon will be supervised and all stragglers will be picked up if the need arises. Police will be available at major road crossings. VICTORIA SQUARE â€" When Joyce Rumney gets ready to create another of her colorful many- textured wallâ€"hangings. she doesn't start by pop~ ping out to buy a few skeins of wool. Lions Club bike-a-thon a boon for fund raisers All riders are sponsored for so much a mile; 50 per cent of their money will go the Lions‘ crippled children projects and the other 50 per cent can be given to the charity or organization of the rider's choice. This is a good opportunity for youth organizations to raise money, and might also be of interest to schools that need extras. Anyone may ride. but must register in advance on April 24 or May 1 from 11 am. to 1 pm. at Bond Lake Arena in the Lions‘ Den upstairs. At this time. riders will be given the rules, a sponsor sheet and a map of the 20-mile course. Correspondent Millie Stewart 773-4424 OAK RIDGES â€" May 8 is fast ap- proaching â€" the day of the Lions Club annual bike-a-thon here. In his second visit to York Centre riding since he was elected Ontario Liberal leader, Stuart Smith visited with students and teachers at Bayview Secondary School in Richmond Hill last week. Talented artisans boost G ui/d By Lynda Nykor She found a red velvet dress and made it into a Christmas frock for her small daughter, Christine. The same prize will be offered for this sale, with results to be reported to the Help office before Sept. 15. Best idea Fifteen minutes of free shopping time has been awarded to Liz Dornai of Kleinburg, who won the prize for the best idea for a reused item from the last sale. 'Z W†a- «v . ï¬iï¬-Emiztï¬ .n Libel leader visits 3ԠThere will be a boutique section on stage for special items, including some so close to new that they still have their original price tags. Toys and games and baby clothes will be much wanted items also. Typical prices are $1 for men’s and women’s coats. 25 cents for children’s T-shirts and 50 cents for those much-in- demand used jeans. “Inflation hasn‘t hit the Pehny Wise sale yet", says Gail McCormack, organizer. WOODBRIDGE â€" Bargain hunters’ paradise is what the regulars call the Penny Wise sale. It will be held Saturday in aid of the Help information and referral centre. The sale will be for four hours only â€" 10 am. to 2 p.m., in the Vellore Hall, Weston Road, the old seat of govern- ment for the Town of Vaughan. Experienced shoppers feél the prices will_ rival these of the old days. Seniors to tour-Falls Members of the Wheelhouse Club will take a bus trip on May 12 to see the blossoms in the Niagara Falls area. This trip is open to all who are in- terested. For more information, call 773-4495. Every Thursday afternoon there will be a quilting and chatting session at the Wheelhouse. Wood; Junior Girls â€" forward â€"â€" Lori Willis, Goalie â€" Mary Roffey. ’Ha/p ’ sale paradise for bargth hun tars oak ridges lake Wilcox Joyce Rumney ...Teaches off-loom weaving Following a talk on land use conflicts. Smith (left) is shown in conversation with geography teacher Harper Harrison. Pictured in centre is student Vernon Stringer. Help for Help Boy Scouts will help with the hauling of articles out of the old schoolhouse where every month women like Catherine Coley of Woodbridge, Doreen Pitman of Kleinburg and Pearl Forest of Maple have been sorting out items donated. “It serves as an outlet for spring cleaners to get rid of unwanted and outgrown articles. without wasting them. “And it‘s fun for recyclers who can think up bright ideas on what to do with their finds.†The Penny Wise sale provides service on several levels, says Help organizers. “It gives that delightful feeling of finding a bargain. “Just right for Binder Twine," she said. Jane Kean, secretary of the University Women's Club of the Town of Vaughan picked up a Set of bib overalls for her husband John, at the last sale. One shopper, Laura Pearson, also of Kleinburg, will be on the lookout for bits and pieces of cotton for crafts in her Binder Twine booth which features covered flower pots and three- dimensional old fashioned pictures. Those who sew will bounce on material for popular patch-work items and rag rugs. Junior young people of St. John's will meet Friday at 7:15 pm. at St. Mark’s chapel on Yonge Street. A coffee house will open the same evening in the Viking room above the Oak Ridges plaza. Music will be provided by Hakamu of Aurora. Admission is free to young people in the area and to young adults. Young people busy Our Lady’s Guild is sponsoring a dance to be held Saturday at 8 pm. at Our Lady of the Annunciation School. Tickets are $6 per couple and are available at the door. Dance on Saturday Photo by Dunlap! Some of the variety of crafts taught at the guild, and their teachers. are copper enamelling, by Ruth Knickle: quilting by Fern Keith; spinning by Wilma Petch, ceramics by Diane Price. rug hooking by June Pettigrew and Leslie Wootten, macrame by Cory Van Poecke, needlew0rk by Carla Kingma, batik by Joyce Storey, dried flower arranging by Barb Edwards, cake decorating by Jenny Thorpe. and off-loom weaving by Mrs. Rumney. Leatherwork is theâ€"la'test to be adde'd to the roster and is to be taught by the Shoolas, a young husband and wife team. Mrs. Rumney says the guild has on occasion been a stepping-stone to professional practice of a craft. Only recently one of its members joined the Willowdale Artisans. where crafts are promoted and sold widely. new equipment. The next major purchagg probably be a loom. “We‘re not just a Womeï¬â€™s group,“ Joyce Rumney says. and adds that the guild has con- templatfd starting menâ€"only classes. The guild has 150 members and is currently trying to iggeg‘est more- men in joining. The guild, not unlike Mrs. Rumney, is a non-profit undertaking. with earnings from sales and demonstrations used to cover overhead and buy an." nan.l.«_‘.\_ ML; . o . L An annual Christmas sale is a popular guild feature, and members also take part in the Unionville Festival and in the Markham chapter of Beta Sigma Phi’s yearly sale. “I just want to earn enough so I don’t have to dip into the grocery money,†she says. She is a big booster of the Markham Guild, of which she has been a member since shortly after its founding by potter Bob Newman in 1970. She em~ phasizes that it is first and foremost a teaching guild. and that it is always receptive to new ideas in crafts (Photo by Dunlap) demanding. Not wanting to have her avocation result in more profit and less enjoyment, she decided her only monetary objective was to be self- supporting at her craft. ing library to present herb gardening authority Pat Harris, chorister at All Saints’ Church and volunteer guide at Royal Ontario Museum who visited China last York Central Hospital invites area residents to tour the hospital between 1 p.m. and 3:30 pm. on May 8. Hospital Days throughout Canada will be celebrated on May 12, the an- niversary of Florence Nightingale’s birthday. Directors -â€"Mrs. Ross Walker, Annie McBride, and Mrs. Aubrey Wade; agriculture and Canadian industries â€" Jean Kirby and Doris Willoughby; citizenship and world affairs â€" Dora Dawson and Betty Wade; education and cultural activities â€" Mrs. Clifford Oliver; family and consumer affairs â€" Eileen Neilsen and Francis Holman; resolutions â€" Mrs. Robert Innes; public relations â€" Daisy McCallum; Tweensmuir curator â€" Helen Rumble; Asst. Curator â€" Doris Patton and Verna Fortier; Pennies for Friendship â€" Rose Male; 4H leaders â€" Audrey Cruikshank, Marilyn Munroe, Ruth Gray and Rita Moore. The group’s district rally will be held at Trinity Anglican Church in Newmarket on May 26, with Cathy Hall as representative. Shows China slides The Women’s League of Sacred Heart Church has elected a new executive. The position of president is yet to be filled; other officers are first vice- president, Maureen McCormick; second vice-president, Linda Lukovits; third vice-president, Joan Holloway; and Sheila Shields and Joan D’Anna. Next meeting of the King WI will be held May 11 at the King library. There will be a display of macrame and plants. C WL executive named Past president, Cathy Hall; president, Ruth Gray; first vice- president, Eileen Neilsen; secretary- treasurer, Marilyn Munroe; assistant secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Allan Gellatly; district director, Mrs. Allan Gellatly; alternate district director, Reva Gordon. A collection of slides on poisonous plants from the Ontario Science Centre will also be on view. Elected to the group’s new executive were: An exhibit of niounted Ontario herbs and photographs is being prepared for the library show by John Reilly of the University of Toronto botany depart- ment. The annual meeting of the King Women’s Institute was held at the home of Rose Male last week. At the library, she will have a collection of herbs as part of the indoor- outdoor gardening display of plants, books and pamphlets. Mrs. Erichsen-Brown, author of a book called Herbs in Ontario, designed and arranged the natural dye garden at the recent Spring Flower and Garden Show at the CNE. She also manages the annual Kettleby herb fair. Tuesday. May A. 4 p.m. â€" Deputy 'reasurer's office, finance commmee meeting. Wednesday, May 5. 7 p.m. â€" Committee room “8" â€" by~|aws procedures, fire and personnel committee meeting. RICHMOND HILL â€" The following meetings of civic interest have been scheduled during the next two weeks: Wednesday. April 21. 7 pm. â€" Committee room “B†â€" by-iaws, procedures. tire and Personnel committee meeting. Wednesday. April 28, 7.30 p.m. â€" Council chambers ~ planning committee meeting. Monday, May 3, 7.15 pm. â€" Council chambers â€" regular council meeting. W/ elects officers KING CITY â€" The enjoyment of herbs will be the topic for an evening in King Township public library presented by Charlotte Erichsen-Brown tomorrow (Thursday) at 8 pm. Hospital offers tour civic corner Correspondent Donna Matthews 832-1579 It looks like this young fisherman is using his imagination to turn his sunfish into a 15-pound pike. At any rate, Randy Cogar of Bridgeford Street, Richmond Hill, was one of thousands of area residents who could be found almost anyplace but indoors as Easter weekend heralded the arrival of a beautiful, steamy spring with record-breaking high tem- peratures. Randy's fishing was at the Mill Pond, the town’s year-round natural recreation site which just a few weeks ago remained frozen solid in the grip of a winter we thought may never end. Founder of Hi-Y for girls in Ontario; president Lisgar Collegiate Welfare Club,‘0ttawa; president, United Church Women, Ellesmere United Church, Scarboro; director Richmond Hill YWCA, ,national extension, chairman of first campaign for mental health in Richmond Hill; president, Ontario Association for Children with Learning Disabilities (ACLD); foun- ding president, York ACLD; first Canadian president ACLD; founder Richmond Hill, York Educational Clinic (now York learning centre); Active participation In awarding her the honor, Mrs. McMonagie’s active participation and association in the following were cited: As a result, she never did collect the cheque she was after and had a “bit of explaining to do at the office the next day." Probably the most surprised person at the dinner, which was attended by some 350 people, was Mrs. McMonagle, who had gone to the club to pick up a cheque for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. When she got there, Mrs. McMonagle, who is Metro co-ordinator for the association, instead found herself seated at the head table, and guest of honor, as well. Besides being named first winner, Mrs. McMonagle was named an honorary member of Beta Sigma Phi. It was the first time the award, which was part of International Women's Year celebrations, has been presented. However, it is planned as an annual presentation from now on. In a surprise ceremony and dinner last week at Toronto Cricket Club, Mrs. McMonagle was named First Lady of the Year by the Delta Theta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi International, and presented with a silver rose bowl by chapter president. Marilyn Riley. Trustee McMonagle honored by sorority TORONTO â€" A singular honor of international import has come to Chris McMonagIe of Thornhill, a member of York County Board of Education for the Town of Markham. It is planned for two Sundays. April 25 and May 2 at 7:30 pm. at the church. Tickets are $2.50 (for both talks) and may be obtained from Mike Ballard at 833-5488. October, invites community residents to a slide presentation. king city j Everybody outside Wednesday, April 21, 1976 Eihtral alientated youth program (ecumenical movement); member Canadian committee on emotional and learning disorders in children; founder, Toronto Achievement Centre for Children with Learmll: Disorders; chairman of North York Committee of S.T.E.P.S. â€" a program for adolescents with lear- ning disabilities; patient and research secretary for muscular dystrophy association for Canadian national board; Metro coordinator of Muscular Dystrophy Association; board member of Operation Catch-up for York â€" a program for alienated youth; awarding committee member of L.I.P., ap- pointed by federal government for York North; advisory committee for retarded; trustee, York County Board of Education. They participatedd in a preséntradtrion entitled Objects of the Cross. A Good Friday evening service was presented by the youth of King City United church, including Nancy Branston, Susan Branston. Kelly Burns, Doug Ferguson, Peter Kell. Brian Love, Jean Love, Andrew McWhir, Valerie Munroe, Yvonne Munroe. Carolyn Orr, Marilyn Orr. Jill Scott, Lori Smith and Debbie Urry. Youths present service Section C Chris McMonagle ...lady of the year (Photo by Hon)