Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Apr 1976, B8

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8-8 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. April 28. 1976 BAYVIEW & STEELES â€" STONE FARM Gracious custom built 5 bedroom home, 2 years old, sunken master bedroom, with 5-pce. ensuite. Separate dining room, 2 fireplaces, “Dream” kitchen, double garage. Tastefully decorated. Many luxurious extras. $148,000. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION BRAND NEW HOME! 4 bedrooms with 212 baths, panelled library, family room with fireplace, laundry room on main floor. exceptionally large backyard. and 2-car garage. Builder will finish to owner's requirements. $145,000. RICHMOND HILL â€" HANDYMAN SPECIAL! $65,900 Beautiful lot 55’ x 240‘ 11,2 storey, 3 bedroom home, needs renovating. near Hillcrest Mall. Wonderful investment. Phone Mrs. Daphne Thompâ€" son 225-0483 or 226-1350. BEK' "J" '10140Y LIBERAL AD-WATCHER 884-0677 GARDENER’S DELIGHT â€" $6,000. DOWN Solid brick 3 bedroom bungalow features large lot. Private rose garden with patio and separate yard with vegetable garden. Bright family kitchen, finished recreation room and bar. Asking $60,900. Call JANE HOLMES 884-8183 or 884-5238. JUST LISTED â€" $6,500. DOWN Ideal'starter home, safe electric heat, 300 ft. lot, 2 bedrooms, main floor laundry room, located close to schools, shopping and bus services. Buy today and take possession in August. Asking $53,900. Call DAVE or NANCY HARTFORD 884-8183 or 773-5826. oNLy I[6900. DETACHED BRICK â€" $61,900. SPRING POSSESSION Richmond Hill 3 bedroom bungalow, features large eat-in kitchen with ap- pliances, broadloom, finished rec room, walkâ€"out, beautifully landscaped backyard. 10 percent first mortgage. Try $640,000. down. Call IRENE HOOGENBOOM, 884- 8183 or 884-5880. m1 ACRES Call Mrs. Daphne Thompson 225-0483 or 226-1350 STANLEY i.A.$tanley & cBépaKy Limited, Reagovr 5527 Yonge Sireet,Willowdale,Ontario the home fangs who care about people 226-1350 Iq- suanc‘r MOVERTY BAN NOCKBURN tLOonAno ‘ ADoC HWY “‘62 3D OFFICES SERVING SOUTHERN ONTARIO (lwu YOUR EQUITY IN YOUR HOME IS IDLE BORROWING POWER. USE IT. - Consolidate Bank, Finance Co.. and Charge Accounts - Reduce Monthly Payments by 50 percent or More FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CALL BARBARA FLEMING $2,500. DOWN Invest in this 5 acre summer retreat property and let your money grow. Full price only $6,900. Call DOUG BENNETT 884-8183. RICHMOND HILLâ€" $10,000 DOWN This 4 bedroom bungalow, has been professionally finished throughout with top quality materials. Fireplace in family room. For more information call ANDY HAZLETT 884-8183 01‘ 884-0867. Just listed at $64,900.00. A TTE/V T I0lll HUME OWNERS Open Second Mortgages Available from 13% GREAT VALUE â€" $61,900. Close to all conveniences, this brick and stone bungalow has living-dining comâ€" bination, huge hollywood style kitchen and basement finished throughout. Back yard has large pool. $9,000. down. Call JANE HOLMES 884-8183 or 884-5238. JUST REDUCED â€" $4,500. DOWN Ideal starter. Twin bungalow in excellent condition, new decor, finished rec room, bar, oversized garage. Close to all con- veniences. Asking $54,500. Call JANE HOLMES 884-8183 or 884-5238. WElI/MURE FINANCIAL l T D. 10140 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Mortgages 773-5268 mu 3 bedrooms. 1'2 baths. Also outdoor pool. You are cordially invited to visit our lovely furnished model townhouse. Rooms to Rent Each with -- FURNISHED room, close to Yonge. Respectable appearance. Please call aner 5 pm. 834-9731. FREE â€" Sen-contained aperi- mem for semi or retired woman in exchange ior light part time housework with retired couple. 988-1080. cle ROOM for rem. Close to bus service. $100 per monm. Preler business girl. 884-1969. c1w44 ROOM 00 rent, pleasam surroundings, after 6 pm. call 332- 8840. ‘ clwaa Two bedroom aparvmenh Thornhill area. Indoor pool. Recreation Centre. 5330. month. 589-1552. c2w44 FURNISHED room. Central Richmond Hilla Close to Yonge and transportation. Gentleman. 384- 5312. czwfl ONE bedroom apartment. 9960 Bayview 31 Markham Road and Bayview. 884-9865. cle outdoor storaée. 5100 and up. 889- 6977. "(6 Wanted to Rent FACTORY space, 1,500 sq. 91 Mother and child wan! basement apartment in Richmond Hill or Aurora Home. WILL DO BABYSITTING IN RETURN. Wanted, Urgent need 2 bedroom house lor May 15m. YOUNG married couple will: newborn child looking to rent small house or llal by June Isl. Reliable with references call Peter or Share. 297-2350. c5wu 3,000 SQ. FT. Industrial space 4,800 to 11,000 Sq. Ft. 889-6161, W 889-7151 or 889-0728 At Yonge HWY- 7 750 SQ. FT. FOR RENT Call 881-2706 INDUSTRIAL SPACE Industrial Space For Rent 301 MARKHAM ROAD For iMormation CENTRAL LOCATION RICHMOND HILL Large 2 & 3 Bedroom Suites FREE HYDRO & PARKING BEAUTIFUL POOL CLOSE TO EVERYTHING . 727-2116 "<44 MCDONALD DRIVE, AURORA (JUST SOUTH OF WELLINGTON ST 4,600 sq. ft. Will divide Outside storage 14 ft. ceiling DAYS 741-0941 EVGS. 889-7209 HOURS WEEKDAYS MON-FRI. 10 A M. - 8 PM, SAT 11A,M.- 6 PM. SUN. 12 NOON - 5 PM FOR LEASE COUPLE WITH 1 CHILD FACTORY SPACE FOR RENT 773-4516 or 7734189 Wellington Towers MAPLE AREA 859-0538 OUR BRAND NEW Country Lane Children Most Welcome Townhouses FOR RENT THORNHILL AREA 727-1354 H7 Wellington St. W. l.\' LOVELY AURORA "(:36 c2w44 C|w4l t:in (hull "€17 Rooms to Rent‘ Wanted to Rent FURNISHED rooms. cooking 'acililies. Suit quiet business men. 884-1115. .CIWM FURNISHED. Close to "an- sporiation. Men only. 884-9427 after 5 p.m. Nch ROOMS, adult home, soil business men. Close to local bus. 884-0117. Aner7 p.m. c’lwu FURNISHED room for rent. Gentleman only. 884-7564. chu TMEMOSTINEXPENSIVE WAY TO IMPROVE THE SOIL IN YOUR GARDEN. A FURNISHED room, cooking lacimies, Central Richmond Hill, TTC at corner. 884-9883 after 6 p.m. ":29 RICHMOND Hill area or south. Responsible ma'ure couple and 2 well-'rained poodles require chree bedroom home with garage and yard by June I or earlier. 5300 ~â€" 5350. Please call 6164786 or 749- 37"~ t:le looking [or larm house or house with some properfy, willing to renovate. Call 881-2286 W... YOUNG man looking tor a room or room and board. SIeeles Avenue to Richmond Hill area. 884-3171. PIougMng, discing, grass Any size considered. “4-9626, 037-3!“ ANYTIME BUSINESS couple require 1-3 bedroom house. Prefer Oak Ridges. 773-4569. czwu IS THE TIME TO PUT IT ON AND WORK IT IN I BEDROOM Bavview and Centre so. Available May I. No pets APPOINTMENT ONLY Gardening and Suppliei Call 889-1862 HORSE MANURE NEW HARDWOOD RAILROAD TIES WORK WANTED FOR TRACTOR Young Architect And Family Please join us for Coffee and Conversation. 'xl"xa'â€"â€"6”xé”x!‘ PHONE MON.T0 FRI. DAYS I . mam eves. 1 476.1931 884-6579 JUNIOR NOW FOR SALE grass cutting clwu dwu (Own "c clwu Clle aw“ Well Rotted Manure FOR SALE THE POODLE SCENE LAWNSSODDED Garden manure delivered. $45 load. Rose Specialis' oHers a compleOe guaran'eed service for all Rose Lovers. FERTILIZING PLANTING GARDENING PAINTING CRUSHED STONE, SAND, CONCRETE GRAVEL, ETC‘ Delivered in small quanmies FOR GARDENING and GROUNDKEEPING Call 884-6571 LAWNMOWERS repaired. Bring it to J and B Lawnmower repair. Reasonable. mn German Shepherd 20 month old. Male Excellent watchdog. VERY GOOD WITH CHILDREN $75. Call 833-5990 (FORMERLY 221-1588) Brown and black s'andard, puppies. 7 weeks old, Excellm‘l pedigren. Gardens Rototilled LOAM â€"TOP SOILâ€"MANURE Specially mixed garden soil Sandy Loam And Well Rotted Manure Please call 884-7961 Phone 889-3065 t:le 1-895-2881 SPRUCE TREES SAVE DOGS AND CATS BOARDED Delivery norm of Lawrence Miniature Poodles Brouwer Turf Equipment Ltd. Driveway Gravel GARDEN AND LAWN ROTOTILLING C. L. KNAPPETT 884-3089 SPRUCE TREES 3FttolFLâ€"$B.NEach ZGORGEOUS TINY PEDIGREE MALES 9 weeks. Papers and shots ROSE CARE C. L. KNAPPETT LANDSCAPING DIG YOUR OWN EVGS. OR WEEKENDS Don Mills Rd.Keswick 476-4311 Discount for large quantities Grounds & Building Maintenance C. L. Knappett 884-3089 «1 Pet Stock Will Deliver (APRICOT) HAVE ALL SHOTS. S90 773-4124 YORKSHIRE TERRIERS FREE ESTIMATES IN AND OUTDOOR RUNS POODLES POODLE CLIPPING PET GROOMING a. ACCESSORIES 884-6588 221-1466 884-3236 833-5040 221-7869 884-3089 ALL ODD JOBS 7 loan Yong. SI. RICHMOND HILL AFTER 4 P.M 881-4260 773-4495 884-5587 $175 Ave., 884-8630. c2w43 c2de ch-u cawfl Nch dwu C2w4] CIVIQJ aw“ Hch :2wu "cw "can Hch "(51 "C21 Maple‘ Large indoor arena, 10 x 10 stalls. Heated tack room. Male Whne German Sheppard. type dog, answers to "Hank". REWARD GOLDEN HORSESHOE‘FARMS FOR WEDDINGS AND OTHER OCCASIONS LET MY TALENT BRING OUT THE BEST IN YOU. For information and appointmen! call: HORSES BOARDED Cat, small black lonoiseshell Perhaps hit on road April um Bayviews norm 0! Elgin Mills. Reward lor informalion. for babysming 2 days weekly Yongeâ€" John Strut aru. Small black female poodle, named Fluffy, near Palmer and Cedar Avenues. DO you have a drinking prob-gm? I! so AA can help. Write Box 04. Richmond Hill, or (III “7-5591 DOES myone In your Vamin haw a drinking problem? can Alan in Your Own Home! FOUND â€" Young whive male cat Call 889-0268. ciwu 366â€"4012 Done Professionally 5 weekly evening susions. JuIy â€"â€" Aug; For brochure call “94112 CLASS LIMITED ENROLL NOW! cam: HARDLY USED. BEST OFFER ALTERATIONS, Men's. and children’s, etc. Reasonable. "4.1920 RICHMOND Hill Curling Club T.V. fame, licensed 114108, drawn April 14th, 1976. Ticket winner No. 313. B.C. Janes, Scarborough,on1. dwu Mrs. De’Mar 2:30 - 5 pm. only 16"English Saddle MAKE-UP Pasture Available For Horses Lost & Found (a A.M.â€"H P.M.) ENGLISH AND WESTERN RIDING HAY AND SLEIGH RIDES HOURLY HORSE RENTALS AND HORSES FOR SALE Dressmaking Palm and Card Reading Studio Livestock MA PLE AR EA 100 Acres. $30. per month WANTED Reliable Woman 9 A.M.TOB P.M. INCLUDING SUNDAYS Also Social Gatherings 531-2704 CANADIAN FOLK SONGS Personal Tutoring Day Care Wanted 832-1372 223-8609 881-5401 294-3857 884-3036 297-3345 884-8611 “1-1030, “1-4320 ASK FOR LIZ LOST ALANON LOST LOST REWARD CJWIO Clwdd Clwfifl clwu 51w“ lldlu' Fast, ":39 clw“ ":12. clw“ "<14 "CM "(:31 5 Guys per week. Beverley Acres 884-0022 DAY care given in my home, any ages. Beverly Acres. 884-8709. DAY care given in me home 0! an experienced nursery school 'elcherJln-un. chu REGISTER for “Y” Play School 084-48". "€20 THURSDAY,MAY 6"! 7:15 pm. Thornhlll Unified Church, Dudley and Elgin Streets, (behind York Farmer's Market) Sponsored by 2nd Thornhlll LadIes ScouNng Auxiliary. Just a few of the many articles you wrll want to brd on two wash stands, (one beauty rs already relrn- ished). two old church wrndows with glass, old prne llour brn, pine coffee table With 2%" top. old chest 01 drawers, shower cabrnet wrth trxtures. dnll press. record player, portable IV” and tor the drummer musrcran â€" lour drums. (John Gray) and three cymbals, complete wrth stands t0r each and a stool. Vrewrng lrom 5:30 pm to sale trmer RICHARD SODERBERG. SALE CHAIRMAN 832-2618 FOURTH ANNUAL Maple United Church Maple United Church WED., MAY 5, 6:30 pm. \2.JD P‘M. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE including lea wagon, French Provincial cheslerlleld and chair, hall lable, bedroom lurniluro, Hoosier kitchen cablnel, 6.5. Freelor (chesl), washer. dryer. and relrigeraior, silver tea ser- vice. china, glass, silver llalwaro. old silver items including ilerns ol slerllng llaiware, G.E. console and portable T.V. B.Wi wooden moulding and olher hand planes, hand lools, garden loolx, lawn mowers, veranda couch. old parlour bullel wiin high back mirror, many olher misc. ilems - some quite old. For Esvaie ol the Late Henry Riley, Nome'on: l2 mile was? a! Highway 27 on the Noblewn- Bolton road, opposne waver tow". Terms cash. GORDORR,Aucfloneer 033-6360 EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING Starling 316:30 p.m. SELLING ALL CLASSES OF LIVESTOCK Came, pigs, sheep, goats, horsu, ponies, pouury and miscellaneous ellec's. 3 miles norm 0! Brampton, on No. 10 Hwy. at Snelgrove. DONALD W. REINHART, Proprievor and AucVioneer 8411011 Auction sale ol lamps, glassware. china, iron, copper, etc. approx. 150 pcs. This is a shipment iust in lrom Ireland and Scotland. All antique, a very good selection at oil lamps, the sale will be held at the Victoria Square community Hall on the Don Mills Road. 3V1 miles north at Hwy. 7, Fr. ot cranberry banquet lamps, ilashed cranberry banquet lamp. While tloral banquet lamp, green and amber banquet lamps. blue lamps, clear lamps. Bracket lamps, linger lamps, miniature lamp, and many others, purple carnival compote dish, purple carnivaldishlgrape patternLalso grape and vine pattern, llo blue vase, cruet set, cranberry decanter, other cranberry, 3 trumpet green epergne, cranberry epergne, opolescent epergne, tloral pitcher and basin, Port neul earthenware, ironstone sets. cauldrons, irons, rush lights (wrought iron) brass, charcoal irons. etc. Note: This is iust a small portion of what is tor sale, there is enough glass and china that we are not having any lurniture this time, plan to attend. Terms cash, sale at 7 P.M. sharp. Reg. and Larry Johnson Auctioneers Ph.(705) 357-3270 Lunch available Brampton Livestock Exchange ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE & APPLIANCES Open Every Saturday All Year OPEN 6 A.M. . ALL DAY Antiques. vegetables, cheese, meats, anything and everything. Everyone welcome. FREE PARKING 1-640-3813 AUCTION SALE Stouffville, Ontario Auction and Flea Market AUCTION AND TREASURE SALE Thursday Evening April 29, 7 PM. A actions STOUFFVILLE SALES BARN AUCTION SALE AUCTION Sat., May lst. Nursery School clwu C‘wdl clw“ c7wl2 clwu “will clwfl

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