Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 May 1976, B11

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CENTRE Meat Market, 191 Sheppard East. Home Freer orders. III-6000. "cl? boon, windows, awnings, ralllngs, siding, soul! systems, trough. Free osflmues. Ron Wood: I‘d-)5". Mt“ leING mower. s H.P. almost new. $200. Call 7274254. -u...n KITCHEN suite, 325. Collee table, II" long, 85. Table lamp, 26" high. with white ceramic base, 812. All In good condition. AMFM â€" FM Multiplex stereo receiver, 2 speakers, stand, record player and I track. 9 months old, ex- OHM" condition. $150. mum. MOVING sale. Stove, easy cluir. pooI Mb“, kitchen table and chairs. double bed, drapes. “9. 3109. cle WASHER, automatic, needs new clutch, cos's approx. 820. mhcmlse good condition. :75. or NH (Manna-491$. clwn BICYCLE, girl's, S20. Good condi'ion. "9â€"6437 Evgs. clwu TWIN headboards, walnut, con- nmporlry. Sheppard casters and legs. $30. Humidifier, Westinghouse floor model. no. "94260. cle BIKE, Girl’s standard. 26” clw47 FUND raising garage sale, May 22,1976.lla.m.1oa pm. 6! SteeIes Ave. East clw47 Large bags 00 dense high quality lnauslrlal ollcuis. 12” long. ‘12” lo 3" wide. Sullable for insulation and sound absorp'lon ol Ifllcs and walls. 53. PER BAG SWIMMING POOL. Deluxe. redwood. above ground pool. 16' x 24'. One yr. old. Repossessad by bank. sacrifice. ': price. Cakl Mr. Harvey, tolled, days or evnningsl "5425-8519. ":33 AIR-CONDITIONER, 6,000 BTU’s. Api. casemen' window 'vpe. only used 1 year. $125. ul- 3384. aw" DESK, walnut ‘2 x 2! with chain 33!. Antique table, 30 1 22, carved, “0. Small upholslered chair, no arms, 57. Metal cooler. $1 339- 2206. clwl7 REFRIGERATOR, s'ove. auvo washer dryer, color T.V‘, quurious cheslerlield suite, :olfee and drum ubles, crystal lamps mas'er bedroom, Maia" diningroom nearly new. “14827‘ Hwy" 9-plece. Andrew Malcolm, solid walnut. Excellent quality. Ccmplete set Slanger Bobby Lock, I3 manned clubs plus can, bag. ck. only suitable Ior experienced 884-6528 lo a.m. to 6 p.m_ New and used household articles amlques. plumbing fixtures. Bed Chesterfields 100 Only lelngroom, wine and end tables, lamps, chesverllelds, mahogany drum vables, man. 550. etc. Diningroom Suite Fibreglas Offcuts Holp.m. KING-VAUGHAN TOWNLINE GHWYJOO Includes rocking chair. wicker wheel chair, crocks, clomlng. books, etc. Pen'ax SP WOO will! 55 02‘ lens. 28 mm lens and 105 mm lens‘ 8 months old. Very good condilion. Sell all or separale‘ 884-7862, Evgs KITCHEN SUITES 50 Sets 5 HUGHES ST.. OAK RIDGES 881-5532 Evgs. GOLF CLUBS Loam Manure and Small Cedars Sun. May 30th 2" x d’ DEEP Brand new, still in canon. ASKING $600. REG. $850 BRAND NEW.CHEAP LIQUIDATORS 3368 Yonge SC. GARAGE SALE Sa't., May 22nd ALUMINUM ROUND POOL GARAGE SALE Open 2‘ hours OXYGEN BOXED MINNOWS ETC. 11041 Vonge 51. N., San side, Richmond Hill B & M Live Bait MAN'S IO-SPEED LIKE NEW. $85. 488-7911 BICYCLE 889-0218 BRAND NEW. CHEAP LIOUIDATORS JMYonge St. 889-3924 488-7911 1'â€"3'high WILL DELIVER BUNK BEDS 100 Sets 887-5614 884-1903 No reasonable offer relused LIQUIDATORS 3368 Yonge $1, MOVING 222-1531 CAMERA 884-0689 488-7911 "$5517 Articles for Sale than clw" c2w46 c1w47 c2w47 clw47 "cal c2w47 Clw47 c1w47 nclwfl ch14”! c2w47 clw47 c2w47 clw47 8834412 LEARN to Fly. Introductory High! 55. Toronto Airways L'd., But- tonville Airport, 297-1422. _ mn DEAD or crippled larm animals, picked up promptly. For direct line can Long Distance and ask lor IENITH 32800. Call an‘fiime, Ed Peconi & Son, Woodville, On'. Licence No. :mcso. ":29 PIANO wamed. Approximaiely sloo. - S150. 222-7088. ":22 HIGHEST cash prices or "we value paid lor houselul of Mr? niture and appliances. Brice‘k Furniture. 3634954. Ncll Articles Wanted WANTED â€"I set bunk [1965. at 5292. clw" Cars & Trucks WANTED FOR SCRAP Top Prices 889-0353 «m Tea Wagon Wanted ANY CONDITION SWIMMING pool lor sale. Moving - will sell you 16' x 32' above ground Modular Redwood Pool a1 sacrifice price of $3,000. Savings ol $2,100. 1975 model, call M6<625~ 2719, days or evenings, collect. Several type laces to choose from â€" including Script, Block letters, Outline and Signature, Fast service. Call “The Liberal" 884~ 8177. ":41 DRYER, gas Inglis. Good con- di'ion. 884-7835. Evgs. clwu TEAKWOOD Burma Scan- dinavian furniture, bedroom, diningroom, Iivingroorn, coliee ‘ables. Brand new. Very reasonable. 1-20-4377. ":30 200 GALLON oil storage tank, used. 325. 834-8789. c1w47 Naughahide. Color-curry, plus table. A-L SIM. 889-1334. clw47 Leading Manulaclurer and dlslribular has above groqnd Aluminum Pools Ien over from 1975 season, "2 PRICE. guaran- teed installation and lerms‘ Call Credit Manager collect, Mississauga days or evenings. 416- 625-8819. ":31 Snowmobiles PLOUGH, 2“: h.p. Simplicity and accessories. 3140. 884-8630. clwu BREAKFAST nook and chair RANGETTE, plug-in 2-burner plus oven, suitable Iigm housekeeping 889-6674. clwd7 BICYCLES. 2 boy's 10 speed, 2 girls bvcycles. 884-0255. clw47 LIVINGROOM lamps, livingroom table, 8-day sailboat Clock. Por- vable record player. All prac- tically new. Mus! be seen '0 ap- preci'e. 854-1481. Clw" Free Es'imates. Alumimfin siding, windows. doors, awnings‘ 085-4558 or 832-1319. ":5. KITCHEN table wi'h [our chairs‘ 884-6371 aneré p.m. clw“ mavcmng blue labric. sea-9m anerSp.m. clwu MOVING SALE â€" Table, six chairs, $65. Bedroom sum 3 pce. S200. mher household items. 88¢ 5796. clw“ SOFA. Ioveseai, armchair BABY car seao. G.M. 315‘ Mothercran carriage carbea. 510. Small crib and manress. $15. All new condi'ion. 884-7142. clwu Very good condition Only 5,000 mi. CALL JOHN Richmond HiIT Cycle Clinic Ltd. TEAKWOOD Living-Dining~Bedrooms. Designs in Teak. €57 Markham Rd” Allencourt Plaxa‘ Richmond Hill â€" 8944750. BICYCLES. Used. Boys’ and Girls'. 773-4411. ciwls 73 Kawasaki 500 DISHWASHER, Inglis Citation. ponable, very good condition. 3100. .8446" Evan. clwl7 Wanted- 1 Set 15" Tire Chains GOOD CONDITION Motorcycleâ€"s YAMAHA NEW & USED SNOWMOBILES Sales - Parts TYPEWRITERS, adders. calculators. sales. service, ren- tals. Newmarkev Business Machines, 497 Tumo'hv S'. Newmarkev. 895-7621. ":36 SWIMMING POOL, less than 1 year old. Fania-Sea above ground redwood. 16' x 24' (205134500. Mus! sen immediately Will sacrifice at savings 0! £2,000. Call Fanh~$ea Swim Centre M “6425-8817. Days or evenings collect. «as BIKES â€" boy’s lo-speed, boy's standard, girl's standard. also baby’s accessories. 354-0255. GARDEN Tool Shed. About 6’ x 5'. Good condi'ion.u4~6837. plwn BEDS. (1), Na and single. Reasonable.uI-142L clwu FREEZER, 3 months old. “14476 clwu YORK ALUMINUM RUBBER STAMPS Service to all makes Aircraft Mrs. Miller 889-8383 884-2208 10593 Yonge St Richmond HI” 884-1463 AFTER 5 P.M SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE 8810844 c2w41 clwl7 ":29 ":39 than Add-A-Room, propane, hydro, spare 'ire, opens to 10'. $1,000. 884-4625 Evgs. LIONEL'S HARDTOP TRAILERS, new 1976 Aerodynamic design is engineered especially to save you money. SPRING FEVER' SALE McKenzie Camping Trailers Limited HWY. 7 AT BAYVIEW “94811 475 Kennedy Rm, 5. M Eglinton 266-5012 Sleeps six. Ice box, stove and sink GOOD DEAL. MUST SELL. PROPANE STOVE, SINK, ICE- BOX, TOILET, HO VOLT WIRING. SLEEPS 4. GOOD CONDITION. ASKING $850 773-4491 75 Globestar 35' House Trailer PARK MODEL, 20' AWNING 74 Apache Hawk 18 n. (H condition. Many options Rustproofed. Kept indoors. 17 FT. Surimasler convert. Mere Bargain $2595. 727-2259 PALLISTER’S Truck Kap Centre 7736167 Woods Hardtop Camper SAVE GAS 69 Fleetwing ’14’ Travel Trailer 350, T ailor Dir!~ 2,000 miles. Mln' 10’ Fibreglass Boat TENT. TRAILER Chrysler Boats Chrysler Outboard Motors SALES & SERVICE Reid Mower, Marine & Sports 884-7716 881-2384. Excellent condition. Hardly vied Few extras. ASKING $450. 81/2 Ft. Cricket CAMPER 73 WINNEBAGO MOTOR HOME 14' FIBERGLASS SAILBOAT MINI BIKES & MOTORCYCLES 75 HP. EVINRUDE MOTOR $1,500 OR BEST OFFER Yamaha RD 350 2.200 mi‘ Excellent condition HELMET $1,150. HARDTOP CAMPER HONDA CT 70 FULLV EOUIPPEDJSW MOULDED SEATS‘ 25 H.P MOTOR $250. EQUIPPED USED TWICE 741/2 KAWASAKI $1,800 889-8038 USED Sleeps 6, inh bathroom CALL ED AT Motorcycles AfterépJn. BILL WALLS, BETHESDA 883-1406 IHU4.” p.rn. 898-2953 16' HUMBER TRlLLIUM Trailers 881-5044 884-0568 488-0283 Boating 773-5582 884-3357 888-1998 after 6 p.m. c1w47 887-5213 883-1368 CARABELA CM" chit" (2"47 CJbvd] t2w46 clwfl clwu E 1 M7 :2w47 clwn chub c2w47 clw47 c2wl7 Ne“ LAURENTIAN As is, uncermled. 6 cylinder, automatic. Ps-PB. Need: some Excellent condilion. Only 18,000 milesl Recently recondilioneo‘ brakes and body. 51,700. Beforeopm. 2 door sedan. Lic. ANABBO. 4- speed. Radio. Finished in gold wim black inverior. Sharp! GOOD SELECTION OF QUALITY RECONDITIONED Specializing in v.w. body work and general repairs. DOHERTY MOTORS 727-3322 ,,,,, 4 door, 289 V8, automatic, 85,000 genuine miles. Rust-proofed, body good, runs well, “00. clear. Orlginal owner. 69 Pontiac GTO BOX Trailer, 4’ x a', excellent condition. 884-7303 alter 5 p.m. $1,399 DON LITTLE FORD SALES INC. 889-1105 No canvas' good condition. Call 884-6373 66 FORD CUSTOM Camth I! Pigeon Lake mar Lindsav, honed noel. plavwound. 11-an hook-um. $295 our war. Purchased May1974 Sleeps 7. completely sell- contained. Equipped wilh lollel, shower, hot water tank. 3 way relrlgeralor, lurnace, etc. Tan- dem axle, Reese hllch. and olher accessories available 334-5698, after 5 and weekends. Compton Trailer Cemn HiOch insulation: 0. servicing I? our premix; Pans l. accessories lrom whods to root MAPLE LEAF TRUCK CAPS LINED .- INSULATED. FROM $2” Generator. Air-condi'ioned. Automatic. Many exiras. Compleie. 13,000 mi. $18,000. $2,700 0R BEST OFFER Old-7889 833-5990 TRUCK CAPS SALE $229 UP ON ALL NEW ‘ USED TRAILEQS BONUS-WIN A SUNFUGNT TRIP TO ME XICO 0R ONE OF 100 PRIZES Cars & Trucks ALL WORK GUARANTEED IMMACULATE CONDITION BEST OFFER VOLKSWAGEN SALE 1972 APACHE RAMADA CAMPER Seasonal campsite with each New Trailer Purchased. Low overhead -â€" Lower Prices. .l976-23’ Demons'rator Motorhome, a terrific buy :0 $16,500.00. Evinruoe outboard Sales and Service. Used outboard: in stock. Mirocrafl Boats. Mobile Homes and L003. 12’ and 1" wides complete on lol start 3! $16,500.00. 1 only New 10' slide in Truck Camper $1,095.00. 67 TENT TRAILER 1963 PONTIAC RIVERWOOD SERVICE CENTRE Hwy. 35 â€" 1 miles South at Lind- say, 705-124-1654 or inlormanon mun. cm" KING CITY TRAILERS IOIh ANNIVERSARY SAlE 74 SWINGER Motor Home 29’ 1973 22’ JAYCO TRAVEL TRAILER CERTIFIED. A-l Low mileage‘ Reasonable Drive a little Funherâ€" Get A Bener Deal! 71 PINTO 73 CORTINA PR OWLE‘R . GOOD CONDITION $190 OR BEST OFFER All sites and colors Old Hwy. 7 and Bavview THORNHILL 939-1331 C3 884-4017 68 VOLVO CAMPING TRAILERS 1-895-4725 884-3695 KING RD., 2 ml. won 0! Yonge St. HWY. 400, LUZ-4250 884-2234 889-5355 884-9430 TERRY-UNIK AFTER 5 P.M AFTERGP.M. ciwn Aner 6 p.m Trailers FREE clwfl chum “V147 clwl7 (N46 clwfl c2w47 c1w47 cawn clw47 aw" c2w47 clwn EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING Starling mezzo p.m. SELLING ALL CLASSES 0F LIVESTOCK Came, pigs, sheep, goals, horses, ponies, poullry and miscellaneous effects. 3 miles north of Bramuvon, on No. 10 Hwy. 3' Snelgrove. DONALD W.REINHART. Proprietor and Aucvioneer 043-1011 Brampton Livestock Exchange I973 HALF 'on Chevy Van, V0 automatic. Suitable Ior camping. Good condi'ion. Call 813-6369 after 6 p.m. clwfl House & Lot (on approx. 11/2 acre) 2 Maple Grove Ave.. Oak Ridges Ont. Monday, May 24 - 11 AM. Also - Complete Contents (Modern 8. Antique) HOUSE: 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW - IDEALLY SITUATED JUST OFF YONGE ST.. OAK RIDGES. FULL BASEMENT â€" BREEZEWAY -â€" STONE FIREPLACE . Contents: â€" To be sold in detail and lots to suit â€" without reserve. Comprising in part of: Color and black and white T.V. sets, 9 ft. swimming pool, complete â€" oriental and domestic rugs â€" odd dressers and chests, quantity of carpenter tools, bench saw, etc. Commercial microwave oven as new, draperies. late model combination stereo, lamps, pictures, lawn furniture, many items far too numerous to mention. On view all day Saturday â€" (10 to 4) and day of sale from 10 am. Directions: No. 2 Maple Grove. â€" Just west of Yonge St. (turn at Bank of Nova Scotia). Principals â€" H. H. Fuller, 773-5421 (Oak Ridges) Auctioneers â€" County Auctions â€" 922-2136 (Toronto). lrom this 1971 Dodge Window Van. Trailer hitch and wiring set-up. 318 v-a. Body professionally cleaned. New paint. $2,900. Hon Yonge St, Richmond Hill. 884- 96119. c2w47 1974 DART Custom. Power steering. Rear window delogger. ExcelIem condition. 47,999 miles. $3.100. 773-5037. plwfl 20,000 mlles. Excellent condition 68 VW 1600 Stationwagon Good condition. Needs body work Ex'ra pans included. BROUGHAM STATIONWAGON Well main'ained, 61,000 miles. I owner. $1,200 or nearest olfer. Evenings 884-4_§5_1 Running condiflon‘ Needs work AS IS 5600. ' Call 884-2300 73 HORNET $1,600 73 VEGA $900 72 CORTINA $600 71 FORD $1,600 All Certified 1971 GREMLIN 69 Buick Skylark 884-4537 Evgs. 71 AMBASSADOR 1974 DATSUN STATIONWAGON AUCTION SALE Good condition. Standard V8. silver grey. A1. Certified $1,695 MAKE YOUR OWN CAMPER 51,375 OR BEST OFFER 60 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE Days 884-168] HARVIE'S USED CARS 773-5473 Evgs. 727-9703 c. 71 JAVELIN LOOKING FOR A GOOD USED CAR OR TRUCK? BUY WITH CONFIDENCE CALL DOUG MCLEOD OR BETTER STILL. DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND Don Reid Sales & Service 884-2429 773-5535 833-5141 $300 16 Industrial Rd.. Richmond Hill Auction Sale Cars & Trucks Refreshments Auctions um: nclwai c1w47 clwfl clw47 c1w47 clwfl GIN“ 884-4026 aw“ an p.m. The property 0! G. RATTLE. Th: 5. E. corner of a hwy. and Steele: Avenue. LAIRGE SELECTION OF AN- TIQUES AND COLLECTIBLE ITEMS. power steering. New automatic. 5150. 294-1138. clw47 ma DODGE Polara. 4 door, 310 Radials. Air. Excellent condition $2,000. or best oHer. condmon. will certify. $1,600. on 1998. «:le7 1971 FORD Galaxie power s'eering power brakes. radio vs, automatic rusvprooied $495. as is. 884-0249. clw47 I972 MAVERICK Grabber. Good 4 door, AM-FM stereo. Low mileage. Excellenl condilion. CONVERTIBLE V8 power steering, power brakes, rebuilt motor and transmission. 884-2026 _ 71 Datsun 240-2 AUCTIONEER, DON BURD 640-291. c2w47 21,000 MILES Automa'ic. Mechanical Fitness $1,200. 71 RENAULT R10 6 CYLINDER. POWER BRAKES EXTRAS. $3.100. 64 Thunderbird 71 VOLKSWAGEN WINDOW VAN 68 CHEV IMPALA 71 OLDSMOBILE DELTA CUSTOM 75 GREMLIN X Good condition. Bes? ouer 66 DODGE STATIONWAGON 1970 VW BEETLE 73 Audi 100 LS AUCTION Saturday, May 29th 70 CHRYSLER Evgs. 888-1785 EXCELLENT CONDITION I Owner. Good Condition 2-DOOR HARDTOP GOOD CONDITION UNCERTIFIED 884-0568 884-0568 884-9627 ALL POWER Low Mileage. uoo 884-9605 889-0298 889-3052 889-2040 884-6004 889-5791 $8.000 MILES Callaherépm Afler 5 p.m As is. $100 $1,400 clwu c1w47 c1w41 c2w47 clwu clw41 Chan clwu c2w47 (\wfl c2w46 c1w41 c2wd7 MR. L MRS. JOHN GUIMOND, King City, are happy to announce the marriage 0! lheir daughler, Gloria lo Mr. Ronald Dalton. son ol Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dalton, Maple. on Saturday, May Is, 1975 a? Teflon. clwn MacNEIL. â€" Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacNell happily announce the blrfll ol Peter Danlel Alexander, on May It, 1976, Iv York Central Hosplnl. A grandson lor Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Douglas-Crimpion ol Maple, and Mr. J. A. M. (Pele) MacNell ol Cornwall. nclwn BRASS. coépe}, antiques repolished. Brass beds, etc. Britex, 755-7851. ":29 BRASS beds â€" a country stun lull. All sites and svyles (including Queens). Open all weekends. WM Keele 51.. Maple 832.2567. 936-3056. ":45 gntiquefi & grl CRIB AND MATTRESS, BIKES, LAWN MOWERS, TOYS, DISHES, BOOKS, HOCKEY EQUIPMENT, ETC. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BOYS clwfl For further details contact The Office of the Clerk at 884-8101. Sale of OIL PAINTINGS Sat., May 22nd SALE FOR MRS. DOUG BECKET‘I’ ln me Village nl Oueensville (across from Fina Slalion) including a good assortment ol carpenler toolsl 5 hp. Bolens riding mower, table saw h h.p. molorl emery slone. old cup- boards, chairs, rocklng chair, lurnilure, many more articles loo numerous to mention. TERMS CASH. NO RESERVE Norm Faulkner and Earl Gauslin Auclioneers. Ho4p.m. J1 Maralim Rd.. Richmond Hill BY ROY ROBSON MAY 291:30 - 9:00 P.M. MAY 301:30 - 5:00 P.M. GARAGE AND BAKE SALE 12:30 p.m. Auction sale at lurnilure, misc. dishes, picture frames, elc., being :ontents oi the tormeâ€" Estate ot the LATE MYRELL AITCHISON, Church 51., Schomberg, opposite the water tower. Turn oil either No. 17 or No. 9 at entrance to Scnomberg, then west on Church St. Sale includes dining room suite; tea wagon; love seat; wooden bedsteads; dressers; Hi-Fi; small pine and other misc. tables, pressed back nursing rocker; old wooden chairs; 2 piece pine ilatback; 1 piece pine tlatback open lront top; old kitchen cabinet roll up door; top oi large old pine cupboard with 2 paned doors size appron. 6' x 4‘1’ x 20". Retrigerator, electric stove; blue iiowered toilet pitcher and basin; other misc. ironstone items in- cluding pot; misc. dishes, bed- ding, leather ticks, old picture lrames some quite large, iernerv; sealers; J.D. rotary mower. Many other misc. items. TERMS: CASH. for the following: ' 1. Supply and apply of Surface Treatment. 2. Supply and apply of Slurryseal and Crackfilling. 3. Construction of Sewer and Water house services. 4. Rental of gradall or other mechanical device and operator for cleaning and digging of roadside dit- ches and road base repairs. Information and tender forms are available at the office of the Purchasing Agent, Municipal Office, 10266 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. C.D. WELDON. CLERK. Exhibition and BACK O'THE HOUSE GALLERY Sealed tenders properly marked as to contents will be received by the Clerk in the Town of Richmond Hill until: A Special Meeting of the Council of the Town of Richmond Hill will be held in the Richmond Hill Council Chambers on Friday, May let AUCTION SALE SAT., MAY ZZND Marriage (notaovose ie'fleu‘? Births 121 Keele St. KING CITY 884-2560 stand for QUALITY Tuesday, May 25th, 1976 LIBERAL TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL GOR D OR R Auctioneer 12.00 O'CLOCK NOON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2ND. 1976 Coming Events Tenders c2w47 NOTICE A actions aw“ clwa7 Al Scarborough General Hospllll on Tuesday, May ll, 1976. Harry A‘ Richardson ol Unlonvma. Unlonvllle, cm. In his 92nd Y."- beloved husband ol the late Lilllln Crolhers, dear lather ol Allan of Richmond Hlll, loving orenololher of Gary. Kim, Jill and Janice. greol grandlamer ol Chris and Verlvy. A lornlly service was held on Wealesday, May I! lrorn Dixon-Garland Funeral Home, Markham, ON. Inlermem Mount Pleasant Cemetery. RICHARDSON, Harry Allan C. D. WELDON, CLERK JACKMAN, Frederick Thomas â€" Suddenly at his home, in Maple. on Saturday. May 15. I976, beloved husband at Beatrice Barter, dear father at Ann (Mrs. R. Soderoerg) and Frederick 6. (Ted). both at Maple. Dear brother at Viola and Ruth. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. Funeral service was held in the Maple Unlted church on Monday atternoon. interment Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Toronto. ST. JOHN, Dave and Jane are happy to announce the arrival 0! Cheryl Elaine 6 lbs. UV: on. on May Inn. 1976. A sister tor Danny. Proud grandmothgrs are Peggy wnitmarsh and Otive 51. John. BELLERSEN, Johannes, J. C. (John) Suddenly at Lusaka, Zambia on Monday, May 3, I976. Johannes Bellersen beloved husbanc ot Margaret Gillham, also survived by his tamer, brother and two sisters in Holland. A memorial mass was held at St. Luke’s Roman Catholic Church, 39 Green Lane, Thornhill on Saturday, May a, 1976. Donations to the Toronto Brigantine, 135 Oueensquay West, Toronto, would be appreciated. Please come along and bring a iriend for an evening oi pure delight by Globe Travel Service. Enioy a wonderiul Iilm presen- iavion and talk on Norway and The Scandinavian countries. Rich- mond Hill Library, May 25'h,1976, a pm. Coilee served. SATURDAY, June mu. Rich- mond Hill Lion’s Club auction at The Lion's Hall, Centre Street, Easl. Richmond Hill. "4-3859. MAY 29m, Saturday. Annual Rummage Sale at Our Lady Queen at the World Church, Bavview Ave., at Crosby. I 10 4 p.m. czwfl MAY 29, Saturday. Annual Spring Rummage and garage sale presented by Willowdale United Church Women. to be held in The Church Auditorium, 3179 Kenneth Ave., 9:30 a.m. to 1130 p.m. Bargain Hunters' Bonanxa. c2w47 0PEN6A.M. ALL DAY Antiques, vegetables. cheese, meats. anything and everything Everyone welcome. FREE PARKING 1-640-3813 7 P_M. Auclion Sale at King Cily Com- munily Cenlre. isl sireel easi oi ling al Keele Si. and the King Road, turn souih opposite l.G.A. s'ore. Sale includes pine ilalbark '7’ high glass doors) excellent con- amon; large pine lable; captain‘s chairs; washslands; wall cup- board with 2 glass doors; small pine oval table; small wicker wriiing desk; Quebec churn; new Boslnn lype rocker; oil lamps; sei oi brass sleigh bells; box telephone; Beaver qi. sealer.- old books including “Familiar Lon~ don" Iimiled edilion No. us of woe; quanllly ol china including items ol Royal Doullon; Nippon; Limoges, Wedgewood, Bavarian, Dresden elc. Ouanlily oi glass including ilems oi depression, carnival, Canadian Iris, cohall blue; coal scume, shaving mug; commemoralive plates; lea can; wash boards elc. approx. 150 ilems in all, a very nice oliering. Terms cash. Cheques wilh l.D. GORDORR Film Presentation Stouffville, Ontario Auction and Flea Market Open Every Saturday All Year STOUFFVIILE SALES BARN TENDERS THE LIBERAL, Wednesday, May 19. 1976 â€" B-ll TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL WEDNESDAY EVENING Deaths Births Auc'ioneer 833-6360 MAY26TH clwn clw47 clw" clw47 c1w45 clwfl (Own New gloxinias will not need fertilizer in your home for four to five months, but then a complete fertilizer can be used. With proper care, your gloxinia should bloom from May to September. In the fall, gradually dry and rest the tubers in the pots of soil until the following February when they can be started back into growth. “A simple method of watering is to place the pot in a shallow pan of water at room tem- perature for about 15 minutes, then allow the soil to drain thoroughjly." “Gloxinias prefer in- direct or filtered sunlight. Daytime temperatures in the 21 degrees to 22 degrees Centrigrade range, and nights at about 18 degrees Centrigrade, are ideal for this plant,” says Ontario ministry of agriculture and food horticulturist J.K. Hughes. KEEP CANADA » G OWING A .-.-‘.':;-%n Gloxinias also enjoy a high humidity, so Hughes suggests the plants be misted occasionally for better growth. Watering the plants is important; they should not be overwatered, nor should the leaves be wetted. With its rich flower color and large velvety leaves, the gloxinia is the showpiece of the many houseplants we choose for our homes. Once the blade is sharpened and balanced, replace it and the lock- washer sucurely, and finish the remainder of the mower's main- tenance. (floxhfias Showpiece in house To check the balance, he suggests hammering a nail horizontally into the wall and placing the sharpened blade over the nail; if sharpened properly, the blade should not dip to either side. If it does dip, more filing is needed off the low side 1 until the blade balances. “A 45degree angle is best, since sharp angles of less than 45 degrees dull faster," he says. Proper balance of the blade after sharpening is important. Professor Irwin says, to prevent vibrations and damage to the bushings and engine. “if there are no defects. place the blade in a vise for sharpening. Using a 10-inch mill-bastard file or, if preferred, a grinder, file equal amounts off both sides of the blade tip to its original level. To keep it operating efficiently. spring maintenance is a must and Ontario Agricultural College engineer Professor R. W. Irwin says sharpening the mower blades is the first task. “First remove the blade from the mower and be sure to take note of how the lock washer is placed on the shaft. Examine the blade for defects; a bent blade may be weakened and unsafe after straightening, so you may need to purchase a new one. During the summer months, the rotary lawn mower is possibly one of the most used gardening tools. Here are lawn mower care tips SHARPLESS. Violet Lorene Av Exvendlnre, Norm York, on Friday, May H, 1976. Viol" Smith, loved wife 00 the late Cull Sharpless, dear mother 09 DonnId and Ray, grlndmomcr 00 Paul. Son", Jason and Shorrl-Lyn. sister a! Emmerar Friends called a! me 3. E. Rlng Funeral Homo. 7733 Yonge St. (Hwy. 78) Thor- nnill. Service in me chapel Monday. Interment ngnl-nd Memory Gardens. May 13. 1976, while on holldays In Scotland, Mary Ross. ol Hamll'on, Ontario, momer 00 Dr. Peter Ross, Principal ol Crosby Nelgmx Sealer Publlc School, Richmond Nlll. Memorlal service New Wu!- minsler Presbyterian Church, Hamilton, Wednesday, May mm. a! 2 run. ROSS. Mary â€" Deaths :lwfl

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