Dear editor Gave school site I would like to address the following letter publicly to Markham Town Councillor Harold Lawrie: As councillor of Ward 6, town of Markham. I cannot understand your apathy with respect to the Buttonville Airport issue. f 717 have beeï¬ involved with this issue for the last When Abner Miles died (the first burial in what is now the Presbyterian Cemetery) he left all his property â€"â€" 2,000 acres â€" to his only son James Miles. ' James was also the first owner of Lot 46 Vaughan Township. His father's holdings were in the then Markham and Vaughan Townships, in Toronto. and also some 600 acres on the banks of the Thames River. af- terwards sold to become part of an Indian reserve. Church site He was credited by William Harrison with the gift of land to the com- munity of the site of the present McConaghy School and the site of the R i c h m o n d H i l l Presbyterian Church, manse and cemetery. However. sometime after his death it was discovered the deed for the latter land had not been signed. Writes Markham co unci/lor The Presbyterians paid his heirs $5,000 for it in order to obtain a clear title. Church precedent In 1811 he organized a Sunday school which met in the first settlement house on Lot 46. This is believed to be the second oldest Sunday school in Canada, and was the only opportunity many young people of the area had of obtaining the rudiments of an education. The first schoolmaster arrived in the settlement in 1816. Letters With the Bible as Maple THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. April 28. 1976 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LJMIT QUANTITIES Reg. $6.95 complete collecï¬on of (SAP CERAMICS AT LOW Low PRICES vinyl floats :9. $6.95 MAPLE 8- TEXTILE LIMITED GAFSTAR Softred is the vinyl flooring that gives you more for your money. Constructed with an unusually deep foam core that makes it cushion- soft, warm and quiet. And Softred never needs waxing . . . an occasional buffing restores ,its natural lustre. 9’ and 12' widths. Seeour ‘ complete collection ofGAF GAFSTAR’†Softred® collection of sheet vinyl floors. shows you two wonderfully soft, warm ways to decorate your home. year-aâ€"nd-a-half I invited you to a meeting last spring and at that time you neither acknowledged or at- tended the meeting. The mayor and regional councillor did. Perhaps there was just cause, but your secretary did take the message. subséquent council meetings you have not textbook, Miles taught his pupils to read and write, sometimes using the Book to box a pupil's ears. So the youngsters were instructed mentally, spiritually and corporally by it. Most of them could recite almost, every chapter in the New Testament. For reciting the Sermon on the Mount and Chapters 14 and 15 of St. John‘s gospel, the squire, believeing cleanliness is next to godliness â€" presented each with a Bible and a pocket handkerchief Gave generously The most liberal con- tributor to the first church building. built in 1821, by all and for the use of all. was Squire Miles. With Rev. William Jenkins, Messrs. Marsh and Fulton, he was in- strumental in founding the local branch of the British and Foreign Bible Society in 1826. A justice of the peace, James Miles was a philanthropist, interested in the welfare of every member of the comâ€" munity. Public land He set aside a portion of his Yonge Street frontage as a “public lot" where every family was per~ mitted to cut their win- ter‘s supply of wood. He‘ oh-cé offered 200 yesterdays by mary dawson I called you recently prior to a council meeting â€" asking you to please respond during discussion period on behalf of your constituents. given any opinion on the issue. As our baid elected representative for Ward acres of land to an able- bodied young man, along with the necessary tools to be used in its clearing and provisions for six months, if he would work on the property for that length of time. The offer was refused. Also marriages As a magistrate he performed many marriages, his fees, since money was scarce, often being in “kindâ€. Your reply was that you “thought the matter was ‘fait de complete' " On one occasion it was a pair of socks, knitted by ihe young bride, on another a pair of pigeons, the sole wealth of the young groom. ’ Buf §ince it had wings this “wealth†soon flew away. Winter and summer Miles wore a linen suit and a straw hat. When relatives or neighbors would hint he should purchase warmer clothing for the cold weather, he would reply he couldn’t afford it. Caught thief On one occasion, ap- prehending a thief in his orchard. the Squire held the bag, while the young offender filled it. Miles then lifted the bag on to the culprit’s shoulder and told him he was quite welcome to take the apples. But he warned the thief in the future to ask per- mission to pick apples before starting in. 6. I am embarrassed to admit I voted for you. I really thought you would represent the people of your ward * that their interests would be yours. Our homes and lifestyles will be in jeopardy if the expansion of Buttonville Airport is allowed. Perhaps you agree with Walter Grieve when he suggests the town of Markham “buy up at fair market value all residences in those noise cones," and let us relocate. I don‘t know what your views are â€" you ob- viously keep them to yourself. I did note you approved the one month waiting period, which I ap- preciate. Many members of A.I.R. (Association of Involved Residents) a group of taxpayers who are trying to find just cause for disallowing the expansion of Buttonville Airport, are residents of your ward. Why don‘t you help us to preserve and protect our environment? (MRS) SANDRA SALEY. 4 Glenhollow Court, Councillor Lawrie ..... apathy blamed CB. Smith galdsmilï¬ Unionville, Ont DO YOU kNOW Where THE Mus“; MAN DISC JOCK E Y your children are? mmm Dear editor As principal of a local southern York region school, I would like to have a dialogue with parents as follows: He or she may be roaming the streets at the moment deliberately destroying someones effort to enhance his property .7 ' “Do you know where your children are right now?" He or she may be one of those hanging around the schools demanding entry when they have no business inside. He or she may be on the school roof foraging for balls and deliberately taking property to which they have no right. Recently I have been hearing about vandalism in the community. Unless you know where your children are or what they are doing, don’t ignore the fact your child could be involved. We tend to keep close tabs on our pre-teens and for some reason remove the bounds and grant greater freedom to our 12, 13 and 14-year-olds. These are the children we seem to think are all of a sudden adults and we expect them to fend for themselves in an adult world. Not having the experience in handling vast amounts of free unsupervised time, they wander the community in groups looking for something to do. Mailboxes, fences, shrubs, cars are all delightful targets for action. I would suggest these are the children who need close supervision and guidance regarding their choice of activity. RR; Caledon East Ontario LoN 1E0 Telephone 594 0010 wedding rings custom designed and handcrafted I would also suggest rather than granting more freedom, we foster a greater sense of responsibihty by ex- pecting more family participation from this group. A share in looking after the home property should lead to respect for the efforts of others. CARRYING PLA CE ESTA TES McClin1 Homes To enquire please call Don Hill 869-3778 (Tor- onto). To visit models drive Hwy. 400 to the Aurora Side Road West to Concession No. 6, turn right (North) to the Information Centre and model homes. Carrying Place is a happy marriage of tastefully elegant homes and a location which can only be described as ideal. Rural yet residential. So near, yet so far from the urban hustle and bustle. Each McClintock estate home has been designed and carefully sited on a 2-acre landscaped lot in order to take advantage of the best views. Surrounded by rolling farmland, the Carrying Place Country Club (in fact each couple receives a one year membership in the club) and overlooking the Holland Marsh Carrying Place Estates cannot be duplicated. Each home is heated and cooled by a revolutionary energy saving system. Two fire places, gourmet kitchens, cedar and oak de tailing, circular oak staircases, sunken living rooms, cathedral ceilings are only a few of the outstanding features included in these homes. Prices start at $152,900. Open weekdays from 10:00 am. to 8:00 pm. Saturdays and Holidays from 10:00 am. to 5:00 pm. Closed Sundays. ~ Adjacent to the Carrying Place Country Club KING TOWNSHIP McCIintock PRESENTS Let’s get these children into the backyard, or the front yard, or into organized sports or any other activity that leads to the development of good citizens. ROY ROBSON. J. A. Bigson Public School, Maple. Ont. “Fitted to your Eye Doctor‘s Prescription“ 2 Locations to Serve You 10142 Yonge St. 884-1955 and 10350 Yonge St 884-2463 RICHMOND HILL â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"_â€".â€" The Council of the Town of Vaughan has authorized a biannual service for articles not normally collected by the weekly garbage pickâ€"up. The week of MAY 10th to 14th, 1976 has been designated for the Spring 8qu Garbage Collection of large bulky refuse, such as chesterfields, chairs, mat- tresses, stoves etc. by the Town’s Works Department. Residents of Vaughan requiring this special service must telephone the Municipal Office, Works Department 832-2281 by MAY 7th, 1976 for this collection Gordon S. Wood The Fall Bulk Garbage Collection dates are OCTOBER 18th to 22nd, 1976. 6 CYL GLASSES REPACK WHEEL BEARINGS INCLUDES INSPECTION OF ALL SUSâ€" PENSION PARTS VISUAL CHECK OF TIRES CONDITION OF SHOCK ABSORBERS CHECK BRAKE UNING ON FRONT WHEELS INSPECT TERES $7.95 ’NCLUDES CHECK OF ALL LEVELS PRESSURE TEST COOLING SYSTEM {NSPECTION OF LiGHTS CHECK ALL BELTS ALL LINING INSPECTED WHEEL CYLINDERS INSPECTED BRAKE HOSE-IS INSPECTED EMERGENCY CABLES INSPECTED MASTER CYLINDER INSPECTED BRAKE ‘ INSPECTION REPLACE POINT AND CONDENSER INSPECT AIR FILTER 8 GAS FILTER CLEAN AND ADJUST SPARK PLUGS AND REPLACE IF NECESSARY SET CAR'S ADJUSTMENTS ADJUST IGNITION TIMING TOWN OF VAUGHAN SPRING BULK GARBAGE Dances 0 Weddings 0 Parties Mav 10th to 14th, 1976 LUBRICATION OIL & FILTER FRONT END ALIGNMENT $8.95 PARTS LISTED ARE INCLUDED PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS $31 .95 8 CYLâ€" $34.95 $7.95 895-5925 $8.95 ENGINE TUNE UP COLLECTION ===mn§==_g____a-----"" R. H. Kraft, P. Eng. Town Engineer, Town of Vaughan Maple, Ontario. Plus tax