Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 May 1976, C2

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ACW visit police English visitors at WMS RICHMOND HILL â€"- Life in a small English village today was described by Mrs. Madge Benson of Roecliffe. Yorkshire. at last week‘s Wednesday meeting of the Presbyterian WMS. Roecliffe is a village of 130 people surrounded by an agricultural community. all very interested in the beautiful treed village green, she said. Everyone helps each other and it is a very happy community. The lime. horse chestnut and sycamore trees which line the green were planted 75 years ago by Henry Wilson, who still lives in the village. although he suffered a coronary about a month ago. The trees were paid for by the local church. Evidence the trees were getting old was apparent a few years ago and the whole village undertook to raise enough money through barbecues, dances and comino drives, etc. to provide the necessary treatment to ensure they would remain healthy. Earlier this year the cdmmittee held a cheese and wine party which raised 72 pounds to ensure con- tinued care. The Women‘s Institute has planted hundreds of daffodils around the trees and at the approaches of the village to add to its natural beauty. The meeting began with‘a delicious pot luck luncheon, after which Gladys Savage read the Bible Lesson and Mable Mackie led in prayer. Staff Sergeant Gordon Bacon served as their guide, pointing out some of the highlights â€" the lecture room, stolen articles room, exercise room, finger printing department, as well as the women's cell area and the men‘s cell area. The ladies were impressed with the spaciousness and architecture of the building. Cape Cod Tour President Margaret Styan introduced the guest Speaker, who is her niece and welcomed a total of six guests. four of them from England. RICHMOND HILL â€" St. Gabriel’s Anglican Church Women enjoyed a tour of the new York Regional Police divisional headquarters building on Major Mackenzie Dr. on April 28. Coffee was served to ACW members in the church hall by Pat Crane prior to the tour. C-Z â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. May 19. 1976 Don Hick, 75 Dunlop Ave., is busy making arrangements for the special charter bus tour for seniors to New England and Cape Cod leaving the Hill July 19‘ The seven-day trip will take travelers along the 401 past Kingston. across the St. Lawrence through the Lake Placid resort area and the Adirondacks and include a ferry cruise across Lake Champlain to Vermont Twenty members of the Busy Bees, the Richmond Hill chapter of the National Campers‘ and Hikers‘ Association. attended their annual dinner meeting which began with wine and canapes at the Eric Georges' home on North Taylor Mills. The division has 125 members on force, covering a 110 mile territory. RICHMOND HILL â€" Mrs. Lin Jarvis of Liver- pool has been a frequent visitor at the home of her neice, Mrs. Mavis Gates of Markham Rd., over the past month. 1 r_,,,:u.. A_ u... The group then drove to K'elinburg for dinner at the Doctor's House where the Pit had reserved for them. The evening ended with cards and coffee at the Gordon Higgs‘ home in King Township, She has accompanied her neice and family to the Dunlap Observatory, McMichael Collection in Kleinburg and Black Creek Pioneer Village and was a guest at the recent WMS luncheon at Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Jarvis also helped Mrs. Cates and her husband. Norman. celebrate their 18th anniversary May 17 and shared in the birthday celebrations of three of their children. It is four years since her last visit to Canada, and much of her time has been spent with her sister, Mrs. Cates mother. Mrs. Edith Houghton, in Willowdale. She returns to Liverpool May 23. Liverpool visitor There will be two late night changes Monday to Sunday as well as some early morning changes on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. You may obtain new timetables from the drivers or by calling: Final stops before returning to the Hill will in ampers and hikers ATTENTION T.T.c. BUS COMMUTERS NORTH YONGE - RICHMOND HILL BUS SERVICE m the hill TRIP CHANGE Operated by the T.T.C. for the Municipalities of RICHMOND HILL, MARKHAM AND VAUGHAN EFFECTIVE SUNDAY MAY 23rd â€" 1976 T.T.C. INFORMATION 484-4544 DENTISTRY between the hours of 9 am. and 5 pm DR. F. MONTIS IN THE ROYAL BANK CENTRE 10350 YONGE STREET, SUITE 308, RICHMOND HILL IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF For an appointment please call 884-0783 Card party at Bayview Second barbecue show The lively demonstrations presented by Con- sumers‘ Gas home service supervisor Sylvia Binkley ranges from the basics of barbecuing to roasting. skewer cooking, grill cooking and rotisserie cooking. Eight children were Christained during a Bap- tismal service in Richmond Hill United Church on Mother's Day, May 9. Rev. Robert McElhinney, his wife, Dorothy, and family are leaving the pastorate at St. Paul's United Church. Oak Ridges, at the end of June. A farewell dinner in their honor is planned for sometime toward the end of June. Anyone in- terested in attending is asked to call Freda McQuarrie. 773-5316, or Helen Laign. 773-5493 before June 1. Using these techniques, Mrs. Binkley will show how to prepare such delectable dishes as barbecued roast beef. festival pork with apricot basting sauce, mock filet mignon, curried vegetables, fresh fruit kuchen and barbecued baked Alaska. In trhe six years they have been here, both Mn and Mrs. McElhinney have been very active in the life of the community. They are Leanne Nicole, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Denton: Angela Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Foot; Lori Christine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B.D. Hough; Leslie Evelyn, daughter of Mr‘ and Mrs. R.W. Leaman; Ryan Christopher Gary. son of Mr. and Mrs. CF. Ogden; Kimberley Lila, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Prier, and Jennifer May and Heather Jane, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Ward. Next week‘s sponsors are Richmond Hill Cancer Society, 884â€"7717; lst Thornhill Brownies and 2nd Thornhill Guides, 889â€"0916, and the King City Good Morning Group, 833-5526. All young people of the region interested in 4-H are invited to attend the next meeting at 7:30 pm. at Nancy Bennett‘s home. For detailed information call John Blyth. 773-5832. Sorority founders’ day Eight baptized Both demonstrations begin at 7:30 pm. in the Blue Flame Room, 500 Elgin Mills Rd. East. York County‘s 4-H Club had its first fun night of the year recently at Devins Drive Public School. It proved to be a very successful evening with 38 members attending. Delta Lambda. along with other York Region chapters of Beta Sigma Phi. celebrated the sorority‘s Founders’ Day at Thornhill Golf and Country Club April 29. Guest speaker was Mrs. June Erwood of Gibson House in Willowdale who presented a program demonstrating similarities in fashions from the 18005 through to 1976. Models were from Gibson House, Sharon Temple and Mackenzie House. Farewell to McElhinneys The event is sponsored by the school‘s KAP campaign which, for many years, has supported numerous foster‘children in Korea and other countries and made very substantial contributions to community projects and organizations. Tickets will be available at the door, or daily from 11:30 am. to 1:45 pm. at the school. Adults $2, students $1. There will be door. raffle and skill prizes to be won. Refreshments will be served. Foods prepaied will be given as draw prizes and funds raised will go to the sponsoring groups. RICHMOND HILL â€" The public is invited to Bayview Secondary School‘s annual bridge and euchre night May 26 at 8 pm. in the school gymatorium, Bayview Ave. north of Markham Rd. in the Hill. RICHMOND HILL â€" Those who were unable to get tickets for tonight‘s Barbecue Know-How demonstration at the Blue Flame Room will be happy to know groups sponsoring the May 26 demonstration have a few available. 4-H active group clude famous spots in Boston and a visit to Albany For details and reservations call Don 1736. “Fitted to your Eye Doctor's Prescription" 2 Locations to Serve You 10142 Yonge St. 884-1955 and 10350 Yonge St 884-2463 RICHMOND HILL Gordon 8. Mind é'sfiémm PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS The ladies of the church provided a delicious meal and the tables were pretty and springlike, thanks to Mrs.Bea Cook. Seniors wind up bowling season RICHMOND HILL â€" Senior citizens” league bowling ended for the 1975-76 season with a banquet May 13 in Rich- mond Hill United Church auditorium. T r o p h i e s w e r e presented to successful competitors by league chairman Jack Sheahan. The Mayor Haggart trophy for top team went to the team captained by Mrs. May Hunt and inâ€" cluding Arthur Mohun, Frank Martin, Pauline Price, and Ben John, The Vic Rogers Memorial Trophy for men's high triple was won Elmwood Over Sixties Today is all you have Mrs: Stephens is the widow of Dr. Overton Stephens of Agincourt, author of Today Is All You Have, a book in which he shared his life and faith and that of his loved ones at the time when he had terminal cancer. All interested women are invited to a pot luck dinner Tuesday at6245 pm. in St. Matthew’s United Church, Crosby Ave. to hear a talk by Mrs. Overton Stephens â€" just take along your own plate. cup and ctrtlery. _ The regular Thursday afternoon euchre for Elmwood Over Sixties Club last week ended in a birthday celebration for Mrs. Emma Masters who has baked homemade goodies for the club tea every week since it started almost two years ago. Members showed their appreciation ’by asking Emma to cut a large birthday cake prepared in her honor and all joined in singing Happy Birthday. Ready for summer, Allison Stubbings models chocolate brown velour short shorts with peach halter top and matching cover, also made of velour, another of the easy-to-care- for wash and wear fabrics being featured in fashions for all ages this season. PINE :. FURNITURE Early Canadian Sunshine girl FERGUS BROUGHAM rand leer Admirers of Canadian pine Furnifure will deligh’r in our selection of bedroom,dining room and occasional pieces. hp! 0‘ nm *Wn innafinrc n‘r by Frank Price. The trophy for ladies' high triple went to Mrs. Vi Woods. Winner of the Mr. Plewman Trophy for most improved bowler was won by Mrs. E. Johnston. Two special awards were given by Jack Sheahan to Mrs. Dorothy Low, “a lousy bowler, but a real good sport", and to league mascot, popular young whippersnapper Jimmy Tinkler who will be 96 on Nov. 1 and has a flat average of 140. Jimmy replied by singing “I Wouldn‘t Leave my Little Wooden Hut for You". In extending thanks to Jack Sheahan for cap- taining the ship through filllllllllllIl||l||IIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllfi gillllllll"llllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIE On Brock Qd . Rake' Estelle Markham 884-3787 piano teacher YCAMH "500" NINETEENTH WINNER in 1976 PHIL LIMPERT RICHMOND HILL (7 Q E c? WED 'SUN TDKEN 309 From there it was on to Old Fort George, then to Niagara Falls Park where the spring flowers and shrubs were in full bloom. They visited the con- servatories with their The, busload of seniors enjoyed a smorgasbord at the Pillar And Post and visited its large han- dicrafts store. At Niagara-on-the-Lake the group visited St. Andrew's Church which had its first meeting in 1792. The church built in 1794 was destroyed by fire in 1813 and rebuilt in 1831. They also saw the oldest general store in Upper Canada â€" W. M. McClelland, 1815 â€" also the oldest apothecary (drug store) in Upper Canada. Douglas Cox provided background music on the Cordovox for both shows. Commentator was Joyce Muller Blossoms and historic sites The Elmwood Over Sixties Club joined Maple Seniors on May 11 for a trip to see the blossoms in the Niagara fruit growing district. RICHMOND HILL â€" Attractive. practical. versatile are some of the most appropriate ad- jectives for describing the many easy-care en- sembles for every oc- casion displayed at two showings of Fashions For Guys and Dolls sponsored by Pleasantville Branch of York Central Hospital Auxiliary at the hospital. Auxiliary members and doctors modelled the clothes with flair, and Winnie the Pooh came down from the pediatrics unit to help create the right atmosphere for Dr. Bernard Granton's presentation of smart slumber wear. The York Highland Chapter of the Sweet Adelines entertained on the first night of the show. and the Thornhill Chapter of Spebsqsa‘s Sound Recollections were featured on the second evening. The fashions were from Patricia Bridal and Dress Salons, the male attire was from Appleton and Hughes, The Man Shop, both of Markham. the past season, one league member com- mented people who have never run a seniors' league have no idea of the amount of work entailed or squawls encountered. adding "Our sincere sympathy goes to Stuart McPherson who has agreed to serve as chairman for the 1976-77 season.“ Entertainment began RICHMOND HILL â€" You can "grow’hoils like these in two hours dried, we ‘ nails to an We offer a mpossmle to ch‘ :ould, too beaut 4938 YONGE ST., 2ND FLOOR, UNIT 5 WILLOWDALE Students from the neighboring Don Head Secondary School will also be offering their services during clinic hours. 2 to 4 pm. and 6 to 9 pm. masses of gorgeous tropical plants. the Hyon floral clock, passed the Sir Adam Beck generating station on the Canadian side and the Sir Robert Moses on the American side, then the Falls themselves. The homeward journey took them through Chippewa and to Grimsby where they stopped for RICHMOND HILL â€" Among those assisting at the Red Cross blood donor clinic at York Central Hospital May 27 will be Kleinburg Venturers under leadership of Dr. Peter Granger. Youth supports blood donor clinic Smart yet practical is the two piece washable polyester linen jacket dress modelled by Ruth (‘oxford 0f Pleasantville Branch of York (‘entral Hospital Auxiliary. The beige and chocolate brown of her outfit complements the rust three-piece blazer suit modelled by Dr Len Krystolovich. Co-ordinated PHONE 221-3411 STUDIO It was a wonderful day and the Over Sixties extend thanks to Maple Seniors' tour organizer Louise Cooper, to Travelways‘ Don Mitchell for his interesting commentaries and safe driving. and to their own Jack Sheahan for arranging such an en- joyable trip. Free parking will be provided for donors on the hospital parking lots off Trench St. north of Major Mackenzie Dr. with Miss Maria Petrowanczuk singing several selections. Other vocalists were Mrs. Kay Atkins, Mrs. Rose Woods, Mrs. Emma Masters and Artie Smith. With vacation â€" and accident â€" seasons ap- proaching there is urgent need to build up reserves of blood. Dozens of units of blood may be used in a hospital in a day for critical medical and surgical situations. supper at the Casablanca he daily chores a nodel's hands never (our own. For com nonstration, please est you. r "permanent". wing Photo by Hoggl

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