Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Apr 1976, C2

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RICHMOND HILL - Canvassers and donors are needed Saturday for a $5,000 fund raising effort to ensure continued life for Operation Catch-Up. C-2 â€"â€" THE LIBERAL. “Cullcauay. up... , Operation (fetch-Up volunteers needeg_ The program, started a few years ago and financed last year with a Local Initiative Program grant, has successfully helped some 125 young people in trouble. m_:_ School Trustee Chris McMonagle, a worker with the project. com- ments: “It is a program which intervenes in the failure cycle of children and youth and through un- derstanding and ap- propriate teaching puts the young person back on the right track. “A goal of $5,000 has been set. That’s not a great amount in a town the size of Richmond Hill, but it will mean the for a number of students between a life 3f welfare and possible crime, and a life of meaning." _ McMonagle says funds are needed for the summer program now that the L.I.P. support has ended. r > Service clubs in the area have also supported the project but extra money is needed to respond to a growing demand for the service. Volunteers are required for door-to-door can- vassing Saturday and anyone able to give an hour or two is asked to contact Alan Martindale at 889-1690. Mormons hold open house RICHMOND HILL â€" Supporting Ontario’s Family Unity Month, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will hold open house at the Richmond Hill chapel, 120 Briggs Ave., Wednesday of next week, from 7:30 to 9:30 in the evening. Displays will feature tracing your ancestors. teaching materials, youth activities, missionary approachés, and the family home evening program. Films to be shown in- clude f‘Meet the Mor- mons" and “Strengthen the Family.” Bishop Charles Lalonde will speak briefly on the theme of 'family unity, after which refreshments will be served. A warm welcome is extended to everyone. There is no charge for parking or admission. THE LIBERAL. Wednesday 1975 GREMLINS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION RADIAL TIRES s2,995 232 - 6 CYL. ENGINE. KRF 363 enmespot Fanancmg A! Low. Low Rue 14.95% "I! 'JKP‘ m ~¢ 1 menu" RICHMOND HILL â€" When Mary Ann Giles of Mill St. took a part-time job at McDonald’s Restaurant she did not expect it to lead to matrimony, Zing went strings at part time job That is where Cupid got into the act, for there were other people Working at McDonald’s, among them Christopher Hall of Oak Ridges, now of Centre St. West. and zing went the strings. . . A casual luncheon with a few co-workers turned into a delightful surprise party for Mary Ann Giles of Central Ontario Regional Library staff in Richmond Hill. Miss Giles is to be married May 22 to Christopher Hall of Centre St. West. Miss Giles is now working at the Central Ontario Regional Library on Church St. and Christopher at Woolco. Yonge St. and Steeles Ave., as assistant manager, and they are engaged to be married Bride's surprise , April 28. 1976 HILLCREST MALL. RICHMOND HILL May 22 in St. Mary’s Anglican Church. Last week Mary Ann’s coâ€"workers took her to lunch â€" at McDonald’s â€" and presented her with an electric toaster. , A congratulatory cake was supplied by the. host restaurant. The presentation was made by Miss Giles closest friend at the library, Gloria Furtney of Thornhill. Other staff members who attended the celebration were Vera Barlow, Margaret Wadeson, Anne Deig, Lynn Foster, David Philips, Vern Archibald, Stella Crocker, Rosemary Salisbury, Jane Shorten and Janet Robins. You might think the beauty of this leisure suit is in the value price. Put it on! 900 (Photo by H099) RICHMOND HILL â€"- Bunnies and chicks will once again be a major attraction for the thousands of people who turn out to the Richmond Hill Spring Fair May 14, 15 and 16. Guild cancer film Youngsters with pet rabbits, cavies. bantams, pigeons, chickens, etc. will have an opportunity to show them at the fair. Applications for entries must be received, however, by May 2. The story of Easter as told in the gospels was read by Ellie Hearn. Dorothy Francis, Hazel Giles, Gwen Lennox, Annabelle Kernohan and Lovica Pollard as the theme of the meeting of the Mary & Martha Guild of the Presbyterian Church on April 21. Claudine Wallace led in prayer. .‘1 Uluuunllv nunâ€"v- .-_ , After a business session, which included arrangements for a coffee break and bake sale May 12 from 10 a.m. and 12, and a report on the recent rummage sale which netted more than $200, Mrs. Dorothy Price, representing the Richmond Hill Cancer Society, spoke to the group. displaying the new material which is being introduced into elementary schools this year. She also introduced a film on breast self examination. $500 jackpot winner RICHMOND HILL â€" Maxine Newcombe of Leith Hill Rd. in Willowdale was winner of the $500 jack- pot at the weekly bingo April 20 in St. Mary Im- maculate Roman Catholic Church. RICHMOND HILL â€" When the Senior Citizens Club 35 of Richmond Hill held its annual rummage sale recently, the results were “very successful," reports Gwen Grist. ‘ L_I.I -L LI...‘ nluknnnme >F:oiririfiore Vinformatidn éall Ray Watford, 884-1679 Seniors’ club 35 A yrv. Us: u " Convener for the sale, held at the clubrooms, 10149 Yonge St., was Don Hicks. In charge of the White Elephant table were Wynn Emburg and Nan Walton..The jewelry booth was run by Irene Brooker and Mrs. Grist, and Mary Reid, Percy Jones and Mrs. Howard supervised plant sales. , _ ,..- J:__-L..,l Lu Ill-n Lflnbc RICHMOND HILL â€" St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Women held their monthly meeting April 21. All members of the congregation were inyited. plan-I. ou-vu. Sales of mens wear were directed by Mr. Hicks and Charles Attridge; Ann Dewsbury and Vera Waterhouse sold ladies' accessories; Elsie Burney, books, and Vi Lomax, purses and hats. Anna H012 and her helpers served lunch. Mrs. Grist says the club wishes to express its thanks to Don Hicks ‘for ‘_‘his‘wonflerful effort." _A_L In... 1-1 Mrs. Sylvia Limpert conducted devotions and Mrs. Floris Dauphinee introduced the guest speaker, Dr. Norman Bemer, assistant to the president of the Eastern Canada Synod. .i. u. I. the hill “uwyv. ........ Dr. Buerynher atterizletvllhe 5th Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Nairobi, Kenya last November as a fraternal delegate. .1- [NI -,. Lllauno LU uvu ...y..... .v. Next major event is a ooyyling banquet May 13. Tickets may be obtained at the club’s usual bowling get-together Friday at ABC lanes. He said the assembly theme was “Jesus Christ frees and unites”. Freedom must be had for one’s personal salvation as well as to those oppressed. The assembly, he said, agreed the following new freedoms must be developed â€" freedom from racial restraint, freedom from religious suppression, plus freedom from military occupation, political domination and economic tyranny. Fair youth entries May 2 Jean Evensen, t'hanked Dr. Bemer for his informative talk. The meeting concluded with lunch served by Mrs. Dorreen Bell and Mrs. Annie Felleiter Relax in the comfort of the safari jacket. finger the slub weave. linen finished. blended fabric. Non- chalantly move to the three-way mirror for a total look and admire your reflection. Get the picture! - Observe the full lining when you unbutton the jacket, the four flapped and pleated pockets. Safari you're beautiful! Select your favorite color from blue. tan. sage and beige: your size from 36 to 46 range. Color coâ€"nrdinate with a nifty sport shirt. we‘ve got plenty. and now you're in business. Hope you've got the picture and we'll see you before Saturday closing because the price retums to $49.95 Monday the 3rd. tire stock 01 $49.95 and $59.95 leisure suits in fashionable rope trick. satin suede and crinkle cloth fabrics. See you this week. P.S. for full measure we have racked for sale at $39.00 our en- _C_hargex Regularly 49.95 St. John’s tea Can you imagine a tea and bake sale in a setting of four acres of daffodils in full bloom? St. John‘s Anglican Church Women are taking it a step beyond imagination. , 4-..... L- ‘LA:‘I ban of ..... bum”... They are inviting everyone to come to their tea at Four Acres, 19th Ave. East. between Concessions 5 and 6 on May 8 between 2:30 and 5:30 pm. For further information call 884â€"8377. Pioneer girls entertain RICHMOND HILL â€" The Pioneer Girls of Rich- mond Hill Baptist Church had a Gal and Pa] get- acquainted party in the church on Wright St. with the Shakari group (Grades 7 and 8) as hostesses. The pals are the women of the church who volunteer to befriend and encourage. an individual girl in her Christian life. ,.- I , ,- _ _.....\..A at.-." and EIII Ill IIVI VIII Ivy-v... ___,, The party included a singalong, puppet show and games followed by refreshments. As hostesses the Shakari girls were also earning their badges for entertaining and baking. :- N n____l_ nI- nun,»- ........ D Pioneer girls is open to all girls from Grade 2 to Grade 8 interested in the fun and fellowship of the group. Their motto is. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." A-â€"â€" â€"_.I n _ u u A m A Ul‘duc O llchicaLcu nu u.» nun a..- .-..V. group. Their motto is. “Thy word is unto L ' eg Ion my feet and a light unto my path." The group meets on Tuesday evenings and anyone interested in joining may get further information h i I I from the church. 884-2389. Delta Lamda busy VE Day Delta Lambda chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met Wednesday evening of last week at the home of Anna Apenis, Sugax: M_aEle Lane. ,,4‘4_L-J I... nuua nycluo, Uueun "Any". .__..-.v Program “Whats In It For Me" was presented by Marg Moon, Julia Bizzarri, and Judy Sheridan. Following the program nine members were presented with ritual of jewells pins. 9 AI,_ ___...‘ I... LA’ Thornhill open house r. v.0...“ . .___ , Anna Xpénis winsichosén girl of the year by her fellow members and was presented with a bouquet of yellow roses by past president Monica Dewer. , h n__:1.... RICHMOND HILL â€"- Margaret and Henry VanDerWal of 436 Crosby Avenue were to celebrate their 30th wedding an- niversary today. v. J vl-v - v..- ' "J r"" r Members also enjoyed a visitation to Epsilon Omicron chapter in Newmarket recently. The evening began with a business meeting followed by refreshments and humorous skits performed by Epsilon Omicron members depicting the role of today’s women. Friends of Harry Simpkins are invited to an open house May 8 from 2 until 4 pm. at 35 John Street, Thornhill. A A 30th wedding anniversary 77 Married in. Holland, they have one daughter Renee (Mrs. Paul Yates) A Ilvl "- ..... The open house, which is being arranged by his family, marks Mr. Simpkins 90th birthday. Born in Thornhill, Mr. Simpkins has lived in the area all his life. _. .. r. J, u: you can Ina Ally. The family is asking Mr. Simpkins many friends not to bring gifts to this informal gathering. in easy care arnel. Short sleeve dress with soft all round pleated skirt. Jacket with contrasting collar and placket trim Belt may be worn with jacket or dress. Navy/white, brown/white. Sizes 12 to 18. Fm Way} [Mom Hiflcrest Mall Shopping Centre PHONE 884-0430 Wm Soft and easy The two piece jacket dress $50.00 Guest speaker at HiII United; and two grandchildren Dylan James and Theoville Henry, all in Brampton, plus son Fred Henry and wife Elizabeth of Thunder Bay. The VanDerWals came from The Netherlands 23 years ago. RICHMOND HILL â€"â€" Dr. Arthur Moore, former moderator of the United Church of Canada, will be guest minister at the 11 am. service Sunday in Richmond Hill United Church. Moore. also a former president and vice- chancellor of Victoria University and president of the Canadian Council of Churches, served earlier this year as acting general secretary of the council. He is 66 years old, a native of New Brunswick, and was an avid hockey player in his younger days. Following the service there will be an an- niversary luncheon for church members and friends. His address for the Richmond Hill service is titled God's Surprising Choice. I “U” ll IIII VE Day dance RICHMOND HILL â€" The Centennial Pipe Band and Color Guard, representing the Town of Richmond Hill and Royal Canadian Legion Branch 375, are having a VE Day dance at Thornhill Community Centre on May 8. The organizers are planning for a memorable evening in the large hall at Bayview and John St. OAK RIDGES â€" A life- long resident of the community and graduate of Osgood llall Law School, Karen Mitchell was called to the Bar of the Province of Ontario April 8 and has now opened her own practice at 11 King Sideroad. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell, Karen grew up on her parents‘ farm on Yonge St.‘ attended Oak Ridges Public School and King City Secondary School: g]IIIIIIllllllllIlIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILE g the E piano teacher The organizers are planning for a memorable evening in the large hall at Bayview and John St. with the big band sound of an 18-piece band, The Music Lovers. The program will begin at 8 I The pipe band will also be performing and there may be a Gay Gordon or two as well. Tickets at $5 per person will be available at the library in the community centre and at the Legion Hall on Ohio Rd. off Elgin Mills Rd. in Richmond Hill, or by calling 889-8217 or 881-2300. WALDORF NURSERY SCHOOL Learning through creative play and artistic expression. Morning classes for children 3‘/2 to 5 years. Enrol now for September. BROOKE ST., THOBNHILL 881-1611 BY KATCHO RICHMOND HILL PUBLIC LIBRARY 24 WRIGHT STREET, RICHMOND HILL Scenes 0 Animals-Still Life. Figures in Oil Paintings, Acrylics, Watercolours, Pen Er Ink and Art on Glass ALL LEATHER SANDALS CHOOSE FROM WHITEBONEâ€"TAN BROWNâ€"NAVY- RED Available in B 8 AA Fittings Show Continues May 1st to May 31st OPENING SAT., MAY 1ST â€" 2 T0 5 PM. ART SHOW Martinelli Ivu. Lady opens law office Dr. Arthur Moore . former moderator a!IIlllllIllI|llIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIE Estelle Matkham 884-3787 Karen Mitchell called to Bar YCAMR "500" SIXTEENTH WINNER in 1975 JERRY JACOBS THORNHILL TOKEN 118

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