An Old Fashioned Country Church on the Edge of me City 10.00 AM, â€" Bible School Classes for all ages ".00 AM, â€" Morning Service 7.00 P.M. â€" Evening Service Prayer meeting Wednesday a! 8.00 P.M‘ A special invitation is extended to all members of the communlty to pay tribute to Richard Edmundst He has been an outstandan leader over the years in the fields of music, church. horticulture. scouting. Lions International. etc. We will be honored with the dresence of Mayor H. D‘ Schiller. the Hon. All Stong, and many other leaders in our community. 8:00 am. â€" EUCHARIST 10:30 am. â€"â€" EUCHARIST. Worship Service. Church School and Nursery. P|an on ananding A public recepï¬on will follow the Testimonial Service‘ 10:00 a.m. â€" DICK EDMUNDS TESTIMONIAL Choose Your Course as Listed on Church Notice Board. WELDRICK ROAD organist BAPTIST CHURCH park Corner of Weldrick Road and Bathurst Street anon :1 ‘ V/ WNWs’Ava’NM’xflw ( N xxx», STARTINGMAY9TH Courses Specially Ior Families and 'or Individuals. - ~ - - l N I I ,‘.~<g,1,v,<,4,¢<,4,¢,¢,«,« v 3’ (MN $Nv,_ 4 a m 4/ g 4,4,994,w,4 N,,J’IW{,§ ANGLICAN ST. MARY‘S ANGLlCAN Yonge St. at Vaughan Rd. Richmond Hill , RECTOR Rev. Bernard Barrett 884-1394 Rev. Fred J arkson 884-2418 ST. JOHN'S BAPTIST CHURCH 75 Oxford Street (Member, Baptist Convention at Ontario Ind Quebec) Rev. Dana H. Lamb B.A.. B.D.. Minister SUNDAY 9 45 A M â€" Church School For Bus Ministry, (all 381281 11 m A M _ Mnrninn Wnnhi. ANGLICAN EMMANUEL CHURCH (RICHVALE) PREACHING THE OLD BOOK THE NEW BIRTH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD AND THE BLESSED HOPE AT FAMILY EDUCATION PROGRAM $undays9:15 am. 10 10:15 am Rev. B.T. McSpadden Pastor: Phone 884-7859 ANGLICAN SUNDAY APRIL 25,1976 OAKVILLE â€" Paintings, pottery and sculptures go to the highest bidders at the Oakville Art Society’s annual art auction. Preview Thursday and Friday 1:30 to 4:30 pm. and 7 to 9 pm. Auction Saturday at 7:30 pm. Doors open at 7 pm. Admission $2. The Red House, Coronation Park, 1426 Lakeshore Rd, West, Oakville. TORONTO â€" A selection of han- dicrafts with demonstrations, bake sale, am. â€" Holy Communion DOWNSVIEW â€" Sexuality and the family will be the theme of a three-day public conference at York University, 4700 Keele St. at Steeles Ave. beginning Friday. Included will be workshops on common sexual concerns in families, feminist ap- proach to visual pornography, sexuality and aging, common sexual problems in marriage, an affair within a marriage, sexual counselling for teenagers and sexuality and the physically handicapped. For further information call the centre for continuing education at York University, 667-2525. 15 MacKay Drive 889â€"6789 BAPTIST Creative hands Art auction KING CITY â€" Kingcrafts is having its annual art show and sale April 30 from 8 to 10:30 p.m., May 1 from 10am. to 4 pm. and May 2 from 1 pm. to 4 pm. Wine and cheese Friday night. Paintings, pottery, enamelling and batik will be featured at the Kingcrafts studio 86 Keele St. south of King Sideroad. Admission free. Refreshments available. MAPLE â€" The Maple branch of the Arthritis and Rheumatism Society is sponsoring the Bluebird Hoedown at Maple Community Hall Friday at 9 pm. featuring Harold Harton and his orchestra with square dancing, folk and round dancing. Door prizes, buffet and-bar with top prize a weekend for two at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Toronto. Early in the evening there will be instruction for novice square dancers. For tickets and information call 832-1305 or 832-2509. ' Sexuality and the family Art show and sale Bluebird hoedown in Maple DIRECTORY OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES FOR THE WEEK south york region scheduled events RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister Rev. William Wallace 884-1831 iOrganisl & Choir Director Mr. Richard Phillips 7:00 a.m. â€" Sunrise Service on mg Church Lawn. Breaklasl at the Church. “:00 a.m. â€" Service of Celebration Crosby SL. Richmond Hill 7:30 â€" SPECIAL CHORAL SERVICE combined choirs. Guest soloists. Beverley Bell â€" Soprano Mark Dubois â€" Tenor Douglas England â€" Cello Doroth Phillips â€" Organ Music by Handel, Haydn, Gounod. Minister: Harold T Martin. B.A.. M.Div.. Presbyterian Harris GOOD FRIDAYzflzoo P.M. The Drama Group presents "Joseph of Arimathea“ assis'ed by the Choir. 884-1831 Organist & Choir Director Mr. Richard Phillips SUNDAY, APRIL 25,1976 11:00 A.M â€" Morning Worship The Missionary Church GORMLEY Rev. Cecil Rosenberger Pastor â€" 887 $846 New res-dents and visi'ors are mos! welcome A fellowship Hour will follow worship, when we 'hank him for H 00 a m 7 Worship Serv-ce his time and service in our midst. Rowan Binning's last Sunday with SUNDAY 9,45 AVMV â€" Church School For Bus. Minisiry, call 3814818 11.00 A.M. â€" Morning Worship WEDNESDAY 7.30 S'udv COME AND WORSHIP WITH US Serwce al10 30a m and S 00 p m RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Yonge 8: Centre Streets 884-1301 ST. MATTHEW'S UNITED CHURCH MINISTERS Rev. Robert K‘ Shorten Rev Rowan D. Bunmng UNITED “The Hours 0' Worship are Precious†SUNDAY, APRIL 25th EASTER SUNDAY WELCOME! Mrs. Gloria Mid~Week B§ble (2 miles south of Maple) Rev. James S. Dauphinee Vice-Pastor â€" 884-5264 SUNDAY, APRIL 25,1976 9:30 a m. »â€" Worship Service 10:10 am. â€" Sunday Church Schooi 9:50 AM. â€" Family Sunday School 11:00 A‘M‘ â€" Morning Worship 7:30 PM. â€" Speaker: Miss Chloe Chamberlain lrom the Bible Club Movement. Weekly Home Bible Sludies A WARM WELCOME TO EVERYONE â€"TUESDAYSâ€" 5:30-6:30 P.M. FAMILY NIGHT Programmes Oor Nursery, Happy Hour, Junior Boys, Christian Service Brigade, Pioneer Girls, Youth and Adul? Studies 9 30 a m School ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN THORNHILL â€" Richmond Hill- Thornhill Family Services is having its seventh annual meeting at 8 pm. April 29 in Thornhill Community Centre, Bayview Ave. and John St. The guest speaker, Henry Stubbins, executive director of the Ontario Association of Family Service Agencies, will speak on The Role of the Emerging Volunteer Social Services. Admission free. All welcome. Refreshments. For further information call 884-9148. :45 Sunday Schooll all ages 11:00 am. Pastor E‘ Corbe" 7:00 pm. Pastbr E. Corbett. TORONTO â€" The life of William Lyon Mackenzie, one of Canada’s most colorful historical figures, is described in an exhibit at Mackenzie House, 82 Bond St., daily to April 30. Best known as the leader of the Rebellion of 1837, Mackenzie’s careers included working as a drug merchant in York, writing and printing The Colonila Advocate in Queenston in 1824 and becoming first Mayor of Toronto in 1834. The exhibit describes his life from 1820 to 1861, from his arrival in Canada to his death following his return from exile in the US. in 1850. Open Monday to Saturday 9:30 to 5 pm, Sunday noon to 5 pm. Adults 50 cents, children and seniors 25 cents. Tea served daily from 2 to 4 pm. Reservations necessary on weekends. Call 366-1371. Other Denominations BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH 0.30! H.001 "O Come Lord our VIEW 9:00 A‘M‘ 9:30 A.M TORONTO â€" Are contemporary sexual relationships still controlled by the past? Dr. Joseph LoPiccolo will try to examine how free our society is at a public lecture at the Clark Institute, 250 College St., Toronto, Saturday at 8 pm. Admission $3, For further information call York University’s centre for continuing education, 667-2525. The emerging volunteer auction sponsored by Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship Saturday 10 am. to Non-profit organizations planning programs of interest to readers in Southern York may submit items for this column to Social Editor Margaret Lade, "The Liberal". 10101 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. 884-8177 or 881-3373. Deadline is 5 p.111. on Friday. Exhibit’s final week 4:30 pm. Cumberlaï¬d Terrace, 2 Bloor St., West, lower concourse. Free admission. Minismr Rev. D. V'anderBoom J.S. DAUPHINEE, PASTOR RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 50 Wright St. Rev. E. Corbett. Pastor Mr. G. Whitmore. Asst. PRAYER MEETING 3:00-03:30 P.M‘ â€" Everyone Welcome â€" LUTHERAN SUNDAY, APRIL 15, I976 “8 Thornridge Dr Thornhill ZION LUTHERAN SUNDAYAPRIL25,1976 ) A‘M. â€" Family Sunday M. Th. â€" 889-5225 ontemporary sex mullayview Avenue 883-1834 â€" 884-8091 223-8247 Sunday Church buy Liberal advertised brands RICHMOND HILL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 80 Elgin Mills Road W. Linen 'o "The Voice 0! Prophecy Sunday lo a.m‘ CKFH VIEW: “rr ISWRITTEN“ 9:00 A.M. Sunday, Channel 22 SATURDAY 1.30 A.M. â€" Sabbath School “.00 A.M. â€" Divine Worship "0 come m as worship . . . fl Lord our MIKII’.†Psalm 95:6 RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 1976 9:45 a.m. â€"- Sunday School 11:00 am. â€"- Morning Worship. Wednesday, 7 [mm â€" Family Night. Thursday. 9:30 am. â€" Ladies’ Coffee Cup. Bible Study. 9 30 A.M‘ â€" The Lord‘s Supper 11.00 A.M. â€" Family Bible Hour 11.00 AM. â€" Sunday School. Kindergarten 00 Grade 6. Bible School 'or Grade 7 and up. 7.00 PMA >~ Evening Service . â€" Morning Service â€" Communion Service Prayer CUNCORD CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Rd. & No. 7 Hwy A Church of The New Testament Order A. E. Atkinson Minister â€" 669-1831 A. Youngâ€" Sec. 669-2784 212 Hillsview Dr. 884-5029 Rev. Robert C. Quick 884â€"6629 WEDNESDAY 8.00 P.M‘ â€" Bible Sfudv Pastor: E.L. Anderson 884â€"0451 9.45 AM. â€" Bible School Classes lor All Ages watch "The Herald of Twin“ T.v‘ Channel 3, Barrie 24 Oak Ave.. Richvale SUNDAY, APRIL 25. 1916 RICHVALE BIBLE CHAPEL YOU ARE WELCOME SUNDAY SERVICES "SUNDAY 11.30 P.M Sunday Channel I I TUESDAY Bible Study anc "I. Participating were Immanuel, Spring Garden and Yorkview Heights of Willowdale. Thornhill Baptist and St. John‘s. The Thornhill By Pastor E.L. Andersan Richmond Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church Most everyone has attended some religious service at the church of Glorious Easter at St. John ’3 The dialogue was spoken as it might have been by the men and women at the cross, in- cluding the centurion (John Parsinnen), Peter (Ron Winnecott), Mary (Ruth Clarke), John (Al Magdalene (Joanne Golem). Pontius Pilate (Ross Lugsdin) and reader Marjorie Lugsdin. On Good Friday the people of St. John‘s joined with four other churches of the northern district in a communion service at Immanuel Baptist Church on Finch Ave. East. church breakfast at the Three Coins Restaurant. The regular Sunday School and church ser- vices followed the theme, This Glorious Eastertide. A service Sunday evening will be conducted RICHMOND HILL â€" At St. John’s Baptist Church the Lenten preparation for Easter ended with a dramatic presentation of the Continuing Crucifixion. The bright side of the moon In 5-6 Colors. 4-5-6-7-8 ft. Lengths Also Custom Made In any size $5.00 11 KITCHEN TOPS POST FORMED ARBUHITE HANDY Large Variety of Patterns 2x4" ONLY ALL CEDAR $3995 PICNIC TABLE Each PANELS White mes m atom 6H Temï¬c Vainex Otbé: Pattems in Stock CEILING TILES 2†x 4"-8 ft. PREâ€"CUT / ADILLAC nu KEELE ST., MAPLE SPECIAL ‘ CEDAR FROANT DOORS iff'aii'u h VARIETIES DO IT NOW AND GET READY FOR SPRING / CADILLAC Wes, johnshianvine Satin- m cums of 64 so. it $149 (Economy Grade} their choice this past Easter week-end. Perhaps it was viewing or listening to a fine program of inspirational church or gospel singing. On Easter Sunday, a sunrise service at 7:30 am. re-enacted the pilgrimage from Calvary to the garden tomb with the group stopping at various locations from the parsonage to the church chancel. This was followed by a church breakfast at the Three Coins Restaurant. by the women of St. John’s. The speaker will be Miss Stella Gaverluk, a former missionary of the department of Canadian Missions. The speaker was Rev. Archie Goldie of the department of Canadian Missions and the choir was formed of members of Thornhill and St. John's. The lovely sanc‘ tuary was crowded. The question now is how to maintain that Easter members acted as hosts "Car". of MIDI: Eldeer ALL SIZES CEDAR FENCING MATERIAL AVAILABLE EXTERIOR INTERIOR an Keel: 51ml) 54¢m $350 GIGANTIC STOCK SANDSTONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SIENNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MEDIT. WALNUT . . . . . . . . . . EMBOSSED PECAN . . . . . . . . GOLDEN CEDAR . . . . . . . . . . COACHMAN ELM . . . . . . . . . WINDSOR ROSEWOOD . . . . is not destroyed by bringing in a lamp. The lamp is completely able to counteract the darkness as long as it remains in the room. However if it is removed, darkness reigns. glow. Two illustrations come to mind. The natural law of a room at night is to darkness. _This tendency First consider the moon, how it shines or does it really shine? A minister friend who has recently been to Washington DC. and saw some of the moon rock brought back to earth. vows that it does not shine or glow at all. In fact it appears dark, dry and just plain lumpy, like any other rock. The Apostle Paul has aptly described the condition of ‘modn rock‘ in Romans 7:18, “For I know that in me (that is in my flesh) dwellqth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not." Deliverance from this inability and helpless frustration is only through Christ Jesus. Every schOol child knows that the moon reallly only shines as it reflects the light rays from the sun. So with people, they will only glow as they reflect the gospel of Christ. Phone 889-4973 Thus as stated further TUB ENCLOSURE DOORS 5% ELECTRICAL SKIL DRIN ï¬ï¬lyllcegiARBDRlTE $ 1 795 f-flu I‘u 1‘. n: :0 km: 33'/ ‘15 BULLETIN BOARD VINYL FRAMED KITCHEN CABINETS ASSEMBLE YOURSELF 3 Matzohs' 1 teaspoon salt 2 eggs 1 tablespoon butter or other fat '2 cup mil Two such traditional recipes have been Sup- plied by Mrs. Doreen Livingstone of Cob- blestone Dr., whose family attends Har Zion Synogogue on Bayview Ave. Although the basic ingredients are the same, matzoh brie and matzoh pancakes are quite dif- ferent in texture and flavor. For the Jewish people, foods for Passover, which ends today, are very special. Abundant in their ingredients is the use of many eggs and matzoh tunleavened bread) in some form or other. THORNHILL â€" Each culture has its own special foods. for everyday or for ceremonial occasions. EASY TO PLAN YOUR OWN KITCHEN in Romans 8:2 “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made Ceremonial food is traditional THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. April 21. 1976 â€"- C-3 Soak matzohs in water from the churches CHERRYWOOD FINISH $57.95 $66-95 (Includes Counter Top) Matzoh Brie (fried Matzoh) 24" Vanity GREGG VANITIES . . . . . . . $550 4x8 . . . . . . . $550 $3.95 4x8 . . . . . . . was $4.95 4x8 . . . . . . . $6.95 4x8 - - - - - - - ssas $5.50 4x8 . . . . . . . $355 4x3 - - - - - - - $8.80 $6.95 4x3 - - -- $850 $5.95 4x8 Your choice of color top ) S’I‘OREHOURS 8:30 am m5:3o pm Fri. 8:30 Im Lo9pm Sat. 8:30 am loSpm. $44 ‘15 H! Y [AS] 5 5 $49 $29 SHOP & SAVE Sprinkle with sugar. Serve hot. Six to eight servings. Add matzoh meal and mix well. Drop by spoonsfull on hot greased griddle. Fry until brown on both sides, turning once. Soak matzohs in water. Press out all excess moisture when soft. Add beaten eggs. sugar, cinnamon. butter and lemon extract or juice. Beat thoroughly. Any glowing of Christians is but the shining forth of Him who Serve as a main dish or as a dessert with cooked fruit, or sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon or honey. Serves two or three. Matzoh pancakes 6 matzohs me free from the law of sin and death." and drain. Mix with beaten eggs, milk and salt. Fry\on both sides until brown. '2 cup melted butter 8 eggs '2 teaspoon lemon extract or juice of I2 lemon '2 cup sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup matzoh meal is able to counteract the natural tendency to darkness Taps and 5an ate extra USE YOUR CHARGEX AND MASTER CHARGE (Includes Countel Topj 30" Vanity