3-10 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, April 28, 1976 ngm dmy cleanlng. Day sum and alumni. weekends. APPLY: PEESONNEL DEPARTMENT Casual part lime position avollable In Pollen! reception area, Involving typing and documemuion ol pallem ln- lorrnallon on admission lo hospllal. Musl be available for any, evening. and weekends shin. General help for transporting supplies. must be able to route shins. Temporary and Permanent par! "me positions available in me tuchen, Involving day, evening and weekend shins. -Experts in Building Restoration ‘Tuck Pointing 'lndustrial and Commercial Painting FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL 884-8406 YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL 7171 Yonge SL. Thomhill c2w43 WE URGENTLY REQUIRE EXPERIENCED SECREâ€" TARIES. DICTAS. TYPISTS. BARTENDER TRAINEE. omlng Oar person wlshlng to become I ï¬rst clus barundor In cxcollom dlnlng room. Parmancm posmon. Call Mr. Cummlngm ul- 2121 Parkway Hotel. -u...“ Must be grade 12 graduate and have some knowledge in ready drawings. Full or part time. No experience necessary salary. "WE CAN ALSO FIND YOU A PERMANENT JOB." Apply in person only to: THE SERVICE DESK The job involves use of a varityper machine, layout and ruling for printing reproduction and some office work. Although we prefer someone with experience we are prepared to train. Typing ability is esential. We offer work in an air conditioned office, good pay, benefits and bonus. Porter Fine 'Printing Limited 884-2470 cm. 0 Patient Reception Clerk CLEANING COUPLE 0 Food Service Attendant YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL SALES CLERK EXPERIENCED J TEMP DGS has lots of jobs WE PAY TOP $$ GEM STORE IOTRENCH STREET, RICHMOND HILL M34250 Suppw, Processing and Distribution EXPERIENCED FOR RICHMOND HILL AREA Aurora Building Maintenance 727-1619 WE NEED 20 PEOPLE FOR TELEPHONE SURVEY WORK Environmental Services Large Precast Concrete Company requires HARDWARE PLACER 10.711 Yonge Street, North. Richmond Hill APPLY: BLACK HAWK MOTOR INN “CHEYENE ROOM†G AND R SANDBLASTING .AND SPRAY PAINTING CALL NOW! Vera Burke 226-4194 FULL TIME An Interesting Position Cold Type Composition N0 PHONE CALLS PLEASE Call 669-9680 Mr. Peter Turner for a person skilled in clwu 62w“ chm“ EXPERIENCED PERSON FOR HEIDELBURG PLATEN. Steady day work in a pleasan' shop. Good pay, beneï¬ts, bonus. Help Wanted Mus' have neat appearance and enlov working wi'h people. Ex- perience not necessary. Tran- sporiaiion supplieda Earnings above average. Daily cash at!- vances plus company bonuses. Earnings to be discussed at in- 'erview. Applicants mus! be able co leave immedia'ely. FREE TO TRAVEL WITH CHAPERONED GROUP. ON- TARIO, WINNIPEG, CALGARY, VANCOUVER AND RETURN. p.m. Friday and Saturdly, April Jam and May 15!, Black Hawk Mo'or Inn, Yonge $0., Rlchmnnd Hill. See Mrs. Wellwood, 10 am. to I Irregular hours. sun semi-retired person. CARIBBEAN COOLER LIMITED requires mature sales person 00 work in iulce bar occasional Sa'urdavs and a 6 week parlod in the summar. We will train. Must be capable 0! assuming full ruponslumy. For lmarvlew call: Mrs. Thompson 0.94.12. Letterpress Operator 3 days weekly. Minimum 30 hours BOYS & GIRLS Porter Fine Printing Limited 884-2470 N0 PHONE CALLS PLEASE Caretaker Wanted DRIVER/HELPER WANTED APPLY: GALAXY TAVERN APPLY YORK FARMERS MARKET 7509 YONGE STREET THORNHILL WAITRESSES AND WAITERS Hair Dresser Full time or part time Good hgurs. wages 884-6531 EXPERIENCED 727-4561 773-5119 EXPERIENCED aw“ c|w44 clwu clwu cle nwu Clw‘. clwu t:le c2wu chu Woodworking Supervisor Required for small business in the Concord area. Flexible Hours. 669-9808 cm. Supervlsory erperience required; Ideally in the area 0' component preparnflon and cabinev assem- bly. Mus' be over 25 years, and have good driving record. wml $400 commission mommy possible, by working one evening weekly. DRIVER FOR PARCEL DELIVERY SERVICE Mature iperson required to work flexible hours in Richmond Hill area a! private home. POODLE GROOMER 1-3 days a week. Saturdays in- cludedA Experience not esseMial, we will 'rain. Call 8846581 for appointments. clwu FACTORY help required in concrele products packaging» plant Apply: H. Baldwin “9429] or 19 plan! at u Langslall Road, 5.5!, (formerly old No. 1 Hwy, Easl) clw“ Empress Pearl Agent Garden Maintenance 889-6841 HOUSEKEEPER to make up bedrooms at Parkway Havel. Call Mr. Lnflmer lei-2121. clwu CARPENTERS, Bricklayers required. Mus' have nan- sponi'ion. 539-2075. 084â€"9379. MOTHER’S Helper for summer, Iiveâ€"in. 525 weekly. 809 -0747. COCKTAIL waiiress-wanar. Opening at Parkway Ho'el. Call Mr. Cummings. 881-2121. [Mg] Soelu position wim progressive "rm. Many years Canadian ex- perience counflng WOMAN desires day work, truth 9 mmJol p.m. 801-3657. cams SIGN painter waan casual, pm "me workJuâ€"ZIIJ. tic“ INSTANT PRINTING To work in dry cleaning p|am THORNHILL KITCHEN CABINET MANUFACTURER The Poodle Scene IGA STORE Allencourt Plaza MARKHAM ROAD, Richmond Hill CASHIERS FULLTIME a. PART TIME Expenenced The Printing Place Miscellaneous COUNTER HELP COUNTER HELP WIMBRIDGE CLEANERS Full Time Mister Donut 884-8456 Employment Wanted Person Required Waitress Waiter Photo Copying â€" 10: Printing 00 every description 9724 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL Ross Burnett Halfway House PART TIME BOOKKEEPER LEV, PECKITT, BOX 1135, nouswnuaom. Human FULL AND PART TIME Days 7 am. to a pm. sdavs weekly CALL ELLEN 223.1546 Aherspm. aw“ GENERAL ACCOUNTANT 881-2153 GARDENER 884-1700 Apply In person ass-nor (Across tram A a. W) Centre M Town) 884-7790 PART TIME Become an required for PART TIME REPLY APPLY requires anerspJn. chM 667-5150 all phases of ac‘ for c1w43 Clwl‘ cle “WM czw“ c2w43 cle "c131 Complete shop and welding ser- vice 40 STATION ROAD, KING CITY will: heavy duly bed frame with caslers, il’s a King Coil $65. wheel barrow 510. bed Chesterfield blue lloral velvel S120. stereo console AM-FM contemporary cabinet s95. WALTER FLEMING WELDING We have several thousand tropical plants: succulents. cacti, vines. ivys and flowering plants. We are going out of business. Plant your Terrariums or decorate your home at reasonable prices. Free advice. J. Greftegreff Greenhouses Corner of 17th Ave. Markham - Pickering Townline MUST BE SOLD COMPLETE HOUSE OF FURNITURE CHEAP FOR QUICK SALE First come - ilrst serve New Spanish bedroom suite, complete. Dinlngroom suite, with bullet (Pheliler). Gold chester- llelo suite, with pub chair 6 months old. Bookcase room divider. Fridge and stove, coffee tables, new console stereo with a track tape recorder, original oil paintings, some very old. Antique pottery and glassware, pine corner cupboard, bed chesteriield, new, lamps, marble wine table, rugs, carpets, tapestries, drapes, Iadies’ clothes, new, Artist's easel. dinette set with upholstered chairs, lawn mower, new 3V2 h.p., 25" color T.V. console, 8 mm super 3 rellex movie camera, 35 mm camera, with wide angle lens and telephoto lens, antique mirror, box oi tools, ‘365 day French clocx, staiiordshire pottery, swag lamp, pole lamp, power tools, electric typewriter. cabinet Singer sewing machine, guitar, miscellaneous items too numerous to mention, etc., etc. Displaced by New Airport Unable to relocate Leadlng Manulanurer and olslrlbutor has above ground Aluminum Pools left our from I975 anon, la PRICE, guaran- teed lnslallollon and forms. Call Cred" Manager collect, Mlsslmugo days or evenings. 015. 6254i". "(:32 Child's gym set, I glider, 2 swings. Siegler propane space heater. Solaray steam set and curl (new), 3 on: doors, wooden. 14" floor machine. 4 gallons 0! wax. Bu"an pads, etc. Slso. firm. Kayak. 42 x 20'. Complete pool package mm deep end. Im~ maculne. Used only w, seasons. Mus' be seen. 884-1017 24-MOUR SERVICE Dw Karn Woodstock, Canada WORKING ORDER S150. Baked goods, cloming. 'oys and games, em. Selling Out 4 â€"14" TIR Es ALUMINUM DOOR Complem with hardware FRONT DOOR Comple'e with hardware 4 THERMAL PANES $100 or best other for all "ems SWIMMING POOL Mogern Round Dining Room Set Saturday, May 1 MOVING SALE PLEASE CALL 884-6989 ANTIQUE PUMP ORGAN GARAGE SALE FOR FAST SERVICE COMPLETE 0R REPAIRS, COVER-ALL ROOFING FREE ESTIMATES 887-5552 A SHINGLE IN TIME SAVES NINE lo a.m.tolz noon 4‘ PENWICK AVENUE SINGLE BED (Bail subdivision) c2w43 JANITORIAL EQU|PMENT 294-5634 PHONE ANYTIME 773-5404 833-6677 SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE MADE TO ORDER AND FROM STOCK KING, QUEEN AND DOUBLES Buy direct from manufacturer. Solid Brass Only. FOR SALE 884-1341 884-0399 889-8449 884-9593 Spring Sale Brass Beds Articles for Sale ROOFING Miscellaneous 889-4759 Clw“ CHM“ c2w43 61w“ c'lw44 c2w44 cle clwda Mus! dispose ol I975 aluminum pools in stock, sacrilice price lor desperately needed laclory warehouse space, Brand new swimming pools include walk around deck. fence, filter, and .warran'y. ile 15' x 27’ $1,088 cash or terms Swimming Pool Wholesaler MICMAC BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS ELECTRICAL work done. Reasonable ra'es. Licenced electrician. Call 332-2528. plwu Lady’s diamond engagement and wedding band. Matching men’s band. Large bags of dense high quality induscrial oflcuts. 12†long, V2" to 3" wide. Suhable for insula'ion and sound absorpï¬on of attics and walls. 53. PER BAG 4-wheel drive. 73 Dodge truck with Camper, $4,000. Pool table, 3150. good condition. Heater, (or camping, 40 lbs. propane iank. Fish hut. Waierfrom cottage, Bancroft area, iurnished, boa'. $20,000. 250 CEDAR RAILS $1 Each 889-3726 Saturday, May lst (Eleclric wall plug in) and Key 3450‘ Olive!“ Underwood executive lypewrl'er (carbon or regular ribbon) and heavy duty table lor same. Hall price. SUNDRY OFFICE SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT 884-6944 clw“ 1969 Fleetwing Camper Trailer 14' II x 4' pool and filter without liner. S90. Dinene suite wim smoke glass swivel chairs (0) 5150. Old wringer washer for cottage 515. Contents at Artist's home. Stereo, portable T.V., davenport, grand‘ lather clock, antiques, brassware. lamps, carpets. A line selection 0! oil paintings in frames. etc. etc. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday after 5 pm. and all day Saturday. May Isl. 2‘7 lelda Crescent, Rich- mond Hill. 8844963. clw“ Fibreglas Offcuts RECORDâ€"Aâ€"CALL 884-7137 GENERAL REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS ResidenNalâ€"Commercial Industrial ,9‘ Sleeps 4. Good condition. 5950 51,250 THOMAS â€"TROUBADOR133 Moving Out Sale 884-0102 Evgs. GARAGE SALE coIIecI davsor evenings A-l CONDITION. Will rake $550 or best offer 889-0738. Evgs. 18-MONTH-OLD INGLIS ClTATION MOVING SALE BETA SIGMA PHI 41 Henderson Avenue THORNHILL METAL FLOWER POTS Mr. Dawson 889-4759 CALL GORD 1-545-9016 WASHER AND GAS DRYER BARGAIN HUNTERS 889-0218 REASONABLE 9a.m. -3p.m ORGAN Like New 884-5935 RINGS 884-6120 773-4491 884-9523 clw-M c4w42 clwfl c2w43 c1w44 "(:31 clw44 clwu c1w44 chl c2w43 clwu clwu Articles for Sale SUIT, Boy’s she 16. Brand new. “#3392. CHI“ A BRICK or Stone wall tor your kitchen, Ins'alled or do it yoursell. 630-9578. "(:31 REFRIGERATOR Ireexer, Viking Frost Free. white 11 cu. fl. 5100. Excellen! condition. all-0525. MANUAL 4-5pm record pllYIl' and stand $15. After 4 p.m. 384â€" 3680. clw“ ONE new N" Michelin ï¬re. $40. 35' heavy gauge 5' chain link lance; 525. 894-7084 after 5 pm. Several type vaces to choose lrom â€" including Script, Block letters. Ou'line and Signature. Fast service. Call “The Liberal“ 884- 3177. "an BROADLOOM, Orange 11 x 11, I: x 18 like new, Value $600. Sale 3200. 889-0747. clwu 9~PIECE Diningroom set do yrs. old. Reduced 5350. 889-0747. clwdd Doors, windows, awnings. railings. siding, som' systems, 'rough. Free estimaies. Ron woods 884-1514. ":46 Free Es'imaies. Aluminum siding, windows. doors, awnings. 884-6558 or BJi-IJW‘ "c5 LAWNMOWER, Viking 22" sell- propelled. $45. 669-2709. clwu WRINGER washer. brand new. OBI-1281. clw“ TELEVISION. colored. Livingroom suile, collee and end tables. Lamps' Double bed. Large‘ Chandelier, other small items. 743- 2556. c2w43 - will sell you 16’ x 12’ above ground Modular Redwood Pool a? sacriï¬ce price 01:3,000. Savings of $2,100. 1975 model, call 416-625- 2719, days or evenings, collec'. FOR Fuller Brush merchandise in the Thornhill area. Call 889»0817. 6.65 x 14 WHITEWALLS. Goodyear ï¬res. 2-ply polyesver. I new, 4 slightly used. 831-8858. DEHUMIDIFIER $50, Humidifier $25. 885-9513. clw“ SWIMMING pool for sale. Moving WRINGER washer and «menu laundry tub, compleie with stand and laucet. 889-1424 Evgs. c2w42 Fridge, stove, remote control colour T.V., 3-piece sectional chestertield, antique desk and chair, aquarium set, lloor model Magnus organ, bedroom suite. Wednesday, April 28th, Thursday, April 19th, 8 p.m. â€" lo pm. Saturday 0 a.m. â€" 12 noon. 132 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. TEAKWOOD Living-Diningfledrooms. Designs in Teak. 457 Markham Rd., Allencour' Plaza. Richmond Hill â€" 884-3750. GAME table, 3-in-1 peg pool, card table and dinner table. Asking $100. Call 594-4710 aner 6 p.m. BICYCLE, 3-speed, Cheetah, girl’s. Best offer. 889-7219 evgs. TYPEWRITERS. adders, calculators, sales, service, ren- tals. Newmarket Business Machines, 497 Timothy 5!. Newmarke'. 895-7621, . "€36 SWIMMING POOL, Deluxe, redwood, above ground pool. 16' x 24'. One yr. old. Repossessesd by bank, sacrifice, V2 price. Cal-l Mr. Harvey, collect, days or evrmings, 416-625-8611 ":38 CENTRE Meat Market. 19] Sheppard East. Home Freer orders. 221-6000. “:19 CANOE, 16' cedar strip. Repairs needed. 550. 869-6477. clwu SINGLE bed, bicycle seat, ki'chen set, hall runner 3 x 15’ child's rocker, aluminum doors. In W: x 30.- 35 x 84%. Outdoor and indoor ligh! 'xtures. 884-7514. clwu SWIMMING POOL, less than 1 year old. Fania-Sea above ground redwood. ‘6’ x 24‘ Cosl $4,500. Must sell immediately. Will sacriï¬ce a? savings at $2,000. Call Fania-Sea Swim Cenlre at 416-625-8817. Days or evenings collect "c38 BEDROOM suite, speaker, be" exerciser, pool 8' x 20â€, toys, boy's clothing to age 3, books, etc. 884. 8632, after 5 p.m. c1w44 1975 YAMAHA 650 Double sink, L-shaped counter top, 24 pieces of glass, various sizes, 7 screens, (aluminum) various sizes, 2 interior doors. 889â€"9164 after 6 833-5995 King City LAWN mower, elec'ric with zipper grass caIcher, trimmer and 100’ cord. 575. 889-7686. clwu 5 PIECE chrome kitchen set 535. plus 5 piece Duncan thiie dining room set 5175. 884-0947. Excellent condition. ciw“ EXCELLENT CONDITION $850. OR BEST OFFER 884â€"0435 Aher 7:30 p.m. or 084-7903 between 9:30 and 6 p.m LLOYD baby carriage $40 cash‘ Rocker $5. Lounge 51. 801-1690. GOLF Clubs, men’s, rigm hand. 884-5388. “W44 883-1412 TEAKWOOD Burma Scan dinavian Iurniture, bedroom. diningroorn, Iivingroom, coflee tables, Brand new. Very reasonable. 1-247-4377‘ ":30 Snowmobiles 2I00 MILES EXCELLENT CONDITION CERTIFIED 74 SKIROULE YORK ALUMINUM RUBBER STAMPS Richmond Hill Cycle Clinic Ltd. YAMAHA NEW & USED SNOWMOBILES Sales - Parts ALUMINUM Service to all makes 10593 Yonge St. Richmond Hill SALE 8810844 clwu clwu clw“ cle clw“ Clw44 clwu Chm“ chM cle ":39 “£13 Articles Wanted ‘NANTED FOR SCRAP Top Prices 889-0353 m2! PIANO wamed. Approxima'elf 5‘00. A 5‘ 50. 2217083. AUG)? DEAD or crippled farm animals, picked up prompflv. For direc' line call Long Dis'ance and ask 'or ZENITH 32800, Call anytime. Ed Peconi a. Son, Woodville, Ont Licence No. Inc“. ":29 HIGHESY cash prices or trad i value paid for houselul o! i ; nimre and appliances. Brice‘ix Furniture. 363-1954. ":13 LEARN to Fly‘ Inlroductory High? 55‘ Toronto Airways Ltd., Bu!- tonville Airpor1,297-Nfl. "c1! M’ sleeps 6. Stove, 3-way lrIdge, brakes, includes Reese hnch and brake control. $2,000 or hesi oHer. PHONE 384-7559 or 884-4152. clw“ SET 0! bunk beds, good condition. Causal-1908 aherSpm. clwu SKI Orailer, Massey Ferguson, $50. 889-1681. clw“ Like new. Relrlgerafor, stove, oven, shower' double sink. Mus' be seen '0 be appreciated. 2 LAIDLAW BLVD. MARKHAM - 294-3650 ' CRESTLINERS 0 DORAL 'SURFMASTER 0 THUNDERCRAFT 'MERCURY OUT- BOARDS & [NBOARDS Every boat. motor & accessory discounted SAVE ON 1975 BOATS & MOTORS _ Marine Dlscounters! Swimming, Canoeing, Ponies Archery, Crahs, Out-mp: Ages910|5 “0. WEEKLY INCLUDES TRANSPORTATlON. '75 ProwlerCamper Trailer 20 Ft. ON-OFF ROAD BIKE 1600 miles. Certified: Best ofler CALL AFTER 6:10 P.M. condiiion. 339-1681 2»! Windiammer ll Faring, Dyno- Guards and back rest. Im- maculate condition. $3,000.0R BEST OFFER. I972 BULTACO MX 125 cc. Good 1-705-458-9582 Evgs. Summer English riding courses in horsemanshlp for boys and girls I~ lb. Programme for beginners, Intermediate and advanced. Swimming pool. CONTACT: R.R. 2 Gormley 581.0829 clwu 75 Honda XL 350 1974 Honda XL175 Chrysler Boats Chrysler Outboard Motors "CAMPING WITH A PURPOSE LIBERAL ADVERTISERS 1967 GOLDEN FALCON 12 FT. PLYWOOD BOAT, TRAILER S A V I) JOHN’S MARINELAND Motorcycles SALES & SERVICE Reid Mower, Marine & Sports 884-7716 881-2384 75 Kawasaka 900 0.C.A. Accredited 439-3104 CAREFUL SUPERVISION O.C.A. ACCREDITED. REASONABLE. Cars & Trucks SERVES EAST METRO Swimming, Ponies, Crans Hikes, Mini Farm. Ages 50010 Country Stables $750 Ross 884-5159 DAY CAMP Markham Area. FRASER LAKE CAMP BANCROFT Trailers Boating 7.5 H.P. MOTOR Good condition. 5495 717-43“ . 895-4471 Aircraft GLENBROOK 889-4672 832-2581 439-3104 amps 3300 MILES c2w43 CIR/44 Clwdd c4w43 clw44 c4w£3 clwu clwu c4w43 “:29 1971 VW FASTBACK 33,000 miles. Cenmed. Like new Asking $1,600. 881-2075 6 cylinder au'oma'ic, Power steering, radio, excellent con- di'ion, 71 MGB SPORTS Many extras, Including over drive Fully recondl'loned. Low mileage Leather interior. Air conditioned. AM~FM stereo with a track. Power windows, power seat, Tilt steering wheei. Rust prooted. Michelin tires. 37,000 miles. CALLBBLHJQ ASK FOR BILL ciwu MINOR AND MAJOR VERY REASONABLE RATES GUARANTEEDIMONTNS OR 8,000 MILES FOR APPOINTMENT 500 4 door, power steering, vinyl roof, good condition. S795. 6 cylinder, au'omatic, 2 door sedan. A1 condi'ion. $1050. CALL AFTER 4 P.M. Fuel Inlecflon overdrlve. AMFM radio, Cassette player, now Nres. brakes, exhaus' system, certiï¬ed. 58,000 miles. Asking $2,600 or best oHer 71 RENAULT R12 350 auto, PS and PB, AMFM radio. Dark green with saddle interior. 22,000 original miles. Excellent condition. 727-1235 “W 1971 Dodge Polara Excellem running condition AMFM Oape $950 or best oHer. DOUG WEBSTER 70 Ford Maverick 1969 Ford Custom 1971 VOLVO 142E ve automatic. Good condition GREENWOOD GARAGE New, Used and Leasing Roy Foss Motors 222-1121 Automatic 6 cylinder, radio CALIFORNIA 193, 4-SPEED, RADIO 54600 PLEASE CALL 1970 MAVERICK 1974 CORVETTE 833-6369 evgs. 73 CHEVY VAN 1/2 TON TUNE-UPS 73 HONDA MOTORCYCLE Yonge Street. Oak Ridges Bob 884-1704 OR NEAREST OFFER 59 corvette 5,000 miles. Like new LOOKING FOR A CAR Call Or See 11,263 Yonge Street, RICHMOND HILL 684-8841 773-0444 831-1351 AFTER 6 P.M 74 Marquis Brougham Power Steering, radio 5700. as is. PLEASE CALL Call 889-5533 884-3915 Gulf Station AFTER 6 P.M $1,495 71 COMET 70 FORD 72 FORD CUSTOM 884-7434 $385 669-2709 884-1440 69 MGB AFTER 7 P.M 884-4031 $1,795 +0005! Body tor parts Aner 6 p.m $800 EVENINGS Cars & Trucks chnu clwu c1w44 clw“ CIWI‘ c1w44 nclw“ Clwdd clwu clwu clw“ clw“ clwu NC" 1970 Plymouth Fury Top In good condition. Runs wall $215. UNCERTIFIED 1970 ROADRUNNER 383 Excellent condi'ion. 4 new tires Runs well. ASKINGS295.or BESTOFFER. LOTS OF EXTRAS. CERTIFIED 14’ enclosed metal box. Body and box excellent conditlon. Runs well. Starts easy. Licensed until Sept. Uncertitied. $750. or best otter. BB7»5754. Hm“ 3-speed svandard AM-FM radio, I track PARISIENNE CONVERTIBLE Auto, power s'eering, brakes, AM radio, 8 vrack, buckets, console, vinyl rool, Ziebaned. 47,000 miles. CERTIFIED $1,150. 834-2!†AFTER A P.M. I975 CHEVELLE Malibu, power steering, power brakes. Casseflo tape deck. 14,000 miles. Excellem condition. Best oiler. 884-9615 or 366-7932. pm“ Cards of Thanks DeBAEREMAEKER, Ell; and Bob are happy to “Mungâ€? arrival at a daughter, Aynnu Lorrainne, March 11, 1976, at York Central Hospital. Proud grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Davld Davldson and Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeDeBaeremaeker. chu I WOULD like to take this op- portunity to extend a most sincere “thank youâ€, to all our triends, relatives and neighbors, lor all the beautilul llowers, gills and cards, which I received during my recent illness. For all those thoughtlul phone calls ol inquiry, and for all the lavors received, which kept things going smoothly on the home lront, we thank each one. Also to Dr. socol and all those wondertul nurses on the 1rd lloor. green carpet. as well as those on the 4th floor red carpet, at Vork Central Hospital â€" ‘rhanklully, Doris Downey. clwu Coming Events MR. and Mrs, Jay SHIP-f In proud to announce ma lor- vhcomlng marrllgc o! 'hclr daugmnr, Darlene Ann s'oddln '0 Mr. Morris Wong, son a! Mr. W» Wong, M C-I ry Albonl. Wod- dlng '0 take pl 0 Avon" II, 1976. CONVERTIBLE (Same body style as 16.) Liam brown with saddle brown inlerlor. Electric windows‘ Radials. Small V8 â€" 20 m.p.g. 1968 RAMBLER wagon VI automavic. Power steering, brakes, radio. rool rack, air conditioning. 884-2753. clwu MR. and Mrs. Doug Flemming would like to invite lheir lrlends and neighbors to an open house in honor ol lneir silvev annlvernry, smur'day. May ism, 1:30â€" 4.10, at 176 Lucas Street In lieu ol gins all donalions will be senl lo Mulliplo Sclerosis Society. c2wu MAY 2nd, Sunday. 10 â€"â€" 5 [MIL Antique Show and Sale. 106 Centre Street eas'. (OH Yonge) Rich- mond Hill. 20 dealers. Bargains I969 BEAUMONT, cerlilied, 4 door. 6 cylinder, aulomatic, power sleering, 23,000 original miles, excellent condition; Desi oller. Aher 5 pm. 884-0345. clwu galorel 75 CAMARO, power brakes, steering. Ziebaned. Sale or Irade tor smaller car. 86-1-7415 Evgs. With headers. new JSI mo'or‘ new pain. iob. 1966 PONTIAC Snuonwagon. 9 passenger. Best OHer. Call 884- 3392aher5:00p.m. clwu BRASS. copper, antiques râ€"ebroliï¬hed‘ éiass beds Britex, 755-7851. Qntiqueï¬ 8: gm BRASS beds â€" a country slon lull. All sizes and styles (including Queens). Open all weekends. 99M Keele 51., Maple 832-2567, 936-3056. ":45 Forthcoming Marriage GOOD BODY, ALL POWER RADIO CERTIFIED. $850. 4-Ton 59 Chev Truck 1966 PONTIAC 72 FORD GRAN TORINO V8 CALL PETER ANYTIME 69 COUGAR 66 DODGE 1972 VEGA 1971 Ponï¬ac Catahna 1960 Pontiac 889-6476 881-6207 884-8489 884-8422 ASK FOR JIM MINT touomon PRIVATE moo 887-5114 889-8349 Births ASK FOR PETER 889-7021 S900 clwu clwu t‘w‘l awn C‘wd‘ clwu clwu clwu c2w44 clw“ clwu etc‘ ":29