C-4 -â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. An Affair of Doctors, by Frances Rickett This large-scale, exceptionally well constructed novel about a mediumâ€" sized hospital in the throes of reorganization includes every element necessary for wide popularity â€" dramatic medical crises, anguished marital breakdowns, women searching for identity, controversial clinical treatments, roving wives, and doctors with almost every sort of personal and professional problem. (Fiction) These new ones range all the way The Berlin of Sally Bowles from almost helium-weight comedy to by Christopher Isherwood angst-filled melodrama. Prince of Thieves. by Brian D. Boyer Although he was a boyhood friend of gangsters Carlo Gambino and Joey Gallo, Peter Milano managed to hold down a dully legitimate office job for years, until racking boredom drove him to make use of his most astonishing talents. He possessed uncanny skill as a freehand forger and as an inventive and plausible imposter. Prince of Thieves is the story of his daring (and eventually tragic) criminal career spent among high-living fellow outlaws, available women, and crooked politicians (in- cluding two of Nixon's plumbers). (Non-fiction) Churches pay tribute to Dr. Armitage Ontario champions Quilts and crafts MAPLE â€" The Canadian Bible Society, together with the churches in Maple, are hosting an evening to honor Dr. and Mrs. Ramsay Armitage. Tickets cost $5 each, and the price includes a roast beef dinnerA ' The event will be held at St. Stephen‘s Church on May 31 at 6:30 pm. ljue to the limited number of table settings available, tickets are to be sold on a first-come basis. ‘ Maple Bantam Hockey Team, sponsored by European Delicatessen, overwhelmed the team from Port Edward (near Sarnia) in four games straight. The final game was held in maple last Sunday. Congratulations to all the boys and their managers. Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. E. Bryan at 832-2583. All requests and payments for tickets must be in by April 30. A quilt sale and display of crafts will be held at Testpn United Church Saturday from 1:30 to 4 p.m. Of special interest is a quiltrpieced and designed by Jean Bowen. A picture of the church is featured in the centre - maple news MOSQUITO & INSECT SPRAYING PHONE RICHMOND HILL TREE SERVICE & FORESTRY CO. LTD. Froth and anguish AUTO INSURANCE oGet an immeduate quote. personal attention At York we have a tradition of service. prompt deCISIons oDnve-m appraisal faCIIItleS" oOne estimate is all we need to pay a Clalm Call York and save! rated for York County. 884-7774 Correspondent Anne Fowler 832-1204 Call 889-8902 YORK FIRE AND CASUALTY 0r lust walk We our omce â€" qualmed sla" wamng to serve yo 7699 VONGE ST.. THORNHILL by margarel carringlon A librarian looks a9 new Markham Library books April 21. 1976 IB'D‘DIK WAILIK Since the release of (‘abaret there has been a strong resurgence of interest in Christopher lsherwood‘s tales set in the garish Berlin of the early 1930‘s. This new edition of the original pieces includes the two best known of the novels, Mr. Norris Changes Trains and Good-bye to Berlin. (Fiction! The author of television‘s Lucy Show has written a frothy, quite funny book about life with her worry-wart Jewish mother, her hip, flippant daughter and her two unflappable cats, one of whom is named Poor Darling Nelly. (Non- fiction) This excellent first novel by a Toronto-born author is set in Canada‘s far north. The hero of the book, a young painter. travels to the Arctic to find inspiration for his work. He encounters. in addition, violence, hatred, hunger. cold, cruelty, beauty and lasting love. Keenleyside‘s plot is fluid, believable and involving. (Fiction) Nobody (‘aIIs at This Hour Just to Say Hello. by Irene Kampen The Land Beyond‘ by David Keenleyside ALSO ‘\\' ‘ CONVENIENT \ <9 3 OF M FINANCE PLAN FOR FLOORCOVERINGS If because of these saie Once; a" tem s s: 3 :4". cm "9 We saleâ€" ask for your “RAIN-CHECK". Later as new stock ‘5 vece .ved you w‘H be able to purchase the Hem a1 me speoal sate pHLe HURRY. . . SALE ENDS MAY 1 STâ€"SEE OTHER UNADVERTISED SPECIALS! 0 99¢ SPECIALS This great assortment of painting aids . . . each and every one on sale atjust 99¢. “I save $1.33 - . save 97¢ fl save 46c save 69¢ ~ 99¢ Style Perfgcf Lgtex Paints save 34c W save 84¢ Thrift Special entu’ k m5: okfakiun Colonel Sanders and his boys make it “finger lickin‘ good.†TUESDAY Thrift Box (9 pieces Kentucky Fn'ed Chicken) ...... § 4.25 French Fries (serves 3 persons) ........... § 1 .05 Creamy Cole Slaw (8 fl. oz.) ................. .40 SHERWINâ€"WILLIAMS 10077 YONGE STREET SOUTH â€" RICHMOND HILLâ€" tutti; chickenViMu® I WE MAKE YOU FEEL RIGHT AT Fhv Shonu’n-Williams Compamr of Canada Limited Over 100 locations in Ontario. See your phone book for the one nearest you. Reg.$l.83 save 97C *1] save 46‘ y , yum. 11 )"RMLWi 'nrx Kmh‘ 69¢ a†99 l > n,,1~‘ n1 D..- (I A: Reg$1.96 Regular Price TUESDAY ONLY $4.25 Interior Latex Flat Easy to apply Dries quickly Soap and water clean-up Hundreds of colors Washable. durable. colorfast Save on quarts too 699w ...... * After sale price save 18¢ Reg. 3 $1.17 ?price After sale price$10.99 Save 50¢ on each quart Reg. $1.45 3( ) ater. as new siock is received. you Will be able to purchase the item at the special sale price $5.70 99¢ save 69¢ )Ver Interior Latex Satin Enamel Stain resistant. scrubbable Colon‘ast Goes on easily. dn’es quickly Soap and water clean-up Save on quarts too 899a ....... Reg. $1.68 Reg. $1.68 Painting Tray hallon Sale Priced! 1m $132? v 1693 TEL: 884-3904 Rugged Aluminum Step ladders for convenience and safety with 3†wide steps 5 Foot -EEIE%YIE 6 Foot