Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Apr 1976, C4

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C-4 â€"â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday Twins Kristin and Kevin Peart of Maple. wear princess and pauper costumes. typifying the theme of a Rags to Riches evening in aid of King City Co-operative Day Nursery, which both youngsters attend. The event. a major fund-raising occasion for the nursery school. begins at 8 p.m. Saturday in Aurora Legion Hall. Included will be dancing to the Magic Circus, a giant raffle and a buffet. Tickets may be obtained by calling 832- 1204 or 833-6628. Seniors visit Ottawa for tulips and tours VAUGHAN â€" Senior citizens of Vaughan Town have a number of ac-’ tivities planned for the coming months, among them a fourâ€"day trip to Ottawa during the tulip festival. The trip, from May 20 to 23, has been planned to include luxury coach travel and luxury hotel accommodation for three nights, boat cruises on either the Rideau Canal or the Ottawa River, a three-hour guided tour of the city, and a number of other highlights. Cost of the trip, ex- cluding meals, is $85: There are still only a f e w c o n f i r m e (1 passengers. Anyone in- terested can call Louise Cooper at 832-2408. Since there is little time, and there are still a good number of vacant seats, inquiries from non- senior citizens would be welcomed as well. EuchreNight The Thornhill senior citizens enjoyed their Rags to Riches annual spring Euchre. held Tuesday in the Holy Trinity Anglican Church hall, Brooke Street. Thornhill. Woodbridge senior citizens are working on their third annual Variety night, being held again this year in Woodbridge High School, May 12 at 8 (On Keele St, South of The Community Centre) SATURDAY, MAY 1ST, 1976 11:30 am. to1230 pm. at the MAPLE TENNIS COURTS Further information may be obtained from Ann King 832-2395 or Mike Jones 832-1547 April 28, 1976 MAPLE TENNIS CLUB REGISTRATION FOR NEW MEMBERS Will take place on Today, (Wednesday), the Cabinet of the Senior Citizens of Vaughan will meet.‘ as guests of the Thornhill senior citizens group. The meeting begins 'at 1:30 pm. in their quarters in the Gallanough Library. Matters all senior area will of interest to citizens in the be discussed. Hits of Fifties dance Saturday Correspondent Anne Fowler 832â€"1204 MAPLE â€" Saturday's the night for nostalgia â€" and a lot of fun. ,,,A_n vfifififfimrouéfi your (or your parents') old clothes, rev up the Edsel and come to the Hits of the Fifties dance. “ In VadditioVn to dancing, there‘ll be games, prizes‘ a buffet, and bars. soda and otherwise. “H'Iu‘hgékhtwbegins at 8 pm. at Maple Arena, Keele Street. nlcuu, 1nd,.» u... v- “We‘ve done everything possible to make this an entertaining evening for everyone.“ says June Hills, an organizer of the dance. u ,. AL_ .1--- willie-kets maybe obtained at the door or by calling Mrs. Hills at 832â€"1057 or Don Hasselfelt at 832-2534. This is a joint fund-raising effort for boys‘ and girls‘ hockey in Maple and for local Scout activities. Forest Week-head National Forest Week will be ob- served from May 2 to 8. Theme will be “Forests â€"â€" part of all our lives". maple news The week is sponsored by the Ontario Forestry Association and the Canadian Forestry Association with co-operative agencies including Ontario ministry of natural resources, conservation authorities, forest industries and others. wAlthough no special activities are planned for Maple this year, all citizens are welcome to walk and visit the areas on their own. pamphlets and maps will be supplied upon request. ,._J 1.. LI... y ........ l, , However, a tour is planned for sometime this fall. Ivy u... r”-.. ,T, I I" Last year a tour was conducted in the Maple area but currently, they are busy planting more than a half million trees. inâ€" 7 Cancer Month-head April is cancer month throughout the 6' 0x6' 8" BRONZE I 2 DUB am COLOUR $189.00 PATIO DOOR SPECIAL Desk is about 34" 1 18" x 30" high mm 3 drawers. Chair is popular snaighl backtypo, Sealed wllh 2 shoals at 3/16" SAFETY TEM- PERED GLASS. Charcoal Fiberglass screen. Keylock Included. Rough Opening size allow sllghlly extra. SPECIAL PURCHASE ENABLES US TO CUT THE PRICE EVEN LOWER! Sanded Smooth Ready For Paint 0! Slain. Special Low Prices Featured Rigm Now. Save A! Cashway unlll 8 PM. Tuesday! 7 SAVE $10.00 . ,, 0N ossx HL’ ’ n AND CHAIR BIRCII FURNITURE SAVE! BOOKCASE colounin ENAMEL mus“ ALUMINUM DOOR \H SPECIALS! IlACI. III"! OI no“ SIAM“ 02'8x6'8” or 2’10x6'10" wilh hardware! AvailabIo on order 3! mos! yards. // Comb. Screen 5. Siorm 1 WITH SAFETY TEMPERED 4 GLASS! IlAtl, III"! on OUR no“ REG. mm $54.59 Endss PM. Tuesday! 555%? Our Reg. $65.55 FovBolh country If ydu wish to make a contribution and have not yet been approached by a canvasser, please contact Pat Hoare at 832â€"1575, or Anne Fowler at 832-120}. wh};'Mafil(affiriignch of the Canadian Cancer Society is very active in this area. r year, 12 volunteer drivers drove patients 46 trips, covering a total of 926 miles. Cancer ,patients are referred by doctor to the Maple branch, then the Service to Patients chairman visits them to see if transportation, dressings. and drugs are needed, to supply nursing needs. and explain types of prosthesis available. ' The Education chairman distributes pamphlets to industry. stores and schools throughout the area in the hope people will become more aware of the importance of regular medical checkups and the hazards of smoking. In mémorium donations can be given by contacting PatsyA Maclachlan at 832- 1560. Sunday. at 11 am, the Spring Regimental Service of veterans of the old 3rd battalion, together with members of the Royal Regiment of Canada and allied units, will be held in St. Stephens Anglican Church, Maple, with Major Norman Ballard, D.S.O., as guest preacher. n... , p Major Ballard was a gallant officer of the 48th battalion which spearheaded the Canadian advance on Rome in World War Two. His platoon was in advance of the main battalion when they ran into a strongly fortified machine gun em- placement. With his ammunition gone. he charged ahead of his platoon and by commando tactics captured four enemy machine gunners. This teat lead to the surrender of 20 more soldiers. In the estimation of competent military observers and war correspondents, this episode turned the tide of battle cracking the Hitler Line, with the fall of Rome six days later. MODEL 681 LAST CAllâ€" SAVE NOW!! mooon/oumoon fl CARPE'I'ING! 0H PLUMBING FIXTURES FOR VAII‘I’IES SAVE 10% Green Only! A Plain Back Needlepunch Carpet tor Indoor] Ouldoor Use! Our Own Make! 7 Style Choices. Tops. Basins, etc. not included! 30" VANITY CABINETS Regimental Servicg TALLEH AND MORE STUHDY THAN COMPARABLE “H” MODEL 8'x7' SHED NOW ON THE MARKET” Shed for shed, our 687 is 9V2" higher ai peak (80%" vs. 71“) than the model H87 shed now being oflered elsewhere. 687 is more rugged. loo. having 4 indepen- dent cover posts; wider base rails; iu|ly formed gutters; heavier and sironger wall bracing and other plus tea- lures. ‘Slelcolour' all-weather preiinished sieel. Size noted is appvox SALE 0“ "6" SERIES 8'x1' Spacemaker STDRAGE SHED lAS'I' (All! Until 6 PM. Tuesday! P/o OFF! Regular Prices Ends 6 PM. Tuesday! “BAYSHOIE” 384 Sq.Fl, "SHERWOOD" 560 Sq.Fl. 5 "FERILEIGII" 640 Sq.FI. "CARI!!!" 768 Sq.FI. "KIRKLAND" 878 Sq.Fl. Also 2 other plans! Sizes noted are approx, Prices are approximale lor all malerials only to close in and are subject lo change at any lime. HOUSE, COTTAGE, GARAGE DESIGNS! Available Now a! Cashway! Obtain Yours Today. CO'I'I'AGES SQUARE YARD CANADIAN ADVERTISING ADVISORY §OARD sI321 sI921 s2140 s2384 s3028 V'- n. Advertising serves by informing. SPRING SALE "' 3 PIECE LIVING noon surrI: , SPECIAL $94800 Cuts average cooking Ilmes up to 15%! Saves on energy! Fully porla or the cor Included. PICNIC TABLES (“All lINK FENCING 50-". 42" 515.88 ROLLS! 48" 5 11.99 Galvanized components and vinyl- coaled chain link fencing also available. See us lodayl! Deluxe Cedar Tables Feature 2x610ps and seals! Pre-cul. ready lo assemble Check our low, low prices” Savings Also Available on Componenls includ- ing Rail 8- Column Scroll. B-Fl. Columns and more. Save until 6 PM. Tuesday! lAST (All FOR SAVINGS 0H WROIIGII'I' IRON RAILING 11/4" HEAVY DUTY! CLASSIC STYLE! FANTASTIC VALUE-COMPARE AND SAVE” Included. WE RESERVE "IE IIGIII’ [0 HM" OUAN‘IIIIESI I0 DEALERS. PlEASEl Has All The Fealures Of The Oven Madein Canada. Galvanized 13-Gauge 2" Mesh While Base. Smoke or Red inset tops High-impact plasfic . . . Ilghlweigh! rugged and easy to clean. PATIO TABLES Full Size For Big Value - The Oven Will Hold a 12-lb. Turkey. Two Timers including 30-minule limer lor Roasts. elc. Special defrost cycle. Overall size about 25-3/8" x 16" x 15%". Fully portable-ins! plug ll lnlo any regular or me college! 93-Page Microwave Oven RAIL IEG‘ SECTION 59.15 RAIL I“. SECTION SHJ5 4-". $926 / MICROWAVE OVEN DELUXE ‘ CEDAR PICNIC TABLES 5-FT. .521 .11 6-FT. .531 .11 7-FT. .533." 6-H. SPRUCE ,.Ready-To-Assemble 'Economy 2" Kilnw Dried Spruce. EACH 401 BREAKTHROUGH Low PRICE ON We've Been Selling For $439.00” SIIJS (IIIHDMEI)f 8" DECK é FAUCET a 8" Deck Faucet by "Sterling" Save at Cashway until Tues. May4! $988 EACH SAVE 28%!! Amber Cathedral glass and beige marble glass. Hand- linished brass lrlm. Wlth 8" ball. REG. $11.20 gular outlet at home Oven Cooking Bookle! OUR PRICE Portable 1500-wan model. May be used as In or inn- lorced homer. Salety tlp-over switch. thermosm comrol. lllelRY mm" 18" FIX'I'IIRE $54"5 $35739. FAN-FORCED $249.3 IAPPAI Model 55-04

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